Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Love ❯ Love Hurts ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Love,
I'm sorry, but I wasn't strong. I was scared, I was weak. Yet the blame can not be entirely put on me… No, your pain was not, in any way, my sin. Why would I cause you hurt? I; who stood by you in the face of adversity, who bore the burden of your terrible secret and still loved you unconditionally. I; the only soul who knew the true you, what you truly were: a demonic angel. Why do you curse my name as though your suffering were my offense? It is I, who should be cursing you, you beautiful liar! I digress. I believe, though, that you deserve at least a small explanation no matter how unfathomably selfish you may act.
The night, as I am sure you know, was brisk; what an autumn night should be. I was a fool to have turned down your offer to see me home safely. The moon was bright and beautiful; it made me think of you. The stars twinkled cheerfully, never foreshadowing the tragedy that lay ahead. A cool breeze picked up, causing a few of my unruly chestnut curls to break free of the pins that held them in place, and to tickle my face. I brushed them away and pulled shawl tighter around my shoulders. There seemed to be footsteps besides my own, soft and almost inconspicuous. I stopped to listen, yet the sound had disappeared. I told myself, “Shame, shame on you for being fearful! He said that the pendant on your necklace would protect you, if he was not there to protect you himself of course. I trust you with all my heart, and love you with all my soul...” I began my journey home once more. The sound of footsteps began once more, but louder and quicker than before. I quickened my own pace until the mysterious footsteps died away. I slowed, then stopped; my breath a bit ragged, and listened once more. When no sound could be heard, at least by me, I chanced a look behind my back, and my breath caught in my throat.
An almost identical copy of you, love, stood mere feet away. The man, angel, demon, what ever he had been had the same long blonde hair that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. I could even spot a few pitch black streaks weaving in and out of the blonde… exactly like yours. The same small, lightly pointed nose and delicately arched eyebrows adorned his face. He had the same slender, yet muscular figure as you. His clothes consisted of a deep red tunic and breeches over a pure white shirt. He wore a simple leather belt, and attached to the belt was a plain sheath. A few things were wrong about him, in my eyes at least, that I noticed at my first glance of the angel. For one, his sword was drawn; when have you ever drawn your sword on me my dear? Who was this demon that was taunting me? Another problem with him was his smile. Your grin is cheerful, loving, and sweet; but this creature sported a cold, loveless smirk. The parts of him that were the most terribly wrong, were his eyes. While your eyes twinkle with happiness, affection, with a subtle hint of pain; his held hatred, malice, and death. The nightmare you advanced towards me at an even pace, sword pointed to my throat. The tip of the blade touched my delicate skin, when it finally spoke. “Beautiful one, are you all alone? Heh heh, it's too bad, you truly are quite appealing. I almost hate to kill you.” His dark violet eyes briefly danced with amusement. I had begun to tremble with fear; `Sweet, where are you? `I thought.
“Oh! Are you scared beauty? Your trembling, but don't fret, it will be over quick.” Then the terror laughed, a bone chilling sound.
“He will come! He will come for me! He promised- he promised to protect me always.” The eyes of the beast turned ice cold as he gazed at me in disgust.
“Do you truly believe anyone will come for you? Especially the man you speak of. Why would anyone come for you? Who truly cares for an orphaned child that trembles in fear at the slightest breeze?”
“You do not know me. You do NOT know me!” My fear had turned to anger for a moment. “He will come for me. I have faith, because I know he loves me. I love him too! I know he loves me. I know… I know he does…” The anger I had felt went just as quickly as it had come.
`You are a silly girl, with an overactive imagination. You are childish and you are a liar.” His words hit me like shards of sharpened ice. “I do not like liars.” The monster stated, and I knew no more.
Darling I love you, please come for me. I am alone. I am afraid and alone. I forgive you for not protecting me, please come for me… Who is this monster that claimed to know me? Claimed me to be a liar, a deceiver? Please, love, this pain was not caused by me! Please answer me… Is this your answer? My love was this love, just a fantasy? My sweet, I did not leave you purposely, please come for me!
…So be it. I have learned a great lesson, but far too late. Love is but a fairy tale, a thing of dreams and children's stories. No… I am not the liar, you are. You did not protect me. You could never protect me, from the biggest threat: You. Alianne the happy, love struck girl is no more.
Goodbye Morzan.