Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Forty One ( Chapter 41 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jack didn't bother scoping out the building. The target was in there and that was all that mattered. Kicking down the front door of the house, he fired two shots, killing the wife. Next he moved through the house until he found the man he was looking for. Obviously the guy had been expecting him, because had a gun and was ready to fire. Unfortunately he never got the chance due to a bullet lodging into his skull. Dialing his clients, he let them know that the deed was done and to transfer the funds to his account. Shutting his cell, he looked around the real where he was. It was a small residential district, quite the contrast to the towering cities he'd just come from.

Brian looked out the window as a gun was fired. He went to the door and locked it. So much for the peaceful area Daniel had promised. Someone had already gotten their life cut short. He went back upstairs and checked on Constance. Her iPod was still blaring in her ears. He walked in and laid next to her. With a killer out there on the same street as them, he needed to be with her at all times.

Putting his guns within the confides of his jacket, he pulled his hat down low as he started out. The Phantom was back and killing again. Killing just so that for the briefest of moments he could feel alive. Stopping, he looked back toward one of the houses. He felt as if someone was watching him. Shaking that thought from his head he started back home. He'd barely been back a day and already he was killing. He needed a drink.

A month had passed and Constance had seen almost everything she wanted to see. Brian had filled the house with many things to keep her occupied, but she grew bored easily. She laid in their back yard looking up at the sky while Brian grilled their dinner. He glanced at her as he flipped a burger. She looked bored but picked up a thing of bubbled to spark an interest. She hadn't spoken about Jack in a week, and Brian had seen this as a good sign.

Before she stopped talking about Jack, Brian asked her questions about him for his records. Mainly about why she didn't kill him. She didn't have a good answer. Usually she got quiet then shrugged, but it was obvious to Brian that the reason behind it was because her heart wouldn't let her pull the trigger. She asked him questions as well, like why he let Sheila kiss him. He said he didn't know the whole story, but it seemed that Jack had done it as part of a plan to keep her out of harms way, though to Brian, he really didn't understand how kissing someone would save them. Constance also pointed out that they had kissed for eight full seconds before she pulled them apart and people don't kiss for that long unless there was something there or it was a mission. It obviously wasn't a mission. Brian had said that most likely Jack had led Sheila to believe there was something there in order to keep her safe, still trying to make excuses for him. When Constance asked him what he meant, he could no longer make excuses. He said that most likely he had kissed Sheila beforehand or done other things to make her think kissing him in public was more than ok. That was when Constance stopped talking about him.

Jack groaned. He had a splitting headache. His body was sore all over. Why was it sore?

"Morning cutie." Lips pressed against his and for a second his thoughts drifted to Constance. That mental image quickly passed when he realized that it wasn't Constance kissing him, but rather Brad. The later was already up and starting to get dressed. Just how much alcohol did he have last night.

His ears hurt as did other places. Running his hands over his ears, he sighed as he pulled back tiny drops of blood. Damn it, he pulled his earrings again. On one of his drunken stupors he decided to get a few things pierced. At least it was better than a tattoo.

"I'll see you later," Brad said with a smile.

"Yeah, later." No, he wouldn't. Once he was gone Jack began to clean up. This was the third time this week that he swore off alcohol. He was starting to see a pattern. He'd just barely finished cleaning when his cell rang. Flipping it open, he listened to the job. High security. Big risk. Little time to plan. Sounded suicidal. "Sure, I'll take it." Hanging up he grabbed a shower and got dressed.

"Let's go!" Constance laughed.

Brian smiled. It was good to hear her laugh again. She almost seemed like her normal self again. Constance grabbed his hand and they began running. There wasn't any rush, she just wanted to run, and he didn't mind letting her. They ran up to the mall doors and Brian opened them. Constance's eyes grew wide. She loved this place. They went there often just so she could play around and shop. Brian couldn't deny her. She tugged at his hand and he walked next to her. A few minutes later she thrusted something in his face.

"Here, for your records. So you don't have to remember everything." It was a clipboard like Daniel's. Brian took it. "Now you won't have to remember everything to write it down later."

Brian leaned over and pushed his lips to her temple. She beamed.

Jack watched as the security did its rounds around the mall. He couldn't help but to think of the first time that he and Constance had done a mission similar to this. Of course there was no secret party to get into this time. It was just going to be a straight forward kill and run. Pushing his way through the crowds, he began to scan his surroundings. He knew this mall backward and forward, which meant that he had the advantage. Still, he was going to have to find his target quickly before the security decided that he looked too suspicious.

Brian pulled Constance up the stairs to the next floor. Outside, it was starting to rain and he needed to get ear plugs. Constance couldn't hear the thunder yet with all the commotion in the mall, but it would only be a matter of time. Already she was looking uncomfortable and antsy. Brian walked into a hardware store and started looking for earplugs. Finding them, he paid for them quickly then pulled her out and sat her on a bench. She looked up at the glass ceiling in the mall to see the lightning. Brian forced her to look at him while he put the ear plugs in.

"Don't worry," he said as she read his lips. "I'll take care of you." He had said that to her so much lately.

Jack rode the escalator to the second floor. Keeping his hat pulled down low he surveyed a group of guards which were tightly knit. There was his target. A small smirk came to his lips as he checked the ceiling. No real vantage point from which to shoot. He was going to have to get close and personal. Moving through the crowd he kept his hand on his gun. Sidestepping one couple, he accidentally bumped into someone else.

"Sorry," he mumbled, not paying much attention to them. His target was close, he could lose focus. When guards fear their target is in danger, their natural reaction is to surround him so nothing can get to him. Of course in essence, that just makes a bull’s eye for those who knew how to get around it. Breaking off into a run, he jumped toward the railing which kept people from falling off the second story. As soon as it foot connected with it, he then pushed himself off toward his target.

Drawing his gun he fired two shots into the middle and watched as the old man fell to the ground. As soon as he hit the ground he flipped off his coat and tossed it into the face of the nearest guard. Tucking his gun into his vest, he then tossed of his hat and quickly moved into the crowd. The guards were still coming, but that didn't matter. Slamming his fist into the glass of the fire alarm, he pressed the button. The sprinklers in the mall began a downpour as people rushed to get out.

In a flash, Brian was up with Constance hand tightly in his. He knew the gun shots and he didn't want to stay. The fire alarm went off and Brian pulled Constance close. People started screaming and running into them, but with Constance ear plugs in, she couldn't hear the alarm. She didn't have any idea what was happening. Someone fell on them and their hands separated as the both went to the ground. Standing, Brian scanned for Constance but she was knocked back further from him.

"Constance!" Brian yelled above the screams.

Constance got to her feet and looked around. There were so many people, so many people pushing and tugging her. Where was Brian? Where was she?

"Brian!" Constance yelled but couldn't hear an answer.

Brian swam through the crowd yelling and calling for Constance but he knew she wouldn't hear him.

As Jack calmly made his way toward the exit. Amidst all the screams and yells, he heard one name above it all. He froze in his tracks as he heard Brian calling for her. They were here? His eyes quickly scanned the crowd but he couldn't see either of them. The guards were still trying to push their way toward him, so he was going to have to make this quick. Jumping up on one of the ledges, he crawled up to a vantage point so that he could see. His eyes narrowed when he saw her. Brian was being shoved toward the door so he couldn't help her.

After muttering a curse, Jack jumped back to the ground. Pushing his way through the crowd he hurried to her. She looked lost, confused, and terrified. Grabbing her hand, he stopped only to mouth one thing to her. "I'll take you to, Brian." Keeping his down low, he heard the guards getting closer, even as he began to pull Constance back toward the exit. He knew that he should be feeling something more then what he did right now. There had to be more than this, but right now he was pushing all of that aside.

Constance was a little shocked to see Jack, but when he promised to take her to Brian, she didn't want to complain. Her body pushed tightly to him as he pulled her along. He smelled the same as always, that same smell she loved so much...only alcohol stained his atmosphere. He looked the same, only there was a sense of coldness to him. However, his grip on her was gentle, like it use to be. Her heart skipped a beat.

Brian stood outside in the rain watch people poor out of the mall doors. His eyes scanned everything but he couldn't see Constance anywhere. He began to panic and his hand went to his gun. If he could fire a few shots off, people would hit the ground and he would be able to see her.

Jack kept close to Constance. Coming out a side exit, he looked toward the main entrance where everyone was piling out from. He could see Brian there, paranoid as ever. Whistling, he nodded so that Brian would see him. They needed to hurry up before the guards found him.

Constance spotted Brian as he started running to her. She let go of Jack and ran to him, meeting him half way. Brian pulled her close, holding her tightly as the rain poured on them. He looked up at Jack.

"I owe you one," he said to him.

He didn't wait for a reply. Instead, he grabbed Constance hand and they headed away. He didn't want to rush because he knew she would slip, but he didn't want to be standing there if Jack got caught by whoever it was he seemed to be running from. He could put the pieces together. Jack had returned to being an assassin and he and Constance were caught in the aftermath of one of his jobs. A part of him feared someone would send him after Constance if they found out she was in the same area as him.

Jack didn't say a word. Turning the corner, he grabbed a dirty bag. Pulling out a new hat and jacket, he quickly donned them as the guards came rushing out of the building. He began to whistle lightly to himself as he made the long trek home. Constance seemed surprised to see him. Evidently Brian had been doing an excellent job of keeping the truth from her. Good lad. Unfortunately, now he realized that he needed a drink. A strong one.

Brian pulled Constance into a cafe. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her to help her get warm. One of the works brought out a few blankets for them and he thanked them while he and Constance sat down. He ordered something for them and rubbed Constance arms with the blanket to get her dry. She looked up at him.

"What happened?" she asked.

Keeping his eyes on hers so she could read his lips, he explained that a gun went off and the fire alarm was pulled. People panicked. Constance nodded.

"Ian...was there...do you think..."

"Yes," Brian said before she could finish.

Her lips tightened. "He brought me to you...did you know he was here?"

Brian wiped the water from her face. "Yes, but I didn't think he would ever run into us. Now, I'm glad he did."

Constance didn't say anything.

Jack got home and tossed his wet clothes on the floor. No sooner had he reached for the bottle then he let his hand fall to his sides. No...not today. Grabbing a hot shower, he dressed in something comfortable and turned the TV. Of course nothing was on other then British comedy. He was bloody British and he still didn't find it funny. Shaking his head, he decided that he needed company. A psychiatrist was more like it, but unfortunately those cost money; and while he had plenty to spare he hated paying for things that he didn't need. Grabbing his coat, he started out. He'd been doing a mission a day since he came here. Already agencies were starting to pick up tabs for his head. Of course no one would ever really go through with it.

The entire thing about being a gun for hire was the fact that one day he might kill one of their men, but the next he'll kill one of their enemies. It all depended on who paid more.

Brian held the umbrella over his and Constance head. It was only sprinkling at that point and Constance had her ear plugs out. Brian had called Daniel to fill him in and before he could ask for it, Daniel started digging up on Jack. He found the address he was at and surprisingly, he wasn't but a few blocks from Brian and Constance. Brian had planned to wait until Constance fell asleep before paying Jack a visit. He believe Constance would be safe long enough for him to talk to Jack.

Jack walked through various shops, making pleasantries with the various locals that knew him. After several hours in town, he finally decided to succumb to the call of the alcohol. Going back to his flat he tossed his coat on the bed. Grabbing the bottle of liquor he popped the top and poured himself a glass.

Constance fell asleep after a few hours and Brian left her with a note in case she woke. He walked out of their place and down a few blocks to Jack's address. Knocking on it lightly, he waited. He could see the living room light on and he could hear someone moving about.