Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twenty Seven ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Constance shifted under the covers as the sun kissed her cheeks. She let her hand run up Ian's chest. With her eyes still closed, she brought herself up to his shoulder and rested her head there. Her mind went back to the night before with him. She smiled. It was better than she thought it would have been. All this time she had feared it and now, all she could think about was how perfect it was. His warm body pressed against hers and suddenly, nothing else in the world mattered. She tried to push everything else out of her head, but there was a small voice in her head asking her if he had done it just because she wanted to or if he had done it because he cared about her. Did he care about her? Like really care about her? If he didn't...why was he with her, in the bed, naked? Her eyes opened and she looked at him. He didn't love her. Why didn't it hurt when he told her that then instead of now? Why was it hurting so much now?

Ian groaned as she began to move on top of him. Opening up his eyes he gave her a tiny, tired smile. "Good morning," he said, turning his head to stifle a yawn. The events of last night registered in his head like a movie which wouldn't shut off. He'd known that last night was bound to be a mistake, now he was simply waiting for the repercussions of it.

Constance pushed aside her feelings. So what if he didn't love her? Or care about her that much... He was here, now, with her in bed. That was all the mattered...right? She smiled at him and kissed his lips. "Good morning!" she sang.

"Well you're pretty cheerful for someone who had their apartment burned last night," he said with a small laugh. Wrapping his arms around her waist he rolled over so that he was on top of her. Kissing her lightly he started to crawl out of bed. "I'm curious to see what all has happened since last night."

Constance sat up and started grabbing her clothes. "Yeah, it kinda sucks that I lost everything I've ever own, but at least I still have you so I can't really complain." She slipped on her panties then her bra and went for her dress and shoes. "I think I'm going to sneak out and see if anything survived the fire or if Shadow left me a little note. He's insane like that," she joked.

"You're not going out alone," Ian told her. He wasn't about to let her go back to their place just to activate s trip mine or get shot by a sniper. "Let me get dressed and I'll go with you."

Constance shook her head. "No. No offense, Ian, but you slow me down," she said. "Besides, I need someone here to cover for me if Daniel tries to find me." She slipped on her shoes then went to the dresser. All the rooms had a gun behind the dresser. She pushed it aside and pulled out the gun, checked if it was loaded, then strapped it to her thigh. "I won't be long. But I wouldn't wait up for me if I don't come back before too long."

Ian sighed. "Fine, but be careful okay." She might be the legendary Muse, but to him she was still just a small girl. A small girl with a psychopath after her. "Try not to be gone too long in case something happens here."

Constance laughed. "Nothing ever happens here," she said and waved to him. "See you later!"

She walked out the door and took the stairs to the bottom floor. It was the only way to sneak out. She took a few halls to the back of the building and went through the cafeteria to go through to back exit. Daniel didn't have people watching her there and she knew it. Constance walked out the back door then smiled. Piece of cake.

Ian just slumped on the bed, she'd better be right about this. Laying down he just closed his eyes. Since she was going to be gone that meant that he could rest and relax for a little bit.

The boss appeared on the tv in Daniel's room. "Grab the Muse and get up here. Things have just gone from bad to worse."

Constance rounded the corner to her apartment and sighed. The whole thing was gone. Somehow, it was all contained to just her apartment and the others were unharmed. How unfair! She walked up to the door and pasted through the police tap. The whole room was completely blackened and you couldn't make out much at all. Only metal and ashes remained. She walked through it, scanning everything for a sign from Shadow.

Amidst the ruin and destruction there was one thing which was seemingly untouched by the fire. It was her scrapbook. There was a piece of paper jutting out of it.

Constance grabbed her scrapbook and flipped it open. All the pages were covered with photoshopped pictures of her and Ian's death. She flipped through them viciously, and only grew more pissed with each page. The last page she stopped on. A picture of her laughing was covered the top half and the bottom was her name, codename, social security number, and three things listed for her weakness: clumsy in rain, scared of thunder, Ian Davis, codename Phantom. Constance paled. She looked around her as if she was being watched. How many assassins knew this information?! How many were after her now? Holding the book close to her body, she started running back towards the building, praying that she wouldn't get ambushed by a swarm of assassins. After all, her death was worth millions.

"And boom goes the dynamite." Shadow pressed the button, and suddenly the entire apartment complex behind her erupted as the bombs he had hidden went off one by one. He'd sent the signal, not to see if anyone was brave enough to try to take out the legendary Muse. Grabbing a walkie talkie he smiled. "Come on ladies and gents. Don't be shy! Whoever gets the lucky shot gets the prize!"

The boss was fuming as Daniel and Ian joined him in his room. Holding up the image of Constance and her info he tossed it at them. "That has been sent to every agency in the U.S. Everyone knows now!"

Constance screamed as her body flew forward from the blast. She shifted her body in the air and landed on her back, sliding over pavement. People were screaming and running. Getting to her feet, Constance ripped out the page in her book with her information and threw the book away. Her cover was already gone, she mind as well live up to it. Pulling out her gun, she headed for the building again.

She didn't get far before two assassins landed in front of her. Bother were from Hades. They smiled at her.

"You really messed up, Muse. Or shall I say Constance," one of the men said. The other laughed. "Your death is going to buy my way out of this business."

Constance smirked. "Let's see, it's not raining and I hear no lightning so I take that as you being fucked," she laughed.

In a flash she was gone and the two assassins stepped back. Neither of them expected her to be so fast. Constance grabbed a trash can lid and threw it at one of them, hitting them in the head. She fired a few shots and one of the yelled out as the other one's brains plastered the ground. Laughing Constance grabbed the dead guy's gun. The living man fired off at her but she was too fast. Her foot connected with his face and before he hit the ground she put a bullet in the back of his head.

Wasting no time, she started towards Epsilon. Again she didn't get far. More showed up. Constance repeated her killing spree over and over and by the tenth kill, she was getting tired. Her guns were empty and she was relying on the dead assassins' weapons. She hadn't gotten hit, and since she didn't have anyone to look after, she was able to keep herself out of harms reach.

Daniel snatched the paper from the boss. His eyes grew wide. Before he could say anything, the building shook with an explosion. Daniel ran to the window. In the distance he could see Constance apartment on fire all over again.

"She's out there alone!" he yelled.

Ian was already gone. Once he'd seen her picture on the paper he knew that things had indeed just gone from bad to worse. Running into Brian, he didn't even stop to talk. "Constance's cover has been blown where the hell do you guys keep the big guns in here?"

Brian pulled Ian's shirt and directed him the other way. The both ran down a different hall and into a room with a steel door. Brian punched a few number in and the door opened. The room was covered in layers of guns, blades, explosives, and bullets. Brian grabbed a few things and his phone rang. It was Daniel.

"I want her back here now! Do anything you have to, Brian! Burn the city down if it comes to it! Get her back here safe!" he yelled. He didn't bother asking the boss for permission. When it came to Constance safety, he would do anything.

"Already on it," Brian said and hung up the phone. He smirked at Ian. "Dude...I got the clear to burn down the city."

Ian stuffed his hand into Brian's pocket and pulled out his lighter. "I'll be holding onto this until we get Constance back," he said. While he was fairly certain it would take more than one lighter to burn down the city, he also knew that Brian was a pyro. He could probably pull it off. He grabbed what guns he could and took a large bundle of knives with him as well. They streets were already a war zone, so they might as well come prepared for a war.

Brian sighed. "No fair!" He shrugged. Another explosion shook the building. "We should hurry." With that said he started running out.

Constance flew back and landed hard against a building. Her body slid down until she was on the ground. She struggled to stand.

"Finally! She bleeds!" someone yelled as blood trailed down her face.

"So sorry that it had to take an explosion to do that," another teased.

Constance smirked as she struggled to stay standing. She was so tired and she had killed so many of them. Where were they all coming from. Still, she smiled. "If I die, I'm going to die a legion. I've kill twenty three of you so far and you have just gotten me to bleed. Another twenty three and you might get another trail of blood," she laughed.

They grunted. Constance gripped the knife hard in her hand. Again, they charged.

The one closest to her fell with a knife stuck firmly in his skull. "Where in the hell are the police?" Ian muttered out loud. "Aren't they the ones who usually take care of this kind of stuff?" He tossed another knife and embedded it into the face of one of the assassins. Now that he had their attention he just waved at them.

"Hey, I'm just here to get Constance. If you guys would just step away from her that'd be great." This was bad. Right now they were all breaking the cardinal rule of an assassin, remain in the shadows. Here they were fighting in broad daylight where everyone could see them. Already he could see news crews beginning to push through the crowd of people.

Constance smiled. "Hi!" she waved to Brian and Ian. She was a mess, covered in others' blood and dirty. There was barely any visible part of her skin.

Brian waved back. "We have come to get you," he said as he shot at some of them. "I brought you a present!" He threw her a gun of the crowd. Everyone tried catching it, but Constance flew for it first. The stepped back as she caught it. "Yeah...I'd run now if I were you guys."

Constance fired and three of them landed at her feet. She kept firing. "Stupid good for nothing police. I bet they were bought out!" she complained while half of them ran and the other half fought Brian and Ian. "Reload!" Brian tossed her another clip and she reloaded.

Brian fired off his gun and helped her clear the way to them. She ran up to Ian first. "You came for me," she said.

"Daniel ordered us to," Brian said. Her heart fell. Again, she just felt like a job. "But I would have came anyway," he winked. "I love to kill."

"For the record, right now might be a bad time for this...but I told you coming out alone was a bad idea." He spun around and stabbed a knife into the neck of one of the assassins. Grabbing his gun from his hip he shot two rounds into the chest of the next guy. "Apparently they were trying to kill you with sheer numbers rather then skill."

Sighing, he realized that this was going nowhere fast. Reaching into the bag he brought with him he pulled out a grenade. Pulling the pin he held it out for the assassins to see. "Okay guys, you've got to the count of three before I let go of this and everyone goes boom. We're all professionals here. You guys probably know that this wouldn't be the first time I've blown myself up; and while I'll do it, it hurts like hell. So please, just leave or else all of these," he opened up his bag to reveal it was full of grenades. "Will make a big mess."

Brian paled. "But I don't want to die!"

Constance smacked him in the head. She grabbed another gun and pointed it at the bag. "Trust me, I won't miss," she smirked at the other. "I'm not afraid to die either."

Slowly, they all began to back away. With her guns still extended and Brian's eyes scanning the area, the three of them walked back to the building, not letting their guard down. As soon as they walked in, the building went on code red lock down. Windows and doors sealed then were covered by metal, bullet proof shutters. Round the clock surveillance was set up outside with cameras and guns. Constance let her guns slip from her fingers as her eyes rolled back in her head. She could finally rest. Her body went limp and she started for the ground.

Ian slumped against the door and sighed. "Thank God that's over," he muttered. Taking his hand off the holding sequence for the grenade he held it over his mouth and let the sugary candy inside fall into his mouth. Chewing on the sugar he tossed the plastic grenade in his bag with the rest of them. What kind of idiot brought live grenades to a gun fight? Seriously, being blown up hurt like hell. He didn't want to go through that again.

Looking down at Constance he soon scooped her up into his arms. "C'mon, I'll go take you back to your room."

Daniel intercepted them. He rushed to Constance. "You're covered in blood..."

She held up her hand. "It's not all mine. Just a scratch on the head is all." She smiled. "How mad is Boss Man?"

Daniel glanced at Ian. He didn't want to say the truth. The boss had blamed all this on Ian. If Ian had never shown up, Constance would have never had him as a weakness and if he had never been in the way, Constance would have taken care of Shadow long ago. Daniel didn't agree, of course, but what he felt didn't matter. The boss just simply hated Ian and wanted him gone.

"Don't worry about that. Let's get you cleaned up," he said and lifted her from Ian's arms. "Just rest. I'll take care of you."

He walked off leaving Brian and Ian behind. Brian walked up to Ian and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Man, was it just me or did he give you a look?" Brian looked at Ian. "You know," he held up a piece of paper with the picture of Constance and her information. "You're listed as one of her weaknesses."

Ian didn't like it, but he let Daniel take her from him. Once the two of them were gone he looked back at Brian. "Yeah, I'm sure that this is somehow all my fault," he told him. His eyes narrowed, however, when he heard what Brian had said about her weaknesses. Taking the piece of paper from him, he read it slowly. His lips turned into a frown as he balled the piece of paper up and tossed it away. "I'm not a weakness...."

"I'm not saying you are, but to her, you are. She took a bullet for you. She would do it again. According to rumors around here, she told the boss that she would die for you. She looked straight at him and said she would get shot over and over if it meant that you didn't have to." Brian shrugged. "You have her tied around your finger. Maybe that's why the boss dislikes you so much. Because you are the first person she would ever die for." Brian started walking to his room. "That makes you her weakness."

He stood there for quite some time after Brian left, mulling over what he had just told him. An assassin’s job was to kill, not to protect. If by killing someone they protected someone else, that was just a benefit of their job. He didn't know how to protect people. That just wasn't what he did. So how could he protect Constance from him? How could he make her see, that his life wasn't more important than hers?