Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Not much to tell," Ian replied. "I was born in London, lived in an orphanage until I was adopted by one of the agencies which then trained me to be a killer." He toyed with his empty glass before looking up at Brian. Their food came a few minutes later, and he began to nibble at his meal. "So what do you want to do after we eat?" He wanted to get Constance something if they went out. Perhaps a new stuffed animal would make her feel better so that she wasn't so depressed. Though he thought about her, he kept looking over at Brian. Why did he have to be so cute? Damn it, it was hard to focus.

"Don't know. I don't go out much," he said and smiled at the waiter. He was cute. He would have to leave his number on the napkin when he was done. Smiling at Ian he took a bite of his food. "Where do you want to go?" This was turning into a date fast. He didn't date. He fucked.

Ian noticed the smile he gave the waiter. Sighing, he realized he should've known better. Brian wasn't the kind who enjoyed someone's company. He just wanted someone to screw. "Well, we could always go back to your place," he said softly. He needed a release, he might as well let Brian be that release.

Brian was shocked but he didn't show it. He just smirked. It was then that Constance popped into his head. Her warning screamed in his ear. "I don't think that would be a good idea," he said and ran his hands through his hair. "We just met after all."

Ian sighed and pouted. "Fine," he muttered. Well there went his night. "And I was horny too," he pouted. Well, if they couldn't do that.... What were they going to do? "So we can't do anything?" Frowning, he realized that he wasn't going to get anywhere tonight. "Well then do you want to go to the mall? There's something I want to get."

Brian laughed. "You are rather blunt. How odd," he said. "We can go to the mall if you like." The check was brought to them and Brian stood. "I'll be back." He took the check to the register and paid for it then slipped the waiter his number. He was on the other side of the room and the place was crowded so Ian couldn't hear or see what he was doing. The waiter smiled at him once he was given the large tip and the number. Brian walked back to Ian. "Let's go."

Ian smirked. "It's not what you think," he said. "It's just that she was down when I left her; and I'd prefer if she didn't try to stab me in my sleep. That would put a huge damper in my whole...life."

Brian only smiled. "Sure sure, whatever helps you feel better," he said as they started back. "But you can't help it. You want her happy. It's why we all try not to push her. She's so messed up that the medication she stays on it the only thing she really has going for her. She deserves that little bit of happiness, even if it's fake and even if she is sheltered from it. She needs those smiles just like the rest of us need air."

"It's still not right," Ian stated bluntly. "She lives in a fantasy world where she doesn't know right from wrong. If someone truly cared about her well being then they'd at least try and teach her something about being normal."

"The only people that are able to do that are the people she chooses to keep. Everyone else is nothing more than a dust in the wind. Daniel is one of them, but he can't be there for her all the time. Daisy was another one, but she is dead now she isn't of much use now." He looked at Ian as they stood outside his apartment. "And then there is you. I'll let you put the pieces together from there," he said with a wink. He waved and started back to the limo that had been waiting to take him back to the Epsilon building.

Ian sighed as he watched Brian leave. Perhaps he could deal with a lover, as long as that lover knew what he did. Brian was cute, but he didn't know if Brian could tie himself down to one person. Still, Ian pouted. He had at least wanted a kiss before the night was up. "Jerk," he muttered beneath his breath as he pushed the door open to his room.

Daniel was long gone before Ian returned and Constance was sleeping peacefully in her bed. She moved slightly and moaned a bit like she was dreaming but she didn't wake. Constance never remembered her dreams, but at times, her dreams took her places she didn't want to go. Daniel usually made sure she didn't remember what her dreams were when she woke, but there were times when she was known to wake up screaming and shooting. Because of that, the only gun in the house was under the bathroom sink.

Ian sighed when he saw her. Placing the bear on the end of her bed, he began to strip and make his way to the bathroom. He needed a cold shower to relax after everything. At least Constance seemed somewhat peaceful, more so then she had been, so that was at least a tiny improvement. There was no telling how drugged up she was. Just as he was about to step into the shower his phone beeped. Looking at it curiously, he was surprised to see that he had a mission. "Guess it's time to earn my keep," he muttered. The shower would have to wait.

At the sound of the beep, Constance stirred. "Daniel?" she mumbled as she sat up in the dark apartment. Her eyes fell on Ian and she yawned. "You were out with Brian? You came home?" It was a little different for Constance. Brian never passed up a nice looking man. Then again, she had warned him.

"Regrettably," Ian said as he pulled back on his pants. "I had been hoping to go home with him, but something seemed to spook him." He pouted again, but hastily shook that thought from his mind. He had work to do. Grabbing his shirt and tossing on his long coat he made certain that he had what he needed. Grabbing the gun from the bathroom, he tucked it into his coat. "Well, since I didn't get to have any fun the boss has sent me on a mission. I should be back soon enough."

Constance looked at her phone. It hadn't beeped. The boss didn't want her to accompany him. That mean he was no longer being baby sat by him. She moved out of her bed and walked to him. "Looks like you are own your own, Ian," she said and smiled. "If you do well, Boss Man will let you have more free rein. That means you can get your own place if you want."

"I doubt that," Ian said. Looking back at his phone, he closed it before she could see what the boss ordered him to do. There was a reason that she hadn't been called for this mission, and the reason wasn't that they trusted him. This was a punishment mission. "I'll be back soon...but don't wait up." With that he headed out. His targets...Daisy's parents.

Constance sat back on her bed. She held her phone just waiting for it to beep but it never came. She wanted her boss to tell her to follow him, to make she he did what he was suppose to but he never sent her a text. Looking disappointed, her eyes fell on the bear Ian had left her. She reached over and grabbed it, letting her hands play with the silk ribbon around the bears next. Constance hugged it closely and sighed. She went to the window and sat down on the window shelf that was covered in pillows. Peering out, she waited for Ian to return home.

Ian found Daisy's house just as the directions had said. There were no cops there, so apparently the parents hadn't gotten worried about their daughter yet. That was good. That made his job easier. Going through the back door he easily picked the lock and entered their house. Going into the first room, he realized that it had to be Daisy's room. There were pictures of her and Constance everywhere. Shaking his head he started into the next room. The mom was on the phone, apparently calling Daisy's friends trying to see where she was. The father was on the couch watching television.

Slicing the phone wire, he waited for the look of confusion on the mother's face. As soon as she turned back to her husband to ask what was going on he made his move. Grabbing her mouth to silence her, he let his blade slide across her throat. She didn't deserve to die. He knew that. She knew that. He could tell by the way she fought against him, and by the way she looked at him as the life fell from her eyes.

Letting her body fall to the ground he moved to the father. He looked tired. Apparently he was working a lot to pay for his daughter's tuition. No, he too didn't deserve to die...but he was. This one was easier. He had a thing about killing women and children. He drove the knife into his chest before he knew what was going on. The blood pooled onto the couch.

Wiping his knife off, he dialed it in. "It's done," he whispered.

"Good," the boss replied. "From now on if Constance messes up, it will be who you cleans up the family."

With that the boss hung up, and Ian stared back home.

Constance watched the window for nearly two hours. Finally, she saw him coming up to the apartment. She watched him disappear and then moments later the door knob turned and he was there. She stood quickly and rushed to him. He had changed, his clothes most likely destroyed and the cleaners probably made sure of it. She smiled at him. "Was Boss Man happy? Did he text you to say you did a good job?" she asked sweetly. She looked at her bear. "I named him Jack. He looks like a Jack, don't you think?"

Ian stopped when she rushed him. "He was...pleased enough," he told her. Looking at the bear, he tried not to snap. Jack! Really? Really? She couldn't understand the name Jack when he had wanted her to call it, but she could name the bear Jack! Somewhere on a some level, he knew that she was mocking him.

"Yeah, it's fitting," he said as he started for the shower. He sent Brian a text as he walked past her asking if he wanted to meet tomorrow. Tossing his phone on the bed he threw off his shirt and jacket. "You should be in bed. You have school tomorrow."

Constance followed behind him. "I really like Jack. Thank you for getting him for me," she said and sat on the counter in the bathroom. "Since you did your first job alone...I suppose that means you will be moving out soon...and that Boss Man will let you do what you want." That also meant that Brian and Ash could do what they want with him. And...that he was no longer hers to keep.

Brian text back telling Ian that he was free. He was looking forward to another night.

"No, I'm afraid that it doesn't quite work like that," he said. Letting the water run, he looked back to her. "This mission was just something that the boss wanted me to do. He'd still adamant about the fact that I have no free will." In other words, he couldn't move out yet even if he wanted to. "So you're still stuck with me for a little while." He started to finish undressing when he looked at her.

"Do you mind?" He heard his phone beep. Walking to his bed he grabbed it and smiled. He sent a text telling Brian that he'd see him later...and that he at least expected a little something tomorrow. Taking the phone into the bathroom with him, he noticed that Constance was still there. "I need to undress...."

Constance smiled. She would get to keep him for a little longer. "I don't mind. You can undress," she said. "Do you want me to wash your back?" She hugged her bear again. "What mission did he send you on?" She was curious. If the boss sent him on a mission alone then that meant that he could do what he wanted. He did the same thing for every one of them, including Constance. Why was Ian different?

Ian sighed. "I'm not going to undress in front of you. I don't like seeing you naked, and I'm certain that you wouldn't like to see me naked," he told her. When she asked about his mission he just shrugged. "It was some business man and his wife. Nothing which was worth my time or effort. I think the boss was just testing to see if I would actually do what he wanted."

Constance pouted. "You don't like my body?" She thought she had a nice body and she was told many times before that she was pretty. She hopped off the counter. "Maybe you need to be tested, Ian." She walked out and closed the door behind her. She grabbed her phone and dropped the bear on her bed then walked out the apartment.

Constance walked down the streets until the limo she called for finally showed. She got in and said nothing as she played with her night gown. This was common for her, leaving her apartment in the middle of the night to go to Daniel. He had no family of his own and he stayed in the Epsilon building. The limo stopped and she got out and walked inside. Going to the elevator, she pushed the top floor then put in an access code. No one got on the top floor but those who were allowed. It was where the boss and the other important Epsilon workers lived. She waited patiently then stepped out when the doors opened.

Moving quietly, she walked down the hall passing other peoples' apartment doors before going to the very back where the boss's door was and next to it was his brother's, Daniel.

"That's not what I meant...." But she was already gone. Geez, she always took things the wrong way. Oh well, at least he had the place to himself. Stripping, he climbed into the shower to wash himself. It felt good to finally be able to relax, even if it was just for a little while. Once he got out, he dried off and threw on some boxers and a shirt.

Turning on the television, he let it provide background noise as he began to surf the web. There were some things which he wanted to check out. Namely, he wanted to see what his ranking was now. Just as he had suspected, he was now ranked number fourteen in America. Well, that was going to have to change.

Constance knocked lightly and waited. It didn't take long for Daniel to open the door for her. He stepped to the side and she walked in. He fixed her a glass of milk and walked her to the spare bedroom. She drank the milk then crawled in and he laid next to her. It was routine at this point. Once every month or so she would show up, wanting attention, wanting to be held. And he never denied her. He held her until she fell asleep and sent for her school clothes. Nothing needed to be said, she just needed to be held.

The morning came way too early. Ian groaned as his phone began ringing. Why were people trying to wake him up? He looked at his phone and realized that it was time for school. He muttered a long string of curses as he got up and started to get ready. Why hadn't Constance woken him up? It was then that he realized that she still wasn't back. He hoped that she didn't skip school today. The only reason he went was because she was forced to keep an eye on him. Wait...if she skipped school did that mean that he got to skip school?

Daniel woke Constance lightly. She smiled as she saw his face. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he carried her to the dinner table. Breakfast was waiting for her. Daniel had her school clothes and school bag sent for and as she ate, he drank his coffee and watched her closely as she swung her legs back and forth and hummed a song.

Two men walked into Constance and Ian's apartment without knocking they went to her closet, pulled out her school clothes, then grabbed her back pack. Just as quick as they came, they were gone.

Ian just stared at the men. Without a word he just kept cooking his breakfast. "Well, that's certainly encouraging." Tossing his eggs onto a plate, he took his time eating before getting dressed. Grabbing his books he met the limo outside.