Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Moon's Anger ❯ Creation and Betrayal ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Creation and Betrayal

"Come quick everyone, come on!" Two men dressed in stark white lab coats ran down the halls shouting their news. One of them was older, with grey hair and glasses. He could not keep up with his younger coworker, a man of about thirty with dark hair. He lagged behind, opening office and laboratory doors, in order to spread the wonderful news.

One of the many scientists in the building burst forth and confronted the elder. "What's happening, Walter?"

He spoke calmly and with an air of mystery, "One's been born." The other gasped. He knew exactly what was going on without having to ask. It was the moment they had been waiting for. Over sixteen years of hard work had finally paid off. "And it was a success."

Both rushed down to the laboratory where the birth had taken place.

Neither could have ever guess, that within their lifetime, something this profound would have been accomplished. This child's birth had been their main project for sixteen years, and was expected to continue on that route for another four. A success this early was amazing.

The two arrived at their destination, only to be confronted with a crowd blocking the entrance. Not only were there other researchers there, but most of the other employees as well. They pushed their way through and were allowed access by three of the scientists that were actually involved in the birth. They were allowed through because of their status at the research facility. The others would have to watch from the door.

The room was blinding white. In it, was a cart lined with tools and instruments, a few counters, and a bed near the back of the room. The light was shining harshly on the couple sitting on the bed.

A woman, who had also agreed to give birth to the previous attempts, was sitting on the bed holding the tiny infant in her arms. Dressed in a hospital gown, she cradled the child in her arms, knowing that she would never see it again. To anyone else's eyes, the baby was completely human, yet the people here knew otherwise. She was their top priority, their experiment.

One of the others in the room whispered to the old man, "You know, we can't make another."

"Why not?" he whispered back, intrigued.

He huffed, “They don’t know how it happened, it wasn’t a planned experiment."

He had heard rumors of some of the researchers messing around in the spare labs, mixing genes haphazardly. They weren’t suppose to have any access to the research for this particular project though, and it was never suppose to turn out in a live birth.

"How did it slip through?" He moved closer to see the tiny baby. At only a few hours old, they could see that she was a success, but only time would tell how great of a success she was.

“It was filed wrong; she was registered under the wrong project. Someone wanted their little hobby born, and they didn’t want to be found out.” He sneered; disgusted at the fact that someone would hide this kind of experiment.

He gave a noncommittal grunt. It didn’t matter too much now. They couldn’t go back in time and change anything. She was here, and everyone was too excited to go on a manhunt.

He watched for himself, as the girl proved to him, just what she was capable of. Being newly born, she had already grasped her power.

The poor infant, not really even human, would never see beyond the walls of the facility. She would never live a normal life, and she would never fit in. The scientists never really cared, as long as their projects were successes.

That was what they were after, proving that they could defy nature and God.


Fourteen Years Later

She felt herself hit the cold, hard concrete of the wall behind her. The cell door slammed with a loud click, a sound that she knew all too well. The girl's head was throbbing. It might even be bleeding, she didn't know.

"Listen here brat; you'd better start shaping up before they decide that they don't need you anymore. Once you're proven useless, then they won't hesitate in having you put to sleep for this kind of behavior." The guard started walking away.

The girl got to her feet and stalked over to the bars of the cell. Clutching them, she said coldly, "You and I both know that won't happen. As long as I'm alive, they'll study me. But believe me, I'd rather be dead."

"Rather be dead, yeah, I've heard that before, and then they always put up a fight when it's their turn."

"There are worse things than death, you know." She was now glaring at the man. He turned and stared back at her, his expression grim.

"You've got it better than anyone else here, so quit complaining."

"There is nothing good about his place and you know it." The guard walked away without answering. He knew very well how harshly the experiments were treated in this facility, but it didn't matter to him. They created them; they could do whatever they wanted to them.

The girl yelled, "Don't walk away from me. Let me out and then we'll see how cocky you are." She began yanking at the bars, as though they would break. She knew that they wouldn't. Too many times had she tried, actually tried.

A voice from behind her spoke. "Why do you keep trying, you know that you will never get out."

"I wish I could, and then I'd show them." She turned around to stare at the man. He was her cell-mate and best friend. Actually, he was her only friend. Their cell was dark, and she could barely make out his face.

"What would you do, hurt them and risk being killed."

"I would rather die then continue to live in this hell-hole."

"You don't want to die, stop lying to yourself." He was also her voice of reason, smothering her irrational thoughts with his voice of wisdom. "You have too much spirit, too much life in you to die yet. They fear that, and that is why they are so harsh."

"Like I'm really going to believe that, they treat everyone here bad. It's just because they think that they own us." The girl was standing before him, hands on her hips.

His words were thrown back in his face. Although they did resent her spirited behavior, it wasn't the reason they treated her so harshly. "I guess you're right."

He stepped forward to inspect his friend. There were no serious injuries, just bruises from her struggling with the guards, and possibly from needles. "You don't look that bad, but you would probably get less head injuries if you would just behave."

"I don't care; I won't go without a fight."

'And that is exactly why you haven't been broken yet.'

He sighed, "You would still get hurt less." The man walked over to sit on the cot. Likewise, she sat across from him. The researchers here didn't seem to care that they had put a male and female together, not that they would do anything anyway. It was strange really, shouldn't they be a little more worried about her. She was their prize experiment.

"I don't get it, what could they possibly learn about me that they haven't in fourteen years."

"You are always growing and changing."

The girl crossed her arms over her chest. "I haven't changed that much."

"Yes, you have." They both sat in silence for awhile, observing their surroundings. Nothing ever changed; the cell looked exactly the same as it always had, identical to the thousands of others. She watched a stream of water run down the back wall. It must have been raining, that was the only time their cell leaked.

She sighed, "So, how have you been?" The girl had been in a room with scientists poking and prodding her all day. She hadn't seen her friend at all.

"They took me today," he stately calmly, as not to upset her.

It didn't work. "I thought that they were all done with you! You said they stopped after those first years!"

"That's what I thought, but I guess I was wrong." He looked over at the shaken up girl. She always worried about him, never mind that she when through the same thing almost every day. "It's alright, it probably won't happen very often."

She was still a little worried. They really had no reason to take him. There were many more like him, and they wanted the young ones.

She said in a low voice, "One day, I will escape, and I will take you with me."

"Do not go making promises you can not keep. There is no way out of here." With that said, he turned and lay down again.

They both heard a guard walking down the hall. Animals, humans, and those not either voiced their protest. None wanted to be the one coming out. As much as they hated it in here, it was much worse out there. He stopped in front of cell 1092, their cell.

They both heard the unmistakable sound of the buttons on the lock being pressed. It was a sound that all dreaded. She knew that they were coming for her, but she was almost too tired to put up a fight.

The guard stepped in and grabbed her by the wrist. She objected and that earned her a slap on the face, and a stinging feeling in her cheek. "You will come with me, now."

"I don't want to, leave me alone." She struggled against his grip, but could not get free.

The man spoke in her defense. "Please, leave her be, she is tired."

The guard didn't take too kindly to his words. Letting go of the girl, he stomped over to the man. The man felt the impact of the guard's boot against his ribs. "Don't forget your place."

"But she is only a child." The guard kicked him again, this time, the boot caught his arm.

The girl could make out the metallic smell of his blood, and it made her sick. "Please, stop, I'll... I'll come" She bowed her head and allowed herself to be lead away.

The guard grinned maliciously, proud of having broken the girl, just this once. He wouldn't have to endure her struggling the whole way either. No one in the entire facility could deny that she was strong, and it was a feat in itself to get her to obey.

'Yes, there has to be a way out. I will get you out of here.'


I know that this was short, but it's only the prologue. I promise that the chapters will be longer and better.