Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty ( Chapter 50 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Constance, I was joking," Jack said in between pants as he finally caught up to them. Leaning against her door to catch his breath he looked at Brian and then to the door. Really, they were assassins, did she really thing a locked door was going to keep them out. "I couldn't care less about what he has in his pants. Brian is like a really really really obnoxious brother to me. I joke about stuff like that because it will never happen. Never. Ever. Not a million years."

"Tell that to what you said five minutes ago, you cheating ass hole!"

Brian tried not to smile. "She's so cute. I've never seen her get so pissed about something someone said that didn't end with something broken. You are the first person she just lets get away with things. When Ash pushed her buttons, Constance broke her bones." He knocked again. "Constance, honey, yes, he is a man, and yes, he is really stupid, but you can't hold it against him. You are just so pretty that he feels intimidated sometimes. He slips up and he's really sorry."

Constance sniffled. Brian smiled. She was easy sometimes. "You really think that's why he said it? Because I make him stumble?"

Brian hit Jack and pointed to the door. He mouthed, "Say it to her!"

Jack rubbed his arm where Brian hit him. Well, there went what was left of his pride. "Yes, that's why Constance. I just feel intimidated around you, because everyone is always looking at you because you're so beautiful. Sometimes I just sort of lose my head." And all while he was saying that he was dying inside. "I'm sorry."

Brian smiled. Constance unlocked the door. She opened it and wiped her eyes. Smiling she wrapped her arms around Jack. "It's ok. I forgive you. But don't do it again," she said into his chest.

Brian started to rub her back. "There, now that..."

She glared at him and slapped his hand. "You are still in trouble."

Brian pouted. "But I was only joking too!"

Jack smiled. Constance was such a strange little girl, yet despite that he couldn't help but to love her. "Well then, why don't we just stay in and watch some movies today? I think we've had our fair share of excitement for today." Looking at Constance, he nuzzled her neck. "Then again, we could always break in our costumes so they're comfortable for the Halloween party."

Constance smiled and Brian groaned.

On the day of the Halloween ball, Constance took two hours to get ready. Her curls were dancing on her head as she put on her costume and stockings. Brian was dressed first and sat out in the living room waiting. When Constance came out, he whistled. She blushed. The white and black Lolita dress looked perfect for her. Her red lips curved into a smile while she adjusted the ribbon in her hair and played with her thigh high stockings.

Jack continued to fuss with the bottom of his Prince Charming outfit, which he felt wasn't long enough to cover the obvious bulge due to the tights. Pulling it down as low as he could, he fixed his cape and the fake little sword which came with it. A knock came to the door, and upon answering it he was greeted with his package.

"So much for express," he muttered. Setting it down in the living room he looked at the others. Constance looked magnificent. "Um, you are wearing panties under there right?" If she bend down even slightly anyone could get a good view so he at least wanted her covered up for decency's sake.

Constance panicked for a minute she shifted then smiled. "Oh, yeah, seems I am!"

Brian laughed. He stood and walked over to her. He licked her face and she laughed. "Mmm, taste like candy, maybe I should start sucking your blood now," he tease.

Constance pushed him away. "If you can get far enough to actually draw blood on me, I'll let you suck all you want."

"Hey now! En guard!" Jack playfully poked at Brian with his pitiful rapier. "There will be no sucking of anyone's blood this evening. Just dancing. Candy eating. Then lots of sex afterward." This was good for all of them. Despite them trying to be normal, tonight was the one night they could go out and act like themselves without people truly thinking twice about anything they did or said.

Constance smiled. "I like that plan," she said.

Before long, they were leaving and getting into a cab. They gave the directions to the cab driver and they were off. Constance sat back shifting slightly.

"You look uncomfortable," Brian said.

She leaned in. "I have a gun strapped to my thigh and it's not agreeing with the ruffles."

Brian smirked. "I have a gun on me too," he whispered back.

"Really? Did everyone bring a gun but me?" Jack looked slightly hurt. Not that there was any place to really hide a weapon in his outfit. Oh well. Looking down at Constance, he stroked her thigh before kissing her. "Oh well. At least I have miss Lolita over her to protect me if anything happens."

She winked at him. "I'll be watching you like a hawk."

"I'm not certain if that's a threat or a compliment," he said slowly, looking at Brian to see if he could tell. Sometimes Constance could be both sweet and scary. It worked for her.

"It was both," Brian said. "She'll protect you, but if she finds you on someone else but you, you are going to die."

Constance just kept smiling.

Jack laughed slightly. Yeah, it was going to be a long night. The area the driver took them to was right out of a horror movie. It was a large mansion, probably left over from the world war eras. Decorated in the gothic style of architecture and full of skeletons, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, and everything else which made Halloween so much fun, it was the perfect setting for this evening.

Jack whistled as he got out of the cab. "Okay, if the guy who owns this house floats down and speaks with a Transylvanian accent, I vote we throw Brian at him and make a run for it."

He couldn't believe the multitude of people which were already here. It seemed like everyone who lived in town, plus some that didn't were attending tonight's gala.

Constance was the first one out of the cab. Brian pulled her tightly to him. She was shaking with the cold even though she had her coat on. They made their way to the door while Constance held Jack's hand. Inside it looked like a rave. Lights were flashing, people were dancing, food was out, it looked fantastic. Someone asked for their coats and they handed them over. Constance moaned lightly as the warm heater hit her. It felt good after the cold air from outside.

"Geez, I must be getting old." Jack said. All the people here were teenagers. He felt so old. Oh well, might as well live it up for tonight. "There's a guy over there at 3 o' clock. He's by himself. Maybe you should go talk to him." Jack winked at Brian as he took Constance and led her to the dance floor. Everyone else was having fun, so why shouldn't they?

Constance went to the middle of the floor and began dancing. She glanced at Brian who seemed to be attracting a lot of attention. There were men and women hanging around him. Apparently, the others had talked and now they wanted a piece. Constance smiled. Her hands went to Jack's neck as she started grinding against him. Her eyes closed as she listened to the beat. Music spoke to her like nothing else.

Jack smirked. Yes, this was definitely what they needed. His hands went to her hips. Well, at least one of them did. The other stroked her exposed thigh as they rubbed against each other and danced. The music was loud, so it was hard for him to hear others or even hear himself think. Still, as long as he had his eyes on Constance he didn't have to worry about anything else.

"They're here," Natasha whispered in Shadow's ear.

Constance turned around in Jack's arms, pushing her butt against him and moving his arms around her body. Her head went back to rest on his shoulder. Brian glanced at them and smiled. He tipped his glass to Jack as they met eyes. Already they were both having a great time. Someone grabbed Brian's jaw and his lips theirs. She smiled into the kiss.

Jack pulled her close as he was grinding against her butt. Actually, with the way her skirt was it was more like he was grinding against her panties, but it worked for him. Nuzzling the back of her neck, he nibbled on it as they moved around the dance floor.

"Locate him and subdue him," Shadow told her. "Every instance of a direct confrontation with her has failed because they slip through our fingers. This time we'll make certain that they won't be able to leave."

"With pleasure."

Constance Twirled around Jack, dancing harder as the music changed. Brian moved to them, dragging two girls with him. He moved beside them and Constance blushed as both the girls started grinding on Brian. She moved closer to Jack as the girls looked over at him. She gave them a death glare and Brian turned their faces to him and away from Jack. It they messed with Jack, they would be missing eyes if Constance found out.

Jack laughed at the sight of Brian with the girls. Grabbing Constance he pulled her in and kissed her. "I'm gonna grab some punch. You want me to bring you some candy?" He didn't bother yelling instead just mouthing the words. He didn't want to ruin his beautiful voice after all.

Constance smiled and nodded. She watched him leave and Brian pushed the girls aside. He grabbed Constance hand and started dancing with her, keeping her company while they waited for Jack to return.

Jack pushed his way to the food stand. Grabbing a cup of punch and some candy, he mingled with some of the people until he felt something press against his back. A girl's hand slid down his body, putting the cup of punch down for him as she kissed his neck. "Follow me, Jack," she whispered.

Jack tensed, but the muzzle of the gun was just rammed further into his back. "Don't try an heroics. There are three snipers here, all with a bead on your little sweetheart. You don't do as I say and her head goes boom."

Jack followed her line of sight until he saw the snipers. Slowly, he nodded. "Fine. Do what you want."

Constance looked at Brian. "He's been gone for a long time," she mouth.

He nodded. "He'll be back, don't worry. Probably just got lost," Brian said and started scanning the crowd.

The large veil which blocked part of the room slowly began to spread apart, revealing a large projector screen. The light dimmed as all eyes went up to see what was going on. Suddenly a masked face appeared with a Cheshire like grin. He was wearing a raven like mask and a matching black top hat.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I hope you're all having a wonderful Halloween! I'd like you to thank Ms. Natasha for offering you her home for the evening."

Natasha wrapped her arms around Shadow and kissed his cheek. "It's my pleasure."

The crowd began to cheer as Shadow laughed.

"Now then, what's Halloween without a good horror story? So, tonight I give you the story of the Phantom who lost his Muse." He chuckled as the camera swiveled to another image. A person was bound to a chair with a black bag covering their face. Though they couldn't see his face, his attire was easily noted. His once white tights were now stained red and his blue shirt was torn and cut to shreds as blood seeped through it.

"Natasha, if you would."

Natasha just smiled as she walked over and pulled the black bag off of Jack's face. His right eye was swollen shut. His face had been beaten in, his lips were cracked and bleeding, and someone had carved a smiley face into his forehead. While Natasha hovered behind him, she produced a curved knife and dug it into his exposed chest. He just groaned in pain as she dug deeper, cut another wound into his body.

"I'm afraid that if the Phantom doesn't get his Muse soon...he's going to die." The camera fixed back on Shadow as he laughed. "There's an abandoned building not too far from here Muse. Come and meet me there."

Suddenly there was a loud racket and the camera switched back to Jack. He had pulled his hidden dagger out of his plastic sheath and had cut through the bonds restraining him. After slamming Natasha's head against the chair, he lunged at Shadow. Stabbing his small knife into Shadow's shoulder he looked at the screen.

"Don't come! If you love me you won't come! It's-" He was cut short as Shadow punched him in the stomach and threw him on the ground. Pulling out a gun he looked back at the camera.

"Well then. I'm afraid his time has just run out." The camera faded, but the sound of gunshots could be heard before it ended.