Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jack tried not to roll his eyes. Pushing her away had been the idea. Alas that didn't seem to work out that well. Though he still wasn't certain where she'd gotten the idea that he wanted to be her friend from. "I'm just going to make some Chicken Marsala," he said, trying his best to ignore the energetic girl sitting there.

"I know a good restaurant that sells that. Daniel made it for me once." She poked at the chicken in its wrapper. "Is it suppose to be all cold and pink?"

Once more Jack sighed. This girl was clueless. "No, it's not," he stated bluntly. "First I have to cook it." With that he began getting out the proper pans and ingredients so that he could make it. "Although it would taste better if the clerk at the store had allowed me to purchase the wine which is suppose to go with it."

This time, Constance rolled her eyes. "You complain so much, Ian. God, you need a better hobby," she said sighing and placing her head on her arms while watching him cook.

"That time I wasn't complaining," Jack stated, ignoring the Ian remark. "I was stating a fact. The key ingredient to Chicken Marsala is the Marsala wine." One who didn't know how to cook wouldn't know anything at all about it. What a shame. She could kill like no one else, but she didn't even know how to do the most basic of tasks. She was very sheltered in that way.

He stopped himself at that thought. Was he actually feeling pity toward her? Or was it empathy.... Either way, he didn't like it. Steeling himself, he looked away from her as he continued cooking. "So, have you sorted things out with blondie?"

"Daisy? No...she will be fine. She's always worrying over me." Constance smiled. "But I guess that's natural when you are Daisy." She laughed.

"Worrying is good. It shows that she cares about you." What was he saying? As if he actually knew about stuff like that. The closest thing he had to a relationship was when he had to seduce a fellow assassin and then kill them. That had been a waste of money on a cheap tux. Shaking his head he turned to look back at Constance. "So tell me, in your line of work...what made you decide to have a relationship with Daisy?"

He found the idea that anyone in their line of work could have a normal life...weird. He didn't believe that he could honestly have any resemblance of a normal life. Either they were killing or they weren't. There was no in between for them.

"Daniel said I should have something stable in my life and someone to make me happy. Daisy was always my friend and one day I just kissed her. She didn't talk to me for three days, but when she finally decided it was ok, she kissed me. Daniel said she's good for me. He said she helps me remember how to be normal," Constance said. "He says that I'm not a normal assassin so I get the choice of having a relationship with someone and I should take advantage of it." She sighed. "But she won't let me pass second base! She's so darn pretty, it's like she's teasing me!" she pouted.

Jack actually snickered at this. He stopped himself almost instantly and tried to regain his composure. "And just what is second base nowadays?" he asked with a curious tone. Kids today, they were rather...intriguing, though he hated to admit it. He found it interesting how innocent she could be while still being grown up.

"Kissing and light touching...but on the clothes. She won't even let me under her skirt or bra." Constance poked her bottom lip out. "And I'm trying to be patent like Daniel tells me to...but it's so hard!"

"Ah, yes I'm certain that could be frustrating. She was a rather cute girl. Perhaps if you push her a little bit she'll consider it. After all, the temptations of the flesh are hard to resist." It was weird talking to her like this. Especially since she was a girl...and so young...and it was about another girl. Oh well, at least she wasn't asking him about his love life. That actually almost made him laugh.

"Daniel says I can't push her or I will end up with nothing." She began to poke at something else on the counter. "I suppose I'll just have to find someone else to fool around with while I wait for her...but Daniel said that is bad and it could hurt Daisy if she found out. And I like Daisy happy."

"Yes, generally love affairs are what people get assassinated over," he said. Taking out the knife he began slicing up the chicken and throwing it into the skillet. "So I wouldn't suggest toying with her heart. If you care about her, just wait. Eventually she'll give up the goods."

Constance groaned. "I think I'm going to send her naughty pictures. Maybe she will like what she sees and I'll get some in return." She smiled at the thought. "Hey! Will you take them for me?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure whatever you want," Jack said with a wave of his hand, only partially paying attention to what she was saying since the chicken was burning. Great, he'd gotten so wrapped up int talking to her that he was going to set their place on fire. He could see the newspaper now, great assassin killed in kitchen accident. He'd be a disgrace!

"Wonderful!" Constance grabbed her phone and sat it next to him. Moments later, she was taking off her clothes. She threw them aside. "What pose should I do first?" she asked completely naked.

Jack cursed as he burnt his finger trying to get the skillet off the oven. Looking back when she called, he felt the blood rush from his face and go somewhere else. "W-why are you naked?" It took him quite a few moments to look away. God he was pervert! She was sixteen and he was twenty-two! He could go to jail for that!

Constance pointed to her phone. "You said you would take picture for me to send Daisy." She grabbed her clown. "Should I hold Mr. Bo Bo? Is that hot?"

Jack groaned. Of all the things he should've been arrested for, child pornography was not one that he had been expecting. Taking her phone, he looked at her. "Sure, she'll probably like that," he said. He didn't care, he was trying really hard not to think of what he was doing. This was wrong on sooo many levels.

Constance giggled. She posed and let him click the picture. Another pose and another picture. This repeated until she was satisfied. She walked over to him and took her phone. "Wow! These are so good! Daisy will have to love them!" she said while sending them. Seconds later she got a text back. Her eyes brightened but then she began to pout again. "She says that she knows you took them because she could see my hands in the pictures...she sounds really mad..."

Jack wanted to tell her that's what she deserved for having him take naughty pictures of her. "Well just get dressed and go over to talk to her. Who knows, it might lead into something," he teased. The chicken was done, and he was already putting it onto a plate. "Or, if you don't want to do that at the very least put on some clothes. You're a minor and I'm an adult...you're very distracting."

Constance put the phone down. It kept beeping over and over. Daisy was yelling at her in text form. Constance sat down at the bar again. "I really thought she would like the pictures." She looked over at Ian. "I mean...I look good don't I?" She was ignoring everything he said. At the moment, she was worried more about herself.

Jack tried not to look at her. "Yes, you do. Which is why you should put on some clothes! It's hard to think with you...well...naked. Girl's aren't suppose to be naked in front of guys. Especially guys as old as I am." Didn't she understand that concept? He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this uncomfortable. Probably that time he had to assassinate a catholic priest who was doing bad stuff to little kids. Yeah, that was nearly as bad as this.

Constance pouted again. "But you aren't that old! You are seventeen, Ian! And who says girls can't be naked in front of guys? Don't you know that's how you have sex and make babies? Obviously it's not as bad as you think!" she said as her eyes narrowed. "You really are a virgin aren't you?" she asked and suddenly smiled. "You are so cute, Ian!"

Jack growled. "I'm not seventeen! Nor is my name Ian. Nor am I cute!" Despite his outburst, she continued to just stare at him. Growling, he just rolled his eyes. "Forget it! I don't even know why I bother." She honestly seemed to believe that, this Ian persona was who he really was. Even though she'd met him as Jack, all she knew him as now was Ian. That's all anyone knew him, and quite frankly that scared the living hell out of him.

"There you go again. Whining." She hopped off the chair and began getting dressed. "I don't think I've ever met an assassin that complained so much about doing something that paid so well. Most assassins jump at the opportunity to work with Epsilon. But not you." She laughed. "You just like being difficult. That kind of stuff will get you killed."

Jack rolled his eyes. "At least I'm not sending naked pictures to some girl," he muttered sourly. Though he was at least glad that she was getting dressed. He didn't know how much more he could take of her being naked.

Sitting down to his plate of food, he watched as she got dressed. She was such a dainty little thing. Shaking his head, he groaned...bad thoughts. His attitude hadn't gotten him killed yet, though he was curious of where his ranking was now that he moved here. He had been number one in England, but now that he was in America...he wasn't certain. He was probably down somewhere in the teens...which wasn't good.

Constance sat back down after getting dressed. She smiled coyly. "I think she secretly likes them but she embarrassed." She looked off into space as she imagined Daisy completely naked. "Wow...I'm so lucky to have someone so pretty as her...."

"Well the next time you see her check her phone," he said. "If she saved the pictures on her phone then she liked them. If she didn't...well, I'm sure you can figure that one out."

Constance clapped her hands and jumped off the seat to jump up and down. "You are so smart, Ian!"

"Glad I could help," he muttered. God, he really needed to kill someone to take all this...girlishness off of him. Shaking his head, he began to knife through his chicken. It didn't taste quite as bad as he thought it would though he would've preferred it not to be so burnt.

Constance jumped out of the limo with her backpack. It was Monday morning and school was starting. She ran straight for the school doors without looking back at Ian. Daisy waited for her at the entrance and smiled brightly as she saw Constance. Constance ran up to her and threw her arms around her neck, placing her lips tightly over Daisy's. Daisy eyes widened as Constance smashed their lips together, but quickly closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Constance's waist after only a few moments. Constance deepened the kiss and pulled back slowly.

"I'm sorry if I upset you, Daisy. I thought you would like the pictures," she said with a pout on her face.

Daisy blushed and pulled herself away from Constance while pushing her long blond hair from her face. "I wasn't mad at you..." she said, still feeling the effects of the kiss. "I was mad that Ian would take your picture and that he would let you disrobe in front of him." Constance sighed and looked down. Daisy lifted her chin up to face her. "I'm not upset. Really," she assured her. "I...liked....the pictures..."

Constance smiled. "Oh! I'm so happy!" she said and hugged Daisy to her again.

Jack stepped out of the limo. He pulled at the clothes he had been forced to wear. Why on earth did he have to wear a stupid school uniform? Rolling his eyes, he carried the books that he'd been given. This was just ridiculous. All of yesterday Constance had been droning on about school, so he already knew the layout of the place. God...someone was going to pay.

Despite his bad disposition, apparently already there were murmurs going across the school. The girl's stared at him, and the guys were already sizing him up. Day one and he was already causing trouble. Joy.

Daisy sighed as she took Constance hand. She could see Ian walking to them. Constance turned around and saw Daisy was looking at him.

"You don't like him?" Constance asked.

"Not at all. I don't trust him. I wish you didn't live with him. It's just..." she turned to Constance, "creepy."

Constance smiled. "You have nothing to worry about! I'll break him in half if he does anything that I don't like!"

Daisy laughed. "But you are so very small and he is so very big."

Constance could feel the knife strapped to her leg and covered loosely with her tube sock. "Looks can be such liars!"

Again, Daisy laughed. "You are so cute when you are being all tough." Constance beamed. "But you couldn't hurt a fly." They both laughed.

As he walked up to the girls, someone bumped into his chest. Books fell to the ground, and he was staring into the face of what could only be described as the ideal jock. He was with his posse, and clearly in a bad mood. Wonderful. Without saying a word, he knelt down to pick up his books. As he did so the jock proceeded to kick the books away from him.

"You should say you're sorry," the jock said as his friends laughed behind him.

As Jack went to pick up his books again, once more the jocks proceeded to kick his books. This time, Jack reached from his wrist where he kept his knifes hidden. Looking over at Constance, he sighed. Moving quickly, he grabbed his books and turned toward the jocks before they had time to react.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. Though he said this, his eyes were much of that of a cat staring down its prey. He might be smaller, but the jock's could just seem to sense that he was not someone to be messed with.

"Whatever," the lead jock said as they turned to leave.

Jack just sighed. This was why he hated school. Looking over at Constance and Daisy, he decided against actually speaking to them. He was just going to go to his homeroom and let this day go through in silence.

Constance said nothing but opened her phone and sent a text to her boss. "Anger management does well..."

Smiling and closing her phone, she and Daisy walked to class. School was slow like it always was to her and she grew bored quickly. At lunch, she and Daisy sat next to Ian and Constance talked on and on about her day and how she couldn't wait for her last period with Daisy which was P.E. When the bell rang for lunch to be over, she nearly ran people over to get to the gym. She changed with the others and ran to the volleyball net. Volleyball was her favorite and she played it every school day, except for Wednesdays. Wednesdays the had swim class in place of P.E.

Daisy stayed next to her as they played and watched as Constance enjoyed herself. Daisy hated volleyball. She was terrible at it. But Constance loved it so much that she didn't have the heart to tell her that she wanted to play something else.

After P.E., the bell rang for school to be over. Everyone began leaving and Constance stayed behind to put up the equipment. She sent a text to Ian telling him that she would be a little late to the limo, but to wait for her because she wouldn't be too long. Daisy stayed to help. After putting everything away, Constance and Daisy began changing back into their uniforms. Constance glanced at Daisy milky skin and pink panties with matching ruffle bra.

Constance moved next to Daisy and lightly push her against the changing lockers.

"Constance...?" Daisy asked with a large blush.

Constance said nothing but began nibbling on Daisy neck. Daisy moaned.