Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ Sumerie's Misfortune ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
WARNING: Attempted rape scene. It's hard for me to write scenes like this seeing I can't even watch it on television without leaving after the first 10 seconds. This was actually very difficult to write for me and I just thought I'd warn you of its presence since it takes up quite a bit of this chapter.

I hope the content is still in the T rating that I have this story under. If I get a complaint or someone thinks that the rating should be higher then I'll change it.

My Sister's Keeper
By: Melissa Norvell
Chapter 1: Sumerie's Misfortune

"Endo, Takeshi, do your best!" I cheer in the crowded group of people that stand in front of a large, flat, hardwood stage. My big, light blue eyes are focused as the flashing lights around me illuminate my body with different colors. The air is thick and the smell of dissimilar perfumes and body odors fill the night air as my friends dance out onto the stage.

I am dressed my best today. It's hot outside so I decided earlier that I would wear a light blue spaghetti strapped shirt with a white rim and a single bold white stripe across the chest, my brown belt and a frilly, short blue jean skirt. I also wore my red and white sneakers and loose, white socks. I'd say that I look pretty good for someone who is in a crowd of people at a street dancing competition. My pink lips part in awe as a girl on stage performs a powerful back flip. Her bright blonde hair is bound up with a headband that wraps around her forehead and long, choppy tufts and braids cascade from the top of her head. They bounce as she dances quickly to the constant beat of the song. She's beautiful. Her skin is so pale; much like my own but unlike me she has a well muscled frame that fit well into the tight jean skirt and yellow bikini top she wore.

I admire her dancing, beauty and form but she's doesn't even think she's all that pretty. She's one of the people I'm cheering for. My best friend, Endo. I look over to her right and I see her dancing partner, Takeshi. I've felt fondly towards Takeshi since we were small. He, Endo and I practically grew up together. I don't think I can ever date him though, he's too much like a brother to me and I have a boyfriend. He's so tall and skinny with an olive complexion and long, spiky black hair. He also wears a yellow head band that ties on the side. Takeshi spins on his head in front of the crowd, his baggy yellow shirt and dark blue baggy jeans spun with his slender body as he pops out of the spin and begins to perform multiple rapid foot movements. The crowd cheers for him. I decide to let out a yell as well. He truly is a talented dancer and I really hope that he and Endo win the competition.

As their routine comes to an end, everyone walks off stage and Takeshi turns and waves at me with one eye open. He seems to always have one eye closed. I smile at him and watch him exit. After they leave, I feel something pat me on my bony shoulder. It’s someone's hand. It definitely wasn't anyone I knew. This hand is different; masculine with long, bony fingers with some type of rings on them. I can feel the cold of the metal as it taps against my skin.

"Huh?" I ask absentmindedly as I turn to see who is attempting to get my attention. I come into eye contact with this person; I see dark, shaded sunglasses and long, bleach blonde hair. It’s a man. He is dressed in a bright red shirt, black leather vest that is unzipped in the front and dark wash blue jeans. He is also very tall with a chiseled face and old enough to have beard stubbles. The figure gives me a toothy smirk and speaks to me in a young, devious voice.

"Hey there, you're pretty cute," the stranger compliments me.

"I have a boyfriend," I shrug him off. I'm really not into his type and what I say is true. I hope that he walks off and doesn't cause me any trouble. I'm also a little afraid because I'm by myself. If something happens out here, no one will be here to save me if he tries to be a little too forward.
I can smell the alcohol on his breath as he leans in towards my face and gazes at me through his shades. A bit of fear reflects in my eyes as I look at him timidly.

"Come on, don't you want to try something new?" He asks in a voice that's all too sinister. I hope that he'll just leave me alone, like any other guy who could see that I was off the market but this one seems persistent.

"No, I'm faithful," I reply in more of a stern voice. If I let him see my weakness then he might take advantage of me right now and right here.

"I can fulfill you in ways that he never could imagine," the blonde man's alcohol-infested breath beats against me face as he speaks in that same convincing voice. While some girls may have been swayed to succumb to his stubborn nature, I am not about to be pulled away from the situation. If I let that happen, then I can kiss every shred of pride I have goodbye. I try not to breathe in the scent of his rancid breath as I turn my head from him.

"Please, I'm trying to enjoy the concert." I hope he takes that as an ultimate refusal but instead he offers me a dance. I think about it momentarily before I respond.

"My brother wouldn't like that and neither would my boyfriend." There goes that one weakness I have. This guy was kind of cute in his own way and he couldn't seem to get a girlfriend, so what would once dance hurt? I mean, he's drunk and I don't know, I guess I feel sort of sorry for him. If it makes him happy enough not to hit on me for the rest of the night and avoid the wrath of two men I knew then it would be worth it, to me at least.

"But you're so pretty. It would be a shame to just let a pretty girl pass me by." He flatters me. "I've been admiring you from the crowds a few feet over. Couldn't you at least grace me with your presence?" This man undoubtedly knows what makes me think twice about the mean things I had said to him earlier. He speaks with the utmost sincerity to me and his words touch the frozen parts of my heart that simply want to cut him out of my life.

Now he's got me second guessing myself.

'This guy won't quit, will he? He must really want to dance with me. He seems sincere enough and as long as I don't stay with him too long. I really want to hear Tadao's new song. I promised him I'd be there in the front row so I'll only dance for one song.' I think to myself. What harm can it do? It's a harmless dance, after all. "I'll dance with you for one song." I tell him in a lower and less cold voice then I had spoken to him before in.

"Alright, you're a real cool chick you know that?" He smiles brightly, as if I make his day by simply agreeing to dance with him. The older man places a strong arm around my small shoulder and I realize that he has a well-built form. This man definitely seems like he works out a lot. I wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"Thank you," I reply and smile at him sweetly.

"What's your name?" He asks me with a half-turn of his head. I can see his eye color through his tinted shades.

"Sumerie Yamanaka, and yours?" I ask him as I look up at him.

"Ricco Sama," he introduces himself as he takes my hand. I can feel his large hand consume my own. We walk forward through the masses of people as the flashing lights around us change color to the beat of the song that is playing currently. "We'll head to the dance floor. This song sounds like it's slowing down." He states and I agree with him silently. The song is coming to an end, and the music is getting softer.

When we get to the dance floor, there are several people there who are already dancing to the song. A few walk off and look tired, almost as if they had been there for a long time already. They look like they are having fun.

As the last song ended and the next began, we make our way out onto the dance floor. Before I know it, the two of us are moving our bodies to the beat and begin to lose ourselves to the music. As I move, I think of nothing but the beat as everything else becomes a blur around me. It's as if I'm lost in my own world, until Ricco snaps me out of my haze.

"Having fun?" He asks and reminds me that I'm not the only person on the dance floor. Suddenly, reality hits me square in the face.

I smile at him and agree as well as thank him for taking me over to the floor and dancing with me. It turns out that he's not such a bad guy after all. I really misjudged him.

"No problem! This place is rockin!" He yells with great enthusiasm as the music finally begins to slow down. The song is getting close to ending and I am reminded of my promise to Tadao. We slow our dance and face each other. I am panting a little and a thin layer of sweat is covering my body. Moving around wore me out, and the bright lights are putting off their own heat.

"Thank you, that was fun, Ricco." I tell him with a slight giggle. I feel as though I can be myself around him now. I feel as though I've known him all of my life.

"What a work out!" He says loudly as he wipes the sweat from his brow. "I really worked up a sweat."

I stick my finger in the rim of my shirt and agree as I pull the fabric from my sticky form. He stared at me as I did so. Unaware of what I had been doing, because my shirt was so low, I wondered why he was staring so hard. After a moment, I tell him that I'm going to the concession stand to get a bite to eat and a drink before Tadao came on stage. Ricco told me that he would be over there in a second and that he simply needs to go to the bathroom, so I head over to buy something and tell him that I'll see him there.

As I walk over there, I think about how much fun it will be with the two of us watching Tadao and what conversations that I want to have with this guy. Ricco is a little weird but he seems so nice! I finally made a friend who was a guy outside of Takeshi! I just hope that my brother will approve of him.


At the concession stand, I hold the cool bottle in my small hands. A bit of condensation runs from the bottle to my grip as I push down the top on my Ramune'. I take a small sip and let the cool liquid soda bring down my body temperature.

Suddenly, I feel a force on my arm that drags me swiftly. I am so surprised that I release my soda and the bottle clanks on the ground and spills. My light blue, wavy hair flows behind me as I am dragged to an alley way. 'What's going on?' I think as many things reel through my head. Everything is spinning at 100 miles per hour.

I am finally able to pry the strong hand away and I instantly recognize his face.

"Ricco? What are you doing here?" I am shocked. I know that this is Ricco but something about him seems different. I feel uneasy and very flighty, as if I really should run.

"I told you, I want you," he states to me in a dark voice that instantly sends shivers up my spine. I try to retaliate.

"I told you, I have a boyfriend," I respond as fearlessly as I could, but the situation didn't leave me much of a choice. Most of my fear has escaped.

Before I can even take a breath to say another word, my form is slammed against the wall. The building is made of stucco and bricks and the rough surface scrapes the bare skin on my back. I think I'm bleeding a little. I have no breath, since it was beaten out of me by the forceful blow. He lays into my form, smashing me against the rough surface. His body is like a lead weight. I struggle against him but I'm far weaker than he is and I can feel that my breath is restricted. I hit him numerous times but he just slams his mouth into mine in a forceful kiss.

I feel his teeth nearly gnash against mine as I struggle twice as hard against his muscular form. I can't breathe. In my struggle, he tries to force his tongue in my mouth and I feel a strange inner strength surge within me. I don't know if it's from flight response or from the anger and embarrassment I feel but I manage to slap him hard across the face. His long, blonde hair flies to one side as he stumbles back one step.

"Stop it!" I yell and hope that someone can hear me. "What's wrong with you? I thought we were okay with this." I don't know why I feel the need to try and talk to him about this. I think he's past that point now but I still want to believe that he's a good person. I want to believe that he's the one that I saw on the dance floor and not the drunken man who hit on me earlier.

For thinking that, I am immature.

I faintly see two shadows from the darkness emerge. He has backup. They are two men, just as strong as he was and just as tall as he was. This was more than unfair! I am only five foot three and these men are close to six feet tall! They can overpower me easily. Hell, Ricco can overpower me by himself.

I'm scared.

I want to leave.

My heart is pounding so hard that my chest hurts.

I try to run in between them. If I can manage to get there then I can get right out of the alley and be free of what was going to happen to me. I dig my heels into the ground and bolt off. Ricco tries to grab me but I'm too fast for him. He yells over to his two friends to grab me and I swiftly duck between them. The first one tries to grab me but misses. I feel his hand graze my back as he nearly falls. The other one, however, grabs my wrist harshly. My body is jerked backwards and I'm slammed up against the wall again.

I feel the familiar hard surface on my back as I cry out in pain. It is the last noise I can make before all of the breath is beaten out of my body.

"Stop it! Let go-"I am smacked across the face by one of the men. My cheek was red and it stung like fire.

I try to struggle against them, but I am tired and my body used up all of its reserved strength. I am panting as the two men hold my wrists tightly. It hurt. I am trying not to cry and I wish someone will help me. I know if I cry out that I may get worse than what I'm probably going to get now.

I try to yell but a hand covers the bottom part of my face. I bite down as hard as I can. I draw blood and refuse to let go.

"What a fighter! I'll enjoy you…and just in case you keep fighting, my friends will be happy to wear you down," Ricco says sadistically as he got close to my face.

I am petrified. Many thoughts rush through my head as my blue eyes widen. 'They're going to rape me. I'm so stupid for falling for this. No one's here to even help me. I can barely move and I can't scream, I can barely breathe.' I berate myself as I can now feel their cold touches on my skin. I could feel Ricco's large hands brush over my small, perky breasts. I don't want this touch! I struggle against it as his hand went up my sky blue spaghetti strap shirt and he began to feel the skin of my breast. When I jolted against his rough touch he violently grabs my bra between my breasts and pulls down with a jerk. The back of it tore. I could hear the snap of the straps as it is yanked off of my body.

Tears come to my eyes. I feel so exposed and vulnerable. I'm afraid. I wish someone; anyone would come down the alley and see me. Please…Please someone, help me! I don't want to be raped! I may not be a virgin but I don't want to be afraid of having sex again, or feeling dirty! I still want my boyfriend to love me!

I feel his cold, rough hands begin to massage my breasts and ignore his constant, sexual comments about how my breasts are firm and turn him on. I'm miserable and the tears that I so desperately try to hide now stream down my face as I cry lightly into his hand.

"I think I'll enjoy them even more if I get a nice taste," Ricco comments as he pushes up my shirt. I feel so humiliated! I wish I wasn't here! Why couldn't I have ditched him? Why couldn't I be watching Tadao sing? Why am I so stupid? I try to ignore the curl of desire in my stomach. I don't want this. I don't want this at all. I don't have feelings for him. He's making my body betray me.

I feel his breath on my chest and I bring a foot up to try and kick him away from me. I miss his face and he manages to catch my ankle. I gasp against his hand and realize how short my skirt was. He could now see my polka-dot underwear clearly. I pray silently that he doesn't get any ideas. I would rather have him suck my breast then pull my underwear off. Fortunately for me, he only puts his weight against me again. His hand slides down my leg as he forces me to keep it at his lip. It is very uncomfortable to stand this way and my leg hurts. I don't want to fall because then I'll end up in a worse position than this. It will definitely end up in something faster that way. I look at my ripped bra in his hand. There was no way I could even fix it if I wanted to. Why am I thinking about that at a time like this? I guess I'm trying to get my situation off of my mind. What am I thinking? I can feel his erection growing against my hips and I dread what will happen in a few moments when he decides that he wants to relieve himself.

The tears are still streaming down my face. I can’t stop crying. I close my eyes and try to forget as much as I can. 'Anyone…someone…please help me…Oh god…'

Suddenly, as if someone hears my silent prayer, a swift kick is delivered to the side of Ricco's head. I recognize those black army boots! It's Tadao! I feel myself being released as my form slides down the wall. It rakes against my already injured shoulders. It stings like fire and brimstone but I am glad that nothing bad happened between Ricco and me. All I can do is cry and sit there for a moment to try and gather my emotions.

I look up to see Ricco sitting on the ground. His shades are laying a few feet away. I guess Tadao kicked them off when he got him away from me. I cross my arms over my chest, now that everyone has seen my boobs. I notice that my bra is a few feet away from me and I simply stare at it, speechless.

"Who the hell are you?" I hear Ricco question, seething. He is hard after all, and his moment is ruined. I think he's probably pretty frustrated and angry.

"What are doing with my girlfriend?" I hear Tadao question strongly as the two men who pinned me down run behind him. One of them jumps on his back and I yell out his name as a warning. My boyfriend punches the man who jumped on his back. The other tries to rush at him but Tadao grabs his arm and flips him over his body with all of his might. Ricco tries to move but the other man falls on him and nearly knocks him out.

Tadao runs over to me and scoops me up in his arms. I'm so grateful to see him that I cry harder. I hear his gentle voice from above.

"Come on, Sumerie," he tells me gently as I see his face clearly. His blonde, emo cut hair that is parted in the middle with one purple streak. His eyes are narrow but kind and light lavender in color. He smiles at me kindly and I thank him, crying into his chest.

"What were you doing around those guys?" Tadao asks me after a moment of silence.

"I was tricked. Did I miss your song?" I ask, afraid of the answer. I am also ashamed of what happened. I am so stupid to have trusted Ricco like that! I'm so embarrassed that everyone had seen my boobs and I feel nasty from being touched by them. My shoulders hurt and are all scraped up from being slammed against the wall so much.

I don't look at him. I'm not sure he wants me too.

I feel like such a bad girlfriend.

"I'm not on yet. Your brother, Takeshi and Endo are dancing to another song. I didn't see you in the audience so I was worried. You usually show up on time. I thought maybe that you went to the concession stand and I'm glad that I decided to check or something bad would have happened,” he explained.

"Thank you, Tadao," I thank him again.

"I'm going to put you with the street dancing team. That way your brother will be with you until I'm done singing in case those jerks come back," Tadao informs.

"Can I still watch you sing?" I ask. If I'm put with Takeshi and Endo, will I still see on stage? I don't know where they go when they are finished with their performance.

"You should have a pretty close seat actually," I am relieved when I hear him say that to me. I don’t want any more inconveniences for the night.

"Great! I know I'm always safe with Takeshi and Endo," that was the truth. Takeshi knows how to severely beat someone up and Endo is really tough. No one messes with her at school. I think they are afraid of her even though she's a nice person.

"Alright, I'll see you then. After that we can go on our date," Tadao replied.

"Yeah," I smile at him kindly. I'm not about to let what happened screw up my good day. If I'm doing something with Tadao, I can easily take my mind off of what happened with Ricco.


I walk up to Takeshi and Endo, who are sitting on a bench on the stage. They are relaxing and look as if they are enjoying themselves. They probably are having a good time. Too bad I missed their last dance. My brother isn't around, which is good. I don't really want to talk to him right now, even though I know I should. It's just that…well; he's kind of weird sometimes.

"Hey guys!" I wave as I walk up to him.

"Sumerie!" Takeshi says loudly as he and Endo turn their heads at the same time to look at me. "Hey girl, what's up?" He asks as he hugs me loosely. I wrap my arms around his thin waist for a few moments and release the hug.

"Nothing really, I just ran into a creepy guy when I went to the concession stand but Tadao saved me. I decided to stay with you guys in case he comes back." I inform them. I don't really feel like going into detail since it just happened to me but I think I'll tell them later. Besides, they should concentrate on dancing. They don't need to worry about it right now.

But Endo seems to.

She rushes over to me and swiftly grabs both of my hands in her own. She looks at me with concern quivering deep within her green eyes. "Are you alright? What did he do? Talk to me!" She says, her voice seems to beg me for an answer.

For that moment in time, I feel bad.

"Endo I would if you'd give me a break to talk," I respond. Her questions are so quick and abundant that I feel smothered.

"Okay, I'm cool," she straightens herself to try and look convincing but she's not fooling me. I know that she's a nervous wreck inside. I explain to her my situation without going into too graphic of a detail as I see the look on her face turn from false calm to seething anger. "He did what!?" She exclaims. Then balls her fist in a threatening way.

"I'll kick his ass!"

"Tadao already did," I say to calm her nerves but that doesn't seem to be helping.

"I'll kick what's left of it! No one takes advantage of a woman!" Endo rants. I can see that she's not pleased and I don't expect her to be nice towards the subject. I'm glad that she's concerned but I really am trying to forget it.

"Chill Endo," Takeshi chides as he places a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"Huh?" She jumps a little and looks up into his winking face.

"All that matters is that she's alright," Takeshi tells her gently. "Right?"

Endo sighs and closes her eyes. "I guess but-" She tries to go on but an olive finger is put to her pink lips. The light touch seems to surprise Endo but she is silenced and part of me is glad. Takeshi seems to know when I've had a bad day and I'm happy that he knows that I am stressed out.

"Not another word. Besides, Shunjitsu is on now so we have to support Sumerie's boyfriend," Takeshi replies as the stage goes silent and all of our attention is directed ahead. Tadao and his band enter the stage and begin to play their song. I look upon them with adoration as I listen to the beat of their music. I love his voice and my heart melts with it as he sings to me slowly, and intimately. It's as if this song is meant for me and me alone, even though there are so many people around. Even though he is not facing me, I know his song is meant for me. This music entices my senses as it fills the air. When the song is finally over, much to my disappointment, the crowd cheers and I hear Endo yell loudly. Takeshi covers his ears and winces.

"I think he can hear you in America," he complains.

I see Tadao walking towards us casually with a smile on his face. I can tell that this is a good concert for him. He stops at me and begins to ask me a question.

"So, what do you think?"

"You were great, Tadao!" I exclaim as I lurch forward and hug him. He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. I always feel so good when he hugs me. I feel like nothing can harm me as long as I'm in his arms. It's my safe haven.

"Thanks babe."

"You really got the crowd going. A couple more gigs and you'll be ready to face off against the talent agents," Takeshi compliments him.

"You flatter me but I'm not ready to get ripped apart by them yet," Tadao laughs a little nervously. He doesn't think he's good enough to be judged yet but I think he has the talent. I guess he'll know when he's ready. I can't rush this kind of thing.

"I guess you don't want to stay around for the fan service, huh?" Endo asks as she looks at the crowd. I can see the screaming girls and wild fans and I shutter a little. I don't really want to face them either.

"No, I think I'll take the back way out," Tadao replied as he grabs my arm and pulls me toward the back of the stage. I look to his face and see his blonde hair fluttering in the wind and his one purple streak blending in with the blonde to make a very pretty, almost silver color. "Come on!" He says in a happy voice and I see him smile a real smile for the first time today.

I am happy with him.

I can faintly hear Endo and Takeshi's voices get fainter and fainter as we get farther away.

"Sure, leave us with them," Takeshi says, not too happy about being left behind with the crowd. After all, he is a street dancer and not a crowd manager.

"It'll be fun," Endo put her hands behind her back and smiled up at him.

"In what world?"


Their voices disappeared as we went out of the swinging doors and into the night air. It feels cold against my skin as we run down the concrete paths. I look up at him and ask where we are going. He tells me that we are going somewhere nice and while I don't question him further, I think of the many possibilities in my head.

Soon we come to a beautiful sight. It was a large lake with a few cat tails and a quaint little bridge. The water is calm and there are a lot of fireflies out tonight. There is a single cherry tree and the pink, velvet blossoms are falling to the ground and have formed a small pile below. We stand underneath a street light that is far from the shore. I want to go down there and sit by the water or go for a walk on the bridge.

"It's beautiful," I say from my position. The sight before me is still tempting, but I don't want to go far away from his side.

"I figured that I owe you that much because of what those jerks did to you," he wipes the smile from his face and replaces it with a frown. I can tell that he's regretful for not being at my side when Ricco almost raped me. I put my hand gently on his to comfort him. I know that it's probably not much but it's all I can do.

"It's alright," I tell him and try to smile, even though it's painful both for me and to see him like this. "It's like Takeshi said, I'm alright and that's what matters."

'Besides, I'd really like to try and forget this fiasco.'

"I just…I'm sorry…" He looks down sadly.

I reach up and caress his face in both hands. I look up at him and now he has no choice but to stare into my eyes as I try to tell him my feelings with utmost sincerity. "I love you. You don't have to be a hero or Prince Charming for me to like you, Tadao."

It isn't his fault that I almost got raped. It is mine. I was stupid enough to trust someone I'd barely met.

I'm such a fool, even now.

He looks like he has a little more confident and happy. I'm glad. He smiles as his lavender eyes shimmer in the lighting cast from the lone lamp post. The noise of the night air and the illuminating presence his form has gives me a sense of peace as he thanks me and begins to say something about wishing that he could have done something but I cut him off with my words.

"We all have things that we regret. It's best to put them to the back of our minds." I say as I lead him to the edge of the water. When we stop, we face each other and I smile at him from beneath the shade of the cherry blossom tree. I reach up and kiss him gently. Before I know it, one thing turns into another and we are lying on the ground with the soft cherry blossoms falling around us. The petals stick to my clothes and skin as I continue to kiss my boyfriend again with fire and passion. Being with him feels so good. His gentle touch runs along my body and I feel needed and cleansed. I let out a couple of moans as he kisses my neck. I begin to run my hands along his well-built body as we roll around.

Heated kisses and sweet moans…

Whispers of love and trailing hands…

This was a good way to leave one of the best concerts we've ever had…

The concert!

My brother is going to kill me!

I promised that I'd be back after the concert! I have to go! I sit up quickly and nearly clash heads with him. My eyes are wide and my heart is racing in my chest. "Crap! I have to get back to my house!"

"Why? What's wrong?" He asks with a confused look on his face as he sat a few inches back from me. I think he was afraid that we'd clash heads again or something.

"My brother told me to be there after the concert. I'm sorry Tadao but I have to go," I hurriedly lift myself off the ground as I begin to sprint back towards my house but as soon as I got a few steps away; my wrist was grabbed by Tadao. I feel myself jerk as I look back at him in question. Why did he just do that?

"Come on, at least try to be a little lenient. Can't you just spend a few more minutes with me?" He begs me. He really doesn’t want me to go. I know that he wants to spend time with me but I don't feel like being drilled by my brother. He always comes down on me hard for some reason when I spend too much time with Tadao.

"I can't," I try to reason with him. "I promised my brother that I would go to a party with him if he won the street dancing competition. It wouldn't be right if I didn't go to see my brother's shining moment. He really wanted me to celebrate with him."

I did promise him.

"Oh come on! Sumerie, this happens every time!" Tadao is irritated at me. "You're always in the middle of being romantic and I end up getting left because of your brother."

Is it me or does he seem jealous of my brother? It sure seems that way.

"I'm really sorry Tadao," I look at him sadly. I regret leaving him. I know he really want to be closer to me and I want to be closer to him too. I'll have to make it up to him later. I'll spend extra time with him next time I see him. I just wish that he'd understand how my brother was.

This is something that I cannot help.

"I'm really sorry Tadao, Ushio's very protective of me. I can't stick around and argue with you. He'll be mad if I'm late. Goodbye, I love you." I pull my hand away, no matter how painful it is to say goodbye.

I have to go to Ushio.

To Be Continued…