Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Forty Nine ( Chapter 49 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
It was nearly a week later before Constance could have the stitches taken out of her hands. She sat on the bar while Brian cut them off her and inspected each cut with gentleness. He lifted her shirt up to look at her cut and ran his finger over it. She winced. It was still sore, but the stitches were holding well.

"I wish you would take the pills," he whispered to her.

She smiled and bent down. She placed her lips on his cheek and let them linger for a few minutes. "I'll never learn if I take the easy way out."

Brian ran his hands on her shoulders and returned the kiss to her cheek. He nodded then smiled. "Ok."

Jack was whistling as he came through the door. He'd been out shopping. That alone was a terrifying thought. "Brian, you seriously need to calm down man. I've got phone numbers from three people that wanted to 'see' you later." He shook his head and set the bags down on the couch as he walked over to see what they were doing. Fishing in his pockets, he pulled out several crumpled pieces of paper and handed them to him. At this rate he was going to end Russia's population by turning all the males gay.

"Well, the girls get too clingy so I have to give them a different name than my own, otherwise they will track me down. At least with the boys I can threaten them with telling their girlfriends if they started getting clingy. Though, that one couple like the threesome I offered..." he said day dreaming.

Constance tugged at his shirt and he smiled at her. Grabbing her waist, he lifted her off the counter and set her on her feet. She rushed over to the bags Jack brought in. She went through each bag until she found the one she wanted, the one with the candy. She squealed.


"How do you know that's for you?" Brian asked smirking.

"Because who else would he buy it for?" she smiled.

"Well I could be getting it for one of Brian's threesome couples." He looked back at Brian and shook his head in disbelief. He did have to hand it to Brian, however, converting guys that had girlfriends too guts and some serious skills. "Yes, of course its for you." He looked down as she began to raid the candy bag. "At least it’s close to Halloween so all the candy is really cheap." There was a pause as he reached into his coat to pull out another piece of paper. "Speaking of which, apparently they're having some sort of costume ball thing on Halloween and somehow we got invited."

"Can we go!?" Constance shouted with a mouth full of different flavors.

"You shouldn't put so many in your mouth. It ruins the taste," Brian said as he took one.

"I think it taste better mixed together," she said and put another piece in her mouth. "Can we go?"

"Well, we'll have to get costumes," he smiled.

Constance threw her arms around him. "Let's go today!"

Jack stared at the piece of paper. It had an enormous jack-o-lantern with glowing eyes. It promised 'A night you'll never forget'. Sure, why not. It sounded fun. "Yeah, it sounds like it should prove to be entertaining." Tossing the paper down on the table he rubbed Constance's face, making sure his hands were away from her teeth as she chowed down on the candy. Really, for such a small girl she could consume candy like nothing else. Grabbing a small chocolate bar he began to nibble on it.

"We've got four days to Halloween." Though he knew what Halloween was, he'd never really participated in it before. When he was a child he didn't have the money, and then he became an assassin so he was training. Then when he got older he just didn't care. So all of this was a fairly foreign concept for him. "Where would we even go to get costumes?"

"There is a costume shop just down the block," Brian said and grabbed his coat. Constance got up and started putting on her boats and coat. "This will be your first Halloween, won't it, Constance?"

Constance smiled. "Yes!" she laughed. "I wasn't allowed to go out on holidays because Boss Man said Halloween was the best day to blend in an kill someone. I always got the best jobs on Halloween. It's going to be so much fun to just eat candy and dance!"

"Well, then let's go!"

Jack followed along behind them. Grabbing a sucker from Constance's candy bag, he toyed with it in his mouth as they walked. When they arrived at the costume shop, he found the name to be strangely ironic. The Hidden You Costume Shoppe. As soon as he stepped into the store, he felt like he wasn't in Kansas anymore. There were literally thousands of costumes. Two full stories of them. Not to mention all the Halloween decorations, skeletons, and graves, which lined the place.

Constance went right to her size. Brian stayed a few feet behind her in his size, keeping an eye on her. The place was a little crowded. Constance grabbed multiple costumes she liked and held them in her arms. Brian did the same. She called to him and he followed her to the back of the place, where the dressing rooms were.

Brian went first and she sat down, waiting. He tried on a bunch of different ones while Constance either laughed, booed, or blushed at. Finally he decided on being a vampire. It was the only costume that allowed him to get in and out of easily...in case he found someone he wanted to meet up close and personal.

Constance was next and Brian's eyes grew wide as she passed him with the smallest, shortest costumes in the store.

Jack was still upset that Brian had decided to be a vampire. That was what he had been planning to go as. That thought quickly vanished as he saw Constance's costume. Not that it was really much of a costume as it was just a few strands of fabric. "If that was in leather, that would be really kinky," he said as he peeked over Brian's shoulder.

"The best part is...that's only one of them she is trying on," Brian whispered. "I am beginning to kick myself for not jumping on that while you were gone."

Constance changed again, this time in a nurse’s outfit.

"Yeah, about that...I need to see if they sell handcuffs here and other toys." He licked his lips as he saw the nurse's costume. He was sorely tempted for her to just get all of them. They could have some serious fun with role playing with some of those costumes.

"If you don't, I will...I wonder if she would do a threesome?" Brian said and tilted his head to the side as she came out with another one.

Constance turned to them. The costume she was wearing was a very short Lolita dress with lots of ruffles and ribbons. She smiled at them.

"I think this one is it!" she said.

Brian smirked. "If she bent over, we could see her panties...wait...is she wearing panties?"

"Constance, just get all of them." He couldn't look anymore. If he did he would lose it. As soon as he got the chance he was going to get every toy imaginable and use them. His face was red, even as he began hitting things on his phone. God bless whoever made the phone with internet. As she went to change, he looked at Brian, trying hard not laugh. "If you want a threesome, you'll have to talk to her." Slapping him on the back, Jack went and pressed the 'order' button on his phone followed by express shipping.

Brian laughed and Constance came out. "I just want this one," she said sweetly and added it to Brian's costume.

"Well," Brian grabbed her and pulled her down to sit next to him. "Now we get to watch Jack get all sexy."

Constance giggled.

Jack looked back as they both stared at him. His cheeks turned red as he put his phone away. "Right...." Sighing, he began to pick through the costumes. He wasn't exactly certain what he should pick. He didn't want anything that revealing, but at the same time he wanted something that would attract attention. "What do you guys think? Roman guard, Zorro, or a vam- Oh right! Someone already stole that costume idea." He shot a glare at Brian before just grabbing some costumes off the rack and going to the changing room.

"I'm thinking fireman," Brian laughed. It was a joke.

"Oh! Firemen are hot!" Constance said and clapped. "What about a zombie!"

Brian looked over at her with a gross look on his face. "How is that hot?"

"It's not, but it will keep the other girls off him!" she said as her face turned devilish.

Jack stuck his head out of the changing room and glared at both of them. "No fireman. No zombie." With that he ducked his head back inside. A few seconds later he came out in a Batman costume. "It's either this or the serial killer from those Friday the 13th movies," he said gloomily.

At the same time, both Brian and Constance groaned and added, "Batman takes it up the ass."

Jack stopped. "What? So? I do on occasion. What's wrong with Batman?" At the glares from both of them, he finally conceded. Changing into the over sized costume of the serial killer, he put on the mask and walked out. "Well, is this any better?"

Constance yawned. "You are so boring," she mumbled.

She stood and went to the racks. Brian watched as she went through each costume and threw one at Jack. "Pirate!" she said.

Brian laughed. "Jack the pirate...how...Caribbean."

Jack took the pirate costume. "Yeah, somehow I'd feel like a terrible cliché if I wore the pirate costume." Of course he meant that differently then how Brian probably meant it. Tossing the costume back at Constance, he leaned against the changing room door and smiled, not that she could see it through the mask. "Try again. My goal is either sexy or terrifying. Oh! I know, see if they have a Brian costume, that way I can be both!"

"Ha ha..." Brian said sarcastically.

Constance started looking again. She smile as she pulled out one. "Prince Charming...so sweet!" she threw it at him. "That one is it! It's perfect!"

Jack stared at the costume. Prince Charming. It came complete with blue puffy sleeved vest, cape, and white tights. Sighing, he went to the dressing room and put it one. Once it was on and everything was situated, he slowly exited. "Well...what do you think?"

Constance squealed. She jumped up and down. Brian stood. "Did I tell you her favorite movie when she was younger was Cinderella? This is like a dream come true for her."

"Well, we could always go home. Put on the costumes and have kinky sex," Jack suggested, still toying with his unfinished lollipop. "Or we go for milkshakes or more preferably hot cocoa. Then again, we could just go home and watch television. I hear there's suppose to be a documentary on assassins on tonight."

"Kinky sex? Tempting..." Brian started.

Before he could finish, Constance grabbed his wrist and hit a pressure point. He yelled out. "You are not invited!" she said sharply and let him go.

Brian pouted and rubbed his wrist. He looked at Jack and shrugged. "That's a no on the threesome."

Jack laughed, nearly choking on his lollipop in the mean time. "Yeah, I sort of figured as much. Too bad. I'd finally get to see what all the guys have been talking about." With that he just smirked before looking at Constance. "So, what do you want to do then?"

Constance stopped walking. She grabbed Jack with the same pressure point. "You're a jerk!" she screamed and then ran off to the hotel.

Brian sighed. "Dude, it's ok for me to say that because I didn't say I was in love with her. You on the other hand, are a jerk." He ran after Constance. "Constance, slow down!"

"It was a joke!!" Gah! Didn't these people know a joke when they heard one? Rubbing his wrist he chased after her. "Constance I was joking!" He nearly tripped over a woman as he raced after her. "Sorry," he mumbled. Crap. Now he was in trouble. Again. Seriously, someone needed to just sew his mouth shut.

Natasha smiled as they ran past. They were such children. Walking into the costume store, she smiled at the man behind the counter. "Those three that just came in here. What costumes did they buy?"

Constance slammed her door shut and Brian knocked on it as she locked it. "Constance, he didn't mean it like that."

"He's a jerk! He shouldn't have said that when he said that I was the only one he wants to be with!" she yelled.

Brian cringed as he heard her throwing things about. "He's stupid like that, Constance. You know it's not so smart when it comes to you."

"Why don't you go sleep with him and find out if he will be wise enough to say no!"

"That's not fair, I didn't do anything!"

"I hate both of you! Men suck! I should have stuck with women!"