Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Perfect Enemy ❯ My Perfect Enemy ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The wind blew hard against my face, whipping my hair around wildly.
I faced my opponent who stood at the edge of the cliff. The woman I will always love. Always.
She raised her sword, eyes darkening.
This was it.
“Where are you going?” I watched as she finished closing her bag, containing all her belongings.
“ I need to go for a while”, she didn't look at me while she spoke.
Always a bad sign.
“When are you coming back?”
She turned her face towards me, agitated and angry.
“Does it even matter anymore?”
“What's wrong, what happened?” I could tell she was holding back tears.
“I'm not happy here anymore! I'm going away.”
She snatched her sword up and hitched it to her belt.
“Can I help you?” I knelt down beside her, as she grabbed her gloves from the wooden floor.
“No one can dammit! Just get away from me before I hurt you to!”
She pushed me back, tears rolling down her face.
“ So that's what this is about. That wasn't your fault”
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up! You don't know, you don't know anything!”
I watched as she ran from the room, hearing the front door slam, wood splintering.
The sound of metal striking metal rang in my head.
She charged again, another angry strike.
Tears flooded her eyes as she charged again and again and I kept blocking, never attacking.
“Fight back damn you!”
I could feel my mind numbing and my body becoming robotic.
I had to shut myself off.
“Fight me!”
Close my mind to emotions.
Just keep blocking her attacks.
I stood on the pier, waiting.
“You came”, She said, approaching me slowly.
“Yes. I would die for you. Riding out here was nothing.”
“Don't say that!” She snapped.
She shuffled her boots slightly. Looking out at the water.
“How are you?”
I didn't need to ask, I already knew.
“I don't know anymore. I just cant… I can't find myself”
“We could find you. You know that. You know we're only whole when where together. Its how it has always been. We're a split spirit”.
She cringed, pain striking across her features.
“No! Why do you have to be like that? Hate me! Why won't you hate me?”
I stepped closer to her, resting my hand on her shoulder.
“I can't and I don't want to. I love you more then that.”
She pulled away, grabbing her sword hilt.
“You can! You should! I shouldn't have asked you here, all I ever do is hurt you”.
I shook my head.
“No, you haven't hurt me. I'm glad you did. I have missed you greatly. It's been a year.”
She started to shake, turning her back to me, looking out from the pier.
“I cant…I cant handle you. You shouldn't love me, after what I did. After all I have done. Just stop it!”
I walked to her side, the sun slowly fading.
“It's going to be ok”.
She put her head on my shoulder sobbing hard.
I could no longer feel the pain that once consumed my mind. All emotion was gone.
This is how I have managed to live. My mind filled with barriers that can be put up to block off my feelings.
But I still feel.
But sometimes, it's just not convenient.
I watched as her blade came crashing down again.
I couldn't look at her face. I knew it would break down my emotionless state.
I couldn't let that happen.
I had to do this, for her.
I felt pain, not emotional. No, physical.
She made contact that time.
I twisted away, and blocked the next attack.
I had to stay focused. Letting my mind wander again may just cost me a little more then a bit of blood loss.
I took the ice off my stomach.
The swelling had gone down, but the cut still bled.
I sighed and laid back.
She had snapped again.
It wasn't her fault.
Now, It's only a matter of time before I get another letter, or something, asking if I will meet her again.
The pain was tolerable. Emotionally, not so tolerable.
Why did she blame herself? Why did she run? Why can't she accept that it is possible that I have forgiven her?
Why can't she see that this is what hurts me and that no matter what she does, I will never hate her? Why? All questions that I knew the answer to, and the solution was time.
So much time.
“Come on! You know you can't shut me out! You know you cant! Look at me, look me in the eyes damn you! I'm right here. Look!”
Her words pierced through my mind.
Don't look up.
Don't do it.
“I killed your family. I killed them all. Then I stole you away and took you away from all you knew, because I couldn't handle sharing you with them. I couldn't stand the idea of you loving someone else. Then I killed that man. I knew you liked him, I knew he made you happy, so happy in a way that I never could.
I never make you happy. I hurt you! I stabbed you! Why wont you hate me? That's all you need to do, hate me!” She faced the wall, looking blankly at a painting of a small cottage.
“It wasn't your fault”. I looked at her, emotionless.
“You can't just say that! You can't mean that! I killed everything you love. I just! I don't know what to do. Why wont you set me free? All you have to do is feel. Feel it! Stop blocking your anger towards me! Kill me!”
She grabbed my hands and placed them around her neck.
I smiled and kissed her on the forehead.
“There isn't any anger. Ill be waiting for the next letter, I'll miss you”.
She screamed and slapped me.
“What's wrong with you! No one can forgive like that! I killed them! And I'd do it again, and again and again and again. If you ever love someone I will kill them! You know I can't help it! You know I can't stop! But you can stop me, if you'd just feel for a second, come on, let your boundaries drop! If you really don't have any anger then what harm will it do! Come on damn it!”
I could feel something inside me snapping.
Images started to flood into my mind.
“That's right! See you can remember them can't you! You can remember how I killed them all one by one, brutally, painfully! Look at me, just once, come on! LOOK!”
“Come here”.
She gestured for me to come close to her.
“I want you to do something for me”.
I looked at her, waiting.
“I want you to bring down all your barriers. I want you to Remember”.
I sighed and stood back.
“I remember”.
She stepped in front of me and looked me in the eyes.
I looked away.
“You know I'm not going to”.
“Why? Why do you say you love me yet you put me through this torture? I'm a monster and you know it! Feel damn you! Kill me! You have to!”
I smiled and shook my head.
“I will see you again I'm sure. Please, not another year or two. It's a lonely life without you in it”.
“ No it's a lonely life WITH me in it! Don't leave, come back and face me!”
“Stop! Don't say any more!”
I fell to my knees.
The world was swirling about me.
I could feel all my barriers collapsing,
And with their demise came all the memories,
All the pain,
The anger,
The hate.
Everything I worked so hard to cut off.
I felt her come closer to me, kneeling down in front of me.
She took hold of my cheeks.
“Look at me”.
No. I can't do it.
She shook my head.
“Look at me!”
My eyes flickered on her face, just for a second. Just for the slightest moment.
But it was done.
I had a face for all the pain, all the anger, all the hate.
I felt my body tense up, and my vision fade.
“See me here tomorrow. Here on this cliff. I want to end this. Come tomorrow, if you love me. You will come?”
I closed my eyes.
“I will come”.
The world faded away, and a loud ringing consumed all thoughts and hearing.
“Its time”, I heard myself say.
The world slammed back into view.
The ringing stopped.
She stood, sword in hilt, smiling.
“There you are. There you are, my angel”.
She loves me again.
I smiled to myself and ran my dagger through her chest.
I watched her fall.
The weights, all the anger and pain fell away with her.
I knelt by her side.
“I love you, my perfect enemy”.
She smiled, and then went limp, eyes fading.
As I walked away from her burning corpse, I felt more alive then I had in years.
We were both free from each other.
She loved me but showed me hate.
I hated her, but showed her love.
Truly, She was my perfect enemy.
By Briar Norman