Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
;Ian fixed the towel around his waist so that he could go check on her. Reaching into his bag he pulled out a pair of his ear plugs. Generally he used them when he had to wait for long periods so he could clear his mind, or when someone unusually boring was talking. Opening up the closet door he knelt before her and held out the ear plugs. "Here, put these in. They'll help to drown out the thunder."

Constance slowly took the ear plugs and put them in. Behind Ian she could see the lightning flash and she waited for the thunder, but it never came. Letting out a deep breath, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Ian's neck. "Thank you, Ian," she whispered as she pulled herself close to him.

"It's okay," he said, hoping that she could read lips. He didn't know any assassin that didn't know how to read lips, but he also didn't know any assassins that were afraid of thunder either. He hesitantly gave her a small hug before trying to stand.

Constance watched him stand and she grabbed her bear to stand as well. It was dark, but with the flashes of light, she could make out his body standing before her. Her eyes trailed down his form, taking in each scar and each muscle. Her hands went to his bare chest, following the lines of the scars. She barely had any scars. Did he have so many because he was careless in a mission or because he wasn't a good assassin? Her eyes met his. If she was number one, then she could prevent any more scars on his body.

Ian smiled as she traced the outlines of his scars. "Most of these are decades old," he told her. God he sounded so old. "Save for the cut here, bullet whole there, and the occasional stab wound... most of these came from my training when I was younger. Though I have taken my fair share of damage in the field."

Constance watched his lips, reading every word and letting it sink in. He was pushed just as hard as her when he was growing up, though...she did a lot more to avoid getting hurt. What small scars she had were given to her by the clumsy nights it rained. Tracing a long scar down his chest, her fingers stopped at the edge of the towel, but the scar went on. How long was it? What had happened? We all assassins like this, scarred up? Her fingers brushed the skin above the towel, as if debating whether to pull the towel from his body. Her heart sped up again and her body felt hot as she stared at the towel. He was still wet from the shower and the water had gone cold, but his skin was warm, like it was inviting her to play. She was telling herself to resist.

Ian watched as she played with the top of his towel. He should stop her, but the way she looked made him hesitate. He was curious what she was going to do. "I nearly died from that," he said, indicating the scar. "I was betrayed by the organization I was working for. They were waiting for me. They tried to gut me with a machete, and nearly succeeded."
Constance watched his lips again with a small glance. Her eyes darted back to the towel. Slowly, she loosened the towel, letting it fall slightly. Again, her fingers traced the scare and stopped moving when the scar stopped low at his hip, close to his manhood. The towel stayed tightly against the rest of his lower half, keeping her view from his part. Her hand inched closer, wondering how far he would let her go.

Ian hesitated now. Her small hands touched his flesh, and it made him shuddered. Having her so close, having her touch his flesh, he couldn't deny that it felt good. His hands slowly came up to hers and held them. "It goes down much further than that," he told her as he stepped back from her.

Constance's eyes snapped to his and read his lips after he held her hands. Quickly, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. "I will make sure no one hurts you again, Ian. No more scars, I promise," she whispered.

Ian chuckled and rubbed her back. "Sure you will," he said softly, believing her words to be nothing more then the wishful thoughts of a child. He didn't know how to tell her that nearly every time he'd almost died, it had been because someone he trusted had betrayed him or failed him.

The morning brought the electrical companies out in droves as they tried to turn back on the power. It was nearly ten before the actually succeeded. All things considered, that wasn't too shabby for them. Ian was dressed and ready to give Daniel his answer, but his mind kept playing back to what happened...no, to what had nearly happened last night. Just thinking about it made him uncomfortable.

"I'll be back in a little while," he told Constance as he started to leave.

Constance smiled at him. "Ok! I'll be here!" she said while munching on an apple. Daniel waited patiently in his office for Ian and when he finally arrived, he gestured to the seat in front of him for Ian to sit. Daniel smiled at him. "How was your night? Did Constance give you too much trouble with the thunder? It's Epsilon's little secret about her fears of thunder and her clumsiness with rain. No one really knows about it but the boss, me, and now you."

"The night was fairly uneventful," Ian told him as he sat down. "I'll admit, I'm surprised that someone like the Muse is terrified of a little thunder. Though I'm even more surprised that you didn't come running when it started to thunder." He knew that this was nothing more than a mere follow up to the real question that Daniel was going to ask him. On his way here he had been confident of his answer, but now he wasn't so sure...

Daniel smiled lightly. "She had you, Ian. If I ran to her, then how could she run to you?" He then got serious. "Now, can you explain to me exactly why her clip was off the charts last night?"

Ian sighed. "We were watching a movie and she decided to get touchy feely," he responded.

Daniel pulled out his clipboard. "Explain. I want to know what happened and how she reacted, as well as your own reaction."

"It's just as I said. We were watching a movie. She was leaning against me, then she straddled me, lowered her robe, and began kissing me. Believe me; if it'd been up to her we would've done a lot more."

Daniel wrote on his clipboard while nodding. "And you? How did you respond?"

Ian was surprised the Doc was taking it so well. He would've figured that he would've gotten upset over how Constance had acted. "Well, she got to me," he admitted after a second. "And for a brief moment I was getting into it, but then I decided that it should stop."

Daniel looked up at him and pushed his glasses back. "You stopped or I called?"

Ian hesitated. Crap.... "They occurred about the same time," he said slowly.

Daniel smiled evilly. "Liar," he stated. He wrote down on his clipboard then got serious again. "Your decision. I need it now."

Ian nodded. "I want-" Out. That's what he wanted to say. It was the logical choice after all. Get out, live a life of luxury and not have to worry about this life anymore. That's what he wanted.... But even though that was what he wanted, he knew that in the back of his mind he'd never hear thunder and not think of Constance. Brian and Ash had grown on him. Even Daniel was starting to be less annoying. But could he really stay, and promise himself to Constance even though he could never truly be what she wanted him to be?

"I'll stay," he said softly. "But I'm not promising that I'll be able to be...or do what she wants."

"You don't have any other option, Ian. If you stay, you will be staying for her. You will be expected to be for her. It's either that or you leave," he stated bluntly.

Ian nodded slowly. "I know...I do; and I guess I'll take whatever comes with that job."

Daniel grabbed his phone and dialed a number. "He's chosen to stay." He waited for a reply. Daniel pointed to the door, telling Ian he could go.

Constance paced in her apartment. She had gone through Ian's things and was wearing one of his shirt with nothing else but a pair of panties. She had decided that if Ian were to leave than she would go with him...or at least keep one of his shirts...she hadn't really decided which one just yet. Her eyes glanced at the door. How long had he been gone? It seemed like days!

Ian stood outside their door. Not a moment had passed since he'd left Daniel's office that he hadn't mentally kicked himself in the head. He had chosen to stay, because there was no guarantee that they'd let him out of here alive. That was what he had told himself over and over again...but was it the truth?

Finally, he opened up the door, surprised to see Constance wearing nothing but a shirt on...his shirt to be precise. "Umm did I miss something?" he asked curiously.

Constance turned to Ian. She brought her fisted hand to her cheek and let her big eyes scan over him. Was he staying? What did Daniel say? What did Boss Man say? Yes, she would keep the shirt...even if he was staying, after all, it was soft. "Ian?" she asked. She wanted to know his decision.

Ian stared at her. Her eyes seemed so innocent, so full of life and wonder. He had never been one for emotional situations, so to that end he reached into his pocket and tossed something to her. "Brian gave that to me on the way out," he said as he started toward the kitchen. What he'd tossed her at was a black dog collar which had a tag that said 'property of Constance'.

Constance smiled at the collar. She ran to Ian and hugged him from behind. "Ian! You're staying!" she sang. "We will be together forever!"

Ian nodded as she hugged him. "Yeah, we'll be together forever," he repeated slowly. She was happy, and he didn't want to ruin her moment with reality.

Constance turned and faced him. She held up the collar. "I can get Daniel to change the name to Muse so you can wear it on a mission!" She hopped up and down. "Ian, I'm going to make you so happy!" she promised and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips against his.

Ian smirked. "Sure, why not," he said talking about the collar. Before he could tell her what he really thought of it, she was pressing her lips against his. She was going to make him happy.... He let her kiss him and when she finally did pull away he smiled. "I'm sure you will."

Constance sat on the bar and pulled him to her, moving her legs apart so he could get close. Her hands fisted on his shirt and she scooted closer to his hips. She smiled at him sweetly. "Are you happy, Ian?"

Ian swallowed hard when she asked him that question. "Yes, I am," he said softly. His hand slowly reached out and touched her face, his thumb caressing her cheek.

Constance beamed. She was happy too. Being with him exceeded everything. She closed the gap between them and met his lips with hers once more. Her heart nearly hurt at how hard it was working behind her chest. Her hands went to the bottom of his shirt and began pulling on it.

Ian was surprised at the force of her kiss. For a small girl, she was strong. The next thing he knew she was pulling off his shirt, and despite his hesitation, he didn't stop her. Instead, he did something which surprised even him. He let his tongue slip to her lips and slowly work its way into her mouth. Constance body tingled as his tongue entered her mouth. Her hands went to Ian's shirt she was wearing and she began unbuttoning it. Her legs moved around his waist, pulling his hips tightly against her own. Her breathing increased.

As Ian pressed against her, his hands went to hers. Breaking the kiss he looked at her. "W-we're going too fast," he said in between gasps of air. Even though he wanted this, in the back of his mind he couldn't shake the fact that she was still just a kid. A kid that he was taking advantage of.

Constance dropped her hands to her sides. Her eyes fell. "Why?" This was hard for her. The only person who had ever really told her no was Daniel. Before Daniel was...her father.

Constance jumped off the counter as her phone rang. She picked it up. "Daniel?" she asked. She grew quiet then smiled. "Yes! I'll be over right away!" She closed the phone.

"Daniel wants to run a few tests on my chip." She started grabbing some of her clothes. "So...I'll be back...later..." She didn't wait for his response as she changed quickly and ran out the door, slamming it behind her.

Ian just watched her leave before collapsing against the kitchen counter. "This is...going to be hard," he muttered sourly. If she kept this up, it wouldn't be long before he gave in to her advances.

Constance sat on a doctor table in Daniel's office. He was showing her multiple pictures and videos while watching her reactions and recording them as well as watching her chip. She watched videos on death, war, and even some cartoons. Her reaction was the same, simple and normal. However, when given pictures of Ian, her heart picked up and she smiled to herself as if forgetting others were in the room. She cradled each photo of him like gold and said nothing as Daniel recorded the results of her chip. This went on for hours and by the time night came, she was yawning and refusing to give the pictures of Ian up.

Ian was curled up on the couch in his night pants watching some old black and white film. He didn't know who was in it, but it kept his interest enough. He was tired and bored, which was a bad combination. Looking at his cell, he was sorely tempted to try and call Brian, but he knew he couldn't do that. Not since he was Constance's little pet. He toyed with the collar Brian had given him. Was he really nothing more then a glorified pet?

"Give this to Ian, Constance," Daniel said handing her a sealed envelope. "Do not read it."

"Yeah, yeah," Constance said while yawning. "Can I please go now?" she whined.

Daniel opened the limo door and she kissed his cheek then got in. She watched the sky out the window and sighed after noticing the rain clouds above. It would rain soon again. It never did only storm one day at a time. Constance reached in her pocket and pulled out the new iPod Daniel got her. She played with it then nearly made the limo driver wreck when she squealed with joy while noticing that Daniel had put a few pictures of Ian on it.

Heart now hurting with a near death experience, the limo driver pulled up to her apartment and she got out.

Ian looked at the clock, it was getting late. Yawning, he stood and turned off the television. He jotted down a note for Constance, letting her know that if she was hungry her food was in the microwave, before crawling into his bed. Perhaps a good night's sleep was all he needed to clear his head.

"IAN!" Constance yelled and threw open the door. "I'm home!" She ran to his bed and jumped on it, landing on him as well. She sat on his hips and waved the note from Daniel. "Daniel sent you a letter!"

Ian groaned as she sat on top of him. Looking up at her and then at the letter he sighed. "Daniel sent me a letter?" That couldn't be anything good. Taking the envelope from her, he opened it up to see what it said.

"Ian, this is for your eyes only. I want it destroyed when you are done reading. After doing some test on Constance, I've discovered that she has taken a very fond, more so than we thought possible, liking of you. This letter is a warning. Constance hasn't had physical contact with any man other than me and those on her mission. What I'm saying is, she has never allowed herself to have intercourse with a man...ever...not since her father raped her in the past. I'm not sure exactly how she will react to you if you decided to take your relationship with her to that level. The boss wanted me to formally warn you of the possibility of her reacting unkindly should you touch her in a sexual way. As I have said before, she is unstable and being touched by another an could bring up unwanted memories. Just take it slow. And if you get her pregnant, the boss will have you killed."

Constance stared at Ian, watching his expression. She wanted to know what the letter said, but she was ordered against reading it so she sat patiently and waited until he was done.