Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twenty Nine ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"This isn't the time for dramatics Daniel. She has to get out of here, because we can't protect her! It's not just Hades and the others. We have agencies from other countries starting to connect the dots, and once that happens she's as good as dead. If you want her to live for longer then a week, we have to kill off Constance and make her someone else. Then we can put her into hiding, and once all this blows over she can come back." His brother was letting his judgment be clouded by feelings for this girl. It was overruling the simple fact that she was going to die if they didn't do something to get her out of here.

Ian wrapped an arm around Constance and held her close. "This...will all probably blow over soon enough," he told her. Though by 'blow over' he meant that it was going to take Godzilla coming to town to distract people from this.

Daniel looked at the closet in his office with the large lock on it. "I'll change her hair and her eyes, but nothing else. She's too young." Pulling out a key from his pocket, he unlocked the lock and opened the door. "I've been prepared for this...so has Brian. I'm putting it into affect immediately," he added and closed his phone.

Behind him Brian stood. "So...I really get to do something now?"

"Don't joke, you got five hours." Brian nodded and left.

Constance smiled at Ian. "Yeah...I'm sure..." she said. Grabbing his hands, she pulled him to the bed. "Sleep with me."

With Ian next to her body, Constance drifted off to sleep. Followed behind her was Ian. All was quiet until five hours later when the door to their room opened. Arms wrapped around Constance frame and she was lifted off the bed. Ian didn't budge. Daniel looked down at Constance as he walked out of the room with her close to his chest. Constance slowly woke and looked up at him.


Daniel placed her on her feet then put a finger on his mouth letting her know to be quiet. Constance nodded. Taking her hand, Daniel went to the bottom floor of the building. He walked to the back room and went down a separate set of stairs that led to the underground floor. The floor was for the mail room and maintenance. Constance had only been down here a few times while exploring. Daniel led her to another room and to a back wall. The wall had a book case just like all the other walls. Daniel turned to her. She was in her pajamas still with no shoes.

"You have to listen to me closely and for once Constance, please do not fight with me," he said. All Constance could do was nod. He looked so sad yet so serious. His hands went to her shoulders. "You have to run. I've arranged everything for you in this," he handed her a sealed, thick envelop. "It will tell you where to go, where to stop, who to talk to, and who to trust." Constance looked behind them at the door. He forced her to face him. He knew what she was thinking. "Ian...can't come, Constance."

Constance shook her head. "I won't..."

He placed a finger over her mouth. "If you want him safe, you have to leave him behind." Small tears fell from her eyes. "If he goes with you, he will slow you down." He grabbed a backpack on the floor and helped her put it on.
"But...I love him, Daniel..."

"He doesn't love you, Constance," Daniel said in a low voice. "And you can't force him to live this life with you. I'm going to give him back his original identity and let him go." Her eyes searched his. She was getting scared. "He gets to have a way out of this, Constance. Let him have it."

Constance looked down as she cried. She knew he was right and she knew that Ian deserved a life that didn't involve always running and dodging death. But, if Ian didn't come, she would be all alone. "I can't...do this alone..."

Daniel forced her to look at him. "I would never send you out alone. And if I could, I would go with you, but first I have to fix Ian and get him out." Behind them, Brian stepped up with a backpack on his back and a suitcase in his hand. Constance glanced at him. "Brian has watched me for years. He knows how to take care of you and he knows everything you need. I've prepared him just for this."


Daniel nodded and brushed her hair. "You have to learn to trust him. You have to learn that I have put all my faith in him, Constance. A long time ago, he was brought here just for you just like Ian was but in a different way. He was brought here to replace me if something like this should happen." Constance shook her head and he placed his hands on her face. "Not everything you know about his is true. Epsilon can change a persons records with a flash and I needed him to blend in. Trust him, Constance. Trust him with your life. He will die for you and he will live for you."

"But he shouldn't have to do this either...he should get out like Ian..."

Brian stepped forward again and Constance saw that he had dyed his hair. It was strawberry blond now. Daniel glanced at him then back at Constance. "As I have said, there is a lot that you don't know about him. Follow him until your legs can't move anymore then crawl. Don't stop."

Daniel moved behind her and pulled at the shelf. It opened like a door. Constance could see nothing but darkness behind it. Brian turned on a flashlight and Daniel nodded to him. Brian walked in. Daniel pulled Constance to him and held her close.

"I will meet you at the third safe house. Follow the plan. Don't jump ahead." She nodded against him while crying hard and trying to be quiet. "I love you, Constance. And I will see you soon."

His body left her and she looked down the blackness where Brian was. Daniel pushed her to it. Taking one last look at him, Constance walked behind Brian and her form disappeared from sight. Daniel closed the shelf back then started back to his office. His chest hurt. He knew he was doing the right thing and he knew that Constance would be ok. As he got to the floor where Constance room was, he decided to check on Ian. Walking to it, he peeked in. Ian was still sleeping. Tomorrow he would give him Jack back and he could have a fresh start. He would never have to worry about this mess or about Constance. He would get what he always wanted, a way out.

After Daniel shut the door, Ian rolled over onto his back. So it had come to this had it? Well, at least Constance should be safe now. If they got her out without anyone knowing then hopefully no one would find her. At least not until all of this blows over. Tomorrow morning the boss was going to be interesting indeed. Reaching beneath his pillow, he grabbed the knife and began to play with it. He wasn't going to sleep much tonight, not until he knew what was going to happen.

Constance stared out the window of the train. She looked in the envelope and pulled out to train tickets and passed them to the conductor. Daniel had everything so detailed. Brian smiled at her and handed her another tissue. Her eyes were puffy and red. She had been crying since they left. They had arrived at the train station before the sun was up and Brian pulled out some hair dye from his bags. They dyed her hair black, very dark, very jet black. She wore a hat over her curls and Brian had added a few extensions to make her hair longer. She put in to green colored contacts Daniel had applied her with, following the letter in her envelope very closely, not missing one step. She had changed into the outfit she was told to and when she looked at herself in the mirror, she no longer felt like herself.

Brian held up a juice box and Constance took it. "I'll protect you, Constance. I promise," he whispered.

Constance looked up at him as she played with the tissue and juice box. "Who are you?"

Daniel had Ian brought to his office and before Ian could ask any questions, he was stuck with a needle and put on an operating table. As Ian lay sleeping, Daniel worked on his face, making the younger version of Jack disappear and the older version resurface. Daniel didn't have to do much, it was a simple to him and with all the drugs and tools, he was able to erase the bruising and hide most of the stitching. The swelling was even small than he thought it would be. He put an ice mask on Ian's face and before leaving his to rest, he changed his name back to Jack.

Looking out the window, the sun was just rising. Constance would be in the next state by now.

"Where is she?" That was the first words out of the boss's mouth when he realized Constance was no longer there. He knew that his brother had his secrets, but he never dreamed that he would've moved her without his knowledge. Looking in to the operating room, his eyes narrowed. "What's going on in there?" He didn't authorize any of this.

Daniel moved away from the window. "She's safe," he said. Dark rings hovered below his eyes and it was obvious he was stressed. "He is Jack again. If they are looking for Constance, they will look for Ian. They know he is her weakness which means they know that if they find Ian, Constance will be close behind. Which is why I split them up and why I gave him his old face back."

Brian sat back in his chair as Constance searched his eyes for answers. "I was a student at UCLA when I was twelve. I graduated early from high school and went straight to college. I started studying new advances in medical drugs and that's how Epsilon found me. Daniel took one look at me and said that he would give me anything I wanted if I would promise my life to you." Constance's gripped her tissue tighter. "The only thing I wanted was to work with medicine and for my parents to never have to worry about money or bills again. So Epsilon gave my parents a large house and a lot of money, more than anyone could ever hope to gain in a lifetime. I changed my names, created a profile as a killer and trained. I trained until my bones broke while they trained you. When I got older, they brought me out of hiding and introduced me to you and the others. I was told I couldn't leave the building because of my love of fire, but really, I couldn't leave because I was secretly training under Daniel. It was a secret because Daniel wanted me as back up. As I grew older, I watched you and learned everything I could. It didn't take long for me to come and think of you as someone I could be with, and at first, that was Daniel's plan, to get you to love me. But you didn't respond to me. Not like Ian. So I had to stay in the back ground."

Constance shook her head. "But you're gay."

Brian smiled. "Yes, but I like girls too, Constance." Constance sat her juice box down. "I don't mind doing this with you. I don't mind running with you and helping you stay safe. I do it because I care about you and I respect Daniel. Though, I don't care about you like you think." She tilted her head at him. He smirked. "I see you as a sister." Just lightly, Constance smiled. "I won't betray you, Constance and if you let me, I'll be beside you the whole way."

Constance looked out the window as the trees passed them. "I wish Ian was here."

Brian grabbed his bag and opened it. Shifting through some things, he pulled out a picture and held it out. Constance reached for it and began to cry again. She cradled it to her heart.

"Where did you get this?"

"I took it from his file after they made him into Ian," Brian said. The picture was the same picture Constance had once attached herself to when picking out an assassin with the boss. It was the picture of Ian...only it was Jack really. It was the picture that first put her on the path to fall in love with him. It was that face that she loved the most. "I thought that if something should happen, you would want to remember him."

Constance looked down at the picture and ran her hand over it. "I'll never see him again, will I?"

"Oh, so that's why my face feels as if someone just pounded on it for hours." Ian was leaning against the wall with an ice pack pressed to his face. In the other hand he had some pain pills he'd grabbed from the medical wing. Tossing this in his mouth he gave a small wave to the boss, just to annoy him.

"I can see you've thought this through," the boss said, looking from I- no, Jack, back to his brother. "Regardless, I want to be kept in the loop and informed of what's going on. I can't have my best assassin running around the world without my knowledge."

The boss stormed off, roughly pushing past Ian, who winced slightly before turning to Daniel. "So am I Jack again? Or who am I now?"

Daniel went to the filing cabinet and pulled out his file. He tossed on the table next to Jack. "You are free," he said. "Everything you ever were when you were Ian is in that file. You can burn it and move on. I won't erase your memory, I want you to remember her. I want you to remember exactly what it felt like having her next to you and exactly what it sounded like when she laughed. Because there isn't any telling if you will ever get to see her again." He pulled out a picture from his wallet and placed it on Jack's old file. It was a picture of Constance. "Unless you want to burn her from your life too." He wasn't meaning to sound harsh. He was tired. What he was trying to say to Jack was that he could wash his hands from Epsilon and from Constance, but he had to remember. He had no choice but to remember.

Jack stared down at his file. He let his hands fall on it before looking up at Daniel. "What are my options?" he asked. He knew that he could leave if he wanted to, but he also wanted to know what would happen if he stayed. He wasn't going to make a decision until all the cards were laid out on the table.

"You can leave and be free. You'll be paid enough to live a wealthy life. You won't have to run or hide, we will send you anywhere you wish to go and never bother you again. You'll live the life you always wanted to live, free of killing and free of rules," Daniel said. He sat down. "However, if you stay, I need to know exactly why you are staying. No bullshit, no hiding behind rose colored glasses. If you are staying because of her I need to know that you are dedicated. Otherwise you are useless to Epsilon and you will be order to leave anyways." He pushed the picture of Constance to him. "Honestly I don't know why you are asking for options. Isn't this what you have always wanted? Your file, your money, and her away from you?"

Jack nodded. "Yeah, it is always what I've wanted. A life away from all this crap." He wanted a normal life. One where he didn't have to sleep with a gun. One where he didn't have to stay held up in hotels for weeks on end to hide or have to worry about random strangers killing him. That really sounded like heaven, but he wasn't a believer. Heaven was nothing more than a magical place that didn't exist. The same could be said for his reality.

"Things change, however. I'll stay, because I owe it to her. There will always be other outs, but I'd feel like a real jerk if I left now just when things were getting interesting."

Daniel shook his head. "I don't want you here if you feel you owe her something, Jack. You can leave now. Take your file with you."

"Then what do you want me here for? What reason do you want me to give to stay?" He'd asked him for the truth and he'd given it to them. It wasn't as if they didn't need him seeing as how some of their top assassins were either dead or on the run now.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Daniel said and took the picture of Constance. He stood and walked to the door. "Like I said, take your file with you. If you find out where you want to be relocated, you have my cell. Money will be wired to your account as soon as you leave."

He said nothing more. He walked out of his office and got straight into the elevator. Pushing the code in for the top floor, he looked down at the picture of Constance. It would be all up to Brian now. Until he is able to meet them, it was up to Brian to keep her in check.

Jack took his file and watched as Daniel left. Man that guy could be an ass sometimes. Turning and following Daniel, he stopped the elevator door from closing. He had to all but pry it open to force himself inside. "I still want Constance's picture," he said when the doors closed.

Daniel tilted his head slightly. "What for?"

"Because I want it. Does it matter what the reasons are?" Did this guy seriously have to evaluate everything he said? If he wanted that he'd just go see a psychiatrist.

"It matters to me. And if you want it so bad, then you won't mind telling me why," he stated simply as the elevator went up.

"I just want something to remember her," Jack told him. "I just spent the last month and a half with her, and well...." He stopped and looked away. "As I've said before, I care about her so can I please just have the picture?"

Daniel smiled to himself and handed Jack the picture. "Don't go telling people about Epsilon," he joked at the elevator stopped and the doors opened. He stepped out and pushed the bottom floor button. As the doors closed he smiled at Jack. "I'll see you around," he said and the doors shut. Daniel headed for his room.

Jack took the picture and nodded. Suddenly...he wasn't certain what to do. All his life he'd been told where to go, what to do, who to kill. He was free and suddenly very nervous. What was he going to do now? He just stood in the elevator, mulling this over with an increased sense of dread.