Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty Seven ( Chapter 57 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jack tried to keep smiling as they started toward the town. Glancing over as Constance played with the radio, he cleared his throat. "So, anything in particular that you'd like to do while we're in town?" He didn't have any real plans other then to buy an IPod and a small television for his room so that when he couldn't sleep he could watch television without bothering the others.

"Not really," she said. "I don't really know what's in town here." Finally she sat back after finding a song she liked. While smile and bobbing her head, she sang along with it.

"Right...." The rest of the car ride was spent in silence aside from the music which she listened to. When they finally got into town, he parked the car at the mall, figuring...hoping, that they might could find something to do. As soon as they entered the mall, he checked the directory and was surprised to find one place that he actually knew. Taking Constance's hand, he nodded in the direction of the store. He dragged her through the crowd of people until they finally arrived at a store that was blindingly pink. He couldn't believe that there was one of these stores, much less two. "How about this place?" he asked with a smile.

"Oh my God!" Constance screamed.

It echoed through the whole mall and people stopped to look at her. Constance didn't seem to notice. She ran in the store and grabbed a basket. Without hesitation, she started to fill the basket. It was nearly full when she suddenly stopped at one of the aisle. Dropping her basket, her eyes were set on a pair of fuzzy handcuffs and multiple sets of lingerie. Slowly her hand went to her head and her eyes closed. She went to her knees as flashes of old memories came flooding back.

Even with having to rely on a cane he was by her side in an instant. Kneeling beside her, he kept her from falling backward. He scooped up her fallen items and put them back in her basket. Looking around he tried to see what had happened, when suddenly his eyes fell on what she had been looking at. Looking back down at her, he wondered if it was happening again; and if so what was she going to remember this time.

"I'm here," he whispered. "It's okay. I'm here."

As soon as all the flashes started, they were gone. It lasted only minutes, but it seemed like hours to Constance. She reached out and grabbed the shelf in front of her to help herself stand. Shaking her head and taking deep breaths, she opened her eyes. "Ouch...major head ache...." she mumbled as her eyes began to focus.

"You okay? What happened?" Jack kept his hand on the small of her back to steady her. Holding his cane and her basket in the other. He looked at her, fear, worry, and hope stayed in his eyes, though he was too afraid to ask the question he wanted to know most.

Constance smiled weakly. "Yeah..." she said and turned to him. "I'm ok...just a little dizzy." She laughed lightly. "I think I just had a memory about the mall mission we had. You know, where I had to go to a large party to kill a guy." She turned to the shelf and picked up the handcuffs. "I bought these." She smirked at the lingerie. "And a great deal of those."

Turning to him again she shrugged. "But that's all I remember."

Jack smiled, though there was no real emotion to it. "That's okay. At least you're remembering a little more." Looking at the handcuffs and lingerie, he had to laugh a little. "Yeah, you bought a lot of those. We never did get a chance to use them thought. Pity."

Constance took her basket from him. She glanced back at the lingerie for a second before blushing and walking to the check out. After paying for her things, she smiled lightly at Jack and they walked out. "Well...now that I got the pink out of my system, where do you want to go?"

"I'm just going to grab some electronics for the house. Other then that I really didn't have much else planned." Taking Constance's hand, they walked through the mall until he got to the electronics’ store. From there, he purchased the items he wanted and had one of the employees carry the television out to the car so that they could stay a little longer. "It's almost noon. You hungry yet?" Jack was starting to notice something. Familiar sights, atmosphere, food...that seemed to trigger memories for her. They had a fancy Italian restaurant not too far from here. Maybe he could help to trigger a few more.

Constance nodded. "Yeah. Food sounds great!" she said excitedly.

"Good. There's an Italian restaurant I've been meaning to try out." Getting into the car they drove down the street. Serafino's was the name of the place. It seemed nice enough. When they got out he was delighted to see that they had the long table clothes. Hopefully that might spark something. He could hope at any rate. Once they got seated, he thanked the waiter for their menus. He kept his eyes on Constance, trying to see if there was even the slightest hint of recognition in her face.

Constance felt uncomfortable. Under in nice coat, scarf, hat, and gloves were regular jeans and a simple blouse. Everyone was dressed so nicely. "Why did you pick something so...romantic? Everyone is wearing beautiful clothes. I feel out of place..." she said trying to keep her eyes on their table. Her fingers played with the long table cloth. "Daisy took me to a place like this back home. We sat next to each other and shared a plate of spaghetti." She laughed. "I loved that place! Did we ever go there after Daisy died?"

Jack shrugged as he gave the waiter his order. "I'm not certain. We came to a place similar to this before going to the movies one day, but I can't be certain that it was the same one." Another dead end. So much for trying to give her memories a nudge. When their food came, he just toyed with his, really not in the mood to eat the moment.

Constance ate her food quietly. She didn't really know what to say. After he left her in the snow when she offered her body to him, she has had this uncomfortable feeling. She thought she was offering him what he wanted. She thought that he just wanted to touch her, to feel her skin, and if they had done it before, than she thought she would be ok to do it again, however...he just blew up at her and ran away. How strange. Now she didn't really know what to say to him without knowing if he will react oddly. She didn't understand him at all.

When they finished with their meal, Jack gave her a small smile as they started back to the car. "Well then, is there anything else that you would like to do before we have to go back to Daniel's?" This hadn't exactly been the fun filled and care free day away from everything that he had hoped for. If anything today had just helped to ferment the growing depression which was slowly taking hold of him.

Constance turned to him. "No, not really. I didn't really go out much without Daisy and she always planned things," she said. "At least, as far as I can remember. Did we go out much?"

"We went out quite a bit actually. Most of it was just random, however. We goofed around the places where we were suppose to do a job. The rest of the time was spent in your apartment, then on the run, and traveling around the world."

Constance smiled. "I always wanted to travel around the world. Kinda sucks that I don't remember it. But Brian said I loved London the most. I even had a kitten named Daniel 2...but he said that we left him behind in Russia. He said the hotel gave him to an elderly lady that lived on the ground floor." She laughed. "I can't believe I had a kitten. I always wanted one but Daniel always said that I needed to grow a little before I took care of another living being."

"Yes, Daniel 2 was a very precious kitten. You took care of him well enough. He really loved you, and you were very possessive about him." He laughed as he remembered how she wouldn't let anyone hold him but her.

"Yeah, Brian told me," she said getting into the car. "Be he was a great kitten."

"He was." The remained silent until t hey got home. Constance all but leaped out of the car to go show Daniel what she'd bought, and he just hobbled along gathering his bags and trying to carry the small television by himself to the front door.

Brian came out and grabbed some things to help Jack while Daniel listened intently to Constance jabbering. "Slow down, Constance. I can't understand. So you had another memory?" he asked.

Constance nodded and went on again.

"Thanks," Jack sighed as Brian helped him. Looking back at Constance talking to Daniel, he just shook his head. "If she doesn't regain her memory, I think I'm just going to be gay," he told Brian. "I don't think that I could go through this again."

Brian looked at him. "Go through what again? Falling in love?" Brian stopped walking and looked him in the eyes. "Jack, you're twenty four, not forty four. Stop sounding like you are running out of time and youth. Why don't you just enjoy the fact that she is getting her memory back at all. It's only been about a month. It you ask me, this is great progress," he said and walked upstairs to Jack's room to put the stuff down.

"It's not that," he told him when they got into his room. "It's the fact that she's so close and yet she's not. I'm thoroughly elated by the fact that's regaining her memory. I'm thrilled because it gives me hope that she'll soon remember everything. It's just that...I miss her." He had Brian help him lift the television out of the box and get it all hooked up. Once that was done, he leaned back against the wall and sighed.

"So, do you have any plans for the evening? It's been a while since you've been out stealing girl's from their beds and boyfriends from their girlfriends."

Brian sighed. "Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of getting to go out. Because I'm still kind of training under Daniel, all my free time goes into helping develop a new drug for Constance or tending to Constance." He smiled and looked out the window. "Though, I don't mind. I like what I do. I like being about to play with drugs and come up with something new, something that could potentially cure Constance's rage all together."

"Somehow I don't think that murderous intent can be cured with medicine," Jack said as he slowly eased himself onto the bed. "No doubt what you and Daniel have accomplished is nothing short of a miracle. Still, there's rarely a breakthrough in science or medicine without some terrible price which came before it."

Brian smirked. "We have different beliefs, Jack. I believe that I will one day change the world with my medical discoveries and it will start with Constance." He winked. "I'll see you later."

He walked out and joined Daniel downstairs. Constance was still talking.

"Perhaps." Jack soon followed suite and ventured downstairs with the others. Constance was still chatting it up with Daniel. She could make a snail race seem exciting with the way she described things. He felt himself smile as he watched her demonstrate things, using her hands as a way of showing them certain things whenever she spoke.

Daniel grabbed her hands and pulled them down with a smile. "I've heard the story three times now, I think I understand," he said.

She smiled big and wrapped her arms around him. Her face snuggled into his chest. "Daniel, if I continue to work hard and get all my memories back, you will wait for me won't you?"

Daniel moved a hand to her back and rubbed it up and down lightly. "I told you I would. But you have to work hard and remember everything first."

She nodded and sighed. "Then I will work harder than I ever had before!"

"Then you should get started," he said and pulled her back. "You should start spending more time with Jack."

Constance glanced at Jack then back at Daniel. Leaning in, she whispered to him, "But I don't know what to say..."

Daniel smiled and pushed her hair back. His lips close to her ear. "Then tell him that, not me."

Constance sighed.

Jack clapped his hands together before pushing himself off the wall. "Well, I bought a movie for us to watch tonight. If you guys want, you can get it started and I'll prepare dinner tonight." He had a tough decision to make, and tonight he had finally decided on what he was going to do.

They all gathered together and sat down to watch the movie. In the background they could hear Jack cooking. Daniel nudged Constance and she sighed then stood. She walked into the kitchen and hopped on the counter. "Hello, Jack," she said while dangling her legs.

"Hello, Constance." He ran his finer along the edge of the knife before slowly starting to dice up the vegetable for the meal. Everything had to be perfect, and his hands weren't wanting to cooperate with him at the moment. "You didn't want to watch the movie?"

Constance shrugged. "It's rather boring," she said. She slid off the counter and walked over to him. She took the knife from him and while keeping her eyes on him, she chopped the vegetables. "I have to try to get my memory back...Daniel thinks spending more time with you would do that," she said. "But..." she put the knife down after finishing the vegetables, "I don't know what I should say."

Jack smirked. "Believe me, I can understand the feeling. Everything that I would normally say to you I can't. In many ways we are simply strangers to each other, even though we've known each other for so long."

Wiping his hands on a rag, he leaned against the counter so that he could look at her. "Though I don't think spending time with me is what will get your memory back. I think that in time...it will come back on its own."

Constance hopped back on the counter. "Yeah, but I promised Daniel I would try hard to get it all back."

"Still, you can't force this." Taking a deep breath he smiled at her. "Besides, I think I'm going to go back to London for a little while."

Constance felt like she should have felt guilty or upset when he said that, but really, he was just another person leaving to do things he planned to do. "Will you come back?"

He was expecting at least some sort of reaction from her. Instead, there was nothing. "Yes, I will be back. I'll try to make it back for your birthday if I can."