Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Motel 8 ❯ Motel 8 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Motel 8
An Alec/Vincent fiction by Setsuna Jikan
Word count: 1417

Vincent glanced over, smiling softly when he saw that Alec had fallen asleep, curled around his laptop. Turning his eyes back to the road, Vincent flicked on the blinkers, moving off the highway. Gods, he was tired, scrubbing a hand against weary red eyes as he slowed to a stop at the light. They'd been on the road all day, driving across the fucking desert, and they were beat; Vincent was glad that Alec had managed to fall asleep.
'Pass out, more like,' he thought sardonically, making the sharp turn into the parking lot of a Motel 8. Quietly, he turned off the engine and opened his door, trotting over to the check-in clerk. He smiled at the woman inside, causing a blush to appear on her cheeks.
"Uhm, how may I help you sir?" she asked, her voice sounding tin-like from the window's speaker. Vincent laughed.
"No need to be so nervous! All I need is a room. Got any free?" It was a redundant question--only the vacancy sign was lit--but he figured it wouldn't hurt anything and possibly make her feel a bit more at ease.
"Yes, we do! Do you want one on the upper floor or the lower?" she asked, checking her giant book. Vincent thought about it for a moment, glancing back at the car.
"Ground level, if you would. Also, can I get a room near my car? I've got a friend conked out in the front seat and I'd rather not lug his ass any farther than I have to." He chuckled a bit, rocking back on his heels, scraggly black hair shifting with the motion.
"Okay..." she smiled and jabbed the book in front of her. "Here you go, sir, if you could sign right here..." Vincent took the book as she slid it out, using the crappy Bic pen and signed the highest blank row, marking his method of pay down. Dropping his license down on the book, he slid it back to her. She checked the signatures, then slid the card back to him with a smile.
"Thank you, Mr. Kyle! You're in room thirteen, right in front of your car. Have a good night!" Vincent took the key and smirked, strolling back to the car. He took a few bags out of the back and dropped them inside the room before going back for Alec. The hacker was still asleep, his laptop starting to slip out of his arms; Vincent smiled softly and brushed a feather light kiss against his forehead before bending down to scoop him up. Alec sighed in his sleep, curling against Vincent's chest and nuzzled his neck. Vincent chuckled lightly as he locked the battered car, carrying Alec into the room.
"Why is it you're only affectionate when you're asleep?" he whispered, shifting him slightly so he could open the door. Walking inside, he nearly dropped Alec when he felt warm, moist breath and lips against his neck.
'Damn brat.'
He placed Alec on the bed, taking the laptop away and placing it aside. As he took off his coat and boots, Vincent glared lightly at Alec. It was just like the damn bastard to turn him on and have the nerve to be asleep! Sighing slightly, he removed Alec's shoes and glasses, placing them atop the laptop before turning off the small light, crawling into bed and drawing Alec close. Vincent allowed his eyes to slip shut--his exhaustion almost palatal now--and was almost asleep when--
"Christ!" he swore, eyes shooting back open as his hands clenched reflexively in Alec's hoodie. Green eyes met his and a wet tongue lapped at his fingers again, causing Vincent to moan lightly. Slowly, he slid the fingers into his mouth; Vincent clutched him tighter, shudders wracking his body. "Alec... What--what--" Teeth scraped against his fingers and he closed his eyes, head snapping back as he groaned deep in his throat. Alec let the fingers slide from his mouth, nipping at the tips before dropping them.
"Go with it," he breathed, kissing his way up Vincent's throat. "Vincent, please..." He held Vincent tight, bucking his hips forward. Vincent made a noise low in his throat, pulling Alec up for a kiss; his fingers running through soft blonde hair. Pulling back, he nibbled on Alec's lower lip with a smirk.
"Please what," he asked, hands sliding down to grab Alec's ass, pulling him close. "What is it you want me to do, hmm?" Alec groaned, head moving forward to rest on Vincent's shoulder; he was panting heavily. Vincent's hands were stroking his ass now, squeezing and thrusting alternately. Feeling a keening whine start to build in his throat, Alec grabbed Vincent's head, pulling that goddamn smirking mouth down for a kiss, smashing together and thrusting his tongue inside. Without moving his hands, Vincent quickly took control of the kiss, thrusting his tongue in and out of Alec's mouth, tangling with Alec's tongue. Alec moaned, clutching to Vincent's shoulders.
Finally breaking the kiss, Alec panted, "Clothes off. Now." Vincent flashed a grin and pulled Alec's hoodie and shirt over his head, quickly attaching himself to Alec's collar bone, nipping at the pale flesh; Alec keened, shaking fingers managing to get Vincent's shirt off him, hands brushing down his chest, nails leaving faint red marks. Vincent 'hmm'ed in pleasure, nimble fingers making swift work of Alec's jeans; he pushed the material down off of bony hips and legs, tossing it on the floor. Alec quickly unfastened Vincent's jeans, wrapping a slightly cold hand around his erection and pumping. Vincent bucked forward, eyes closing slightly; Alec smirked and did it again, causing a moan this time. He was about to do it a third time when Vincent grabbed his wrist in a vice-like grip, startling Alec into letting go. Rolling them over, Vincent kicked off his pants before collapsing on top of Alec, smashing their mouths back together, feeling the sharp jolt of their teeth hitting together. Alec dug his broken nails into Vincent's back, thrusting upwards as he tried to match pace with Vincent, barely tasting the blood from cut lips.
Suddenly Vincent was up and gone; Alec lurched upwards only to be pushed back down.
"Got it." Vincent jumped back onto the bed, kneeling between Alec's legs as he slicked his fingers up with their lube. Grabbing Alec's hip with one hand, he steadied Alec before sliding his finger in, not pausing before stroking that one little spot. Alec choked, arching upwards as hands scrambled on the bed, desperately searching for purchase. Sliding two fingers in and out, Vincent placed scatterings of kisses on Alec's stomach, thrusting his tongue into his belly button in time with his thrusts. By the time he had three fingers in, Alec was thrusting back against his hand, letting out a constant low-pitched whine. He pulled his hand away, grabbing Alec's head before he could protest and kissing him deeply, soothing some of the marks he made before pulling back and thrusting in. Alec's back arches like a bow, legs wrapping around Vincent's waist as hands clutch at his shoulders. Vincent smoothes back Alec's hair, brushing a light kiss once before pulling out and thrusting back in. Within a few thrusts, Alec is meeting him, driving him deeper, bringing him closer. He reaches a hand down between them, grabbing Alec firmly before pumping him in time with his thrusts; sensing Alec is about to come he mashes their mouths together, swallowing Alec's cry. He finds release scant moments later, his head tilting back as he cries out a little into Alec's mouth. They lay there, panting, still joined together. With a slightly pained groan, Vincent pulls out of Alec and rolls off, laying flat on his back; Alec curls against him, dazed eyes already starting to slip shut. Vincent just stared at him quietly, feeling sleep start to claim him again.
"I'm not only affectionate when I'm asleep, Vincent." Blinking his eyes back open, he smiles at Alec.
"I know, man, I know." He ruffles his hair languidly, barely having the energy to lift his hand up and back. "I was just teasin'. Now go back to sleep; we've got another long day ahead of us." Alec moved closer, wrapping his arms around Vincent's neck; Vincent's automatically encircle Alec's waist.
"You too. G'night... Vin...in*..." The rest of his breath sighs out across Vincent's nap, bringing tired sparks. Vincent's eyes slid shut and he fell asleep, dead to the world.
AN: I wrote this in miniscule writing. Like, less than half a millimeter. >.@ *smacks self*
As for the way Alec says Vincent's name at the end, it's pronounced like it’s spelled. Vin'in, which is basically a slurred version of Vincent.
Dedicated to Tevy cause I suck.
Characters belong to me, Motel 8 does not.

Sets, out!
::end transmission::