Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Magnetism ❯ Precedent ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4: Precedent

Joey woke up, it taking a moment for him to realize that he was still in
Christian's arms. So last night hadn't been the best damn dream of his entire life. He shifted a little, trying not to wake the brunet. But he had to go the bathroom…damn alcohol. He slipped out of Christian's grasp and padded into the washroom.

Why had that been one of the best nights of his life?

Joey couldn't help but be jaded by the whole situation
. Christian seemed wonderful…but that's how they all start…wonderful…assholes can't come off as assholes at the beginning. They have to surprise you with it. Joey had the annoying habit of always falling for the same type of guys. The wrong type.

That wasn't necessarily true
. Mark hadn't been wrong. Well, he had just been wrong for him. He cared for Mark, in a way that no other guy after him could ever challenge. He was his first. His first kiss with a guy and his first sexual experience period. Joey had always imagined he'd wind up with Wesley. It seemed like an obvious choice. Wesley announced that he was gay, and seemed happy about it. Joey was anything but happy about being gay…but maybe that had more to do with his dad then anything.

The real reason he always assumed he'd be with
Wesley first was because he always thought the little guy had a crush on him. He was always a little touchy-feely, even before Joey came out to him. Of course any feelings Wesley had for Joey back then were squashed by Raimi. Joey didn't mind, he cared for Wesley…but not in that way…and he was afraid that if they ever got together the friendship would be ruined.

And besides
there was Mark.

Mark had always just been around. They had been friends for a while. Wesley was wrapped up with Raimi, and Joey didn't mind the companionship. Joey really didn't think he was into him until the day Mark kissed him:

Markglanced at Joey again, Joey was beginning to get uneasy. “What? Do I have something in my nose or something?” Joey asked, finally.

“You're gay, right?”

. Why?”

“I am too
.” Joey made a face. What was the point? “Joey, can I kiss you?”

“You want to kiss me?”

“I've never kissed a guy before
. Can you be my first?” Joey made another face.

“Why me?”

“Because you're beautiful
.” Beautiful? No one had ever called him beautiful before. He had been used to being a waste of space to his father. Wesleycared about him, the way a best friend should, but Wesleywas really the only person he was close to. His only real friend. And Wesleyhad simply never called him beautiful. Cute, perhaps…but never beautiful. “Please, Joey?”

“Um…okay…” Joey made yet another face as
Markleaned in and kissed him. The kiss was quick, painless, but Joey still felt his face turn a bright red color. “That's it?” Joey asked, giving Marka look.

“You don't like me, I understand
.” Markshifted so that he was as far away from Joey as he could possibly get, while still sitting on the couch next to him.

“It's not that
. I'm just scared. I've never done that.”

“Not even with,

.” Marklooked at him. Joey felt awful. Why was he acting like this? Markhad always been nice to him, and they had a lot in common, including their fathers. Mark's had died during a fishing trip, and Joey's father was nonexistent even though he was still alive. He had always liked Mark…always thought he wasn't bad looking.

He moved closer to the other teen
. “We could try again, if you want.”

“Are you sure, Joey?”

.” Marksmiled at him and kissed him, harder this time. Markhad had a few girlfriends in the past, so he knew what he was doing. Joey was taken off guard, he had never submitted to a kiss before…but Markwas more skilled than he was…and dominated him easily.

When the kiss ended Joey was red again.

That afternoon had been pretty nice, both boys exploring each other's mouths
. By the time Joey went home he had grown to really like Mark. It only took two weeks before Mark was asking Joey out and Joey was accepting. Wesley and Raimi both thought that the match was perfect.

It wasn't.

Mark treated Joey wonderfully, he adored him. But Joey never felt the same. There were elements of love there…but it didn't go as deep as it did on Mark's side. By the second month Joey and Mark had begun having sex. Joey felt obligated to; Mark was buying him all kinds of gifts, calling him “beautiful”, listening to his problems. Mark would have waited, but Joey figured it was the only way he could pay Mark back for all his loving.

Joey learned an important
lesson from the relationship though. Love wasn't about paying the other person back. The way Joey did with sex. It was unconditional, and that was what Mark tried to explain to him when he'd buy Joey things. He never expected anything in return. But Joey never got that. Not then, at least. And it became a strain to tell Mark he loved him. He did…but he knew that Mark Soni wasn't the guy he was going to marry.

He didn't feel about him the way
Wesley felt about Raimi. Joey wasn't in love.

Mark was.

Wesley said that being in love was scary. And that you never knew what would happen to you. Wesley explained how terrified he was of what would happen with Raimi and him, even though at the time, Raimi and Wesley weren't actually doing anything. They weren't even dating yet. Joey didn't understand why he wasn't in love with Mark. He tried to be…but he couldn't. But Wesley patiently explained that being in love just happened, it couldn't be wished… if he fell in love with Mark he'd know.

But he never got the chance

Their relationship ended five months after it started
. In truth, Joey always regretted waiting so long for it to be over. Mark was falling deeper in love with each passing moment, and Joey wasn't. He liked having Mark as a boyfriend, he enjoyed being doted on. He had been selfish and foolish back then. Still really just a young kid. Mark and he had started dating the summer after they graduated from high school.

Even the way the relationship ended was awful

Wesley had suggested they all go to AXIS. Joey didn't see the need to go to the bar. Especially since none of them were legal to drink. Wesley explained that the bartenders looked the other way when it came to underage drinking. Wesley had all intentions of going but was too afraid to ask Raimi to go with him alone. It would be too much like an actual date. So Joey agreed to go, taking Mark with them of course.

Raimi, Wesley and Mark were dancing on the dance floor on the upper level, having fun. Joey watched, since he didn't dance. Wesley had been right about the bartenders. Joey was able to order drinks without problem, and eventually he wound up getting pretty drunk. And then the real fun began.

What made him go out on the dance floor and tell
Mark he wanted to fuck him in the bathroom, he didn't know. Mark didn't understand what it was Joey was talking about. Neither did Joey. They got into an argument, Joey saying some pretty nasty things to him, and then walking out of the bar. Mark followed him, upset and confused. Looking back on it, Joey assumed he had caused the scene because he wanted Mark to dump him. Joey just couldn't bear to hurt him by getting rid of him.

Mark didn't take the bait, so Joey just kept pushing it. Until he finally just told Mark that the relationship was over.

When Joey did sober up he slept with
Mark one last time, and then they had a serious talk. It was a rotten thing to do, break up after they had finished having sex. But Joey had put it off for so long that he just didn't care anymore.

The whole thing with
Mark had gone horribly; Joey had felt like a jerk afterwards. And maybe what he did to Mark came back to him tenfold when he met Dustin. No, that wasn't fair to say… he had hurt Mark by breaking up with him…but breakups usually hurt… he never maliciously toyed with Mark's affections…well, that AXIS incident had been bad…but he was drunk… not that that was an excuse. He had only done that to make Mark leave him…he hated the idea of hurting Mark. He was scared of hurting him.

. He wasn't as bad to Mark as Dustin was to him.

He never asked
Mark to live with him. He never proposed to Mark. And he didn't cheat on Mark for a full three months.

Joey sighed and flushed the toilet, not sure if he wanted to get back into bed with
Christian or not. He hadn't been held since that fool, Dustin. That was probably the hardest thing to adjust to. Wesley and him cuddled, but Wesley was tiny…so he held him. For months after he had moved out, Joey had dreamt that he was in Dustin's arms, only to wake up in bed alone, and feeling empty again.

Dustin did to him was…soul murder. That was the only way to describe it:

Once again Joey found himself at AXIS. He hated the place, but Wesleyhad wanted them to go out the way they used to, before Raimior Mark. Of course this was the first time the best friends had been out along in months. Joey reluctantly agreed. Wesleyhad mentioned that Joey could probably pick himself up someone.

Joey didn't see himself meeting anyone
. He sat at the bar, unimpressed. He hadn't really dated anyone seriously since Mark. He hadn't really had feelings for anyone. He thought perhaps he had feelings for Wesley…but Wesleywas completely infatuated with Raimi, and Wesleyhad just mentioned last week that Raimiwanted to sleep with him.

So there went that plan

Of course maybe he didn't really have feelings for
Wesley, maybe he only thought he did because he was lonely.

He had no idea where
Wesleyhad gotten to. Even though they were both now 21, Wesleyliked the bar scene a lot more than he did. Joey felt uncomfortable, especially up here, on the second floor of AXIS…but Wesleyhad wanted to dance. All he wanted to do was sleep… he had studying to do. This was the last way he wanted to spend his Friday night.

.” Joey looked up at the bartender, his eyebrows meeting.

“I didn't order this,” Joey thought, studying the beer as if he had never seen one before

“He did,” the man mentioned, pointing across the bar
. Joey looked, and a blond smiled at him. Then stood up. Joey felt his face grow red as he was approached.

“Hi, Cutie Pie
. Never seen you here before.” Joey gave the older man a look but said nothing. He never liked being hit on. It made him uneasy. Especially when the guy turned out to be a slime ball. “I'm Kevin.” Like this “Kevin” person.

.” Kevinsmiled and sat next to him. “Thanks for the drink.” Kevinnodded. Joey eyed the drink, wondering if this person might have asked the bartender to drug it or something. You could never be too careful. Joey didn't even let Wesleynear the bar without him or Raimi.

The little guy just never seemed to get it
. He was a little too cute and innocent looking for his own good. Thinking about it, he didn't like the idea of Wesleyalone on the dance floor either. He was glad Wesleywasn't shy anymore…but he couldn't defend himself, and Joey often played the role of big brother. Raimididn't look like he could defend himself either…let alone Wesley.

“So, do you want to get out of here or something?”
Kevinasked, interrupting Joey's thoughts. Joey made a face. No, he didn't want to get out of here…Not with this guy. There was something about him that Joey just plain didn't like. He had learned a long time ago to follow his instincts. And all his instincts told him this guy was no- good. Despite how things had ended for Markand him, Markwas still the guy he measured all other guys against. He had long since decided that any other potential boyfriend had to treat him like the king Marktold him he was. Markmade him feel beautiful… this guy…this Kevinperson… made him feel like a Salisbury steak on the cutting block.

“I'm here with someone
. I can't leave.”

“Come on, have a little fun
. You only live once.” Joey sighed.

“I don't make it a habit of going home with strange guys I meet at bars
. It's nothing against you.”

“Well, come home with me and I'll let you get to know me a little better
.” Joey made another face. What the Hell? Why did he always meet the jerks? Kevinleaned closer to Joey, his hand finding itself on Joey's thigh.

“Look, I'm not looking for anything right now.”

“This doesn't have to be anything
. All I want to do is fuck you, Joey.” Kevinleaned closer, pressing himself against the blond. Joey blushed. He felt vulnerable. The way Kevinwas looking at him, undressing him with his eyes was sickening him. But as easy as it was for Joey to go to bat for Wesley, he found it difficult to defend himself. He never understood why, but anytime Joey ran into an asshole he always froze. Eventually his defense mechanism kicked in and he was back to normal. But for a while, he always found himself at a loss. “How many drinks do I have to buy you so that you'll loosen up?”

. The answer is no. You can take your drink back if you want. I didn't touch it.”

“Um..um…I know you're saying no, but what you really mean is yes
. A hot piece of ass like you doesn't sit at a bar and not go home with someone.”

“Leave me alone
! Get off of me!” Joey pushed Kevinaway from him as Kevinplaced a drunken kiss on his cheek.

“Come on, Baby, I know you want to ride this…”
Kevinmade an obscene gesture to his crotch.

Why wasn't he fighting back the way he wanted to
? Why was he giving this asshole anymore of his time? If Joey wasn't in so much of a panic he would have noticed that he had drawn the attention of another man. A man who was watching the exchange and growing angry. He walked towards the pair of blonds and got behind Joey.

“There you are, Baby… who's your friend?” Joey looked at the raven-haired man that had approached him

“And just who do you think you are?”
Kevinasked, giving the male a look.

“His boyfriend
. And you were?”

“This is your boyfriend?”
Kevinasked, looking at Joey who tried to hide the confused look on his face. Joey nodded, thinking he understood what was going on. This green-eyed beauty was saving him from Kevin's endless attempts at trying to score.

“You miss me, Baby?” the guy asked, smiling at Joey.

“I always miss you when you're gone, sweetheart,” Joey answered, thanking God
. Kevinhad been relentless, he didn't think he'd ever get away from him.

“I hate to break up the love, but your boyfriend just let me buy him a drink,”
Kevinpointed out.

“Yeah, I tell him to do what he wants
. If some sap wants to buy him a drink that's his business. At the end of the night my Baby's going home with me.” And then, to make sure the other blond haired man was convinced the raven-haired man leaned in and kissed Joey.

Joey was stunned, but kissed the other back, not wanting to look suspicious
. Joey was nervous at first, but this mystery rescuer was gentle. He coaxed Joey's tongue out of his mouth and caressed it lovingly. It was weird…the whole reason this guy was kissing him was to convince that Kevinasshole that they were dating. But as the kiss continued Joey was convinced he was dating him too.

Joey idly wondered why the guy who was now kissing him wasn't in
Kevin's position. Joey wouldn't mind being hit on by this guy. If his kissing skills were any indication, this guy was more than perfect. Joey found himself melting into him. Neither noticed that Kevinhad taken off, and had taken the drink with him.

The other pulled away and studied the stunned look on Joey's face

“You just looked like you could use a little help with that guy
.” Joey nodded, and swallowed. “I'm DustinDaniels. Nice to meet you.”

. Joey Warner.” Dustinsmiled. He had an amazing smile. And he was cute. Long black hair, his hair reminded him of Mark, but it didn't look like it was quite as thick. And piercing green eyes. Was this love at first sight?

“You're a pretty good kisser, Joey
Warner.” Joey blushed. “You're cute too.”

“That's what the other guy said
.” Dustinsmiled. Yes, his smile was his best quality.

“Yeah, but I'm not that other guy.”

. You're DustinDaniels.” Dustinnodded, and Joey cracked a little grin.

Joey found himself growing very attached to
Dustin after that first night. He was also surprised that Dustin was a successful businessman, owning his own shop and only being as old as he was. They had gone to the movies and to dinner for their first official date, although Dustin took him out multiple times before that.

Joey looked around Dustin's apartment, shocked he lived in such a nice place. But Dustinhad mentioned something about having some money. It obviously went to this.

“I can fix us a cou
ple of drinks if you want, Joey.

“Not thirsty
.” Dustinsmiled at him and walked over, placing a firm kiss on his lips.

“You hungry?”

“For what, for you?”

“You said it, not me
.” Joey blushed, Dustinpushed Joey until his legs hit the couch and he was forced to sit. Dustinstraddled his legs and kissed him, Joey melting at the contact. He was moving way to fast with this guy. This was only technically their first date, even though they had gone out with Wesleyand Raimia few times. And they had gone to lunch a couple of times. But when Dustinhad called him two days ago to take him out on a “real date” Joey's heart stopped beating.

“You're just too cute to put into words, Joey
. Why do I feel this way when I'm around you?”

“What way?”

“This way…”
Dustincouldn't find the words he was looking for and let his lips finish his thought as he leaned in and kissed him again. The kiss was fierce, both of them getting erections by the time Dustinfreed Joey's mouth.

“I think we should move this to my bedroom,”
Dustinsuggested, standing up suddenly. Joey followed Dustininto the room. Dustinwasted no time, pushing Joey back on the bed. Joey giggled as Dustin's mouth found its way to his neck.

“Are we going t
oo fast?” Joey asked between kisses.

“You tell me, Joey
.” Joey moaned an answer.

“More…touch me…Kitten…”

God, you know I want to…”

Joey never regretted sleeping with
Dustin that first night. He had been anxious to sleep with someone he loved. Yeah, he felt love for Dustin. Even though he hardly knew him. And it was different than Mark. With Dustin he felt knots in his stomach. Butterflies. Dustin was wonderful that first night. Gentle, loving… caring…everything Mark was…but this time…he felt it in return…

“You're always so cute when you first wake up, Joey.” Joey's hair was a tussled mess. He had spent another night at Dustin's. He practically lived there. It had only been three months. Three wonderful months. But Dustinhad already told Joey he was in love with him. And Joey had already said the same. “I love you, Joey.”

“I love you so much,” Joey returned, climbing out of
Dustin's bed. He wasn't wearing any clothes. Just the way Dustinliked him. Dustinslept nude and Joey had gotten used to doing the same.

“I want to bathe you, Joey
.” Joey gave Dustina look. “I drew us a bath.”

Joey allowed himself to be led into the bathroom
. “Bubbles!” Joey's smile grew to Wesleyproportions as he leaned over to touch them. “I don't think I've taken a bubble bath since I was eight or something.”

“You're overdue
.” Dustinslid his hand on Joey's ass, Joey flushing but smiled again. “Get in, Baby.” Joey did. The water was a perfect temperature. Dustinknelt down, smiling.

“Aren't you getting in,
Dustin?” Dustinnodded. “What are you waiting for then?”

.” Joey gave Dustina childish grin as Dustinpresented him a rubber duck.

“A present?”

.” Before Joey had a chance to look up into Dustin's mischievous grin the raven-haired man was slipping into the tub.

Dustinfused their lips together, pulling the half startled blond onto his lap for better access. When the kiss broke Dustinmouthed, “I love you, Joey. Move in here with me.”


. I need you here with me. I know it'll only be four months. But I've never felt about anyone what I feel for you.” Joey swore he stopped breathing at that moment. “I'm so in love…please, Baby.” Dustinwas kissing Joey's neck, and Joey was falling in love all the harder.

“Yes…I will…” Joey was whimpering now
. Dustin, please…Dustin…take me…I need you inside of me…”

“I'm going to bathe you first
. And afterwards, we can have fun making you a mess again,” Dustinmurmured against Joey's skin.

Joey moved in on their fourth month anniversary
. It was really a blessing in disguise since Joey was tired of living with his dad. His dad hadn't taken Joey's admission of being gay well at all. But by the time Joey had found himself with Dustin things had escalated to hatred. In fact the first time he had met Dustin he complained saying Joey was an idiot for letting the feminine looking fag fuck him like he was a bitch. At least with Wesley his father explained, he could take the little fruit. Yes, Joey's dad had been quite the supportive parent about his sexuality.

Joey was busy cooking dinner for Dustinand him. Joey never thought he was a good cook, and he hated doing it, but with Dustinhe enjoyed it. Dustinworked a lot, but Joey never complained, it had been a month since he had moved in with him, and somehowdespite Dustin's busy schedule he made time for him. Besides, Dustinpaid the whole rent and all their bills, food, credit cards, everything, not accepting Joey's money. And he had been quite slick about it too. Anytime Joey gave his green-eyed beau cash Dustinput it in the account he had set up under Joey's name.

Joey had only learned last week that
Dustinhad set up a savings account for him.

Dustinwanted to take care of Joey completely. Provide for him the way a husband would. Joey could see himself being Dustin's husband, he could see himself marrying this dream. Every time Dustintold him he loved him Joey had to resist the urge to turn around to see who he was speaking to. How could someone as good as Dustincare about him like this.

Joey had chalked up the whole thing to fate
. He was meant to meet Dustinin AXISthat night, Dustinwas his angel on Earth. Every morning Joey eagerly got up and made Dustinhis coffee and prepared breakfast. Dustinwould pull Joey onto his lap and feed him. Then he'd kiss him goodbye, saying his now trademark, “goodbye, my beauty”before he left.

On days he wasn't super busy
Dustinwould come home for lunch. Joey had class of course, but somehow they made the arrangement work. He loved playing house with him. He loved running to the door as his boyfriend got home for the evening. So many nights Dustinhad a rose for him, or a little gift. Dustinloved gifts. And with his birthday coming up Joey could only imagine what Dustinhad planned.

Joey patiently explained that all he wanted to do was go ice-skating for his birthday
. There wasn't much else one could do in January. Dustinhad only smiled, saying that Joey would have a very nice birthday. Joey wasn't sure what that meant but he had a feeling that Dustinwas planning something big…

“Where's my baby,"
Dustinasked. Joey spun around, smiling. “There he is. There's my baby.”

“Kitten!” Joey wrapped his arms around the other's neck
. “You're early.”

“Yeah, well, I had some stuff I had to do so I left work early
. I missed you, Baby.”

“Missed you more,” Joey cooed.

“Knock me a little kiss, Joey
.” Joey did, kissing Dustin's cheek. “See, now you made the other one jealous, Baby.” Joey smiled and kissed the other one. Dustinloved when Joey kissed his cheeks. He had to ask Joey to knock him a kiss at least three times a day. Dustinkissed him on the lips, Joey submitting without question.

“I love you, Joey.”

“I love you so much,

“Dinner smells so good, Baby
.” Dustinkissed Joey on his neck, Joey's toes curling. God, how he loved this man. Everything about him. “I see you're wearing my clothes.” Joey looked at himself. He hadn't had class. And when he bummed around the house he had a habit of wearing Dustin's clothes. He just liked the thought of Dustinalways being with him.

“Do you mind?” Joey asked, leaning against the counter.

. You know you look cute in flannel. I'd jump you right now if it wasn't almost time to eat.”

“Oh, yes
. That's right. Flannel gets you hot,” Joey teased.

“You get me hot
.” Joey moaned as Dustinkissed him again. He was acting like he had been deprived of his boyfriend for weeks. He had seen him this morning. But he couldn't help it. This was the price for falling in love.

Joey and
Dustinate dinner in a hurry, Joey already knowing they were going to have to tape their favorite showbecause they were going to miss it. Dustinhad a look in his eyes that clearly said Joey was going to be in for it tonight.

“Baby, I want to show you something
. Then we can screw.” Joey looked at Dustinand nodded. Joey was more than a little confused when Dustintold him that what he needed to show him was outside. “Joey, you know how I borrowed your car this morning becauseI couldn't find my keys?”

Joey nodded, getting a little uneasy.

“Joey, Baby, something happened to it
.” Joey swallowed hard.

“Something happened to it?” Joey asked
. Was that why Dustingot home so early? Was Dustinserious, was he really going to show Joey that his car was now a wreak and then expect Joey to willingly hop into bed with him?

“Look, see, Joey
.” Dustinpointed to Joey's reserved parking spot.

“Where's my car, and who the hell's car is this in my spot?”

“That's your car
.” Joey made a face. “I told you, Baby, something happened to it.”


“Happy birthday, Beautiful
.” Joey's face nearly fell to the floor. Dustinbeeped off the alarm before he got into the car. Joey was screaming incoherently as Dustinpulled the new car out of the parking spot so Joey could get a better look at it.

Was that a Spyder
? Holy fuck, it was…Joey had loved that car since he had first seen it. Dustinand him had had a conversation about them once. Joey had mused that he didn't really like the Mitsubishi Eclipse as much as the Mitsubishi Spyder.

Dustingot out of the car, Joey was now in near shock. “Baby, this is for you. It is a small reminder of how much I love you. You're it for me, Joey. You're everything wonderful in my life. You and me, forever.”

“That's why you “lost” your keys this morning?”
Dustinnodded. Dustin, I…I just…” Joey was nearly in tears. Dustinsmiled. And that did it. His smile told him that Dustinmeant every word. “I can't even…” Joey was crying now.

“Baby, it's not returnable
. So you're just going to have to get used to driving stick.”

“It's stick!” Joey squealed in delight

“Of course it is, from our countless encounters in the bedroom I can tell how well you handle sticks
.” Joey blushed. “Come on, we have to take your car for a test drive.”

Dustin…I can't…you do everything for me…I can't accept this…”

“Don't, Joey
. This is your birthday present.”

“We've only been together five months.”

“The best five months of my life
. I like doing this for you, Baby. I like providing for you.”

Joey knew it was pointless to argue
. “I…I love you…Dustin…so much…I…you're so wonderful… you're my angel…I don't deserve to be with you…I don't deserve to be treated this well…you could have anyone in the whole world…and for some reason you're with me…I…just…thank you…” Joey was still crying, still sniffling.

“Always, Beautiful
. You and I, always.” Dustinkissed him softly. “I want to go take your car for a spin, and then I'm going to make love to you until the sun comes up.” Dustinkissed Joey's tears away. “Forever, Joey.”

Joey still got chills when he recalled how making love with
Dustin that night had felt. He was home, with Dustin inside of him. He was home. He was going to marry this man, he was going to have children… a life. He had never really known what it was to be truly happy…nothing in his life up until that point had ever felt this good. This right. Dustin often mused about what it would be like once they were married. He said he wanted to wait until Joey was finished school, so they'd have a fresh life together.

Yes, things with
Dustin moved at lightning speed. But Joey was so in love with him. He barely noticed. At the time he was half convinced there was a good chance Dustin was his soul mate. They were so different but alike at the same time. And Dustin had so many plans for the two of them, a house… kids…life…happiness…everything Joey had never realized he wanted until he met Dustin and became enamored.

Joey yawned a little as Dustinleaned over him and kissed his neck. Joey was sitting on the couch, studying for another exam. “It's Friday night, Baby.”

“I know but I have the test Monday
. And I know I won't get any studying done tomorrow night.” Joey knowingly knocked Dustina little kiss on his left cheek.

“What about the other one, Joey?” Joey smiled and kissed the adjacent cheek
. “Baby, it's not natural to study on Friday.”

Dustin, I won't get anything done tomorrow. I can only imagine the things you have planned for us.”

“What are you talking about
? What's tomorrow?” Joey rolled his eyes.

“Our sixth month anniversary,
Dustin.” Dustinmade a face.

“Really, I hadn't noticed
.” Joey made a face of his own. “Sure you haven't. That's why you've been acting suspicious for two weeks.”

“If you say so
. Am I supposed to get you a gift or something?”

“I told you nothing over the top
. Dustin, you better not have gone overboard. I mean it;I'll make you return it. I don't want you spending a lot of money on me. You buy me everything.”


“So, it's not right
.” Joey and Dustinhad argued about this countless times. Certainly their relationship wasn't paradise all the time. They fought, but making up was almost worth the arguments. And there was more love and carrying then fighting anyway. Theirrelationship had gone wonderfully for these amazing six months. Joey had no reason to complain.

“I'm going to take a shower, okay, Baby?”
Dustinmentioned, changing the subject.

.” Joey looked at him. “Of course we were discussing something, Dustin.”

“I'm not going to argue with you tonight
. At least wait until the end of the anniversary weekend to yell at me.” Joey gave Dustina look but nodded.

. But I mean it, Dustin. If it's expensive and I don't need it I suggest you return it before we exchange gifts tomorrow.”

“I'll be in the shower, Joey
.” Dustinleft the room. Dustinhad been acting strangely all day. Like he was on edge. Joey had the feeling Dustinhad done something crazy for their anniversary. Joey hadn't really wanted to do anything fancy. He would have been content to spend the evening at home, in boxers watching the basketball game on television.

Dustinwould have no part of it. So Joey said that he'd be open to going for a quiet romantic dinner. Dustinsaid that was a good start. Joey was nervous. Dustinwas unpredictable. And there was nothing Dustinliked more than surprising him. Who knew what his boyfriend had up his sleeve for tomorrow.

Dustingot out of the shower, his hair still damp. “Foodhere yet?” Dustinhad ordered Chinese food for dinner, Joey's favorite.


“Done studying for the night?”

.” Dustinsighed. “I'll take a break after dinner and we can fuck, will that make you happy.”

Dustinflashed that smile of his. “Immensely, Baby.” Joey stuck his tongue out at him.

The buzzer rang
. Dustinjumped and ran to get it, Joey not having a chance to even think about getting up. Once Dustinhad the food in his hands he scrambled into the kitchen.

“Need help?” Joey called over his shoulder

“No!” Joey's eyes narrowed
. “Sorry, just sit there;I'll bring the food to you.” Joey put the book away and waited. Jumpy, wasn't he? What the Hell was Dustin's problem today?

“Here, Baby
.” Joey accepted the egg roll and started to eat. “Joey, when's the last time I told you I loved you?”

“What are you talking about
? You said it this morning, Kitten. Dustin?”

“I don't think I say it often enough.”

“You do
. Stop thinking about tomorrow. Eat your food so when can get to the sex.” Joey smiled but Dustindidn't. He looked troubled. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just thinking
. I was thinking what life would be like without you, Baby.”

“But you're not without me
. I'm yours, Dustin. Always.”

“I know
. And I love you for that.” Joey smiled warmly. Dustinsmiled back. Joey studied the look on Dustin's face as he started to eat his rice. He had a lot on his mind, and he was only picking at the food.

“You're not eating,

“Not that hungry
. Just finish eating.” Joey did, they ate in silence. Dustinbarely eating anything. Why was Dustinacting this way? Joey was getting nervous. There was something wrong.

“All done, Joey?”
Dustinasked, standing up. Joey nodded. Dustincleared the plates.

“Where are the fortune cookies?” Joey asked.

“Oh, I left them in the bag in the kitchen, I'll bring them in
.” Dustinreturned and handed Joey one. “It's not Chinese food without fortune cookies, huh, Joey? Since I've met you, you've never been satisfied unless you had a fortune cookie.”

“Of course not
. Not that I think that I'll learn my fate reading them, but I don't know. It's just something me and Samanthaalways did.”

“I know, Baby
.” Dustincracked open his, without thought.

“What's yours say?” Joey was still taking off the wrapper on his

Dustinlooked into honey eyes. It says, “Money doesn't buy happiness.” Joey nodded.

“Listen to your cookie,
Dustin.” Dustinsaid nothing, the weirdest expression on his face. He looked like he knew the world was about to explode. “Are you alright?”

. Open yours. I just want to be inside of you.” Joey blushed a little. He cracked his in half and a small object tumbled to the floor.

“What the…” Joey bent down, and picked it off the floor
. A ring? Dustin, there's a fucking ring in my fortune cookie. Holy shit…” He looked into Dustin's eyes.

“Read your fortune, Joey
.” It wasn't a demand, or a question… Joey looked into green eyes. There was no way… there was absolutely no way…

Joey's hand trembled as he looked at the slip of paper:

Will you marry me, Joey Warner.

Joey looked back up
. “I love you. You've made me happier than I had any right being. I want to share the rest of my life with you. Please, marry me. Make me complete, Joey.”

Joey could feel himself hyperventilating
. “I got the cookie made special. I've had it for two weeks. I just… I didn't know when to ask you…but tonight just felt right…”

Joey could feel tears coming to his eyes
. He was falling apart. He was coming unglued. “Baby, please… say something…say anything.”

God, Dustin…oh God… yes…yes…yes…yes…” Joey whispered. Dustintook the ring from Joey's quivering fingers and slipped it on Joey's hand slowly. Joey was stunned Dustineven knew his ring size. The ring was gorgeous. Joey wasn't a jeweler but he could tell that it was a sapphire. The rock was huge…

“I love you, Joey
Warner,” Dustinwhispered.

“I love you so much,
DustinDaniels. I can't wait to share your last name.”

Danielshas a cute ring to it…”

“I can't wait to share forever with you

Dustinleaned over and grabbed Joey's lips with his own. Joey could feel his mouth being explored with Dustin's tongue… if this was all some dream then he wanted to die in his sleep…

“Forever, Joey…forever…”

“I need you,
Dustin, right now…make love to me…” Joey whimpered against his mouth. Dustinstood up and grabbed Joey's hand, grazing the ring as he did so. Joey allowed himself to be led to the bedroom.

It didn't take long for them to undress each other
. They were both too caught up to even think straight. “I'm never letting you go, Joey…”

“I love you…you're my everything…”

“Lay down, Joey…”
Dustinwas kissing Joey so softly it felt like his lips were made of silk.

“I can't wait, Kitten…please…” Joey was never good at foreplay, at least not with
Dustin. “Take me…love me…” Dustincould see how impatient his fiancé was so he decided to be merciful. Tomorrow he'd take Joey slowly…tonight…he'd give him what he wanted.

Dustinreached into the drawer and pulled out a tube of lubricant. Joey opened his legs so that Dustincould squeeze in between them. “Please…Dustin…”

“Shush…it's okay…Baby…” He poked a lubricated into him, Joey hissing at the contact
. He needed Dustin… he needed to remember why he wanted to spend his life with him. Dustintwisted his finger around until he found Joey's special spot and Joey moaned.

“Take me…”
Dustinadded a second finger to stretch his lover. Joey whimpered.

Looking back on it…that was the beginning of the end
. After Dustin and Joey got engaged things took a bad turn. Dustin started working a lot more than he used to. Joey secretly wondered if it was because Dustin was now paying Joey's car note, and paying for the engagement ring along with everything else. Joey made sure to pay all his bills himself, but he still knew that Dustin was probably working so hard to make sure he could give Joey everything he could ever want. Joey didn't complain about Dustin's work at first. He had vowed he was going to be a supportive husband. He was wrapped up with school anyway.

Things didn't really start turning bad until April

“Where were you, it's after eleven.”

“Inventory, at the shop
. I told you.”

“You didn't call.”

“I need a shower
. We'll talk about this later.” Dustinsaid nothing as he went into the bathroom and shut the door. That had been the second time this week that his fiancé had come home late, no real explanation, went straight until the shower with not much talk or even a kiss. Gone were the days of Joey running up to his kitten and throwing his arms around him. Joey was getting sick of Dustin's attitude.

Dustinemerged from the shower forty-five minutes later. Joey ran into him in the hallway. “Took you long enough,” Joey said, only half serious. “I bet you used up all the hot water.”

“Do you have to pick a fight with me every fucking night?” Joey frowned.

“Don't curse at me.”

“You started it.”

“Started what
? What are you talking about?” Dustindidn't answer and headed into their room.

Dustin! Don't turn your back on me.”

“Forget it
. I'm going to sleep.”

It started out with little fights
. Joey had figured that they had burned themselves out with each other. All that loving was too much after a while. They gave each other their space…well, Dustin gave Joey space… a lot of space…

Joey's eyes opened as he heard Dustincoming into the house. He looked at the clock. It was now after one in the morning. Joey stood up and headed into the living room. His boyfriend was not getting away with this again.

“Where the hell were you?”

“Playing poker with my friends.”


“Joey, not tonight, fuck… I'm not in the fucking mood for your housewife crap.”

“I asked you a question, I want an honest answer
. You weren't with Randy and Jayuntil one in the morning.”

“I just said I was
. Are you calling me a liar?”


“Fuck you, Joey
.” Dustinpushed past him and headed for the shower.

“Don't walk away from me,
DustinDaniels!” Joey grabbed the door in his hands before Dustincould slam it in his face. “Tell me where the fuck you were.

“I was playing poker
. Goddamn it, Joey. Get a fucking grip.”

“You're lying, I can always tell when you're lying.”


“You're not even looking me in the eyes, you asshole
.” Dustin's eyes met Joey's. Joey's heart jumped. “Why didn't you call me?” Joey asked, his voice softening at Dustin's look. He was giving in. Damn it, he was giving in again.

“I was at
Randy's house. I swear, Baby. I forgot to call you. By the time I remembered it was late, I figured you were asleep.” Joey made a face. “Joey, let's not fight. Please.” Joey looked at him. He didn't believe him, not at all…but he dropped it.


“Knock me a little kiss, Joey
.” Joey did, absently. “Let me get a shower, and thenwe can make up, properly.” Joey smiled a little.

“Or I could join you in the shower.”

“It'll be quick,”
Dustinanswered. And then he closed the door in Joey's face before Joey could say anything else.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together
. Dustin was acting suspiciously. He didn't make love to Joey that much, the sex was rougher…

“Stop! It hurts…” Dustinwithdrew. Joey looked at him for a minute then sat up.

“Why are you so tense tonight, Joey?” Joey made a face

“You were going too hard
. I told you that…”

“You never complained before.”

“You never hurt me before
.” Dustin's expression hardened. “I know you didn't mean to…but you can't take your stress out on me.”

“I wasn't trying to.”

“I know that
. Let's just go to sleep.”

Dustin's nightly routine, when he got home, was to say hello to Joey and hop in the shower. Joey had asked him repeatedly why he did that. Dustin explained that it calmed his nerves. He didn't like feeling so on edge around Joey, and this was the only way he could think of that would relieve some of the stress.

Joey opened the bathroom door and slipped off his clothes. Dustindidn't hear him, which was what Joey was hoping for. He got into the shower and wrapped his arms around Dustin. Dustinjumped, startled.

“What the fuck, Joey?”

“Hey, Kitten….maybe I can clean you up…hum?”
Dustin's eyes looked deadly. “What?”

“Why did you sneak up on me?”

“I wanted to surprise you
. We haven't been together at all this week.”

“You've been studying for finals.”

“I'm not the only reason we haven't been together.”

“What's that supposed to mean
? What are you implying?”

. Dustin, what is with you?”

“Bad day at work, Joey
.” Dustindipped his head back under the spray.

After that incident
Dustin began locking the bathroom door while he showered. By the end of May things had gone from bad to worse. Joey was out of school for the semester but once it was summer Dustin began working even harder than he had been. Joey busied himself with his own job. Wesley had been calling him a lot. He was having problems with Raimi. But Joey had his own problems.

“He was fucking hitting on you, Joey!”

“What the hell is the big deal
? He didn't know I had a boyfriend!”

“Fuck it
. I'm not arguing with you tonight.” It was June 4th, Wesley'sbirthday. Wesleywas already pissed off that Raimihad invited ScottCaspianto his birthday celebration at AXIS. Joey knew his best friend was not going to appreciate him and Dustingoing at it. But Dustinwas starting it. “I hate when you act like this, Joey.”

“Act like what
? You're not even making any fucking sense! Goddamn it.”

Wesleywas approaching him. “Joey, what should I do? Raimi's been dancing with Scottfor a half an hour…”

“Tell him you want to dance,
Wes…” Joey didn't know. Why was Wesleybothering him right now?

“I was talking to you, Joey
.”Joey looked back at Dustin.

“And I was talking to my best friend,

“He's more important to you then I am?”

“I haven't seen him in three fucking weeks
. You see Randy and Jayall the damn time. If that's where you really are. Just shut the fuck up!”

Wesleywatched silently.

“Don't change the subject.”

“What subject
? I just told you, he didn't know I had a boyfriend. What did you think, I was going to go home with him or something?”

“Who the hell knows, Joey
! Remember how we met, you were about to go home with that Kevinperson.”

! I hate you…when did you turn so possessive…”

“Yeah, whatever
. Fuck you too, Joey…” Dustinturned to leave.

“Where the hell are you going?”


“You drove me here.”

“Have your best friend drive you home
. Or that guy from the bar.” Dustinstormed down the stairs.

Wesleyasked, slowly.

“Not now
.”Joey took off after him.

“Don't fucking run out on me!” Joey yelled in the parking lot

“You just told me you hate me, Joey…you find your own way home!”

“What the hell is wrong with you
! GOD! I did nothing to you. You were never like this before. Why are you suddenly so worried I'm looking for someone else, Dustin? I have you;I don't need anyone else…”

“I'm not talking to you
right now.”

“Fuck this…
Dustin…fuck it… I can't take your mood swings! You need fucking help!”

“You're a fucking bitch, Joey
. Go to hell.” Joey's heart sank. Dustinturned on his heel and headed for his car. Joey watched him leave, tears coming to his eyes. He cursed himself for being an emotional idiot, as he watched Dustindrive away.

What a wonderful birthday for
Wesley. Not only did Raimi spend most of the evening with Scott, but Wesley had to wind up comforting Joey as he sobbed hysterically outside of AXIS. Joey should have known at that point to end the relationship. Dustin had become a stranger to him. And Dustin's sudden need to accuse Joey of cheating was obviously a cover-up for his own fooling around.

Joey spent the night with
Wesley. When Dustin came by the next morning he was sorry. A little too sorry. He took Joey out for breakfast and brought him two- dozen roses. Joey should have dumped him that weekend. It was painfully clear that Dustin was cheating. Like Scott Caspian, Dustin had been trying too hard. The relationship ended in August. The same month of Wesley's suicide attempt.

This wasn't his hair. His hair was blond. This hair was brown. And Dustin's hair was black. The hair was everywhere, all over his pillowcase. The entire room reeked of sex. He stripped the sheets…and saw thestains…

Joey wasn't sure what to do… his emotions were out of control
. He went out into the living room and waited calmly until Dustinreturned.

Dustindidn't get home until late. “Hey, Baby.” Dustinwas smiling at him. Joey had grown to hate that smile. “When did you get home?”

“After you
.” Dustinmade a face.


“Do you always fuck him here and you vacuum up after you're done, or was today the first day?”

Dustinwas still smiling. “Joey, what are you talking about?” Dustinwas lucky Joey was too emotional to wipe that smile off his lips. Joey wasn't going to have a blow out fight with Dustin“Joey?”

“How long has it been going on?”

“What been going on?”

“You…fucking someone else
.” Joey's voice was even. Dustin's smile faded. “I'd estimate at least three months. Ever since your nightly showers first started…”

“Joey, you're being ridiculous
. It's you and me forever, Baby.”

“Do not call me baby… just tell me the truth
. You owe me the truth, if you ever loved me at all, please…”

“Joey…I wish I knew what you were talking about

“There are brown hairs on MY PILLOW
. BROWN. The room smells like you and your other boyfriend had a good time this afternoon…”


Dustinjumped at Joey's sudden change in tone. Joey swallowed hard. He had to be strong for Wesley. He was not going to fall apart in front of Dustin. Wesleyneeded him. “Just tell me the truth…”

“This was the first time, Joey…”

“Why are you lying to me
? You're not even looking me in the eyes…just please…tell me the truth…tell me who it is…that's all I want to know…”

.” Joey looked into green eyes. He knew at that moment that he'd never look into Dustin's eyes again and see what he saw that first night they met. He'd never hear Dustin's chuckles, he'd never again be bathed by him… They'd never eat Chinese food together…they'd never fall asleep in each other'sarms…no more “I love you, Baby's…” It was all over…gone…obliterated… he'd never have a happily ever after with this man…

And Joey left. Running to Wesley for comfort and support. Only to find him unconscious on the ground in his apartment's bathroom. It was all too much.

Dustin didn't get… What Dustin was too stupid to realize was that Joey would have forgiven him. He would have taken him back…Dustin was his entire world…and three months in the face of nine months of happiness…Joey would have let Dustin in again…because Joey loved him…he was so in love with him it hurt…All Dustin had to do was tell him the truth…and apologize…but he didn't…

All those beautiful words had meant nothing
. And what hurt the most…what caused the most pain… the most sadness…was that he knew, in the end… that Dustin loved him. Despite all of it… Dustin loved him. Why had he done this to him… why had he ripped out his heart and smashed it…why had he been blessed with an angel… and then cursed…

How could he ever love anyone again…how could he ever put himself together again…that's why it had been a year…that's why he cried himself to sleep on nights he knew
Wesley wouldn't hear him. He would never get over Dustin. No one, would ever change that…he would always be numb… he never got closure…the coward had never even told him who it was… he had never even admitted to his cheating…he had watched Joey pack up his belongings and said nothing… NOTHING… a year… of love… of life… of building a future… of happy times… of sad times… everything…

And nothing…and it ended in nothing…

Dustin had touched his soul…

And then he had killed it…

“Joey, you've been standing there for a ten minutes
, you're starting to scare me, Buddy.” Joey jumped and looked at Christian.


“It's early
. Come back to bed.” Joey looked at him and slipped back into the covers. He was shivering. “You okay, Joey?” Joey nodded.

.” Christian held Joey close. Joey snuggled up to him and lay next to Christian silently…

Please…Christian…please…don't hurt me

Authors EndnotesBittersweet I guess… this whole chapter was bittersweet…but that's just this writer's opinion. Next time we'll learn about Joey's two week long rebound situation…which consequentially is the guy Joey always assumed was the other man who was cheating with Dustin… Anyway, until next time. Please review…. Until next time my lovelies:

“Weren't you just with that Paul guy last night,

“We were only studying, Babe

“Yeah, each other's bodies
.” Wesley giggled. Wesley, is it really necessary to see Branton tonight?”

“You're going to be with
Christian. I want to have a little fun, Joey…and besides, Branton's bringing me dinner…”

beside the point. So what if he brings your dinner. He's still using you, Wesley.” Wesley sighed. He was tired of this conversation.

“He's not using me any
more than I'm using him, Joey.”