Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jack groaned. Really? Assassins killing assassins, now he felt like he was in a movie. Bowing his head, he let the knife slip back into the sleeve of his shirt. No need to fight when he had the big bad No. 1 there to protect him. That thought didn't help things any. He felt like such a little kid in comparison to everyone around him. He was a killer. He wasn't accustomed to being watched after.

"Not bad," he muttered to her.

Constance groaned. "What a waste of my time..." She played with the gun a bit then turned to smile at him before placing it in her bag. "Let's go!"

She grabbed his hand and they started back the way she came. The whole time she sang a song while skipping.

"Really? Must you skip?" How could she kill someone and look so happy about it? Did killing another assassin net her a lot of cash? Somehow he doubted that she really cared about the money. She just seemed to enjoy the fact that she got to kill people.

"You just killed someone," he said softly. "Aren't you the least bit affected by that?"

Constance stopped skipping. She stood still a moment and seemed to really think about the question. "Well...I suppose you could say I feel like I did a good job. Boss Man will be happy and Daniel will tell me I've done a good job," she said and smiled at him. "Did you see his face before I pulled the trigger?" She laughed. "I hope that I don't die looking like that."

Jack sighed. "All life is precious. Even the life of an enemy." It was the first time he'd said something which seemed to have any emotion in it. Taking his hand from he's, he pushed it into his pocket. Though he was forced to follow her home, he didn't have to like it.

Again, Constance stopped. Someone said that to her before...but who was it? She couldn't remember. What did she say to that person? She couldn't remember that either. Her heart ached at the memories she had long tried to forget. Turning to him, she could feel the weight on her chest. It was as if she wanted to cry but couldn't, or like she was sad but not really. She was confused and torn and she couldn't remember feeling that way before. Her breathing became ragged and flashed of her father's bloody form danced behind her eyes. Just as she was about to scream for the images to leave her alone, her phone rang. It took her a while to realize where she was and who she was with. Finally, she answered the phone.

"...hello..." Her voice seemed a million miles away. That changed, however, when the voice on the other line spoke. "Daniel," she said taking a deep breath and smiling again. "Yes. I'm fine. I didn't do anything. Come see me?" She grew silent as she listened then laughed lightly and hung up. She smiled brightly at Ian. "Daniel is coming over! We should hurry!" she said and started running.

Jack noticed the change in her. Perhaps there was some humanity left. As she laughed and started to run, he groaned. He wasn't about to demean himself by acting so childish. Brooding and sulking the entire way, he hurried to catch up to her. "There's no need to run!" he said as he caught up to her. She was such a child!

"If you knew Daniel you would know how wonderful it is for him to come visit! So running is a need!" she yelled and rounded the corner to their apartment building. She ran to the door and swung it open.

Sitting at the bar in their kitchen was a man with shoulder length, light brown hair that was pulled back into a high pony tail. He wore a white doctor's coat and a suit, something Constance was use to seeing him in. He wasn't just her therapist, he was her personal doctor as well. His brown eyes met hers and he smiled. Standing, he pushed at his bangs and pushed his glassed back to his face. He looked about twenty five or so and to Constance, he was the most handsome man she knew.

"Daniel!!!" she squealed and ran to him.

She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly while he hugged her loosely.

"You had a spike in your chip," he said in a mellow voice.

Constance pulled back and sat down on her bed. He moved next to her. "I'm fine. No need to worry," she said smiling.

"It's my job to worry, Constance," he said and opened the bag he brought with him. He pulled out a small hand held monitor. Pushing some buttons, he waited and then smiled. "But it does seem you are all better now." She pulled at his sleeve and rubbed her face against his hand. "Tell me about how you are feeling."

"Must I? Can't we talk about something else? Can't you hold me some?" she asked sweetly.

Daniel sat next to her. She smiled again. "No," he stated and she groaned. He was one of the few that could tell her no and not be afraid of her snapping. "You know why."

"Blah blah..." she moaned.

"So, you must be Daniel." Jack walked into the apartment, only giving them a passing glance as he made his way sink. Tossing the knife into it, he went to their room. Not having doors or walls really sucked. Now he had no choice but to try and to socialize with these people.

He should've been surprised by how Constance acted around him. She seemed almost like a little girl wanting to play with her father.

Daniel nodded at Ian. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Ian. If you ever need to talk about you job, I'm hear to listen, though I'm employed for Constance's benefit, I'm here for all the assassins," he said and turned to Constance as she pulled on his sleeve again.

"My readings?"

Daniel looked at the monitor again. "They are fine. But I want to know why they spiked."

Constance glanced at Ian. Daniel said nothing but began writing on a clip board he brought. Constance stared at the clip board and then at Daniel as he wrote.

"Did you only come for that reason alone? You didn't come for me?" she asked sadly.

Daniel looked up from his clip board. He pulled out a sucker from his pocket and she took it. "I always come for you, and each time it is for a reason like this."

"But, Daniel...don't you love me?" she asked. She began to pout.

Daniel smiled at her. "Very much so. You are my favorite."

She smiled and put the sucker in her mouth. "You are my favorite too."

He pulled out a small needle and she held out her arm. He rubbed some alcohol on her arm and stuck the needle in. She winced but kept the sucker in her mouth as he pushed the liquid in her body. Afterward, he put a Hello Kitty band aid on her arm and she smiled. So after, he eyes fluttered closed and he eased her back on the bed then took the sucker from her mouth and threw it away.

"The name is Jack," he muttered. Why in the hell did everyone insist on calling him Ian? Either they'd learn to stop or they'd be dead. He watched as the doctor did what he had to, and then put Constance to sleep. How odd....

"So tell me, Doc," he said slowly, his eyes taking in Constance's sleeping form. "What's her story? I've seen quite a few assassins in my time, but nothing like her? Also, when do I get my face and I.D. back?"

Daniel pulled out his stethoscope and began to examine Constance. "Constance is a very rare person. She's unstable, but smart enough to know that she has to keep herself in check. What I just gave her insures that the unstable part of her stays where it belongs, in the far back of her mind." He wrote something down on his clip board then looked at Ian. "Constance was abused by her father from the very moment she opened her eyes. He beat her and when he wasn't beating her, he was raping her. When she was eight, she found a knife and stabbed him over and over until she felt he was dead enough. Her mother screamed and screamed about how she had done wrong and how she was a monster. The only way she could shut her mother up was to kill her too. She left her house that night with the knife still in her pocket and in her footy pajamas. She ran into many people that week, all trying to help her because she was covered in blood, but each time someone got close enough, she would stash at them." He looked down at Constance and brushed her face. "I was sent to find her and when I did, she took one look at me and dropped the knife. She cried and cried but never spoke a words as I carried her to Epsilon. After examining her and observing her, I was able to understand her enough to know that she was born a killer. She loved the feel of blood on her skin and she found peace in watching people die. I blame that on her father." He began gathering his things. "She's stuck in a different world in her head. I keep her on drugs to keep her stable and when certain things push her over board, she could end up taking out every person she makes contact with. The clip I placed in her head monitors her vitals and lets me know when she is in stress or something has caused her to crack. Even the slightest push out of her happy world could destroy her control over the monster in her head. She knows she's a killer and she knows that if the monster that she locks away gets loose, she could hurt those she cares about."

He stood. "Constance doesn't care about many people in the world, but when she really likes someone, she believes it is her right to 'keep them.' She has asked to keep me, Daisy, and from what my boss says, you as well. If you push her, even the slightest, Ian, she won't be able to control herself. Something you said earlier upset her. Something you should never bring up again. In her mind, what she does is right and good. In her mind, she is normal and happy and everything she was meant to be. Don't let her think otherwise."
He smiled. "And you are Ian now. There is no more Jack. Either you can accept it or you can keep denying it and Epsilon with dispose of you. There is no other choice."

A born killer. Was there really such a thing? People had said the same about him once before, but that was nothing more than a lie. He had been trained to be what he was. He had been conditioned.... But she, she had chosen this life of her own free will. She truly was a monster. "A monster on a leash is bound to turn on its master," Jack told him. That was what happened to the organization which had created him. They soon burned in the flames created by their monster.

Shaking his head, he went to the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of water. "No matter what you may say, Doc, I am Jack. That's the name my mother gave me, and that's the name I'm gonna keep. Just like I'll keep drinking and smoking when I want to." Downing some of the water he looked back at the doctor. "However, I am not unreasonable nor do I wish to hasten my death. To that degree I will keep up this sparse facade until your organization comes to its senses."

Daniel's eyes narrowed. "She is no monster. She is more than you could possibly understand." He turned to the door. "Though, it isn't your job to understand her, but it is your job to do as you are told and I'm ordering you to keep your mouth shut if you can't say anything nice to you. Otherwise she won't hesitate to tear your mouth off." He opened the door. "As far as your name goes, I'm not the one you should whine to. I'm just doing my job." With that said, he left.

"Well, he certainly is a pleasant fellow," Jack said as he sighed. His stomach growled. Perhaps he shouldn't have messed up Constance's lunch date with her girlfriend. Food sounded rather good right about now. Of course her fridge was mostly bare save for little snacks here and there. Groaning, he resorted to eating some yogurt just to sate his hunger. There was nothing more detestable then that atrocious meal.

It only took Constance an hour later to wake. She lazily sat up and blinked around. Daniel was gone. Grabbing her sparkly, pink phone with charms dangling from it, she opened it up and smiled. Daniel had sent her a text telling her that he had to go, but that he wanted to have lunch with her soon. She squealed with joy.

"You're such a girl, you know that?" Jack was walking through the front door with numerous bags of food. If he was forced to stay here at the very least they were going to have decent meals on occasion. Judging from the stupid look on her face she had received something from the Doctor. There was really something wrong with that scenario, but he wasn't about to make her all psycho by saying anything.

Constance smiled at him. "Daniel loves me, you know!" she said with a giggle. "And I'm his favorite!"

She hoped out of the bed and hit the floor. Her head spun. Making a groaning noisy she laid on the ground. "Strong medicine..." she whispered to herself and tried standing again.

"Yes, I'm certain you are." Jack sighed. Placing the bags of food on the table he walked over and helped her to her bed. "There," he muttered. He'd done his good deed for the day.

Constance giggled lightly. "Awww! You're like a big brother helping me and what not!" she said.

"Don't get use to it," he replied quickly. "It was a momentary lapse in judgment on my part."

Constance clapped her hands. "Yay! You like me! Now we can be real friends! I can't wait til Monday! School is going to be so much fun with you around..." She then frowned. "But we will have different classes...and be in different grades....and be in different halls..." Again, she smiled. "But we get lunch together! Yay us!"

Jack rolled his eyes. What the hell had the doctor given her? Care bear DNA? Shaking his head he walked away from her. The cheerfulness was going to drive him to kick a puppy or something. "Whatever," he said. He began putting what he had bought into the fridge just to distract him from her imbecilic dawdling. She sounded like a little kid.

Constance watched him then he eyes widened in ah. "You bought food? You can cook?" she asked tilting her head to the side. Constance couldn't cook. Not even toast. She could kill anyone, but she couldn't even boil water. She either went out to eat or Daniel brought her food.

"Yeah," He said without looking at her. "I've lived on my own for as long as I can remember. You either learn to cook or you starve." He looked back at her, surprised by the way she said it. She was female. Didn't she know how to cook. "Wait...you mean you don't know how?"

Constance shook her head no. "I tried...once...then Boss Man ordered me to never do it again. I burned down one of the security building," she giggled. "But it's ok! Only three people were hurt!"

Jack smirked, just slightly. He had a similar experience, but he'd created a cake to explode to kill someone. It had worked...but he had meant for it to explode. "Well then, I'll take care of the cooking. Just make sure to stay out of my way."

Constance laughed. "Stay out of your way? How am I to be your friend if you always push me away, silly?" She got out of bed again and wobbled to the kitchen holding her head. She sat at the bar. "What are you making?"