Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twenty Two ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ian looked over her shoulder as she did this. "Who are they?" He was curious why she'd taken so many pictures, most of them were families. He was certain that Daniel could give him so psycho mumbo jumbo about what it was, but he wanted to hear it from her instead.

"Just people. I don't really know their names," she said and laughed lightly. "I've never met any of them."

"Any particular reason that you've taken so many pictures of random strangers?"

She looked down at them and ran her hand over them. "They are happy and a family. It's a nice thing. I like nice things," she stated simply. "Though," she flipped through a few pages and showed him one of the families had been painted red by her, "some of them I've been ordered to kill. So...no all of them have happy endings."

"Well while you do that I'm gonna grab a shower since I didn't get one earlier." No sooner had he said this then both their cell phones beeped. He checked his and frowned. "We've got a mission tomorrow afternoon...in the mall."

"Both of us?" she asked. "I thought they were splitting us up..." She walked to her phone and looked at it. It was a big mission that required cover. She smiled. "Sounds like fun!"

Ian stayed in the shower for quite some time, letting the warm water scald his skin. It felt good in a masochistic sort of way. Tomorrow was the second time he'd have a mission out in public since he'd arrived. The first time was on the boat and everyone died. He was going to be more careful this time. Innocents didn't need to get caught in the crossfire.

Stepping out of the shower he dried off and threw on his boxers. The cool air of the apartment hit him hard as he made his way to the couch, stopping only to look at Constance as she rummaged through her clothes. "You wearing a disguise tomorrow?"

"Yep," she said and laid out a summer dress with a blond wig. Beside the wig, she put out purple contacts. She then began to undress but stopped. "I forgot..." He had asked her before not to change in front of him. Zipping her dress back up, she went to the bathroom with her pajamas to change.

"I'm impressed," Ian said as she changed in the bathroom. "Though in all honesty, I think I've gotten accustomed to you changing in front of me." He looked over her disguise and smirked. He didn't have anything that would really change his appearance, but Constance had enough for twenty assassins. He could probably make something out of what she had. "Maybe I'll wear a disguise too, tomorrow." At the very least it might help to keep Shadow from recognizing them if he happened to show up again. He shuddered to think what that madman could do if he fought them inside a mall.

Constance came out of the bathroom and sat next to him on the couch. "I'm learning to show respect," she said and smiled innocently. "Besides, if I show you all the time, what will you have to look forward to when I do take my clothes off just for you?"

Ian just rolled his eyes at this. "Well I can always look forward to the next time you decide to play with me with your foot at a restaurant," he smirked. They were definitely going to have to go back there to eat again. Looking over at her disguise for tomorrow he couldn't help but to ask. "You gotta any disguise stuff that I could borrow?"

She nodded and went to her collection. She grabbed some green contacts and a dirty blond wig and set it next to her. "I use to dress up as a boy sometimes," she laughed. "I wasn't too good with pulling it off though. My targets always saw through it." She walked back over to him and sat in his lap, straddling him. "Why do I have to wait until we go to a restaurant?"

"Yeah, I think you'd have a hard time hiding those," he said, nodding to her chest. He smile faltered slightly as she straddled him. "W-well...I mean you don't have to wait I was just...that is..." And just like that he got tongue tied.

"It's better if you don't talk," she said and moved her lips over his.

Ian let her press her lips to his. He still wasn't going to let this go too far. Still, he wanted this, as much as he tried to deny it he did. His hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer as she kissed him. "Make me," he joked as they broke the kiss.

She smirked. "Working on it." Again, she pushed her lips and his and began nibbling lightly on his lips then trailed love bites down his jaw to his neck.

Ian made a mental note to wear a turtle neck tomorrow. Of course that thought was lost to the slight shudder as she began to bite harder. His hands slipped under her shirt and trailed up her back. His hands moved back from beneath her shirt. One grabbed her shoulder while the other began to fist her hair. Constance moaned lightly. Her hand slowly crawled up his chest, being careful with his wound but noting how close it really was to his heart. She reminded herself that she was aiming for her father and not Ian. She pulled her night gown up a bit, pushing her lower half against him and wrapping her other arm around his back. Her tongue swirled on his skin to smooth each bite she left behind.

Ian bit his lip to hide a groan as she pressed herself against him. God, the restraint it took not to simply take her then. He felt chills as her tongue swirled over his skin. He didn't know how much experience she had when it came to this, but she was good. Turning his neck to expose it more, he leaned forward and began trailing kisses from her cheek to her neck. He wasn't one for biting, though he seemed to enjoy more then he should, but he let his hands caress her cheek. Slowly his hand slid to her shoulder, rubbing it as he moved the strap of her nightgown off her shoulder. Constance pulled back lightly as his lips met her skin. Her hands started to trace the lines of his muscles and scars like she had before. A part of her wanted to close her eyes, but when he pulled down her straps, she knew she had to keep them open to watch him. She needed to make sure it was really Ian and not her father. The feeling of her silk gown made her shiver slightly as it rolled down her body and fell from her shoulders, lingering alone because her breasts held it tightly against her.

Ian's eyes fell to her chest. His fingers danced about her collarbone, avoiding her chest for now. Though you couldn't tell it, he was still slightly afraid that this might still go badly. He'd dodged one bullet, literally, but he wasn't certain that he would be able to dodge it again.

Constance lightly tugged at his boxers, the only thing he had chosen to wear after his shower. "We don't have to...I know you are afraid, Ian," she said slowly. Her eyes scanned his. "I can see it all over your face."

Ian looked at her and gave her a small smile. "Well...I mean, we don't have to go all the way," he said softly, stroking her face. "Let's just...go a little farther this time."

Constance tilted her head to the side. "A little further?" she asked curiously. She hadn't really ever fooled around with anyone before. The only memories she had of having sex were when her father was on top of her, and it wasn't anything gentle or sweet. She didn't know what else a person could really do.

Ian smiled. "Yes, a little further." Did she not know that people could have fun without sex? "You know, making out, oral, foreplay...."

"I know making out, I did it all the time with Daisy," she said. And she also knew about touching, her father made sure of that. "But what's oral and foreplay?" she asked.

And just like that things went from pleasure to awkward. "Umm, perhaps you should Daniel about those," he said slowly.

Constance face instantly turned sad. She was upset now. "Is it because I don't know? Is it because I can't do what you want me to? I can learn, Ian! I can please you!" she assured him.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Ian said. "It's nothing like that. It's just that well...its weird. I feel like I'm corrupting you if I tell you about that kinda stuff."

Constance laughed. "I think someone beat you to that, silly. I'm sure there isn't a lot of girls like me that kill for a living and shoot the people they care about because..." she looked down, "because of being used in the past..." She shook her head. "It doesn't matter." She slipped off him and pulled her straps up then sat on the couch beside him. "Don't worry about it. I'll ask Daniel."

Ian sighed. Great, another opportunity wasted. "Yeah, you do that," he said. Looking back over to her he began to fidget. Finally he just leaned over and kissed her once more. "Okay, I think I'm just going for a jog before I end up tearing your clothes off of you."

She smiled. "What's wrong with that? I wouldn't object!" she said with a giggle.

Ian bit his lip. "I'm sure you wouldn't," he said. Staring at her, he leaned forward and kissed her again, enjoying the simple taste of her lips. Before he knew what he was doing he pulled her close and laid back so that she was on top of him, and he simply proceeded to kiss her. Despite everything, sometimes the desires of the flesh overruled the sanctity of the mind.

Constance was a little taken back. He was being so forward. She let him control their kissing and moved her hands to his should while her body shivered with desire.

Ian felt her, even though she was on top of him she was light as a feather. She was such a small girl... Kissing her neck, he let his tongue lap at her flesh before he looked up at her. A small smile graced his lips as he gently began to bite at her skin. Normally, he didn't like to bite, but one good turn deserved another. As he nibbled on her flesh he slowly began to push himself up into a sitting position. Spreading her legs he made her straddle him. He had to bite his lip as she pressed against him when she moved. He was really sensitive down there right now. Constance nails dug in his shoulders as hit teeth lightly bit her flesh. She was hot and yet, she couldn't stop the goose bumps from forming on her flesh. Her hand moved to his cheek and forced his face up she her lips could connect to his. Again, she felt her straps fall from her shoulders and this time, she gave her gown a tug and let the silk fall from her breasts and pile up in her lap.

Ian didn't resist this time. His hands slid up the sides of her body before slowly, almost timidly, cupping her breasts. They were so warm to the touch, so firm. He squeezed them, letting his thumb rub her already erect nipples. Constance took a deep breath. Her face moved to his shoulder and her lips brushed his neck. One of her arms went around his body to hold him close and she felt her body stiffen as his hands touched her breast. Mentally she repeated over and over that it was Ian's hands and Ian's body. Slowly, but steadily, her body began to loosen once more.

Ian froze, hands on her breasts, until he felt her breathing begin to even out once more.
"I'm not going to get stabbed, am I?" he asked softly as he nuzzled her neck.

Constance shook her head against him.
"I have...control..." she assured him, though she felt like she was saying it more for herself.

"We can stop." Though he didn't want to, he felt that stopping was a much better alternative to dying.

Constance pulled back lightly and grabbed her night gown. She lifted it completely over her head and threw it on the ground. Shaking hands grabbed his and put them back on her breast.
"I'm ok...just go slow..."

He nodded slowly. Leaning forward he kissed her, but then he kissed her collar bone, and finally the valley between her breasts. He gently nipped the top of her chest before letting his tongue flick over her nipples. While he sucked and nibbled on one, his other hand worked to massage and tease the other. Constance eyes widened and her head looked up at the ceiling. She had never had that done before...it was...nice. Unknowingly, her back arched and she pushed her chest more towards his mouth. Her fingers went to his lips and traced them, trying to remember his kiss. Ian's eyes widened as she moved and he began sucking on more of her breast then he had bargained for. Even so, he smirked at the challenge. When her fingers traced his lips, he pulled back and looked at her. His hands slid down to her hips, where he proceeded to gently push herself against him. Biting his lip, he remained quiet even as he shuddered. Constance winced lightly. She grabbed his hand that brushed her sore wound and moved it slightly. Taking a deep breath, the pain was like a wakeup call, reminding her that she was still fragile at the moment. Pushing away the thought, her lips crashed over his and her hips grind against his.

Ian couldn't help it. When she kissed him and began to grind against him, he moaned into her mouth. A blush spread across his cheeks even as his tongue began to work its way into her mouth. She pulled back for air and her head flew back roughly. He had hit something and she was breathing hard. It felt so good. What was that? Wanting to feel more, her hand went to the rim of his boxers and pulled at them. Ian watched as her hand went to his boxers. Were they really going to? No, but they could go far enough. He arched his back so that she could take them off easier. Constance moved off him as he and she worked to get his boxers off. She dropped them to the ground as she stared at his penis. He was so hard. Her eyes moved from his lower half as she stood above him. Her fingers went to her silk panties, ready to let the drop to the ground at her feet.

Ian watched as her fingers went to her panties. Taking his hands, he stopped her.
"No...not, yet," he told her. "Let's...go slow into this."

Constance met his eyes. "I...don't know what to do..." she admitted.

Ian smiled
. "It's okay, you don't have to do anything," he told her. Of course now he felt slightly weird just being as exposed as he was. Seeing as how she was standing above him, he let his hands move to her hips as he kissed between her legs, letting his head rest there for a moment. He'd forgo his own needs for now. His hands slid between her legs and he began to rub her through her panties.

Constance felt the goose bumps again. Her legs felt like noodles as she stood there. That was it! That's the spot! A small squeak exited her lips and her legs started to shake. Ian tried hard not to laugh when she squeaked. Seeing her legs shaking, he decided to have mercy on her. Pulling her on top of him, he groaned as her flesh connected with penis. Looking at her, he moved on top of her and began kissing his way down to between her legs. Once there, he continued to rub her through her panties. She felt like she was drifting away, and she hadn't noticed he had moved her on the couch until his hands left her for only a second. Once he connected his fingers back to her panties, she began whimpering. She had no idea what was happening, but something was building and she felt like she was on fire.

Ian smiled. Judging from her reaction she had never touched herself before. That was surprising, though he still felt slightly dirty for what he was doing. Still, now she was more likely to stab him for stopping then for continuing. Moving her soaked panties to the side, he slowly slid a finger into her, his eyes on her face to see what her reaction was. Constance gasped. Her cheeks flushed as his finger entered her. She tensed at first and as his finger moved in her, she once again began to loosen. Her hands went to the couch and she tried gripping it while taking deep breaths.

Ian hesitated, but slowly he began to move the finger in and out of her. While he did that, his other hand began to work on her clit, rubbing it in rhythm of his finger pumping. She was embarrassed. This was embarrassing. Her body was losing control. It bucked and tried to get the finger deeper. Her eyes closed and she bit her lip, but couldn't hold back moans. Though he was sorely tempted, Ian kept just one finger in there. She probably wanted more if not all of them, but there was no way she was ready for that. She was too tight as it was. He continued to pump her, but seeing as how close she was he figured that he'd help her out. Leaning forward he began to flick his tongue over her clit. Constance again stiffened; however, her hand slowly moved to his hair and started to rub his head. She blushed again as her legs went wider as if she was inviting more, but she was going overboard. His tongue worked on her and she was losing it. Her back arched again and she dug her nails in the couch while letting out a scream.

Ian blushed as she screamed. The neighbors were going to wonder what those 'teenagers' were doing. At least Constance enjoyed herself, however. Letting his tongue flick across her opening once more he put her panties back how they were and crawled on top of her, a smile on his face.

"So you're a screamer, huh?"

Constance covered her hands with her face. "What did you do to me?" she asked. So was mortified. That scream even surprised her, yet it was the best feeling she had ever had.

Ian smirked.
"Well, I believe that's what the kid's call 'fingering', but I might be wrong." He stopped as he realized she was really mortified. "You've never...touched yourself have you?"

Constance spread her fingers a little to look at him. She shook her head no. "I don't know how to make myself do that..." Obviously she was talking about the orgasm.

Well, this was going to be an interesting talk.
"Well, all you have to do is play around until something feels right," he told her. "It's not too hard."

Constance closed her fingers once more, hiding herself from the world. "It's so embarrassing."