Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Forty Five ( Chapter 45 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Ah, thanks." For an assassin, he had a terrible sense of direction unless he got a chance to properly view the layout of a place. Going to his bags, he grabbed out some new clothes, tossing his shirt and pants into the bag before heading to the bathroom. Once he took off his boxers, he opened up the door to the bathroom. He stopped as soon as he realized that he wasn't alone. His cheeks turned blood red as he stared at Constance. "Oh! S-sorry. Brian told me...well...he didn't tell me...I mean...I must have..."

Constance stared at him for a long time while he stuttered. Washed the soap off her body then stood. Pulling the plug on the tub, she shivered. She reached for the towel. "Can you hand me that?"

Jack just stared at her for a second. His mind literally quit working for a few minutes. Finally everything registered and he nodded. Grabbing a towel he started to hand it to her, but Daniel 2 moved to rub his leg, causing him to jump to the side to avoid stepping on him. Of course, in the process he fell on top of her, pressing her against the wall. "Your cat is trying to kill me," he mumbled as he tried to disentangle himself from her.

Constance couldn't help herself but to moan as he pressed against her naked body. It had been so long since he had touched her. Her face turned bright red and she quickly pushed him back off her and snatched the towel. Telling herself to take deep breaths, she could feel her body run hot.

Jack cleared his throat as he tried to get situated again. "Um, yeah...once again sorry about that." He slowly reached out and moved some hair out of her face. He wasn't certain, but he almost could've sworn that he'd heard her moan earlier. "You're blushing...."

Constance dropped the towel at his touch. Her body shook with desire. It was so hard to control herself, much harder than trying to control herself from letting the monster loose. Her face moved into his touch, but then she pulled back. Reaching down, she grabbed the towel again.

There was a slight pause as he watched her try to decide what to do. He could see the indecisiveness, and in that moment, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. He wanted to taste her once more. To feel her in something other than his dreams.

Constance moaned again. She moved closer to him, deepening the kiss. Her body tingled. Her hands moved to his chest, wanting to remember each inch of him. And just like that, her eyes snapped opened and she pushed him back. Tears stained her face.

"I don't forgive you!" she yelled. "It hurts..." Her stitched hand went to her heart. "It hurts so much. And you didn't even care...you just walked away letting her taste you lips like it was nothing." She tried hard to not let her voice crack and shake as she spoke, but it was much harder than she wanted it to be. "It was something to me. It was everything!"

Jack didn't back away even as she yelled at him. "Constance, once a long time ago I messed up really badly. Because of my mistake, a lot of innocent people a lot of my friends died. From that point on I tried to protect the innocents so that they wouldn't have to die by my hands. I know that what I did with Sheila was wrong, but to me it was nothing more than a mission."

He tried to think of how to explain it to her. "I needed information about the assassin that was after me. I talked to her, because once upon a time we had a fling. I thought she'd gotten over it, apparently she hadn't. I just wanted to protect her, Constance. None of what happened...it was nothing to me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I hurt you."

"I know I am young and I know that I don't understand things like everyone else. But I understand betrayal and I understand pain," she said through her tears. "What I don't understand is why you kissed her to protect her. I have never had a mission where I had to do things with someone to protect them." She wrapped the towel around her. And ignored the pain in her palms. "I know that when you love someone, you don't go around doing things with other people! That wasn't a mission! That was real life!"

"Sometimes in life, everything is not always so black and white," he told her. "I'm sorry, Constance. I really am. Nothing I can do, and nothing I can say will ever be able to undo what happened that day."

Constance slid to the floor crying. "Why...why did you do it? I want to know everything. I want to understand," she said grabbing his leg and hugging it. "Please, let me understand," she begged.

Jack could barely look at her as she hugged his leg. Running his hand through her hair, he knelt down and kissed the top of her head. "Once upon a time, when I first went to Iceland I was rather young and fool hearty. Sheila and I fooled around because my mission took me three months to complete. Her brother died in the crossfire between myself and one of the targets. She never knew what happened, but I wanted to spare her that fate."

Looking at her, he had a sad smile on his face. "I didn't love her, but I wanted to protect her. I owed her that after taking her brother from her. I knew that if I could get her to leave before she learned something important then she wouldn't have to die. That's why I let her kiss me, so that she would leave. So that she would leave and so that I wouldn't have to kill her."

Constance pulled her hands to her face and cried harder. The tears stung her wounds, but she didn't care. She didn't understand if she had really done something wrong by killing someone that wasn't in a mission. But she did understand that she had killed someone that was important to Jack. She didn't have a feeling towards anyone other than those she had direct contact with so the death of someone that she didn't know, an innocent, affected her little. However, her heart ached because she had killed someone that meant something to Jack, even if it was someone he had once been with, and even though he had hurt her first, she still hurt him too. She killed someone he wanted to protect, someone that she didn't care about, but someone with importance to someone she did care about.

She wanted to punish herself. Like she had done in the past when she shot Jack. Constance wanted to suffer. It was the only way she could learn to stop hurting him.

Once again Jack didn't know what to do. She was crying. Why was she crying? Had he said something wrong? What was she thinking? Why didn't she come with a manual? Rubbing her back, he pulled her against him as she cried. He didn't know what to say. This just, it wasn't something he was good at. Finally, he just said the only thing he knew. "The past is the past. We can't change it anymore then we can predict the future. All we can do is just let it be and learn from it," he told her.

Constance wrapped her arms around his back as they sat on the floor. He was still naked and she still had a towel around her. Her mind raced with different ideas on how to punish herself and finally she found one that seemed fitting. One that would hurt for a long time. She pulled back from Jack and went to the door quickly, leaving Jack on the ground. She went to the kitchen and Brian watched from the dining room as she went through every draw.

"What are you looking for?" Brian said standing.

Constance ignored him until she found the draw she was looking for. Brian paled as she pulled out a knife.

"Constance?" he said walking to her. The first thought that went to his head was that she was going to kill Jack, however, his eyes grew wide as she turned the knife on herself. "Constance!" Brian yelled. He dashed to her, but it was too late. Constance thrusted the knife right into her hip were she was once shot by Shadow. She screamed. "Constance!" Brian screamed as she fell to the ground.

He scrambled to get to her and pulled the knife out will grabbing a nearby rag and applying pressure to it. "Jack! I need my medical bag!" Brian yelled. He stroked Constance hair as she laid there with a smile through her tears. "Why did you do that? Why would you harm yourself?"

"It...hurts..." she said just before blacking out.

"What the hell?" Jack had his pants back on by this point. Handing Brian his medical bag he looked down at Constance. Why was she bleeding? "What happened? Why did she stab herself?" He propped her head up on his lap as Brian began to take care of her wound. What had been going through her head when she'd done that?

"I could ask you the same question. What did you say to her in there?" He asked. He let out a deep breath. "Thank God! She didn't hit anything vital. There is just a lot of blood and a lot of tearing. What blood type are you?"

Jack tried to think of the answers. The easiest one was his blood type. "I'm O+," he told him, unsure of what else to do.

"Perfect," Brian said. In a matter of minutes he was lifting Constance. "Follow and bring my bag." He moved Constance to the master bedroom and passed her to Jack. He stripped the bed down and put a bunch of towels down then had Jack put Constance on the towels. Before Jack knew it, it was getting stuck with a needle and his blood was rushing into Constance. While Jack stood next to her, Brian was on the other side of her, sewing and fixing the damage. "Daniel is going to be pissed when I tell him she inflicted damage to herself. At least she wasn't trying to kill herself."

Jack winced. What the hell was it with these doctor types and needles? They'd stick you with anything if they had the right excuse to do so. Grabbing a chair, he pulled it closer to the bed so that he could sit down. Giving blood drained a personally, quite literally actually, and he didn't want to pass out while standing up. "Hopefully that will be the last time something like that happens," he told him. He still couldn't understand what would possess her to want to stab herself.

"I'll know more when she wakes." Brian finished sewing her. He cleaned her up with warm water then looked down at her. He had taken the towel off her to get to the wound so she laid there naked. He stood and got out a night gown for her and some panties. He pulled the needles out of Constance and Jack. "Do you want to dress her or would you be ok with me doing it?" he teased.

Jack's face turned red, which was surprising seeing as how all his extra blood had gone to Constance. "It doesn't matter," he mumbled. "She probably doesn't want me dressing her." Still he looked at the clothes, finally holding out his hand so that he could dress her.

Brian smiled and handed him the clothes. "Thought so."

Jack wanted to argue, but finally he just succumbed. "Don't look so happy." Looking down at Constance, he couldn't help but to blush as he put her underwear on her and her nightgown on, being careful not to hurt her wound in the process. It was one thing to take clothes off of her, but it was something else to put them back on, especially when she was asleep. He let his hand caress her face before picking up Daniel 2 and setting it beside her.

After she was dressed, Brian removed the towels then put the sheets back on the bed. He pulled the covers over her. "She should wake in a few hours. Hopefully by dinner so she can get something in her stomach." Brian poked Jack. "I'm shocked you weren't mad that I saw her naked. For all you know, I could secretly be trying to steal her from you and while you were gone, I fooled around with her."

"If you had been you wouldn't have invited me back so easily," he said with a small smirk. "Besides, you're suppose to just like the guys." He flicked his earrings. "I guess you should have these more then I should."

"I like girls too, my file just says I like guys. And maybe, in a different situation, I just might have been her Jack," he said and winked. "But she seems to like the Jack she has now."

An hour later, Jack and Brian were cooking dinner. Brian was still on the phone with Daniel. He had called home only minutes after he and Jack left Constance to rest. Daniel made him repeat over and over again about what happened. A few times he had to give the phone to Jack so Jack could say when he said to Constance in the bathroom.

"Daniel, enough. I'll call when I have news. Just leave us alone," Brian finally said. Daniel sighed and said something. "Fine. Ok. Bye." Brian turned to Jack. "I think he doesn't have a life unless Constance is in it," he joked.

Constance walked to the kitchen holding her side and trying to keep her legs from collapsing below her. Brian moved to her quickly as she stumbled. He helped her to the table and she sat.

"I'll get you some orange juice. It's good for you," he said.

Constance nodded. She looked over at Jack and smiled. "Hello."

Jack was shocked. She actually smiled at him. He winced as he accidentally cut his finger because he wasn't looking where he was chopping. "Hi, how are you feeling?" Sucking on his finger, he put the knife down and wiped his hands on his apron as he walked over to her. He'd already ruined enough clothes while he was here, he wasn't going to ruin his good pants due to cooking or blood.

Constance shrugged. "I'm in a lot of pain," she said with a light laugh. Brian sat some pain pills in front of her and the orange juice. She took the juice but not the pills.

"Take the pills. They will numb the pain," Brian said.

"No, I want it to hurt," she said and started drinking.

Brian glanced at Jack then grabbed his papers Daniel had recorded on her. He shifted through them until he found what he was looking for. He read it. "Constance seems to think that if she hurts Ian, she has to punish herself. After shooting him, she defended him in front of her boss then opened her wound again to feel the pain. She refused pain medication and wanted to feel the needle enter her skin while I sewed her. I fear that she could do much worse in the future." Brian looked at Constance. She didn't seem to care what Daniel had written about her.

"What?" she asked.

Brian was speechless.