Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Forty Six ( Chapter 46 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
So that's what this was about. She felt the need to punish herself just because she hurt him. That was stupid. Jack picked up the pills and held his hand in front of her. "Take the pills, Constance. I don't want to see you in pain. As I told you earlier, the past is the past. Let it go. I have come to terms with it, so you don't have to punish yourself because of it."

Constance pushed the pills away. "I won't learn if I don't get punished." She smiled at him. "The food smells good."

Brian started writing things down. He was on the phone with Daniel again and he had Daniel on speaker while he wrote. Daniel spoke calmly this time, going over things with Brian while Brian nodded and talked like Daniel was sitting next to him.

Jack sighed. "Very well. You did something wrong and so you had to punish yourself. Well then...." Jack moved and picked up the knife. God this was going to suck. Raising his shirt he tried to figure out what the best spot to stab would be. "Well, I hurt you, so it's only fair that I do the same."

Constance quickly moved to him and grabbed the knife from him, tripping him in the process and then landing on top of him like she did the first day they met. She held the knife tightly in her hand while she looked down at him. She let out a soft cry as her wound slit open.

Brian stood and hung up the phone with Daniel. "Damn it, Jack. Did you have to get her all crazy? I just sewed her up for Christ sake!"

"You can't do that, Ian. If you hurt yourself over something I did then I will only have to punish myself again," she explained.

"Then take your medicine, Constance. That way I won't have to worry," he said as he stared up at her. His hand wrapped around her hand with the knife, slowly lowering it until it was close to his flesh. "Because I don't want to see you in pain, knowing that I'm the reason you're hurt."

Constance tried to pull her hand back, but he was stronger. She could hit him to get leverage, but then she would hurt him and that was the whole point of her being in the situation. Brian held the pills out for her. Constance looked down at Jack and as the knife resting on his skin. She opened her mouth and Brian popped them in. Jack loosened his grip and she pulled the knife back.

Brian helped her off him. "Come on, I'll get you fixed up while he finishes dinner." Brian pulled Constance to the master bedroom where his medical bag was.

Jack laid there on the floor when they left. Well, that had been a risky gambit, but it had worked. Getting up, he pulled another knife out from the drawer and finished shaving the vegetables. Putting everything onto the table, he threw his apron on a hook and relaxed. Today had been stressful enough without all the blood and tears. It wasn't in his top ten stressful days, but it was close.

"Go to the master bathroom and take your gown off," Brian said as he got the things he needed for her wound.

Constance did as he said. She glanced at him while his back was to her and she opened her mouth. The pills rested on her tongue. She pulled them out then put them in the sink. Running some water she watched the pills go down the drain. Brian turned to her and ran a rag under the water. She slipped her gown off and he fixed her wound back.

While Brian was tending to Constance, Jack set the table and then went to his laptop. Things were so much easier back when they just worked for Epsilon. No hiding, no running, just normal life. Well, at least as normal as things could get for them. He wondered if once Shadow was dead if they could ever truly be free, or would they always be hunted for the sins they had committed? In a way, he felt that it was only right that they pay for their crimes. Still...didn't everyone deserve some forgiveness?

Brian helped Constance put a clean night gown on then they walked back to the dining room. Constance sat down, trying not to wince as she did so. Brian sat next to her and put away his papers. He had learned a great deal about Constance in less than an hour. He felt like he was making progress with her, though, now, he would have to watch her much closer in case she tried harming herself again.

Constance reached down and picked up Daniel 2 and held him close while she waited for Jack to join them.

"Oh, I didn't realize that you guys were done already." He smiled as he sat down with them. Taking the cover off of the food, he let them help themselves, keeping his eyes trained on Constance the entire time.

Constance had to put Daniel 2 down. He wouldn't sit still and his little paws often hit her wound. She ate silently, focusing on not letting herself show she wanted to pass out from pain. She wanted to sleep. She wanted it more than anything. To sleep and never wake up. Brian offered her more and she passed. Slowly she stood.

"I'm tired..." she whispered. Her plate was only missing a few bites of food, but she excused herself and walked back to the bedroom.

Brian looked at Jack. "She could be sick. I should check for fever," he said and stood. He followed her to the bedroom as she got in. "The medicine should have kicked in by now. How are you feeling?"

"Fine," she lied. "Just tired."

He put his hand on her forehead. No fever. "You sure?" She nodded. "Ok. Get some sleep then." He kissed her forehead and walked out.

"Perhaps you should just give her a shot of that numbing stuff you have," Jack said as he took another bite out of his food. He cut up a tiny piece of the meat and dropped it onto the ground for the kitten to eat. "She needs to learn that she doesn't have to punish herself."

"She took the pills. I don't want her to over dose," Brian said sitting back down and continued to eat.

"Still, I'd prefer not to have to threaten to stab myself every time she has to take her medicine. One of these days I might actually have to do it, and getting stabbed hurts!"

Brian smiled. "I don't think it will come to that. Just remind her that if she doesn't take her medicine then you will have to hurt yourself. Just saying it is enough I'm sure. It sounds cheap and mean, but it should work," Brian said. "Plus, even if we both work together, if she doesn't want that needle in her arm, she won't get that needle in her arm. She still can kick both our asses."

"Hey, I've gotten slightly better," Jack said, trying to sound somewhat hurt by that comment. "She couldn't take me down as easily as before."

"First off, yes, she did. She spanked you ass. And she was wounded, so that's like a double dis. Admit it, Jack. We are like dolls to her. We bend if she wants us to," Brian said laughing. "Why don't you go crawl in the bed with her? She might like having you close."

Jack groaned. "I let her because I didn't want to hurt her," he muttered. He still had his pride as an assassin, though it was starting to dwindle every time he got his ass handed to him by a girl half his size. Wiping his lips on his napkin, he looked at Brian curiously. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, she might not be comfortable with that yet."

"Yeah, you totally let her kick your ass," Brian laughed. "Let me see...she let you come in the bathroom while she was naked. Let you kiss her and hold her. And she stabbed herself because he supposedly hurt you. I'd say that she practically invited you to the bed. Though, I advice no sex until she's healed."

"We're not going to have sex," he told him, trying hard to ignore everything else he'd just said. Picking up his plate he carried it to the sink and began to wash it out. "I'll grab a shower and then...well, I'll lay down with her for a little bit. Just in case she wakes up during the night."

Brian clapped his hands lightly. "Yay!" He stood. "Since you are going to stay with her, I'm going down stair to talk to that cute door man. Maybe I'll get lucky."

Jack just smirked. "He's straight," he told him. "But I’m sure that's never stopped you before." Shaking his head he headed to the bathroom. Grabbing his clothes which he'd left mostly discarded on the floor, he turned on the hot water and jumped in the shower. After a few minutes, he climbed back out and got dressed for bed. Looking down at Constance's sleeping form, he couldn't help but to hesitate.

It was a lot like the first time they'd laid together. He gently eased onto the bed, trying to stay aware from her so that he wouldn't disturb her rest.

Brian smiled. So, he was straight, a challenge. How fun! Brian walked out of the suite while whistling.

Constance rolled lightly. She could feel the bed dip as someone got in it. Her eyes slowly opened and she smiled when she saw Jack. "Ian," she mumbled and wrapped an arm around him, pulling herself closer and laying on her good side. He smelt so good, just like she remembered.

Jack smiled as she snuggled close to him. Kissing the top of her head he snuggled in and relaxed. Sleeping with her was much better then sleeping alone.

The next morning Brian stretched out. The door man's body laid over his and he shook him awake. Yawning, the man looked at him. "You have to leave," he said. "But you can come back when you want seconds."

The man stood and began dressing. "How did you talk me into this?"

"I'm pretty awesome like that," Brian laughed.

"I won't come back."

"Sure you will. They always come back." He wrote down the hotel number in the room he was in and handed it to him. "Call before you come over. I don't want Constance to be surprised to see you."

"Is that your girlfriend?" he asked after putting his shoes on.

"No, she's my life. Hurry up," he said. "I don't want her to see you leave either."

"Sounds odd that she's your life but you aren't with her."

"It's complicated and none of your business."

He laughed. "Ok. Bye."

Brian waved and then got up to get dressed.

Jack smirked as he peeked into Brian's room. "He has a cute butt," he said. Handing Brian a cup of coffee, he yawned. "I still can't believe you managed to talk him into it." Shaking his head he headed back into the kitchen where he'd already started breakfast.

Brian followed him to the kitchen. He sipped on the coffee. "I am really persuasive. I have a way with getting things I want," he said smiling. "It was fun because I was his first man. Though, I feel really bad for him. He's going to be so sore answering doors today."

Constance came in yawning and shuffling her feet. Brian kissed her on the forehead. "Good morning, sunshine." He set his coffee down and lifted her gown to check her wound. He then passed her some pain pills. She glanced at them then popped them into her mouth. "Want some juice with that?"

She shook her head and headed to the bathroom. Closing the door behind her, she opened her mouth and pulled out the pills then threw them down the toilet. She flushed.

Jack just laughed as Constance came in and left. "Yeah, I know that feeling, but it's kinda fun in a painful way." Though he wouldn't tell Brian it, he still wished they'd been able to fool around at least once. He knew that Brian would be fun in bed. Though he was glad that Brian was having fun once again. He was afraid that taking care of Constance had robbed him of his natural libido. Looking back toward the bathroom, he wondered what Constance was doing. Focusing on the task at hand, he finished with their omelets and put them onto their plates. "Alas, something tells me that I won't get to fool around with guys anymore. So I won't be sore for quite a while."

Just as he was putting the plates on the table Constance was back. "Here you go," he said cheerfully.
"Thanks," she said lightly and began eating.

Brian smiled as he sat. "I never thought you would be a catcher. Always saw you as a pitcher," he smirked. "I have always been a pitcher, never a catcher."

Constance looked at him with question. He patted her head. "Just eat," he laughed.