Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsuki the Ice Dragon ❯ why me? ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mitsuki of the Ice dragons prologue

"Alright, I’m going ,I’m going" She said as she picked up a blank book. "About time Mit" WHAM. "Don’t called me that Jackass" "Fine Fine....just get to writing" "Leave me alone and maybe I will" He threw his hands in the air and walked
away muttering 'women', so She hurled a rock at his head. He dodged, of course, But she hit him with the glass bottle she hurled at him as well. She looked at the book and opened it up, then picked up the pen. "Here goes nothing"

I’m not doing this merely because I want to, nor because I have to. I’m doing this because many are curious about my past. My brief bio of my life I told them dose not satisfy them. The want to know everything about me, every little detail, picky basterds. Most of all Akira and Kakahi, or whom I so call Pain in the ass(Akira),ass for short, and jackass (kakahi). Now these may seem an insult to most, but to me these names are terms of endearment. After all, I’m much older than them, so they can't really tell me what to do, well, most of the time at least. Kakahi is the clan leader so I have to listen and obey
him...sometimes. They really need to learn how to respect their elders! My age will be reviled later, but for now, I’ll just say I’m old, very old.

Before I start, let me get a few things straight. My name is Mitsuki, no last name, I never needed one. I am from the once proud race of the Ice Dragons, why it was once will also be reviled. (Akira, stop looking over my shoulder) I am on an endless search for my brother as well. I have traveled the would and seen places human's can only dream of seeing. (AKIRA I SAID STOP). As you can tell, I’m easily annoyed. And one second, I must go gut Akira for what he just said.

Anyhow, as I was saying. Traveling the world only means meeting a traveling companion right? Well I meet two, three really but Fang is the one who I see every day. I have settled down in the seika clan until Kasha can come get me, and I hope this reaches him where ever he is. Just incase something happens to one of us, you can never really know when something will go wrong, and I’ve had my share of bad luck. Sometimes I almost gave up hope, it would get so bad.

I have never cried since my clans downfall, not once. I am know in some parts of the world as the 'heartless Dragon',
The 'girl with no emotions', 'The one who lost all', and my personal favorite, 'silent death'(this has to do with my element). These titles are only some of the many I have. (you must think this is funny, don’t you jackass) The title weight more than a mountain it seems, I’ve acquired some new titles as well, but there are to many to list, so ill just casually slip them in as I go along.

Some of you are thinking, 'she’s a dragon right? Doesn’t that mean she can breath fire and change into a dragon'. You're right about one thing. I can change into a dragon form, in fact, I have two dragon forms. The one I change into depends on my mood at the moment, the more angry I am, the less time I take to work on my form. The less angry I am, the more time spent on changing my form. And no, I do not breath fire. I am an ICE dragon, fire dragons are out worst enemy. And besides, Dragons don't really breath anything besides air, unless were talking about water dragons. It would burn, or In my case freeze, our insides. What we really do is manipulate the air around us with magic, when a fire dragon 'breaths fire' its really manipulating the air to change into fire. Dragons cast a spell on their breath at that moment. When their breath hit’s the air, the air changes to form the dragons element, in this case fire.

Now that the basics are cleared up, its time to move on with the story. Be warned, Dragons don’t go much into theory Unless they have to, like me with the 'breathing fire' most of the time we say 'it happens because it happens' or 'its there because its there' now on with the story.

(just after I find a private room where the boys cant look over my shoulder....that means you akira)

A/N...I’m on major writers block for my other ones, so I hope this tides you over till then.
and I’m working with notepad, so bare with me until I can get word