Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mom's Medicine ❯ Mom's Medicine ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By Hardcover

Mom’s depression began, not unreasonably, sometime after my father had died. Even though their marriage had not been a great one, the effect was profound. Although they had been married over twenty years, they had never seemed very close. Most of that was my Dad’s fault; he was a distant, workaholic who took care of Mom and us, but more out of a sense of responsibility then any real love or affection. He was always at the office, and spent very little time with me, my sister Becky, or even with Mom. He left all the parenting to her, and didn’t even sow up to our birthdays most of the time. Let alone to school plays or little league games. I hardly ever saw him, and as such, I didn’t really know him or care about him all that much. Mom was the one I was close to, and had all the love for, not my perpetually absent father whose sole contribution to my life had been providing fifty percent of the DNA needed to make me. In the end, he was a very good provider, but a very poor father, and a very poor husband.

But I suppose, Mom still loved him for whatever reasons of her own. I was nineteen when it happened. Dad had been working late at the office again, and was on his way home. Also on his way home was one Arthur Wood, a delivery truck driver who was on his way back after working a double shift, and was blissfully unaware of the brain tumor he had that was killing him. Just some poor guy, not the devil. As the exhausted man made his way home, the tumor put just enough pressure on the right part of his brain to send him into grand mal convulsions. No longer in control of the truck, he slammed into Dad’s car head on and was killed instantly, not even having time to finish his seizure. Dad survived the crash but was brain dead. He held on for two weeks as if he was stubbornly trying to finish something he forgot at the office, before expiring. Mom held a bedside vigil the whole time, keeping a morose death watch over him.

I suppose it was easier for me and Becky because in a lot of ways, we had never really had a father. But Mom took it really hard. For all his distance and isolation, it seemed she really loved him. As time went on, her depression worsened, as opposed to getting better. At first, Becky helped me, but in the end it got too much for her and she moved out at age nineteen, leaving me to take care of Mom by myself. Mom resisted getting help, but her despondency kept getting worse to the point where she barely ever left the house.

Mom had always been a beautiful, young looking woman. As a child, especially when going through puberty, I found it difficult not to try to look down her top and spy on her in the shower. In spite of the guilt, I would peep on her and stroke off, looking at her wonderful naked body. But as her depression worsened, her appearance began to change. Her once vibrant red hair took on a pale orange, stringy look, and her face seemed lined and etched with wrinkles that almost sprung up over night. Her eyes became dark and sunken with deep bags under them. She began to look like she was in her late fifties, although she was only in her mid forties.

Four months or so after my twentieth birthday, and a month after Mom’s forty fifth birthday, things got a whole lot worse. One day she finally got so down that she tried to kill herself, sitting in her car in the garage with the motor running. I found her in time, fortunately, and pulled her out.

Something good came of that, in the end. She was so horrified at what she had almost done that she finally agreed to get some treatment. After several sessions with different psychiatrists, it was decided that a stay in a low security hospital was in order. And so, Mom checked herself into Reeves Mental Health Facility for an indefinite stay to treat her severe depression, and that’s where I was going that day to visit her.

The hospital was located slightly off the beat and path, just next to a quiet stretch of beach that was said to help calm the patients. The building was an old two story brick affair that had been built back in the late 1800s. It looked a bit like an old school house sometimes, rather then a hospital, although I’ll admit that late at night or early in the morning the place could look down right creepy. There was a definite gothic ambience to the outside of the place, but inside it was all soothing colors and professional.

As I drove into the parking lot, the news played on the radio, talking about the recent rash of severe earthquakes that had caused a lot of concern in the area. I could agree with that, I’d been through three bad one’s recently, and all three had ben scarier than shit. Not to mention the mount of cleanup I’d had to do afterwards. I wondered why we were getting hit with so many. When the last one had hit, the power had gone out while I was in my mad dash for the dining room table, and I’d suddenly found myself running in the dark and banging into most of the furniture we owned.

I parked my car and got out, walking towards the building. I was always a little bit nervous visiting Mom since I was never sure what I was going to find lately. The problem was, Mom had consented to some experimental drug therapy, and they seemed to be having trouble adjusting her levels. One time I came in there and she was practically catatonic, not even realizing I was there. Another time she was just stoned out of her mind, giggling and laughing in ways that made me think she was about to kill Batman.  Once she even was acting like some kind of June Cleaver mommy stereotype. Another time she seemed to think she was nine years old again, and another time she was convinced she was a man and kept trying to talk me into going on a hunting trip with her.

The weirdest one was the time I came in and found her all paranoid, claiming that spider people from the secret underground city of Sipderia were everywhere, plotting to take over the world, and whispered a list of people she suspected of being spiders which included some celebrities, politicians and Becky. She went on to tell me she’d written a five hundred page manuscript detailing their plans for world conquest, which she then handed to me. Why her ‘five hundred page manuscript’ was only two hundred and ten pages long, and why it was written in screenplay format, I couldn’t even begin to tell you. I don’t know what was more disconcerting: The copious amounts of sex scenes she’d written into it, the fact that one of those sex scenes involved two characters that were obviously based on me and Becky, or her descriptions of the climatic spider/human orgy.

In any event, I kept it figuring I might be able to sell it to Skinemax.

I entered the hospital and signed in with the stern looking nurse at the front who always looked like the bun in her hair was pulled way too tight. I had a large photo album under my arm that I had put together for Mom, with lots of family photos dating back as far as I could find right up until last week. I hoped it would cheer her up. I had debated over and over whether to include photos of Dad, finally deciding not to since he was barely involved in our lives anyways, and I didn’t want to send Mom into any more spirals of despair.

As was my usual custom, I stopped by Dr. Burns’ office, who was the doctor who was handling Mom’s case, to get an update on her condition. His office was wide, and oval shaped, looking like a typical shrink’s office with a couch to lie on, a long ornate wooden desk, and some chairs for those who weren’t there to get their head shrunk. An enormous library of books lined one wall, while paintings lined another. There were no windows as Dr. Burns liked to work without distractions.

Dr. Burns had been handling Mom’s case personally, and also seeing me a bit and helping me deal with the stress and anxiety. Recently he’d proscribed some new anti-anxiety meds for me which really seemed to help a lot. Just in case, I’d taken one before coming in. Like I said, I wasn’t sure how Mom would be acting.

Surprisingly, what he had to say was encouraging this time. Mom had begun to respond well to the new levels of medicine, and she had been showing marked improvement, becoming happier and more upbeat, participating in games and other activities and even becoming rather popular with some of the other patients. She had also, I was told, been looking forward to my visit, and it was all she could talk about all day.

After wrapping up the discussion, I was led to the meeting area that was set aside for patients to meet with visitors. It was a fairly nice room, with a large TV set up, several soft chairs, a large couch and a large rectangular table on either side of which were set two well cushioned benches. The paint job was simple and soft, a calming environment as one might expect. The furniture was wood and leather, elegantly carved. I had been here before, of course. In fact, before Mom checked in I was taken on a tour of the facility, so I more or less knew where everything was. There were two doors in the meeting room, one leading out into the reception area, and the other across from it leading into the patient rooms.

The orderly left me in the room and I paced a little bit nervously. Lately, due to her experimental drug treatment, I was never sure what was going to come walking through that door. In spite of the good prognosis from Dr. Burns, I couldn’t help but worry what weird side effects I would be facing this time. I drummed my fingers against the photo album I was holding, contemplating what I was going to see this time. For all I knew, she could come crawling in on all fours thinking she was a dog or a cat. It felt like an eternity, but the door on the other side finally opened and Mom stepped in.

My mouth dropped open: She looked good. Really good, much better then she had lately. The etched lines on her face had faded, and her hair was a once more a rich red color, looking more lush and full then it had lately. It spilled down over her shoulders in waves like a waterfall crashing over the rocks below. Her eyes, for so long now dull and empty, sparkled with bright, vivid enthusiasm, more aware and alert then she had been. Her skin was warm and no longer so pale, looking healthier and much less sickly. Her lips were full and no longer stretched across her mouth in a thin line.

Even her body seemed a little better. There was none of the sagginess to her that I had noticed lately. Her skin seemed soft and healthy while her shape seemed tighter and almost curvier. She was dressed in the standard hospital attire, which here was a pink short sleeved v neck top that buttoned up the front, and a pair of matching long loose fitting elastic waist pants. Pink slippers adorned her feet. I noticed she had neglected the top button so she was showing a large amount of cleavage, which made me blush a bit in embarrassment. I tried to keep my eyes off them, it wasn’t right to be staring at my Mom’s boobs.

She looked beautiful again, and surprisingly seemed a bit younger as well. I could swear she looked like a woman in her late 30s as opposed to one in her mid 40s. I almost didn’t believe it was her.

“Mom?” I asked, amazed.

A wide smile spread across her face as she saw me, “Devon!”

She bounded over to me with a limitless enthusiasm and threw her arms around, pulling me close in tight bear hug. I put my arms around her and hugged her back, taken back a little buy her unexpected chippy attitude.

“Oh, Devon!” She cried, “It’s so good to see you again. I’ve been looking forward to this for so long.”

As she continued to hug me and kiss my cheek loveably, I began to feel that something was slightly off. It was the way she was hugging me; it felt like she was slightly grinding her body against mine, in a way that faintly resembled a lap dance. I was horrified to find myself responding to the closeness of her body, and slight tingle of arousal rose in my crotch. I tried to fight it down, she was my mother for Pete’s sake, but she moved subtly, ever so slightly against me.

I became aware that I thought she wasn’t wearing a bra under her top. As she kept right on hugging me, making those ever so slight movements, I became sure. I could feel her nipples pressing against me through our clothes. They seemed to be hard, if I wasn’t mistaken, and I was getting more and more uncomfortable as I could feel the slight heat from her body as she pressed against me and her breath against my neck. Mom had always been a big hugger and very affectionate, but now it was different. That slight rubbing was making my penis stiffen up, much to my horror.

Mortified by my reaction to my own mother, I untangled myself from her and sheepishly grinned at her.

“It’s good to see you, too, Mom.” I told her.

She kissed my cheek several times and gave me another hug, patting me on the back. I could feel her large breasts against my chest, but she was mercifully brief this time. I began to wonder if I should be in a mental hospital somewhere, my reactions to Mom’s affectionate welcome were scaring me. I tried to distract myself, telling myself over and over ‘she’s your Mom’. I focused on the fact that this was the best I’d seen her in a long time: Happy, chipper and affectionate, the way she was before our stone wall of a father had died. There was a radiance and warmth to her face that I hadn’t seen in a long time. She looked good, and that’s what was important. She had dropped her hands to mine and was holding both my hands, looking up at me warmly.

“So, how are you doing?” I asked her.

“Great!” She said happily, “Really good, I haven’t felt this good for a long, long time.”

“That’s great to hear, Mom.” I said honestly, heaving an inward sigh of relief.

That was more than just great, that was a real load off my mind. I had always been very close to Mom, but seeing her these last few years, it was like a wall had come up between us, a wall I couldn’t climb over and break through, and it had left a huge gaping hole in my heart, that lack of affection from the one woman who had constantly given it to me my whole life. Now, here she was in front of me, as loving, joyful and vibrant as ever. A warm feeling ran through my body looking at her now. And still I was struck by how much younger she looked, as if time had really started to turn back for her. I looked her in the eyes and felt an urge to kiss her. The problem was, it was to kiss her full on the lips, and again I felt mortified. What the hell was wrong with me? I shuddered inwardly, very disturbed by my reaction to her. It’s how she looks, I told myself, she looks so good now as opposed to how she’d looked before that you overreacting to her. That had to be it, didn’t it?

“So, Dr. Burns tells me you’ve been making a lot of friends.” I said.

She giggled. It almost seemed like a naughty school girl the way she did it, and it freaked me out a bit.

“Yeah, I think I’m becoming really popular around here.” She smiled warmly, “The other patients have been . . . very friendly lately.”

Umm . . . was I reading too much into that? I had to be reading too much into that.

Mom gestured to the book I’d brought with me, “So, what’s this that you’ve got?”

I grinned and held it up to her, “A family photo album, going back as long as I could find and going right up to a week ago. All the best pictures I could find, along with tags. I made it myself, I thought you’d like it.”

Her eyes lit up, wide and practically sparkling, “Just for me? Oh, I love you, Devon.”

She hugged me again, “Let’s go look at it.”

She slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me close as I led her over to the long rectangular table that we usually sat on. Her hand was wrapped around my waist and again I began to feel strange about her closeness. Especially since her hand seemed to dip a little low for my comfort.

I sat down at the table and was a little surprised when Mom slid in next to me instead of across from me which was our usual set up. Then again, it would make it easier to go through the book without me having to read it upside down. But she slid in all the way next to me, her hip and leg pressed against mine. Once more I could feel her slight warmth against me and swallowed a little nervously with her pressed so close. I opened the book to the first page.

From then on, we were having fun as I pointed out little tidbits of information that I had written under each picture but Mom liked to hear from me. This went on for a while as we laughed and joked and made fun of outdated fashions. We were giggling and chuckling so much it almost felt like I was showing these to my sister and not my mother. It was a lot of fun, really, the most fun we’d had together in a long time.

And then suddenly I noticed something and things got weird again.

As I glanced over at her while she leaned in to look at something in the album, I realized that the second button on her top had come undone and had slipped open, exposing most of her breast. I thought about saying something, but then I had the rather stupid thought that it would mean admitting that I was looking at her chest in the first place. So I kept my mouth shut, willing myself not to look at my own mother’s boob. I tried to keep my eyes on the book but they kept being drawn back to her open top. I had never been blind to the fact that Mom had a great set of boobs, hell as a kid I’d seen them lots of times. But now I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sight of the soft round mounds that seemed ageless and free of any stretch marks and sagging.

My penis was stiffening in my pants, and cringed inwardly. What the hell kind of monster was I? I was some sick bastard lusting after my own mother. What the hell was wrong with me?

I quickly turned back to the book as mom perused. For a long time, I managed to keep my attention on the photographs, but when I risked a glance back at her, she had leaned even further over, studying one of the pictures, and the top had fallen open in a neat ‘U’ shape. Her entire right breast was now exposed, and I could clearly see her nipple now. It was soft and puffy, and seemed like it was a little hard, poking out from the tip of her perfect breast. Tingling ran through my crotch and at that brief moment, it was the most beautiful breast I had ever seen. For a split second, I forgot that she was my mother. For a second, I wanted to reach out and touch it, take it in my hand and squeeze it.

Then I remembered what I was doing and I quickly tore my eyes away from her exposed breast and back to her face. That’s when my heart froze.

She wasn’t looking at the book anymore, she was looking right at me. She was smiling broadly and her cheeks were flushed a little. She must have seen me looking at her chest, but she hadn’t made any move to change position or cover up. Maybe she didn’t realize she was exposed like that, and lord knows I should have told her, but the expression on her face looked like she was turned on, if I didn’t know any better.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” She asked me coyly, and I noticed she played with the end of her hair a little bit.

My mouth felt dry, and I didn’t respond. Mom leaned back in her chair, the edge of her top falling back and finally covering her exposed breast.

“Don’t be shy,” She prodded, “I’m your mother. You can tell me anything.”

As she said that, she had turned herself slightly towards me. The hand that had been playing with the end of her hair dropped and started absently playing with the edge of her top, running along the seam. As she turned towards me, I saw with a jolt that now her other breast was exposed, the soft puffy nipple just as hard as its neighbor. She tugged on her top absent mindedly, flashing me without seeming to realize it.

Or did she?

I realized I had a full erection now, pressing against my pants. God, I hoped she didn’t notice that because I could never explain it.

She had to notice that I was looking at her chest, but she kept her eyes on me and continued to give me that naughty girl smile, “Come on, honey, what’s on your mind.”

I had to say something.

“You look beautiful.” I said.

I wanted the smack myself in the head like an old V-8 juice commercial. I just opened my mouth and out that had come. Now the situation was ever more awkward then it had been before. Mom smiled wider and blushed a little deeper while I felt my face get hot with embarrassment.

“Why thank you.” Mom said, giggling like a school girl.

I had to explain what I’d just said, so I tried not to lick my lips and went on, “You just look so much better then you did before coming here. I was so worried, you have no idea. I haven’t slept much since . . . well you know. Looking at you now, I’m just so relieved.”

Her smile faltered, and she began to look slightly sad. I worried that maybe I had said the wrong thing. Damn, I shouldn’t have brought up her suicide attempt. Maybe I had reopened some old wounds.

“I know,” She said quietly, “And I know I’ve put you and your sister through a lot.”

“It’s okay, Mom.” I said quickly, “I just want you to get better. That’s all I want.”

She smiled again and leaned forward. As she did, the top shifted and now I could see both her breasts fully as they hung down from her chest. She put a hand on my thigh, smiling warmly.

“Thank you, honey.” She purred, “It means a lot to me that you visit, I look forward to seeing you every time. I just love you so much.”

She had placed her hand high up on my thigh, right under my crotch. She was only inches away from discovering my stiff hard on. She moved her hand on my thigh slightly, creeping upward a little while my penis throbbed with arousal that it shouldn’t be feeling. I had to do something to stop her before she felt it and then who knew what would happen.

I cleared my throat, “So, how are they treating you here? Are you comfortable?”

To my great relief, she removed her hand, sitting back in her chair, the open part of her top no only showing large amounts of her cleavage.

She nodded, but I thought her eyes flashed to my crotch for a second. I could have been my imagination.

“Yeah, they’re treating me fine.” She assured me, “You’ve seen my room, it’s pretty nice, all the comforts of home. I man, I wish I had a TV for myself. And I wish they’d let me wear at least some of my own clothes.”

“They don’t let you wear your own clothes?” I asked.

“A lot of us are suicide risks.” She shrugged, and then ran her hand over the material of her clothes, “I mean, these pajamas are pretty comfortable, all nice and soft and stuff, event the buttons. Here, take a feel.”

She reached over before I knew and grabbed my hand, placing it on the material of her top. Yes, I could feel that her clothes were indeed, quite soft and pleasant to the touch. But what I could also feel was the soft bulge of her boob under where she’d put my hand. My brain froze and I didn’t quite know what to do. I couldn’t quite tell if she’d done that deliberately or not. I mean, it was Mom, I was her son, she wouldn’t do that on purpose, I was sure. At least, I thought I was sure.

My mouth was dry, “Yeah, nice and soft.”

I pulled it away before this could get any more uncomfortable. I thought I noticed a slight look of disappointment on Mom’s face, but I thought I was imagining it.

Mom folded her arms over her chest, “It just still feels strange not to have any of my own clothes. Even my own underwear.”

“They don’t let you have your own underwear?” I asked, surprised.

She shook her head, “Nope. They issue me some. I mean, don’t get me wrong, they’re as comfortable as the rest. See?”

For one horrific second, I thought she was going to take my hand and put it down her pants. She didn’t do that, fortunately, but she did do something equally shocking: She slipped her elastic waist pants down her hips a little, exposing her pink, sheer cotton panties to me.

“Whoa! Mom!” I protested, not sure if there were cameras on us.

“Oh, come on!” She smacked my shoulder, laughing, “I’m your mother, it’s not weird.”

I seemed weird to me, but I couldn’t stop looking as she displayed the simple panties that the hospital had given her.

“See?” She said, her face looking pink, “Nice and comfortable, but boring.”

“Er . . . comfortable is good.” I said, feeling stupid.

“Oh that they are.” She chuckled, “But like I said, boring. But confortable.”

And then, without warning, she slipped a finger under the waste band, pulling it up and twisting it a little so that the tag on the inside could be read. My face burned hot, because in the process, she completely exposed her red mound of pubic hair, a small Mohawk neatly trimmed over her vagina, part of which was in full view because, to my surprise and embarrassment, she seemed to be fully shaved down there. I could see the thin hood that housed her clit peeking out from between her closed legs, her neat curly red pubic hair carefully trimmed out of the way. I was looking right at my own mother’s pussy.

“One hundred percent pure cotton.” She said, grinning mischievously.

My face flushed and I felt my cock strain in my pants. There was no way this was a mistake. I mean, with her boobs falling out, maybe. But she had to know fully well what she was showing me. And to my dismay, I couldn’t stop myself from staring and wanting to see more. Shame flooded me, mixing with arousal in a disorientating cocktail that wouldn’t let me be. I was both relived and disappointed when Mom let her panties go and pulled her pants back up.

There was a long silence where we just looked at each other and said nothing, both of us blushing. Now, both of us were fully aware of the inappropriate feelings that were passing between us.

Mom licked her lips, “I love you so much, Devon.”

She started moving closer to me. I should have pulled away but I couldn’t. She pushed closer and closer until I could feel her breath on my cheek. I felt her hand on my thigh again and this time she brushed her fingers across the bulge of my erection. There was no way to hide it now. She got right up to my face and all reason was seeping out of me. I wanted to kiss her; to take her in my arms and shove my tongue down her throat. Her breasts were slipping out of her top again, her nipples hard and swollen.

And it almost happened. I was saved by the sound of the door knob turning. Mom quickly sat back and I was left the sit there feeling ashamed of myself and disturbed and a little frustrated all at the same time. The door opened and a tall black nurse entered the room. I glanced back at Mom and saw that she had covertly rebuttoned her top, and now sat there looking as innocent as could be.

The nurse said, “Sorry, Gillian, visiting time is over. It’s time for you session with Dr. Burns.”

“Awe.” Mom pouted like a teenager.

I looked at my watch and was surprised to see that we had spent a whole two hours together. As we both stood up, Mom kissed me lightly on the lips and then gave me another one of her new uncomfortable hugs with the slight grinding.

She whispered in my ear, “I love you, honey. There isn’t ANYTHING I wouldn’t do for you.”
She managed to make the word ‘anything’ sound like the sleaziest thing imaginable. We said our goodbyes and then Mom walked off with a playful wave, following the nurse with a distinctly inviting sway to her step that wiggled her butt back and forth, and I was left with all my confusing thoughts.

As I headed out the door, my mind was a maelstrom of thoughts. Dr. Burns had told me that Mom’s behavior was back to normal, but that had been anything but normal. I thought about going over to Dr. Burns’ office and telling him about what had happened. In fact, that’s what I should have done, but I balked at trying to explain my own behavior too. After standing in the lobby for a few seconds, hesitating, I walked out the door and too my car.

I felt completely perplexed and turned around. While she definitely been more herself then she had previously, that weird incestuous playfulness was all new. It was like her libido had been turbo charged and she didn’t care who took care of it for her. At least now I knew why she was suddenly so popular with the other patients.

A sudden flash image of my Mom in the middle of a mental hospital orgy came to my head, and I was abhorred to find my penis twitching with arousal. To heck with Mom’s weird behavior, how was I gonna deal with mine? I mean, yeah, sometimes when I was just getting into puberty I’d fantasized about her, but that was a long time ago when I was so heavily into adolescence that looking at linoleum made me think of sex. It wasn’t so easy to explain away my excitement at my Mom’s imitation of a drunken prom date.

She had looked really good. Better then he had in a long, long time. Maybe that was it, a combination of her weird affection and my happiness to see her looking so well after all she’d been through. That was one hell of a stretch but I tried to put it down to that. It didn’t really work as thoughts of Mom’s exposed boobs and peeking pussy hair kept sailing back to me. I felt myself getting hard again and hurried to my car, least somebody notice.

My anxious thoughts were about to be interrupted by something a whole lot more immediate, however. At first, the only thing I noticed was a sudden snapping sound as hundreds of birds took to the air around me. The caws and coos filled the air as I looked up and saw clouds of birds streaking for the sky, away from the ground. The next thing I noticed was the sounds of dogs barking, several off them all at once. Frightened, panic laden barks as if they knew something we didn’t. A chill ran up my spine as I thought about how animals usually knew about impending calamity first.

When the earthquake hit, it was deceptively subtle at first, only a slight vibration under my feet that made me think a big truck was driving by or something. The shaking began to build in intensity, and soon there was no question of what it was. I ducked to the ground as the rocking became violent. All around me the cars in the parking lot shifted and shook back and forth. One by one, car alarms began going off, filling their air with ear shattering whines until I had to clasp my ears to keep it out.

I was out in the open, away from any power lines, but I heard thunderous rumbling as things around me collapsed. Telephone polls fell, asphalt broke and cracked and I knew this was a massive earthquake. Off in the distance along the coast where the more densely populated areas were, I could see fires breaking out. Flashes of light sparked in the air from the direction of the local power plant as the transformers arched with electricity.

I heard a massive crashing sound and spun around. To my horror, I saw parts of the hospital collapsing, falling apart like so many Legos as the structure failed under the relentless shaking. Whole parts of the upper floors collapsed on themselves and a huge cloud of dust rose from around the building, spilling out into the parking lot, obscuring my vision. I heard screams and the sounds of people running out of the hospital as more noises of tumbling walls filled my ears.

The shaking finally stopped, and I ran forward, fear and panic clutching at my belly. I ran through the cloud of dust, my eyes stinging as particles got into them, but I kept moving forward. I got to the building, the wind having blown some of the dust away.

The hospital building looked devastated, but not completely obliterated. A lot of it was still standing. I surge of hope filled my chest as I saw a large group of doctors, nurses, orderlies and patients outside the collapsed structure. I jogged over to them and quickly began searching for Mom.

My hope turned to despair as I couldn’t find her anywhere. I began calling for her, but got no response. Panic gripped my heart and clawed at my belly, and had it not been for Dr. Burns’ anxiety pills, I probably would have completely freaked, I looked at the hospital and saw that the front entrance was still intact. There was a chance, a good one from the looks of things, that she was still alive in there. I bolted towards the doors, ignoring an orderly’s cries to stop and rand into the hospital, all my thoughts now focused on finding Mom.

As I entered the building, I found the lobby a complete mess. A large metal beam had fallen through the ceiling and cleaved the front desk in half. The door to the visitor’s area was still unblocked and I shoved it open, running through the area that had been so surreal a few minutes ago, now covered in dust and rubble. I kicked the door open that led into the patient’s ward. The area looked mostly intact, although some rooms at the very end were blocked off by a pile of debris. I ran directly for Mom’s room.

I threw the door open but I found the room empty. Stuff was scattered around, knocked over by the quake, but I didn’t see Mom anywhere. There was a notebook on the bed that was open. In my desperate mindset, I saw what it said but I didn’t really register it: She had written my name hundreds of times all over the pages with little hearts around them. In any other situation I might have stopped to stare at the obvious implications of that little document, but I was too desperate to find her to think of anything else.

My nerves felt completely flayed as visions of Mom crushed and bloody filled my head. I felt the anxiety rise and could feel my fingers start to tremble, never a good sign. I was about to have an anxiety attack right when I needed to keep a cool head the most. I tried to steady my nerves but it wasn’t working.

I realized the bottle with the anxiety pills was still in my pocket. I really shouldn’t take another pill so soon, but I needed to calm down. I debated for a brief moment and then popped a pill in my mouth, dry swallowing it, hoping the dose wouldn’t make me too dizzy or disorientated. I just needed to calm my nerves, but I regretted it as soon as a swallowed it. I could just hope I didn’t get too loopy later.

I ran out of the room and desperately began calling out for Mom. I didn’t get a response, so to speak, but I thought I could hear a woman crying that sounded a lot like here. It seemed to be coming from the doctor’s offices. That’s right, the nurse had said she had a session with Dr. Burns coming up!

I ran back though the visitor’s area and into the lobby, bolting left and heading down the hallway that housed the offices. I could definitely hear the sounds of sobbing, and it seemed to be coming from the end of the hall. From Dr. Burn’s office.

As I was about to reach it, the ground seemed to fall out from under me. It was either an aftershock or another quake. The floor heaved and shook under me. I threw open the door and got in the doorway. To my dismay, the ceiling collapsed, spilling concrete and metal and everything else into the hallway I’d just come down. It was a horrible, loud sound and it filled the air with dust as it all came thundering down. I heard a female voice scream from somewhere in Dr. Burns’ office, but it was drowned out by the endless roaring sound. When it was finally over, I looked in shock and realized that there was no going back that way, the hallway was filled to the top with concrete, metal and the crushed remains of hospital equipment and furniture. There was only a few feet between where I stood in the door frame and the beginning of the rubble pile.

There was no other way out of Dr. Burns’ office. I was now trapped in here for the time being.

I heard the sobbing again and turned back to the office, stepping inside. It seemed like the room had been spared the brunt of the collapse, seeing as it was a mess but still basically in tact. Maybe that wasn’t was good thing, since a collapse wall letting me out of here would have been a boon. Books lay strewn around, and pretty much all of Burns’ framed certificates lay smashed on the floor. The lights were still on but slightly low, so we still had power. For now. I could still hear the sobbing, but I couldn’t see anyone else in the room. It seemed to be coming from right in front of me.

The desk, she had to be under the desk.

I ran around the desk to the other side. Sure enough, to my great relief, there was Mom, curled up and huddled under the desk, trembling and crying in fear.

“Mom!” I exclaimed, my heart hammering with elation.

She unburied her face from her knees and looked up at me. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth broke into a smile.

“Devon!” She cried, “Oh thank god.”

I reached under the desk and took both her hands. As I pulled her out, I realized something with a shock: She wasn’t wearing her pants, for some reason, and I was getting a long flash of those one hundred percent cotton panties that she thought were so comfortable. As she scooted out from under the desk, her legs were spread and I swallowed as I saw the outline of her camel toe through the material at her crotch. Again that unwelcome arousal began to flood me, much stronger then it was before.

As soon as she was up and on her feet, Mom threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back as she trembled in my arms. But the closeness of her body was making me horny again, tingling running all over my crotch. What the hell was the matter with me? Not only was this my mother, but we were in a dire situation, why would I be thinking of sex at a time like this?

“Please get me out of here, Devon.” She sobbed, “I’m so scared.”

“We can’t.” I told her plainly.

She looked up at me, questioningly.

I continued, “That last shake blocked off the hall out there. There’s no way out of here.”

Mom’s eyes grew wide in horror, “You mean . . . we’re buried alive?”

“No, nothing like that.” I said hurriedly, “It’s just gonna take a while for them to get to us.”

I hoped that sounded reassuring. I was regretting having taken that other pill, my head was fogging up and I was starting to feel tipsy. To make matters worse my earlier arousal was increasing minute by minute. Mom buried her head in my shoulder and trembled, holding me tightly.

“Look, it’s not like we’re in a mine somewhere.” I said to her, “Two of those walls open up to the beach, so they’ll probably come through one of those.”

“What if we need food? What if we starve?” She said, panic rising in her voice.

“It won’t come to that.” I assured her, “They’ll get us out of here shortly, you’ll see.”

She nodded and pulled her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I could help but notice the feeling of her body against mine and the warmth of it as it pressed tightly. I could feel the shape of her breasts as they squished against my chest. I was reminded that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, and I could feel her nipples brush against my chest. My cock stirred shamefully in my pants, coming to life, brought awake by the warm closeness of her body. I tried to take a deep breath and think of something else, anything else other than how horny she was making me, but it wasn’t doing any good. My head was still swimming in the effects of the pill, making it hard to focus my thoughts.

Damnit, why’d I take that second pill? Stupid!

“Just hold me, Devon.” Mom murmured, hugging me like a life raft, “Just hold me.”

Was it my imagination or did she look younger again? Something about her, the lines in her face seem fainter, and I could swear she looked like she was more in her mid-thirties then her late thirties as she had looked earlier. She certainly did not look like she was in mid-forties like she was in reality. We stood there in each other’s arms, just holding each other as my mind wandered.

She looked so beautiful right now. Certainly better then she had after Dad died. She had always been beautiful, and it had always been a secret point of pride with me that my friends would come over when I was teenager and try to hit on Mom instead of my sister, though it sure irritated the hell out of Becky. But there was a radiance too her that I’d never seen before, or maybe simply hadn’t noticed before.

Her incredible body was pressed up to mine, and unbidden my erection straitened, engorging at the rubbing of her form against it. She had to feel that, I felt with a panic, she had to know what was happening. But if she did, she gave no sign of it and simply stayed against me, her head on my chest. I thought I noticed a slight flush on her cheeks. Was she getting horny too? I thought back to her behavior in the visiting room, how she’d gleefully shown her body to me, and felt arousal rise in me.

I felt the strong urge to kiss her, to take her lips and press mine against them, maybe even slip my tongue down her throat. I wondered blearily what it would be like to touch her. My hands were now at her waist (when had they moved down there?), and it would be so easy to slip my hands down and squeeze her nice soft butt. But the first thing was to kiss her, to kiss her deep and hard like lover’s do.

I pushed her back, horrified at my thoughts, backing away from her. Mom tried to pull me back to her, but I yanked away from her, jumping back to keep any more contact from happening.

“What’s wrong?” She said with a pained look, “What did I do?”

“S-something’s wrong with me.” I stammered, “I-I wanted to kiss you.”

She smiled with a slight impish look, “What’s the matter? Too old to kiss your mother?”

I cringed at how dirty she made that sound. Worse because I felt myself responding. Mom looked at me with doleful, pouty eyes and a similar pouting expression that looked so cute and so sexy with her lips turned down that it could have been on some Japanese schoolgirl site.

“No, I wanted to kiss you like . . . well, like the way a guy shouldn’t kiss his mother. You don’t even want to know where I wanted to put my hands. We need to stay apart, something’s not right, with either of us.”

Looking at me with wide eyes, Mom said, “Devon, please! You have no idea how scared I am. I’m so scared, I need you near me. So . . . we’ll make a pact: As long as we’re trapped in here, you can kiss me however you like, put your hands wherever you want, do whatever you want to me, just don’t leave me. You have my permission to touch, kiss, or do whatever you want. How does that sound?”

Actually, with my fogged brain it was starting to sound pretty reasonable. Her pleading, almost desperate expression wasn’t doing anything to help either. I knew this was the worst idea possible, getting so close to Mom in the condition both of us were in. So instead I simply said nothing. Mom advanced on me, holding her arms out to me with an expression of hunger flitting across her features. In a way, she resembled something out of an old vampire film, stalking towards me and putting me under her spell.

She wrapped her arms around me and pulled her body close to mine. After a few seconds, even though I didn’t trust myself to be around her, I let my arms wrap around her as well. In a few moments, she began that damn slight rubbing again, moving her body ever so slightly and moving her breasts over my body. The fog in my mind was only getting worse, and my dick pressed against my pants with renewed vigor. I felt the wall on my back, and realized I had been moving backwards. I looked around to make sure there was no broken glass, since Mom was barefoot. Mom pressed her face against my chest and my hands had once more dropped lower.

I was so fucking horny now, and it was hard to think strait. I wanted to slip my hands down on her soft butt. My hands were only inches away, I could just slide them down and feel her.

Something screamed at me in my head that this was my Mom. But it was fading into the background. After all, my addled brain reasoned, I had permission now.

Before I even knew what I was doing, my hand had slipped down further and further and cupped her round soft ass. I gently squeezed it, feeling the soft roundness of it under my fingers. If felt really good, to be squeezing her perfect ass like that.

“Oh.” Mom said, blushing a bit, and the pressed her cheek on my chest, “Mmmmmm.”

True to her word, she made no move to push my hand away. She just let me squeeze her round ass gently, while she rubbed her body against me subtlety. Suddenly, I felt her hands on my butt, squeezing firmly. My penis twitched as her fingers pressed into the soft flesh of my rear. She lifted her head, looking up at me with a naughty girl look that seemed to belong on some drunken prom date teenager.

But there she was, so beautiful and loving, staring up and me affectionately with her lovely eyes that seemed to draw me in and her thick pouting lips. God did I want to kiss her. Our head moved closer to each other and I kissed her gently on the lips, briefly, feeling that was safe and could be platonic.

Not while you’ve got your hands on her ass, a voice screamed in my head.

But that kiss wasn’t enough, I wanted more. I wanted to kiss her deep and passionately, to really kiss like she should be kissed. The way I never saw Dad kiss her, the way he probably never did. Our lips were only inches apart now, I could feel her breath on my face. She closed her eyes, and waited for me to do it. She wanted me to, I could tell.

And I did have permission.

Our lips met and we kissed deeply, drawing each other close, like a par of reunited lovers. That was it, we were down the rabbit hole now. No turning back, even if we wanted to, and we both didn’t want to. Our lips moved on each other and our tongues explored each other’s mouths as I felt her practically melt into my arms. This was nowhere near the simple affection of a mother and son, this was a purely lustful, incestuous kiss. All my objections were fading to the back of my mind at the simple touch of her luscious lips. She was an extraordinarily good kisser, and we made out like a couple on their first date. Which maybe we were.

She broke the kiss and pressed her hips up against mine. The bulge of my erection ran across her stomach, and it strained feeling the flesh so close to it.

Mom looked down and then back up, smiling, “You’re hard.”

All I could do was nod numbly. Her eyes moistened and her grin widened. I thought for a second that she was going to start crying in joy.

“I can still get a man hard.” She whispered thankfully.

We kissed again, once more deeply and passionately. I broke it soon and looked in her eyes.

“Touch anything I want?” I asked her.

She nodded. My hand slipped up her body and gently cupped one of her breasts.

“Oh!” She gasped and tilted her head back, with her eyes closed. I ran my hand over her breast, finding and playing with the bulge of her nipple. I could feel it stiffen under my hand as I rolled it between my thumb and forefinger.

Mom kissed me and then leaned in, whispering in my ear, “You can unbutton my top if you want. So there’ll be nothing in the way.”

“You’re sure?” I asked her.

She nodded. Breathing deeply, I began to undo her buttons one by one. The buttons were soft, and my hands trembled a little as I began to work them out of their grooves, letting her top fall open little by little and expose more and more of her cleavage. Mom blushed but smiled at me naughtily as I moved down button by button until I undid the last one and her top fell open, exposing her cleavage but not her nipples yet, and her simple pink cotton panties.

I took the edge of her top in my fingers and slid it over, exposing her left breast completely. Even though I’d seen it before, took a deep breath as my cock twitched in my pants. I slipped my hand onto it and squeezed her breast lightly. Mom closed her eyes and moaned audibly as I began to knead her boob gently. We began to make out again, my hand moving from one of her breasts to the other. She pulled herself in and ran her fingers over my own chest as our mouths smacked across each other.

She removed her hands over a time and gripped the edges of her top. With a flourish of her arms, she smoothly slipped her top down her arms and completely off without breaking the kiss, letting the garment pool up behind her on the floor. She was now almost nude, clad only in those pink one hundred percent cotton panties.

And she looked good, incredibly sexy topless like that in just her underwear. I kissed her more and then leaned down, taking her nipple in my mouth and giving it a suck, running my tongue over the hardening nip.

“Oh! Mmm!” Mom moaned, “You haven’t done that in so long.”

I squeezed her breasts, moving my fingers into the soft flesh and moving from one to the other, tickling her hard nipples with my tongue and sucking them into my mouth. I gave one of them a light bite with my teeth eliciting a giddy squeal from Mom. She cupped her breasts with her hands and pushed them into my face, offering them up to me as happily as she would a home cooked meal. I licked and suckled at her amazing breasts.

She reached behind me and began to pull up my own shirt, gathering the material in folds until it was all bunched up under my arms. She pushed me back up and I stood upright, pulling my shirt up and off.

Mom ran her hands over my chest, feeling the muscles. I wasn’t any body builder but I was in good shape.

“Oh, so nice. You’re in such good shape.” She licked her lips, “I’m so proud of you.”

She leaned in and began to give my nipple the same treatment I just had.

God, we were a couple of perverts!

As she licked and teased at my nipples, making them hard a bit, but not in the way her female nipples were, she ran her hands over my chest, gently running them over my body. She began to slide them lower, across my stomach and along my sides, almost like a masseur. Her moves were sensuous and practiced as she slid her palms over my naked flesh, finally reaching the top of my jeans.

Her hand slipped over my belt buckle, moving down as my heart continued to hammer in my chest before coming to rest on my crotch, rubbing gently over the bulge of my erect cock. I made a slight moan as she touched me. She pressed her cheek against my chest and let out a soft gasp as her hand moved up and down my dick.

She looked up at me, her eyes wide and a naughty smile on her face, “You’re so big.”

I licked my lips and said nothing as she ran her hands over the front of my jeans. She licked her own lips and reached for my buckle with one hand, fumbling with it but undoing it quickly. I noticed her hands trembled slightly with excitement as she pulled my belt open, and undid the snap on my jeans with a resounding pop. I did nothing to stop her, I didn’t want to stop her, my own brain lost in a haze of lust. Mom pulled my zipper down with a giddy playfulness and slipped her hand under the elastic of my briefs.

“Oh.” I groaned as I felt her warm slender finger wrap around the shaft of my penis.

My mind was doing summersaults, my own mother had her hand wrapped around my dick. Somehow, the knowledge that what we were doing was incest, was so wrong in the eyes of the world made it all the more exciting. Mom giggled gleefully as she pumped her hand up and down on my cock inside my underwear.

“Mmmm, my own son’s cock.” She cooed, “I love it, it’s so big. I’m proud to have a son with a nice big dick for me to play with. Don’t worry, sweetie, Mommy knows how to take care of your cock, you’ll see.”

She began to sink down, kissing her way down my chest and stomach as she did. Although it should have been obvious what she was going for, my fogged mind didn’t realize what she was up to until she was down on her knees and starting to pull my pants down. I almost fainted, my own mother was going to suck my dick. I looked down at her and our eyes met as she looked back up at me. She gripped the sides of my pants and pulled them down along with my underwear, letting them both fall to my knees. The wicked sparkle flashed in her eyes again, before she turned her attention towards my cock.

Looking at it for the first time, she bit her lip, sucking in air with a slight hissing sound between her teeth. Her tongue snaked out and licked her lips as she stared at my manhood.

“Oh, that’s so . . . oh.” She breathed.

She gripped my cock with her hand and pressed her cheek against in, closing her eyes and moaning lightly in ecstasy as she rubbed my dick against her face.

“My son’s dick,” She whispered almost inaudibly, “I love my son’s dick.”

Her tongue flicked out and she playfully licked the tip, giggling a little as her tongue touched my head. She then dropped her head down and ran her tongue all the way up my shaft, starting at the base and running it the front of my penis until she once again reached the tip. She then took it into her mouth and began to suck it, bobbing her head frantically up and down on my hard prick. She sucked with a relish and enthusiasm I’d rarely experienced, most girls I’d been with had been obviously sucking cock just to get me to eat them out later. It seemed like Mom really liked to do this. Her other hand was between her legs, rubbing herself through the material of her panties. As her head bobbed her breasts shook back and forth like jelly, her heard nipples disappearing into a blur.

And holy crap, she was good at it. Really good. I seemed a bizarre twist in reality to realize that my Mom was such a talented cock sucker, but she did it with the skill of a high priced call girl. I moaned and ran my hand through her fiery hair as she worked on my prick shamelessly and lovingly.

“Oh, god, Mom.” I croaked, “You’re so good at this.”

“Mmmff, I love sucking cock.” She said in between sucks, “Your . . . your father never wanted me to. Mmmf, but I love it. Especially yours, my own boy’s. I just love your dick.”

That didn’t really surprise me about Dad, my opinion of him getting lower the more I knew of what he denied my stunning and sexy mother. She dropped her head lower again and gently took my balls into her mouth, sucking on them one at a time and caressing them with her tongue. She knew her way around a set of balls, and I wondered how many dicks she’d sucked in her life.

If she kept this up much longer I knew I would blow my load, so I stopped her, reaching down and gently lifting her up by the shoulders. We embraced and kissed deeply again, and I no longer felt the reluctance of our incestuous coupling. I had to have the incredible woman who was throwing herself at me, whether she was my own mother or not. My cock pressed against her stomach as our bodies pulled close, our tongues darting in and out of each other’s mouths, her bare breasts pressed up against my chest.

I led her over to the couch. There wasn’t much debris on it, so it was easy to brush it clean. I then kissed her again and laid her down on the couch. She did so obediently, following my every lead. It was like she really wanted me to be in charge of her, for our roles to be reversed. She lay on the couch, and I crawled over her, kissing her lips and letting my cock rub between her legs, separated from her pussy only by the sheer material of her panties. I could see an expanding wet spot on them and I knew she was just as turned on as I was.

As I kissed her, I let my hand slip down between her legs and begin to rub her though her panties, tracing the outline of her slit with my fingertips. Mom twisted her body, her arms grabbing my back as we made out. Her hips moved with my motions and I could feel her gushing under the cotton. I kissed her lips and nibbled on her neck as she shivered underneath me.

I opened my eyes and looked into hers, “What do you say we get rid of these panties?”

A wide grin spread across her face, “Oh yes, Honey. Strip Mommy naked. Mommy loves being naked.”

I didn’t have to be told twice, the hornines was fogging my mind so much I no longer cared who she was. The fact that she was Mom was turning me on and driving me forward even more. I gripped the edges of her panties and Mom lifted her butt up so I could slide them down her legs and off of her body. She let out a delighted squeal as the last stitch of clothing was removed and she was rendered entirely nude. I tossed them away and looked down at her completely unclothed form. I could see that landing strip of red pubic hair that I had seen before, but other than that her pussy was completely hairless. My cock strained as I looked down at her: Holy shit, my Mom was really fuck’n hot. Part of me couldn’t even believe I’d just thought that, but it was a small voice in the background.

Mom wiggled herself sexily on the couch, “Do you like what you see?”

“Oh god, you’re beautiful, Mom.” I breathed.

She grinned at me saucily and then opened her legs wide, pulling them back and exposing herself pornographically to me. Her pussy was glistening with moisture which ran down to her asshole which was also exposed. Mom spread her legs as gleefully and shamelessly as a porn star. She reached between her legs and began teasing the lip of her pussy gently with her fingers, moaning slightly as she touched herself.

“Do you like Mommy’s pussy?” She purred naughtily.

All I could do was nod.

“You came out of here.” She teased impishly.

And it looked like I was going to be getting back in there again, at least part of me was. I dropped down in front of her and buried my face between Mom’s legs. She let out a shrill cry and began wiggling her hips and I ran my tongue over her pussy lips and teased her clit with the tip, moving it around in a circular motion and making a figure eight over her slit with my tongue.

She groaned and slipped a finger in her mouth, biting the tip as I worked on her pussy. I slipped a finger into her and it went in easily, quickly joined by two others. I moved my fingers in and out of her, finger fucking her while I sucked on her clit, making her whole body shudder and convulse and she filled the air with high pitched squeals.

She was gushing all over my hands and fingers, her pussy was nice and clean, looking more like the pussy of some virgin twenty year old then an experienced woman, but it seemed more elastic from that experience. My fingers moved in and out of her as lapped at her folds and clit, teasing the tissues with my tongue while her body squirmed on the couch, her breasts jiggling with her motions.

“Oh, Devon.” Mom cooed, “Oh yeah! Eat Mommy’s pussy. Oh, I’m all yours.”

I moved my other hand down and decided to try something different. I lifted my head up and watched her, keeping the fingers of my other hand moving in her vagina, and then I pressed the tip of my finger against her buttonhole.

“Oh!” Mom cried, surprised as I pushed my finger into her rectum.

I began moving it back and forth, in and out gently. Mom had lifted her head up, and was staring at me wide eyed. But she made no move to stop me. I moved deeper and faster as I resumed sucking and licking on her clit.

“So naughty.” Mom breathed, rubbing her hand through my hair, “Oooo, I like that.”

I ate her for a while, making her moan and squirm and fill the air with sounds of pleasure, and then I stopped and crawled over her once more. I rubbed the tip of my cock against her now soaking slit, teasing her with it as she quivered with anticipation.

“Can I put it in?” I asked her.

“Fuck me.” She replied, her tongue snaking out, her eyes glinting evilly, “Fuck your mother good and hard.”

I gripped the base of my cock, and slid into my own mother’s pussy. She moaned loudly and arched her back as I penetrated her, sliding my dick inside her body. A small voice in the back of my head was screaming for me to stop, but I was too far gone to pay it any heed. I began to fuck her, moving my hips and driving my dick in and out of her wet waiting pussy, the same pussy that had birthed me. She felt good, really good and I screwed her, picking ups speed with my thrusts. She undulated under me, moaning and clutching at my back.

“Oh, Mom, you’re so wet, so good.” I groaned.

“Oh, fuck me, Devon,” Mom cried, “I love it, we should have done this years ago. I’m all yours, Honey. Do whatever you want to me. Mommy will do anything for you.”

At the moment, it didn’t feel wrong anymore. It just felt good and right. The love we felt for each other simply couldn’t be expressed any better way then by giving each other pleasure. I looked into her eyes as I fucked her, her body heaving and shaking under me as she thrust her hips lewdly to match my penetration. Her pussy gripped my cock tightly and seemed to suck it in as we ground on each other, my balls slapping against her skin.

“Oh,” Mom was moaning, “I think I love incest, we should have done this years ago.”

I couldn’t disagree as we pressed our flesh together. I crushed my face on her lips as I fucked her, moving my cock in and out, the pleasure was incredible and the feeling of her warm skin, that skin that had always felt so protecting and safe and loving for all my life. Mom’s legs wrapped around me as she undulated under me, our lips pressed together as we drove ourselves forward, consumed by lust and ecstasy.

I was a good thing no body rescued us at that point, because we sure as hell couldn’t have explained what we were doing. It was also fortunate that another quake didn’t hit and collapse the ceiling. We would have made one hell of a chalk outline.

Mom gripped me hard with her arms and legs and then rolled us over, switching our places without ever letting my dick slip out of her. We rolled over until I was on my back and she was on top of me. We kissed and then she rose up and began to ride me, raising herself up and down, shoving my cock in and out of her moist cunt. She put her hands on my shoulders and ground her hips, her breasts shaking back and forth. Her eyes were closed and she moaned and wailed as I thrust my hips upward, burying myself in her pussy.

I reached up and gripped her tits, kneading and rubbing them between my fingers as she bounced up and down on my cock like an out of control jack hammer, filling the air with the sounds of her lust. I teased the hard, thick nipples with my thumbs as she twisted and shook above me, riding with fury and passion.

“Mmmm, you like my tits, don’t you?” She moaned,

“I like every part of your body, Mom.” I answered.

“Oooo, my body’s all yours.” She leaned down and kissed me.

I reached behind her, gripping her ass as she lay down flat on my chest, her hips and butt bouncing up and down as my penis moved deep into her body. I gripped her butt tightly and pulled her cheeks apart. As she nibbled on my ear, I slipped one of my fingers back into her asshole. She made a weird, girlish squeal and closed her eyes.

“You like that, Mom?” As whispered in her ear.

“Oh, yeah, that feels good.” She breathed.

I kept fingering her ass until I rolled her back over and she was on the bottom again as I drove my shaft into her harder and harder, her body convulsing with each thrust. Damn, she was insatiable.

We continued making love wildly. After a while Mom’s cries got louder and louder. I could tell she was close to cumming.  

“Ah! Oh!” She wailed, “I’m all yours, Honey. Mommy’s you’re slave, I’ll do whatever you want.”

Her eyes were rolling back in her head and she twisted and spasmed under me, her pussy gushing around my shaft. She arched her back and let out a loud cry of pleasure. She writhed in delight as she reached her orgasm, cumming and bucking her hips as she let loose, seeming to lose all rational thought in an explosion of ecstasy, her body quivering and shaking as she did.

She kissed me passionately, mumbling against my mouth.

“I love you. I love you so much.” She muttered, “I’ll do anything you want, anything at all.”

I pulled out of her, my cock still hard and throbbing.

I raised an eyebrow, a very naughty idea coming into my mind, “Anything?”

She sat up and kissed me several more times on the lips, breathing heavy, “Anything. Anything you want.”

She was still horny, despite her climax, and I had to wonder what the hell was in those pills she was given. I kissed her neck and then leaned in and whispered in her ear.

“Have you ever done it in your butt?”

Mom gasped, surprised by this. She put a hand to her mouth and looked at me with wide eyes. Despite her shock, she didn’t seem offended or scared by my request.

“No, I’ve never tried that.” She said and then added after a pause, “But I want to . . . with you.”

I kissed her and then had her flip over and get on her hands and knees. She obediently did so, spreading her knees wide a lifting her butt in the air, giving me a full view of her privates. Juices leaked down her thighs as she moved her body back and forth, shivering with anticipation.

“Be careful with me,” She breathed, “It’s my first time.”

“I will.” I assured her.

“I want it, oh, I want my son’s cock in my ass.” She moaned.

She had gushed so much her own pussy juices made the perfect lube. I slid my fingers around her slit, making her giggle a little and then pressed my finger against the rim of her buttonhole.

“I remember you like this.” I said, pushing my finger inside her.

“Oooooo!” She squealed, biting her lip.

As she moved her body back and forth slowly, I pushed my finger into her and started moving it in and out. It was a slow process, one I’d done before on other girls, to loosen her up and get her ready for a whole cock. It took a while, but I added a second, then a third finger. After a time I began to twist them in her, running my knuckles across the wall of her hole. Mom, twisted and made all sorts of yelping sounds but did not protest or pull away. I did that for a while and then added a fourth finger to the twisting. Mom’s whole body was blushing now, turning a bright pink color as she gave up her most forbidden opening to my attentions. Eventually I had three fingers from each hand inside her, pulling and rolling them against her rectal muscles which were more and more relaxing and giving way. When the fingers moved with no resistance at all, I knew she was ready.

I rose up, gripping the base of my cock, and rubbed it tenderly on her butthole, teasing it lightly with the tip.

Mom looked over her shoulder at me, licking her lips, “I’m a little scared.”

“I’ll be gentle.” I said and then added, “You’ll love it.”

I pushed the tip in gently and then stopped, letting her ass accept it.

“Ah!” Mom cried, her face turning red.

“Relax your body. Push out as I go in.” I instructed her.

Very slowly, and taking my time, I gradually moved deeper and deeper into her. Properly taking the anal virginity of anyone does require a lot of patience. Little by little I moved in, stretching he wall of her ass and filling her butt with my cock. She moved a little but kept her ass raised, accepting me.

“Oh! Ow!” She cried,

I eased up, “Did I hurt you?”

“A little, but it’s okay, keep going.” She replied.

I took it even slower, but gradually I was so far into her that my balls rested against her pussy. I waited in her a bit, and then started to fuck her lightly, moving slowly in very small thrusts. Mom made lots of small yelps as she became accustomed to me. Eventually, her ass’s defenses all came down and I was able to fuck her harder and longer. As I began to drill her more, she reached between her legs and began to rub her clit. I knew the pain was gone now and she was just feeling the fullness of my cock inside her ass. It wouldn’t be too long now.

And it wasn’t, her small sighs began to turn into groans and grunts and finally squeals of pleasure as she began to buck her body, her hand rubbing her snatch faster. She was twisting her body and rocking her head, making all sorts of animalistic sounds as I fucked her ass harder, causing her writhe in an almost bestial manner. I had the good fortune to be the first anal for a couple of girls in the past, and it was always the same: There was something transformative about someone taking it up the ass for the first time. Something that shattered all illusions of innocence and reduced them too an almost animal state for a brief period. Once you took it up the ass, you were never quite the same again, and now I was giving that transformation to my own mother. And I could tell she was loving it.  Face was flushed and she bit her lip, her eyes rolled back in her head as she grunted and yelped, sheer ecstasy on her face.

“That’s a conversion face, Mom.” I told her.

“Oh my god! Oh my god!” She wailed, “Oh, why haven’t I done this before?”

I thrust my cock in and out of her tight, waiting ass. It seemed to suck at my cock as if it was trying to get it as deep as possible of its own volition.

“Oh, fuck, you love this, don’t you, Mom?” I grunted as I moved.

“Fuck yeah!” Mom exclaimed, “Oh god, my own son is taking my butt cherry! I’m the luckiest woman in the world!”

I leaned over her, wrapping my arms around her as I moved myself in her. She was filling the air with sounds of pleasure as I screwed her. My hands gripped her tits, kneading them and massaging them as we rocked back and forth, I nibbled at her ear and neck as she rapidly frigged her clit with her hands. I’m sure she was gushing even more as we drove it in.

It was like we were in our own little word, where nothing, not the outside world, not our current predicament, not the fact that we were mother and son seemed to matter. Well, maybe the last one did matter a bit, but not in the same way: It made it all better. The understandable reticence I had been feeling before was gone and now I felt an illogical but powerful feeling that our incestuous coupling was the most right, perfect thing and it was the rest of the world that was fucked up. What kind of a world was it where a mother and son couldn’t give each other so much intense pleasure?

“Oh, Mom, your ass is so hot.” I groaned.

“Oh! This feels so good! So right!” She squealed, bucking her hips at me, “Make me your slut! Make me your whore! Make me your SLAVE!”

I couldn’t believe the stuff she was saying. Could my own mother really want to be . . . owned by me like that?

We were both covered in sweat by now, and it made out bodies slide against each other delightfully. Mom’s hand rubbed her pussy faster and faster and her moans and grunts filled the air. It wasn’t long before she began bucking her body and wailing in pleasure, shuddering under me as a new orgasm took her over. Mom looked so cute and so wonderful when she came, her eyes rolling back in her sockets. Her body quivered as the climax edged off, visible goose bumps rising all over her skin.

That was all I could take, “I’m goona cum. I’m gonna cum, Mom.”

She suddenly yanked forward, slipping my cock out of her now gaping ass. She flipped over, reaching for my dick with an almost desperate excitement on her face.

“Cum in my mouth! Cum in my mouth!” She begged, “I want to taste my son’s cum!”

With frantic motions, she opened her mouth and swallowed my cock. My god, I don’t think Mom had a single gag reflex left. She slurped on my dick, bobbing her head up and down, taking it deeply in her mouth until her chin touched my testicles. She reached around me and grabbed my ass, squeezing the cheeks with her fingers. I gripped her head with my hands and held her on there, shoving my manhood deep into her mouth. Her nostrils flared as she took breaths through her nose.

She didn’t close her eyes, instead she looked up at me, looking in my eyes with her own, waiting for me to cum. She looked incredible down there with my dick in her mouth, almost like that was the way she should be.

I groaned and cried out, my body tensing as pleasure erupted from my body, my cock pumping and spasming as I ejaculated, emptying my balls into Mom’s waiting throat. Her neck moved as she quickly swallowed everything I had, gulping down my cum in deep guzzles as she milked every last drop out of me. When finally there was no more, she pulled her mouth off me with a deep gasp and fell forward against my crotch, taking my penis in her hand and rubbing it on her cheek. She licked and cleaned it affectionately, cooing softly to herself as she worked, taking a motherly approach to my cock that only made what we’d just done all the more exciting.

“I love incest, I love it.” Mom mumbled.

I could hardly disagree with her.

We fell back on the couch, our arms around each other like a pair of living pretzels. We kissed, both breathing heavy from our exertions. I had never seen Mom looking so happy.

“That . . . that was,” She panted, and then declared, “Every mother and son should fuck. Every single one of them, no exceptions.”

Thinking about some of my friends and what their moms looked like, I would have to say that there would definitely have to be exceptions to that rule. But when you had a hot MILF like mine, well, at the time I thought maybe that was true. We kissed quietly until we both caught our breath.

“I love you, Mom.” I told her.

“God I love you, Devon.” Mom said, squeezing my now limp cock.

We were quiet for a second before I said something, “You know, I used to watch you in the shower when I was little.”

“Yeah, I know.” She grinned, “And you used to wack off.”

I turned red, “You saw me.”

She giggled, “Only every time. I liked it, you were so cute. When you left, I’d usually masturbate myself.”

There was a bit of silence as I stroked her hair and her cheek.

I asked the question that had been bothering me for most of my life, “How in the world to a woman as passionate and sexual as you ever deal with . . . being married to Dad?”

There was a long pause as she seemed to be debating what to tell me.

Finally she said, “I had affairs. A lot of them.”

When I didn’t say anything in response to that, she went on, “It started at the office. You father wouldn’t let me go down on him, I got so frustrated one day I went down on one of the guys in the storage room. Pretty soon I was doing a lot more with him, and then more people and more. Before I knew it, I was the office slut. Lots of guys had me, even a few women.

“After that, I’d go to bars and let people take me home. Men, women, couples, even a transgender woman at one point.  I don’t know if I had a problem or not, but I had definitely turned into a slut. I guess that hasn’t changed.”

Honestly, the thought of my Mom with all these different guys, shamelessly offering herself up to them was making me horny again. You’d think I’d want her all to myself, but I was getting more turned on by the thought of other people fucking her. As long as she came back to me afterwards.

“I like you as a slut, Mom.” I told her.

She smiled warmly, “Good, because I’m your slut now. This is what I always needed: You. My son to make me into his personal sex toy. I think somehow I’ve always wanted this.”

We kissed a little more and then Mom’s eyes widened as she got an exciting idea.

“You know what you should do?” She told me, “You should seduce your sister!”

“Becky? Why?” I asked.

It’s not like I didn’t see the appeal of that, not now that the floodgates were open. My sister was a little hottie, I knew that. Hell, I’d had plenty of fantasies about her that I probably shouldn’t have had.  But for the moment it was surprising that Mom would suggest that.

“Just imagine it, we could have a three way.” She exclaimed, “Just think of it, if you could bring her into this, you could have us both on our knees, naked, sucking your cock. And wouldn’t you like to see your mother and your sister going down on each other. Oh, that would be so hot if Becky could be a little slut for you, too.”

“You want to lez out with your daughter?”

“God, yes! I bet her pussy tastes like honey.”

“I didn’t even know you liked girls.”

“Oh, I do. There’s a couple of girls here in the hospital who think I’m the cat’s meow.”

We laughed a little and then made out some more. At some point, we drifted off to sleep. Again, it was fortunate we didn’t get rescued at that time, we could never have explained it if they’d found us naked together.”

When I woke up an hour or so later, Mom wasn’t on the couch anymore. She was standing nude in front of a mirror on the wall, looking herself over. The mirror was cracked from the quake, but it was still usable and ran most of the length of the wall. She turned this way and that, looking herself over in the glass, studying her reflection.

And damn, if she didn’t look even younger now. She looked like she might almost pass for being in her late twenties. It may have been my imagination, maybe she just looked that way because of the after sex glow and the fact that she was no longer depressed. At least, that’s what I told myself at the time.

I came up behind her and put my arms around her, “You look beautiful, Mom.”

I pressed my crotch against her naked behind and she moaned a little, smiling. I nibbled at her neck playfully and gently ran my fingers over her soft, large breasts. My cock sprang to life easily. I then turned her around and pushed her up against the mirror, kissing her deeply as her arms and one leg wrapped around me.

We ended up back on the couch, doing a sideways sixty nine position this time as we both sucked and licked on each other at the same time. I finally flipped her over on her back and she spread her legs as invitingly as before. I teasingly rubbed the shaft of my dick over her wet, glistening vagina.

“It looks like they found the perfect meds for you, Mom.” I chuckled, “I’m definitely happy with the results.”

Her face dropped for a second and her eyebrows raised. I wondered if I had said the wrong thing. She looked at me, unsure of how to respond. Her mouth opened several times as if she wasn’t sure if should say what was on her mind.

Finally, she came out with it, “Uh . . . the meds . . . er . . . the meds wore off before the quake hit.”

When I stared down at her, not responding, she whispered, “It’s . . . it’s just us.”

I became aware that no only ha mom’s medicine worn off, but the anxiety meds I had taken had also worn off. There was no medical excuse that the drugs had drove us to this behavior; we were now committing incest willingly and consensually. I paused with my dick over her snatch, conflicting thoughts racing through my head. We should stop now. We should put all our clothes back on and pretend this never happened. Just go on with a normal mother son relationship. If I did anything now, there would be no turning back, no claiming that we weren’t fully in control of our facilities. I should stop, I would stop.

I entered her.

Mom gasped and arched her back, moaning as I penetrated her. She gripped my shoulders, panting as I began to fuck her, her breasts moving with each thrust.

“It’s not wrong. It’s not wrong. It’s not wrong.” She panted breathlessly.

We made love furiously, with Mom begging me to fuck her in the ass this time. As before she gleefully swallowed every drop of my cum and licked me clean. When we were all done we lay on the couch, gently touching and kissing each other. Mom had a pleased, satisfied expression on her face.

“I love this.” She mumbled against my chest, “More people should do incest, families would have so much more fun, and they’d be so much closer. I don’t know why people object to it so much, this is . . . perfect between you and me.”

“I know, but we’re gonna have to hide it, Mom.” I told her.

“I know, much as I’d like you to have all your friends come over and gang bang me.” She snickered, making us both laugh.

“I still love you, Mom.” I kissed.

“I love you too.” She paused, thinking and then added, “It’s a shame we couldn’t run away somewhere together. Somewhere far away were no one knew us, and we could pose as boyfriend and girlfriend, or maybe even husband and wife.”

“I think someone would catch on to us, Mom.” I chuckled, “Especially if you brought Becky along and tried to pass her off as my daughter.”

“I know but it’s nice to imagine.” She cooed warmly, pulling me closer to her.

She nuzzled me, and then spoke in a slight whisper, “I think . . . I think I’m in love with you.”

I had no time to process that revelation, the idea that my own mother might have fallen in love with me. No, that whole thought was interrupted by the ground suddenly and violently shaking beneath us. The earthquake or aftershock or whatever it was struck almost instantly, brutally thrashing the building around. I grabbed Mom and hauled her under the desk with me. She threw her arms around me, closing her eyes and burying her face in my chest as the rocking increased and she screamed in terror.

Naked, we held on to each other as the building shuddered and the ground jolted back and forth, a loud roaring sound filling the air. The sounds of things falling and breaking surrounded as and thuds wracked the top of the desk and parts of the ceiling dropped off above us. I gripped Mom tightly to my chest, trying to shield her with my body. This was a bad, almost as bad as the first one. The lights flicked and went out, plunging us into and oppressive darkness.

I heard a deafening rumble and the loud abrasive sounds of something collapsing, of concrete and metal pouring to the ground in a thundering cavalcade of falling debris. Part of the ceiling must have collapsed, or one of the walls. I was just glad it hadn’t happened over us. Choking dust filled the air as the rumbling and shaking finally began to ebb off. Light suddenly poured into the room and I had the crazy thought that we were both dead and had to go to it.

We lay there for several minute, huddled against one another. Finally, when no more sounds seemed to come from around us, I carefully crept out from the desk and looked around to survey the damage.

To my utter surprise and relief, I saw that the crashing we had heard was part of one of the walls collapsing. And it was one of the ones that led outside, because I could clearly see the sandy beach and the sea beyond it. Relief flooded me and I bounded back to the desk with an elated smile on my face.

I pulled Mom out from under the desk, “We’re saved!”

We quickly ran about retrieving our clothes and got dressed and then stepped out through the collapsed hole and into the light of day. The hole led out behind the hospital, onto the beach so we had to walk around the back of it to get to the front. Mom put an arm on my waist and I put one over her shoulders, pulling her up to me as we trudged through the sand.

“We made it through okay.” Mom said.

“Was there ever any doubt?” I kidded her, “I was always there to protect you.”

“I shouldn’t have doubted you,” Mom patted my side.

She then looked up at me with one of those impish naughty girl expressions, “After all, I am kind of your girlfriend now.”

I mulled that over in my mind. That was sort of true. Mom was sort of my girlfriend now, at the very least we were fuck buddies, lovers most likely. It would have felt weird a few hours ago, but now it felt so perfect, so right.

“Does that mean I should start calling you Gillian now?” I asked her.

She smacked me playfully, “Hell, no! You call me Mom.”

She leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Especially when you’re fucking me. I want to be reminded of whose dick is inside me.”

A wind suddenly picked up and Mom shirt was blown up. I suddenly saw that she hadn’t bothered to retrieve those comfortable panties she’d thought were so boring. It was all I could do not to take her right there in the sand.

Everyone was pretty happy to see us when we got to the front. The first one to notice us was the stern looking front nurse who surprised us both by running up and hugging us and actually starting to cry. I had never thought that woman capable of an emotion that wasn’t irritation. The rescue workers had been trying to free some patients who had been trapped in the far side of the patient ward, and hadn’t even been aware that anyone was in the offices in the other wing. That was why no rescue attempt had been made. Probably a good thing, too, considering what we were doing.

The hospital was quickly set up again in a newer building some ways down the beach from the old one, one that was more earthquake proof then the other one. Mom continued on her medication and her depression continued to go away. In fact, she got so good that Dr. Burns allowed her to leave the hospital and go on unsupervised walks along the beach with me whenever I visited. We found a small space between a lonely outcropping of rocks that afforded a lot of privacy and easily began indulging in our incestuous passion.

Mom also shared with me her sexual adventures with the other patients and the staff. It sounded like she was keeping them pretty happy. And it sure had a good effect because that stern looking nurse started smiling and being friendly and wearing her hair down. Guess Mom really knew how to unwind her.

Mom felt and acted great, passionate, happy and playful all the time, looking better and better each time I saw her. In more ways than one: By the time her stay in the hospital was up, she looked like she was scarcely older than me! True to what she’d been saying, Mom became very submissive to me, reversing our traditional roles as mother and son and allowing me to take control over her. She seemed so giddy and happy when I did.

She’s coming home today, and I’ve got the house all ready for her. Including a whole lot of sexy outfits I bought for her to wear, and plenty of naughty toys for us toe use. I think she’s really gonna love the stripper pole I got for her. She told me the first thing she was gonna do when were home alone together is take off her clothes and crawl to me begging for me to fuck her. Honestly, I can’t wait. We may be a couple of messed up perverts, but we love each other, and we’ve found a way of expressing that which is intense and wonderful. I can’t wait to have Mom back here, naked and in my arms like she should be. Or maybe at my feet. Of course, she’s also getting a whole lot of refills on her medication, not that it really makes that much of difference. She’s a horny little slut with or without it, and I wouldn’t have her any other way.

Now, as to what happened with Becky: Well, that’s a story for another time.