Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Meiyaku no Jisatsu: Suicide Pact ❯ First Pact "Find Me" ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

盟約ã®è‡ ;ªæ®º: Suicide Pact
First Pact “Find Me…”


"Dedicated To Those Who Have Lost Hope...I'm Here For You"

"I don't know where to start. But I know where I am...how unsure in my life did I have to be to fall as low as I have?" Sirens from an ambulance blare loudly in the streets. The world this young man knew was painted with the vivid colors of blue and red. Gasping slightly from a sharp pain in his abdomen, the young collapses on the ground with a somewhat eerie smile gazed across his face. "I don't care what I might have done in my own time to get here..." His satisfaction of the outcome he has received seems almost melancholy and joyous at the same time.

Chatter amongst the bystanders look towards the street wondering how could this have happened in the city of Tokyo. Inhaling and drinking in with all of his senses the scent of blood fill his nostrils. Unaware of what was to come, he turned his head slightly to the left and looked into the glazed over eyes of what appears to be another person caught up in the mayhem that has engulfed him. "Megumi-chan...please be okay." Bloodstains on the street illuminate with the lights of the many cop cars surrounding the two.

He regret began to well up as he touched her face softly caressing it as he searched for life in his female companion's eyes. "Megumi...Megumi...Megumi...Meg..." Tears streamed down his face mixing with the blood shared by the two. “Don't you dare leave without me again…” His eyes glossed over, closing under their own will. He grew tired beyond belief. His life was leaving him but his focus was never on his safety, but her's. “Y-you promised…me.”

Buzzing and a gentle voice coached the boy to awaken from his slumber. “Kenny?” Said this sweet feminine trying her best to awaken this sleeping male. "Kenny...Kenny!!! Kenny!!!" `Kenny' swatted away the person trying to wake him up not caring really why but just that he didn't want to get up. “Get up you lazy vagabond!” The person rammed into him with their shoulder causing him to awaken rather abruptly. 'Kenny' huffs at the person pushing him in his precious sleep. "KENNY!!! WAKE UP!!! TODAY IS YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL DORK!!!"

`Kenny' opened his eyes slightly to get a better view of the situation realizing the aggressor was nothing more than his sister Hokuto. "WAKE UP NOW!!! OR..." She looks around the room searching for the perfect object to torture Kenny with to make him wake up. Her eyes stop pinpointing something; which was only confirmed by the gigantic grin she had on her face as she climbed on the bed and grabbed Kenny's favorite volume of Haruto, a popular manga made by his favorite Mangaka Kasashi Mishimoto.

Hokuto opened the manga slowly taking note of the action and intereactions while thumbing through the pages. She stopped for a second then looked at Kenny. Her amused was slightly diffused by her dislike over the story she was seeing. She began to almost swim through the pages at a blinding speed trying to find anything interesting. "You have got to be kidding me...this sucks." She shrugged to herself then looks back down at her extremely 'far gone' brother. "This is going to be awesome." Never before was she going to receive as much pleasure as she was going to get for this simple act of waking him up.

She plopped down on the bed laying next to him with her legs crossed upwards then begins to read the manga page by page. "Haruto runs up the wall as Kyosuke begins to jump forward. CLASH!!! This page is useless." Sound of a page being ripped the bindings in the manga falling to the floor does nothing to wake Kenny, Hokuto continued her assault. "Kyousuke come back to the Tree Village with me! The Flame Ninja will allow you to come back and rejoin. PLEASE!!! Haruto weeps openly." She puts her finger in her mouth to do a gagging noise. “More trash…it's like a Yaoi romance novel for boys yet they don't get it.” Another page was freed from the binding in a glorious rip that sounded through the room and was almost heard down the stairs.

The symphony of ripped paper sounded throughout the room causing the ever comatose Kenny to open his eyes. “Why does it sound like a miniature wood chipper in here?” He rocked to the side of his bed positioning himself for an unclear vision. He wasn't sure it saw was he was seeing correcting, Hokuto ripping his book slowly. He shook his head laying it down on the bed thinking he was hallucinating until he hear yet another rip and jolted forward to see the pages of his favorite novel everywhere on the bed, his sister and floor. "You bitch!"

Hokuto quickly recovered in almost the instance Kenny lunged at her to land on her feet just a few steps away from the bed. Hokuto watched in the greatest amusement as her elder brother flew off the bed and landed on the floor. “Mom, made you some breakfast for your first day at Toudai.” She bounced a bit backwards reciting the most motherly of phases from the most odd of females. “If you would have woken up I wouldn't have had to do what I did. Now get ready before your breakfast gets cold.”

Kenny's anger flooded every pore of his body. "My name is Mitsuda Kentarou, but most people call me Kenny. I just graduated high school not to long ago and got into Toudai, University of Tokyo, on my first try with the exams and all. Lets just say I wasn't too zealous about going to college so soon after high school."

He had just finished his morning ritual of getting ready for school that he has been doing since he was old enough to remember; his mother walked past the stairwell just as Kenny got to the bottom. "Hello Little Man. You look handsome today." Same reassuring words that Kenny knew in his head meant he was ugly but never bothered to go over it. He shook his head softly as he headed for the kitchen with his mother in tow carrying a basket of laundry. "Ken-ken, I know you won't be home til late but your father needs you to go by his office after you get out of school." Kenny sat at the table still not saying a word just as emotionless as a wax statute. His mother stood in front of the washer located just by the door to the outside and continued her dialog with her son, "With your father working from home this week he knows that he'll need to pick up the stuff in his mailbox but he is so tired even working from home. So please be a good boy and help him."

Kenny didn't touch his food before leaving the room to get away from his mother's idle chatter. Thinking to himself that leaving that place would put him in a better area, but life is unpredictable. "Kentarou!" He spun to the side as he was heading for the door to see his father walking around the living room with a handful of paper. "Did your mother tell you to pick up my papers?"

"Yes Dad...I'll go right after school...will the office be open?" Kenny really wasn't very excitable when he didn't want to do something, but it's completely understandable. He never really was too attached to his family.

His father slowly walked over to the coffee table reading his paperwork. "I am pretty sure the night cleaning crew will be there but with you I won't take the risk on you being able to charm you way into the building." Kenny huffed angrily at his father's words knowing that his father taught very little of him because of his choice in majors at Toudai. "And don't drag your feet. Get in and get out. If the cops have you then say goodbye to your lovely little degree in Medicine. As hopeless as you are you can't cure anyone." His father sat on the couch nearest to the coffee table as he searched for something. "Don't give security any lip either." His father found his keys and threw them hard to Kenny.

"Sure dad. Go back to your lovely little lawyer job for a tobacco company." Kenny left out the door giving the same hurtful words that his father gave him. "Me and my father never saw eye to eye because we clash on things as small as what is the best color to things as big as me choosing medicine. I would gladly like to undo all of the harm my father's company has done for years. It's dirty when you are happy for winning a case against someone who is dying because of your product. Only to find out the person died a few days later because of said produce."

The day seemed to drag on for years to Kenny; the morning was the longest though. Seemingly because of that fact that Kenny's mind was still freshly angered by his father's remarks. Nothing was any different from the previous problems he had in high school. The college seemed to be heavier on cliques and social groups then high school was mostly do to the part that this was these people's lives now and not just a passing fancy. Still it all remained to be a nuisance to Kenny, but what in life wasn't?

Finally the day ended with Kenny heading to a local cafe for a bite to eat. "Yo Kenny! Is that you dude?" Kenny turned slightly to his right from where the voice originated. In front of him stood a very fashionable student from Toudai; his piercing blue eyes and blonde hair made him look like a foreigner, but if Kenny didn't know him as well as he did he wouldn't have known he was pure Japanese.

"Hi Kira..." Kenny said unimpressed as he turned back to his meal taking a hold of his hashi serving himself some more rice.

"Kira...you still call me that character from Death Book. As rude as that is it's a bit cool."

"This guy is Shigeru Taira. Taira or Kira as I call him has been my rival in everything. Which makes it weird that he is also my closest friend. We have been through alot. I mean he has stolen about eight girlfriends from me and gets higher marks then me in everything we do. I heard he got into Toudai last year at graduation but I really didn't want to meet up with him; especially on the first day."

Sitting in the seat next to Kenny, Taira eyes the waitress to the point she blushes heavily as he uses one finger to make her come to him. "H-hello sir w-welcome to the cosplay cafe." Kenny began to work on his soup as he watched Taira interact with this poor outwitted waitress.

"Yes, I would like a milk tea with alot of boba and can you get me two strawberry crepes. One for me and one for you? Oh and don't forget two straws." Taira shot her a wicked smile that was almost like his signature for his playboy ways. Kenny himself tried to use it but he lacked classic boyish good looks and the ability to talk to any woman as he saw fit. Taira turned slightly to he left to talk to Kenny; resting his arm on the counter of the bar for comfort. "So I hear you are going into medicine? Dude that is perfect for you. Ladies love a doctor."

Kenny didn't even realize that until Taira said it, taking him by surprised so much he choked on his soup of all things. "Hahaha...Dude it's going to be awesome. Me an engineer working for like the JSSP or something and you helping the world one day at a time." Taira leaned forward and whispered into Kenny's ear. "If you want to test it out we can tag team this waitress tonight. I think she'd be happy either one of us blows a load in her. She'll think she is set for life."

Taira leaned up just as the waitress returned with his order; Kenny wasn't sure what to say. He was a virgin but that didn't mean much when it came to Taira and his odd plans. All he could do was watch and sigh knowing that this isn't the first time Taira has made this offer; he usually went home with the girls that night and had his way with them even to the point that they refer him to some of their friends. "So really Maya, me and my friend here are up and coming greats at Toudai. He is in the medical program to become a doctor and I am in the engineering program. Maybe after you get off we can all go to a nice little bar and talk."

Kenny stood up trying his best not to feel offended or to offend Taira as he left his money plus tip for the meal on the counter and left without a word. It's not that Kenny didn't want to take Taira up on his offer but it would have been his first time, and who wants to have their first time be a charity act?

The sky grew darker as the day went on. Kenny had trekked his way downtown to the Shinjuku district to retrieve his father's paper work from his office. Low and behold the door was closed. He smirked feeling like a bandit as he reached in his left pocket to grab his father's keys. He smirk turned to a frown as he felt nothing in his pocket. He knew he wasn't crazy that he had the keys and checked all of his pockets to no avail. "Shit" Was all he could mutter out as he remembered that when he left the cafe he put change down as well, and most likely his father's keys.

Panic flood his body as he dumped out his bag onto the ground to make sure he didn't put them there. His heartbeat revved up as he thought of what his father would say. What his father would miss if he didn't get his paperwork. What his father's bosses would say about him letting his son lose his only set of office keys.

Out of desperation Kenny tried to run to the train but stopped after a few steps realizing that he was running to get to the cafe, but the cafe closes at six pm and it was around eight pm now. "Shit shit." Kenny realized if he atleast got the papers he could get the keys the day after. But he had to find someone inside.

Frantically he beat on the glass doors of this building for almost fifteen minutes until the side of his hand hurt and felt to have bruised. He turned his back against the door plopping down on the ground. His eyes welled up with tears triggered by anger. How could he face his judging father without his keys or his papers? He knew plain and simple that he couldn't even attempt to talk his way out of this. His only decision was to go over Taira's until the next day where he could get the keys and his father's papers.

Lifting himself off the ground, Kenny stumped as he started his walk of shame. It's not that he was ashamed of walking to Taira's but more that he let both his mother and father down yet again.

Kenny reached into his pocket pulling out his NiPhone and called Taira's house. It seemed like forever before Taira picked up the phone and sounded out of breath. "Hey...Sup Kenny..." Kenny heard slight moans in the background and instantly knew what was happening. "So..she's here. Want sloppy seconds?" Kenny heard the giggle girl in the background then moan deeply. "I have unleashed my load in her like...like four times right?" It was obvious he wasn't talking to Kenny on that when the girl replied "..five time..."

Kenny shuddered at the thought of having sex with a woman that used in one night. "I am calling because I might need a place to stay tonight. I lost my father's keys and I can't really give them back if I don't have them to do that. You know?" Sounds of the bed squeaking echoed on the phone causing Kenny to get a bit hot under the collar but he tried to remain reasonable.

"O-oh..." Taira clears his throat. "I have those keys...you can come get them. But in like three more hours. I am a bit busy finishing off my order." Taira hung up without so much as saying good bye, but in this situation Kenny really didn't want it.

Taira's place was a long ways off but three hours was more then enough time to get there. Kenny walked along the same route he used to walk to get to high school after he got off the train. His face slowly painted a picture of his happy days in high school.

Crossing a bridge, Kenny saw a girl watching the traffic so deeply her head moved with the timing of the cars as they whizzed by. She sat there singing to herself with the most beautiful voice that he had ever her but the lyrics chilled his body. "A heart that's full up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you, bruises that won't heal. You look so tired-unhappy, bring down the government, they don't, they don't speak for us. I'll take a quiet life, a handshake of carbon monoxide, with no alarms and no surprises please." She hopped up on the railing and sang louder as Kenny watched her in awe. "Silent silent. This is my final fit, my final belly ache, with no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises please. Such a pretty house and such a pretty garden. No alarms and no surprises get me outta here, no alarms and no surprises get me outta here, no alarms and no surprises, please..." She stopped in place as she noticed Kenny watching her.

The girl looked at Kenny in the eyes as he sees her face is full of tears. She gives him a smile that seemed so misleading to him. "I have an audience for my last concert...it's sad you're my only fan to show." Kenny remained lock in on her eyes; she was beautiful. He could tell his was part of the Gothic Lolita scene from Shibuya but her smiled didn't show signs of happiness. It painted a grim picture of pain and sadness beyond anything he has ever seen. She blew him a kiss and then winked eyes full of tears as she said, "Goodbye stranger..."

Stepping backwards off the railing she began to fall. Kenny ran to her. Time stood still for the two. This beautiful girl whom was throwing her life away from some unknown reason and the boy deep into his own depression. This faithful night only seem to echo as life changing with each desperate step that Kenny took toward her. "Why am I saving someone I don't even know?" Kenny's heart chose this reaction, not his head. He was fully aware of this.

The blur of the lights seemed to paint the scenery an eerily romantic hue of red. The girl stared up at the moon as she fell back to her final sentence in the short story of her life. Closing her eyes she didn't want to see what was to come. Horns of the passing cars sing a ballad of danger as the drivers pass by. She felt a tug on her arm causing her to open her eyes. "...no alarms and no surprises...please..." She sang the chorus yet again. Her eyes looked up at Kenny holding her up as he begins to lift her to safety one tug at a time.

He got her over the railing as they both fell back on to the ground with her on top of him. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" The girl stood there embarrassed. "You have no reason to kill yourself. What's going through your damn head?" She ran into Kenny arms and burst out crying into his chest. Kenny wrapped his arms around her comforting the broken girl.

"M-my name is...Megumi..." Kenny ran his fingers through her hair as she cried to him for almost an hour. "...Akihito Megumi."

"How was I to know she would change my life permanently? I usually don't care about others. She was different. She made my sadness seem not to exist. That's a lot to me. Will she be the death of me?"