Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Constance dried off after her bath and looked at herself in the mirror. The new test drug had worked. Her bruises were gone, though the pain was still there. Her energy was back and she was ready for the next task. Walking out of bathroom in nothing but a towel, she pulled out some clothes and dropped her towel to change.

"You have another account with lots of money in it if you want to do something. Epsilon takes good care of us. We get what we want and we don't have to train unless we want to." Slipping on a shirt and a shirt after her under garments, she smiled at him. "And during school, we get to do what we want to."

Jack looked up at her as she spoke. Groaning, he shaded his face with his hand. He hadn't been prepared to see her without anything on. Blood rushed to his cheeks and he sighed. "At least warn me when you're not wearing anything," he said. Though he didn't reply to it, he was curious about the other stuff that she had said. He did have money somewhere. That was a comforting thought. He'd worked hard to be able to accumulate the wealth that he had. This gig was going to have him living on easy street for quite some time. At least it was suppose to before all this happened.

Though he didn't quite want to admit it. The girl had a decent body. He was curious what her true age was. He figured it could've be over seventeen, though she had filled out quite nicely. He shook that thought from his head. He was losing his mind.

Constance ran her fingers through her hair and flopped down on her bed as she looked over at him. "Sorry. I didn't know you were a virgin," she said and smiled. "That's so cute though! You were like in your twenties and you had never had sex!" she laughed lightly. "Just don't let Ash or Brian get a hold of you. They both love new guys. Ash is really wild and she will do anything for a good lay and Brian...well...he's really sweet...but sometimes..." She shivered at the thought. "Never mind. I'm sure you will find out sooner or later."

Jack stiffened at this. "My love life is none of your concern," he stated flatly. Whether or not he'd had sex truly wasn't something she should concern herself with. It was just a simple principle of the matter. "And what do you mean 'were' in your twenties? I still am in my twenties," he told her as she stared at him.

Sighing, he rolled his eyes. "Furthermore, who are Ash and Brian." He was curious, this was the first time any other names were mentioned. It might prove useful later. He was curious about both of them, though Brian in particular. The way she acted, there was something with that. Perhaps he could get her to give him more information. "And what even makes you think that I'd be interested in a guy?" He was hoping she'd take the bait.

Constance walked to the kitchen area and grabbed out an apple. "I didn't know you were so touchy, Ian. You are such a girl sometimes." She laughed at the thought. Ian as a girl. How cute! "Well," she started and sat next to him, "I went through your file before you came here. I'm the one that gave the big guys the ok. No one gets to join without my ok. Since I'm the number one right now, they want to keep my happy which means making sure I will work well with the others. If I don't like them, they don't get them." She took a bite from her apple. "And your file said you like both men and women, just like me!" Another bite. "Brian and Ash are two of the other assassins. Ash is really really twisted. Her mind is very tortured and Brian is a really sweet guy...but..." Again she shivered, but she smiled soon after. "You'll meet most of them eventually."

Jack just rolled his eyes at the girl comment. He could see something going through her mind and he didn't like it. "I'm not a girl," he stated bluntly, though she still had that look in her eyes. So Epsilon did employ other assassins. It was only logical that an organization as large as theirs would need more than one or two. He was curious just how many members they had in all.... If his file was detailed enough to say that, then perhaps he could get somewhere after all.

"So, you're bi, huh?" he asked as he finished with his meal. "Tell me, you ever been with anyone?" Might as well learn about her. Knowing your enemy was the first rule of combat.

She nodded a bit. "I have a girl friend at school, Daisy. She's really sweet and I've known her for just about forever. We kiss and hold hands at school when the teachers aren't looking, but she's still really new to being Bi, so I don't want to push her." She moved closer to him. "You know, this is like girl talk. You really are like a girl. Want to be best friends?"

Once more Jack rolled his eyes. "Sure, why not," he muttered sarcastically. "I think they'd find it odd if a twenty-year old guy and a.... Wait, just how old are you exactly?" He was actually kind of curious about this. She was nothing at all like he would expect a top assassin to be. She was so young...and female....it was unexpected.

Constance only smiled at him. "I'm sixteen, silly. Don't I look so?" She really didn't care for an answer. "You know, until you get the hang of things, I have to watch you in school so don't do anything crazy like randomly killing people because the last guy we let in killed three of the students and I had to shoot him in the head. There was such a mess to clean up and Epsilon had a lot to cover up." She threw away her apple. "If you don't like someone, don't kill them, ok? Just don't talk to them or something. I'm so tired of killing assassins for being so self-centered about their personal space." Even as she said this, her voice was peppy.

Sixteen? Really.... Somehow he figured that he'd be more surprised by this, but...he wasn't. It seemed somewhat natural considering who, no what she was. Though he would've preferred if he'd gotten his ass handed to him by someone older. "Believe me, I'm not kill happy," he said. "I won't kill unless I'm paid to; and as soon as I can contact your superiors I'm going to get the school thing straightened out as well. It would've been far easier on them to simply let me be then to go through all this trouble."

Constance laughed. "I told you! You don't contact him, he contacts you. And as for the people you talked to yesterday, no one else other than me has direct contact with them. And I was ordered to not let you whine to them about things until you get a chance to understand our way of living. How can you hate something that you don't even know yet. And if you don't like it later, they will either order me to kill you or they will take your memory away and you will be all fixed up." She flopped on her bed again. "So please, just stop complaining so much because it's so very annoying."

"I'm not complaining," he told her flatly. "I've never really been to school, and I simply do not plan on going now." Sighing, he walked over to the sink and began washing his plate. Fine, if she wanted him to quit complaining.... "So tell me about, Daisy. What about her attracts you?" Why was he asking a question such as this? Simple, he wanted to keep the conversation going. As long as she talked he could learn more. Even if it meant talking about stuff like this.

Constance laid on her stomach and rested her hand on her arms as she looked at him. Her legs kicked in the air. "She has blond hair. I'm a sucker for a blond girl." She smiled. "And blue eyes. Plus, she's really nice to me. She brings me candy a lot and calls me cute names like Sweety and Babe. I like that stuff." She showed him her clown. "She got me this on my sixteenth birthday. His name is Mr. Bo Bo. When you meet her, you will love her! She's so smart and so down to earth. She makes me really happy when I'm not killing people. But it's sad that she will never know that I kill people for sport. She would be so mad with me." Her smile dropped for only a second before it came back. "I just really like her!"

Well, it was about the right answer. At least considering it was coming from a hormone crazed sixteen year old girl. Yeah, that was about right. "Fair enough," he said after a moment. After all, he had a thing for blondes as well. He was curious if she'd ever considered the possibility that she didn't have to kill. She should've...nearly every assassin he knew had done so at one point in their life; but she seemed different. She just generally seemed to enjoy killing. "If I meet her I will be certain to be nice to her."

Constance giggled. "If you aren't nice to her, I'll have to teach you a lesson. Not even Ash is stupid enough to upset Daisy!" Her eyes grew dark, but her smile never faded. "Daisy is mine. And I don't want her to get hurt for any reason." She laughed lightly. "What about you, Ian? Do you have someone you like?"

Jack looked over at her. So, the girl did have a dark side. Interesting. When questioned about his own life, he just shrugged. "No, not really. Unfortunately most people consider me...what's the term they use...emotionally distant. It seems to impede personal relationships." Not that one could really have a successful relationship with the life that he lived. Perhaps that was the reason they kept Constance in school, that way she could interact with other kids rather than live full time as an assassin.

"I kind of know what you mean. Daniel, he's our therapist at Epsilon, he says that I have a lot of pent up emotions and one day something is really going to get me upset and," she made a explosion gesture with her hands, "BOOM! I'm going to go crazy!" she laughed. "But he's always saying odd stuff, like don't eat candy so late at night because it gives you nightmares. But I don't dream so I can eat what I want."

"Right...." How else was he suppose to respond to that? Though he did find it odd that they would have counselor's for assassins. That was just, well, unusual. Then again, nearly everything about this place was somewhat unusual. He couldn't quite shake the feeling that this was all some horrid and vivid nightmare. Perhaps he ate a piece of candy before going to sleep.

That idea almost made him smile...almost.

"So, other than Daisy, you have any other friends that I should be aware of?" He wasn't quite certain whether or not he should be asking her stuff like this. That was all he need to do was to develop some kind of bond with this child. Like that would ever really happen.

Constance shook her head. "I don't like anyone else. Just Daisy. Daniel says she is my 'comfort food.'" She laughed. "Like I eat her or something!" Again she laughed. "I see Daniel every now and then because Epsilon is scared I might go physio again and just start killing people like the night I killed my parents. I don't remember much of that time, but according to Daniel, I kill five people that week other than my parents." She smile at him. "Seems a little odd that an eight year old can do that!"

"It's generally those that are the most innocent which are often the most deadly," he told her. So she'd managed to kill people when she was eight years old. She did it of her own free will too.... He didn't know if he should be impressed or disgusted. Putting his now clean plate in the sink he walked over to his bed and sat down. He began rifling through the box to get out his new I.D. He wasn't even old enough to buy alcohol. "That's going to have to change," he muttered to himself.

Constance tilted her head at him. "What's going to have to change?"

"They're going to have to give me my old I.D. back. I can't even buy alcohol with the stuff they gave me." A seventeen year old shouldn't be drinking alcohol, but he'd long since earned the right to be able to drink.

"Drinking is bad for the body." Constance grabbed her phone as it began to ring. The phone was covered in little jewels and she sang with the ring tone before opening it. "Hello, Daniel! I was just talking about you!" she yelled into the phone. She let him speak and then she nodded. "Ok. That's not my problem." Still she smiled. "She made me mad!" Constance yelled into the phone and her lips began to pout. "I only broke one hand! She still has the other one!"

She closed the phone and put it down. "Ash is such a tattle tale..." she mumbled.

So Ash and Constance didn't get along well. Interesting. "Drinking isn't bad if it's done in moderation," he told her. "After a kill I prefer a nightcap." His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. "So what did Ash do to make you break her hand?"

Constance shrugged. "I don't remember. She's always bugging me," she said and laid back on her bed. "Daniel sounded so mad with me. I really hope he isn't too disappointed." She was sad now. She hated being sad. It was such a horrible emotion to feel.

"I'm certain that he can't stay mad at you," he replied. "After all, you are the Muse. One would think that he'd be too afraid to get mad at you." With this he stood and placed his wallet and cards into his pants.

"And now that, that's over with. I'm in need of something to drink. Since you're too young, I shall see you later." With that he waved as he stared outside. He needed the fresh air. This girl was starting to get to him.

Constance waved to him as he walked to the door. "Bye bye!" She looked at the picture beside her bed. It was Daniel. She smiled. He was the only person she could never hurt. Daniel was her best friend and her most favorite person. And, he wasn't afraid of her. He was the first.