Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ Old Rivalries ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Sister's Keeper
By: Melissa Norvell
Chapter 3: Old Rivalries

One foot in front of the other. That's how I normally live my life, with each step being an unpredictable one. I never know whether or not I'll be stepping into complete bliss, or treacherous danger and there are so many interesting and frightening people in my life that it's hard to determine just who will do what, but I guess people are just like that. After all, people are a mystery to themselves and no one can really explains all of their actions down to the tiniest ones.

It was a little colder than yesterday, and the wind was mild and toys with my slate blue locks as I walk down the concrete sidewalk with Endo, who seems more than just excited as she recalls the events of our party last night and discusses them with me. It is as if I didn't even know what happened. She's just happy, and to be truthful - so am I, so I smile and close my eyes, listening to her idle talk.

"Man, that party was great! Nothing like a bottle of wine and spending some time with my best friends," the blonde speaks beside of me with a bright smile plastered onto her face and azure eyes that shine like the deepest oceans. Endo has always been a spunky type and I can tell she feels restless, like she can't wait to get rid of some of that built up energy.

"I'm just glad that Ushio finally calmed down after a while," I mention as a flashback of what happened the night before reels through my head. He busted a glass with his bare hand, and the haunting and crisp noise of the dripping is enough to make me shutter in repulsion. I was never much one for the sight of blood. My voice and sights lower with the sorrow in my heart as I finish my spoken thoughts. "I knew bringing up Tadao was nothing but trouble."

It always was with those two. They hate each other and I don't even know why. It's not like either one of them will tell me or anything, and I really don't expect them to. I just wish that Ushio could see how happy this man makes me and at least try to put up with him for my sake.

Endo looks over at me with her knuckles sat on her exposed hips as her eyes reflect a look of concern. "Jealousy goes a long way with that guy. It must be hard to have any boyfriends." I get the feeling that she feels sorry for me. It's not her fault. I probably am pitiful like that.

"Like I said, he's never liked any guy who went out with me. He tells me that no guy is good enough to be with me." My entire life, for my entire life big brother has done nothing but tell me that. He tells me that I am better than any boyfriend. I know I mean a lot to him but I'm going to get married one day, and I want him to like my husband.

Just then, I hear a familiar voice that stops me in my tracks. My form goes ridged and I can feel tingles go up my spine. My stomach does a summersault inside of my body and I feel like a child whose hand has been caught in the cookie jar. Endo does the same, and nearly in unison as we both hear the words flow from the familiar figure's mouth like satin.

"If you were wise, you'd listen to my advice and ditch him."

It was Ushio and his voice is as cold as ice.

"Huh?" I hear myself and Endo speak in unison as we slowly turn around to see him standing a few feet away from us, leaning against a wall with his arms crossed and a smile of satisfaction plastered on his face.

I turn around slowly and speak to him. "You were spying on me?" Seriously, how long had he been there? Was he following Endo and me? I didn't even feel anyone looking at me or anything…and it kind of freaks me out if he was, considering what happened with Ricco and all…But I shouldn't think that way! I mean, Ushio is nothing like Ricco. He just wants to protect me.

"That's rude! This is girl talk, you know!" Endo scolds him with a pouty look on her face as my brother walks slowly up to us, his form as daunting as ever. He was always the type of person to leave a definite impression on you, even if it was an intimidating one.

"Well, you're talking about me. I think I have a right to know," Ushio tells her slyly as he stops in front of us and leans in slightly, staring at her with those shining eyes of his- the type that could draw any girl into his deep gaze. Those eyes that feel like they can see eternity.

"What's your real motivation? Other than stalking us, anyway?" I ask with a pouty and annoyed look as I turn around, my wavy hair slamming against the side of my cheek. Sometimes he's just too hovering. I feel like I'm being mother henned by him.

Ushio took a few steps towards me and gets close, very close. My brother is so close that I can nearly feel his baggy sweater against the exposed skin of my arms. I can tell there is something on his mind, but I'm not too sure what it is. His eyes look upon me with a different gleam than when he gazed at Endo. They are kinder, softer and hold a look of gentility that I notice he only looks at me with. Ushio always looks at me differently than other people. It's like I have my very own look, and it makes me feel special. To be truthful, none of my boyfriends has ever dedicated a look to me like he has.

"Hey, there's going to be a dance down by Matsuhara Stage. I was wondering if you'd come with me and just cut loose and have some fun. I don't want any perverts to pick you off like that Ricco guy, so you can bet I'll never let you out of my sights." Ushio says as he smiles a little and runs his hand through my hair gently. His touch is always soft upon my skin and it makes me sigh lightly and I try not to blush.

What's wrong with me? I shouldn't be blushing around my own brother like this. I'm such a freak! Why do I like his touches so? I've been like this ever since I was small. I didn't want any boys to touch me unless they were him at one point in my life. People probably thought I was so weird, but I knew that he would never touch me. Back then, my life was always about him.

I guess it still is, even now in a way. It's like we have our own little world, where nothing bothers us and we can find a sense of peace. I like that world. I never want to let go of that world. It's a world where I don't hurt anymore. It's a comforting world, with a comforting man.

"Some men don't know how to treat a lady, you know." What's with his voice? It's low and suggestive, but maybe he didn't mean it that way…I mean, he wouldn't normally talk to me like that. Yes, it's just some kind of weird miscommunication.

Upon hearing Ricco's name, my eyes widen and my head is filled with the torture that night consisted of. It was so painful, horrifying and it makes me feel as if I might go insane. Flashes of attempted rape fly through my head at light speed but his gentle hand on my cheek causes me to lose grip on those feelings as I blush and smile bitterly. "Um…okay…I'll go with you," I agree, happy that he'll protect me and wants to spend time with me. A dance will be just the thing to get my mind off of everything.

"I knew you'd see it my way," he states playfully as he smiles at me. "Don't worry, we'll have fun. No one will hurt my dear sister." My blush intensifies as he lets his hand drag across my face and turns to walk away casually. He has always been smooth like that, and I guess that's why so many women like him.

"Man, I'd hate to be on his bad side." Endo watches him walk away and I look to her and wonder what my brother meant by what he has just said to me. Even now, it confuses me greatly.

"Well, guess we should make our leave before he comes back." My friend winks with a playful smile. "If he knew you were going out to see Tadao, he'd freak."

A look of guilt crosses my face and I look as if I am shot in the heart with realization. My round eyes widen and my gaze slowly hits the ground at the thought of my brother finding out what I was up to. I always have to sneak around to see Tadao, and I always feel like I'm going to get caught when I do. It's like Ushio is an overprotective father or something and I have to walk around on eggshells to escape him.

"More like he'll go psycho," I sigh as I feel the horror slam into my form like an anvil at the thought of Ushio's rage. "Honestly, this is so stressful. Why can't they get along?" I run a hand up my forehead, into my bangs and wear a look of stress. I feel it too, rising in my gut and making its way up my throat. I tremble and my body feels like its being stung by a thousand needles.

My glimmering eyes glance over to the warm touch on my shoulder. Endo smiles gently at me, trying to reassure me. "Give it some time. Who knows? Things might get better." Her optimistic answer gives me hope, and I feel a little better about things now.

Endo always helps me like that.

We continue to walk for about another block as a small smile comes to my face. The blond really has eased my pain and worry about the tension between Ushio and Tadao. The breeze blows gently as I close my eyes, feeling my worries lift upon it and be carried away from my form, lost into the infinite blue of the skies.

"Well, well, there he is. He's waiting just for you," Endo teases me as I produce a small 'hm' in question and glance down the street, where I see Tadao coming towards me, wearing a pair of black jeans with a long chain and a black, screen print T-shirt. He smiles kindly at me as he speaks to me, greeting me in his usual way.

"Hey Sumerie, how did your party go?" Tadao asked me curiously.

"It was fun!" I exclaim as I run to him in excitement, flashing my brightest smile. I'm so happy to see him and even the clacking of my heels against the cement radiated with the joy I felt. "Thank you for asking."

"I thought that you were mad because you weren't invited? You sure do change moods fast," Endo notes.

"I didn't want to be around Ushio anyway. It's just a party, no big deal to me," Tadao tells her apathetically as he shrugged it off. "Besides, I came over here to have a good time with you, so we shouldn't be stressed out. Oh, and I wanted to know if you'd come to Matsuhara Stage with me."

"Matsuhara Stage?" I breathed in shock. That's the place that Ushio wanted me to go with him to. What do I do now? I can't tell him that I'm going with Ushio, but I can't tell him no either. What now?

I fill with that same tension. The tension that I always feel around the two, as if God is forcing me to decide between them. This isn't fair.

"Yeah, the band and I are going to do some performing there and I'd love to see you on the front row, giving us support," Tadao tells me with a smile as he hands me a ticket to get in.

"Well, you see-" I try to explain it to him, but I get cut off .

"Can't you come? I really need you at a time like this," the question was so desperate, so emotional. It strikes me in the heart and causes me to crumble under his whims. Why is it that he can always do that to me?

"Well, I can see-" I began but he cut me off once more.

"Great! I knew you would be there for me," my boyfriend takes my hands, holding them gently. "You're the best!" He exclaims as he smiles in joy. "I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend!"

"Um…Thanks…" I don't feel so good about this. I'm asking for trouble.

"I'll see you there!" That bright smile weighs on my heart. My boyfriend was never a person who smiled much, and when we started to go out, I was the only one who made him smile. I feel that his smile is only for me and if he doesn't smile, then I have taken it away somehow.

Endo just stares at me with a slight frown. I can tell that she feels sorry for me. Either that or she wonders why I'm even getting myself into something like this. I know I'm bringing this on myself, but I can't bear to hurt either one of them. I know their pains, and I've seen both of their suffering. I don't want to be the reason either one of them are sad.

"I have to go and practice, so I'll catch you this afternoon!" Tadao says in joy as he hurriedly runs off, nearly stumbling over his own feet. I place a hand over my mouth as I try not to bust into a fit of giggles. In his own way, he makes the action look so cute! He half-turns and gives me a wave as I take a hand from my mouth and wave at him back with a sweet smile.

"Sure thing!"

"Love you!"

"I love you too!" I call back to him as he disappears around the corner, and as soon as he's gone, it's like the whole force of the situation hits me hard and I sigh to myself in exasperation.

"That sucks," Endo says to me, like my situation is so simple to fix. It makes me a little angry.

"Is that all you can say?" I pout, and furrow my eyebrows. Some help and support she was. I thought she was the one to bring me hope? What happened to my little beacon?

"You have to pick between the two of them again. That must get tiring. Why didn't you tell him that you already decided to go dancing with your brother?" She asks me. I know I should have told him no. I know I'm being too nice but not allowing him to hurt. I know that he'll be upset when he finds out and I know that things will get bad if I don't pick one of them. At this point in time, I really damn myself for what I've done.

"Are you kidding? I'll get griped out." I reply. It's my only defense to the situation, sadly.

"Well, you're going to have to make a decision- face Ushio's rage or Tadao's disappointment," Endo reminds me of the harsh truth. I know that I've got to chose between them someday, but I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready to face that pain. I'm not that strong. Can't I hide behind my indecisiveness a little longer?

I sigh as sorrow washes over my features. "What do I do?" I ask helplessly.

"I have no idea. I do hope you can figure out something that will make them both happy, but right now that seems pretty impossible," Endo sighs as well. I know she feels the weight of my problems too and I feel bad for getting her involved.

"I know," I admit defeat, "I'm always put in these predicaments."

"They both really love you…too bad they both really hate each other," Endo notes.

"Yeah…" I sadly agree as I hear my name being called. Endo and I turn as I hear the thumping of shoes against the concrete. The sound grows louder and louder and so does my name as its being called in excitement.

I instantly recognize the voice as the schoolgirl runs up to me. It's my friend Risa. I recognize her and respond to her calls, giving her a friendly smile as she runs up to me and wraps her arms around my neck, flinging herself into me with so much force that I nearly fall backwards. She's a lot taller than me and I feel kind of crushed by her embrace. I really hope that she didn't see my sad face but her words only confirm my fears.

"Hey, you look kind of down, is there something wrong?" She pulls away, her long, black hair falling around her face and those green eyes looking upon me with concern.

"Hey Risa, what would you do if two people invited you to do something at the same time?" I ask her unsurely. I really need some advice from an outside source, and asking someone who doesn't really know my brother is a safe bet.

"Whoever asked first. That's who I'd go with. Why? Where did the both of them ask you to go?" She was blinking in confusion, as if it seemed so logical to just pick someone and go with it. That's why I like Risa, she's so straightforward.

"Well, Ushio asked me to go to Matsuhara Stage and Tadao asked me to go to his concert. I don't know what I'm going to do or who I'm going to go with," I sigh feeling the stress only continuing to mount.

"Really? I'm going to!" She gestures to herself by placing a hand to her breast and smiled. "Rikkido told me about Tadao's performance and that dance."

"And the dance? You mean, they're in the same area?" I knew they were both at the same location but if they were in the same location, it made things a lot easier on me. Maybe I can somehow spend time with both of them. That would be perfect! That way I don't really have to choose at all!

"Yes! They are! You can actually go with both of them. Just dance with whoever you want to go to the dance with and then you can walk through the crowd and watch Tadao." The plan was so simple! Surely I can't screw it up.

"My problem is solved!" I cheer as I close my eyes and smile, clasping my hands together. "You're the best!"

"What are friends for?" Risa smiles at me, happy to be of assistance.

"Well, that takes care of that little problem." Endo seems happy that someone hopefully solved the problem. "Guess you don't have to face any problems with either one."

"Hey, what do you say we go and check out some new dresses?" Risa is thrilled that we'll be going together and I nod in agreement and tell her I'd love to. Hopefully, everything will go well and I can get on with my life from here. I want to have fun with my family and the love of my life at the same time.

I can only pray that it gets accomplished.


The music is loud and the lights strobe around the packed dance floor. I cautiously stroll into the masses of people, who are dancing and swaying to the music beneath a black, metal frame with a disco ball suspended in the middle. The spotted lighting from it reflected off of everything as the dancers seemed lost in their own little worlds. I was shocked at how packed it was. For being minor musicians, Tadao's group had gotten a lot of publicity.

I feel something take a hold of my hand, holding it tightly and I glance up to see my big brother, staring down at me with a kind smile. I smile back and try not to blush at the contact. The touch is so warm, and so strong, as if he will never let me fall. To be truthful, he never has, even after all of these years. When I am hurt, he catches me and when I am crying, he wipes away my tears. He really is my prince.

I don't even know why I am thinking this. I mean, how embarrassing. My gaze is reverted back to the flashing strobes as I hear my brother suggest that was dance. I agree and we walk together to the dance floor.

When we are about half-way to the middle of the floor, we begin to dance to one of the rock songs that started to play. It was a love song, but I don't remember the lyrics much. I am too lost in the moment to even remember half of what is said. I watched as Ushio danced along side of me. His body sways in harmony with the melodies, and his face is so expressive. It's as if he feels the words deep in his heart. I can't help but be memorized by his face and elegant body as he moves to the music and begins to dance close to me.

I've got to make this dance last through one song. If I do it this way, then I can go back and listen to Tadao and show my support. Besides, I should be tired after this. That way I'll have an excuse. I think to myself before I speak to my brother, "it's been a long time since we've danced together."

"It has. I've always enjoyed dancing with you," he smiles at me and I can help but smile back as a spin around in a small circle.

"Me too, remember when we were kids and we used to jump around? We thought that's what dancing was," I giggle lightly to myself as I recall those days. Our form of dancing back then is so funny compared to now.

"At least we had rhythm," Ushio slightly laughs and he's right. We did keep in the beat, even if we couldn't dance at all.

"We did. I always followed you around, jumping all over the house," I tell him as the song begins to slow down, the melodies taking on a languid tune as the next song began to play.

Ushio insisted that I dance with him for that song as well. But, Tadao…I think of an excuse quickly. I don't want to miss Tadao's show. I know Ushio wants me to dance again but if I want to spend time with both of them, then I have to equal it out perfectly. "I'm feeling a little tired. I think I'd like to watch the band play for a while."

I hope that excuse is good enough. I mean, we did dance really fast to that last song. I begin to walk away but I can only manage two steps before my hand is grabbed tightly. It isn't a crushing grip but its firm enough to let me know that I'm not going to go anywhere without getting free.

My sights fall on his disappointed features as he tries to convince me to stay by his side.

"You came to spend time with me. Do you not want to?" Ushio seems a little hurt that I want to leave his side.

"Well…I…um…but…this band is…" I utter in a nervous tone as I glance towards the stage, where I see Tadao and the other members of his band setting up o play.

Ushio's gaze follows mine to the stage and his eyes instantly grow cold. A deep-set frown crosses his face and hatred soon overtakes him as he thinks to himself for a while. I wonder what's going through his mind. What is he thinking about Tadao? More importantly, is he planning on doing something to him?

I really screwed up this time. How could I have thought that I could get to spend time with both of them?

His eyes slowly trailed back to my form but now they hold a different look to them - something slightly emotionless, dark and devious. As he speaks to me, his voice flowing from his mouth like smooth satin.

"It's a slow song. I'd really like you to dance with me," he tells me as I am suddenly pulled into an embrace and one of his strong arms wraps around my back. Out of instinct, I pull my hands up and they land on his well-built chest, feeling the muscle beneath the fabric of his button-up shirt. His eyes are intense as they bore a hole in my form. "You can still watch him from here. You can spend time with both of us that way."

I can't do it…I just can't make him mad. I can't abandon him. I'm so weak.

"I guess…you're right…" I keep glancing to the stage as I tell him in defeat.

"My dear little sister," he stares at me with that familiar look of adoration.


A hand is placed under my chin as he lifts it up gently, making me stare into his gently smiling face, "I know you can."

We begin to dance, this time, our bodies are closer together. I can feel him moving against me with light brushes of his stomach against my own and the small sensation causes another blush to rise to my cheeks. Should a brother make his sister's body react in such a way?

I can smell his cologne and sweat in the air around me as his body continues to move rhythmically against my own as we continue to dance, immersed in our own little world - the world where only the two of us exist.

What's going on? My vision becomes hazy and my thoughts out of focus…Nothing makes sense anymore but I feel hot and my heart is racing…Maybe it's just adrenaline. I mean, we are dancing and there are so many people close together on this floor. The air is thick, and all of the lights make it hot…Both of us are sweating…but why do I feel so strange? I feel like a might lose control.

His hips move against mine and a curling sensation erupted deep within my stomach as a tingling sensation overcame my body. Why? I shouldn't feel this way about him…He's my brother. What's wrong with me?

I wonder if he realizes that he's dancing this close to his own sister. I mean, I should tell him but he looks really into the music, so it might just be that. This kind of thing isn't normal, is it? Should a brother and sister be dancing like this? Surely it's just in good fun. I mean, it has to be.

I don't notice, but behind me, Tadao walks off stage in the middle of the song he had been singing. That's right; we were dancing to his song. I hear his guitarist, Rikkido; say something to him but my mind is too hazy to register it. For some reason, Rikkido is now singing the song and I wonder what's wrong but I can't seem to snap myself out of the haze long enough to hold concentration.

Suddenly, my brother's shoulder is grabbed, which makes him turn around in anger to come face-to-face with my boyfriend. I instantly snap out of my haze and shrink back, as if I had been caught having sex with another man and blush in embarrassment. I can't believe he saw us dancing like that! I look down in shame.

"Tadao…" His name is the only thing I can say, and I can't even look at him.

"What's your problem? Why are you dancing with your own sister like that? Do you have some sort of mental issue? Do you think you can just take advantage of her because she's your little sister?" He yells in anger at Ushio, who just smirks in satisfaction at him.

Oh no, they are fighting over me again.

"I do what I wish with her. She is my blood and you will not ruin our relationship. It's really none of your business what we do," my brother tells his calmly, not showing any loss in his control.

"It damn sure is my business. That's my girlfriend. You're her brother. You need to let her breathe. You can't be so protective of her. She's not your slave!" Tadao screams and it makes me wonder if that truly is the case.

Am I Ushio's slave?

"Tadao…" I utter once more in worry for him. I know how the two can be, and I don't want anyone to be hurt.

"Why don't you stay the hell away from her?" Ushio asks with a deep-set, disapproving frown. "You're nothing but a hormonal, sex-craved man who wants to steal her away. Family is closer than any romantic relationship."

"You incest bastard! Stop making moves on my girl!" Tadao has finally had enough. He draws back his fist, landing it hard against my brother's cheek. I gasp as I see my dear brother stumble back a little and go silent, holding his cheek for a few moments.

It's never good when Ushio goes completely silent.

He lunges forward out of nowhere and hits my boyfriend in the gut as the two start fighting right in the middle of the dance floor. Fists and legs go flying as the two duke it out and I watch helplessly from the side line.

"Stop it! Stop fighting!" I shout desperately as the crowd gathers around the event. Even the band stops playing and looks on as their main singer and my brother tussled around on the dance floor. Everyone was in ruckus as I keep screaming for them to stop, but my voice is lost in the conversations of hundreds of people.

I push my way through some people who gather in front of me to see the two men rolling around on the ground, pummeling each other hard. Tadao swings at Ushio, who dodges and kicks my boyfriend in the stomach. Tadao holds himself in pain as Ushio gets on top of him, beating him up again for a good five minutes.

I feel like crying. My eyes sting and the helplessness of my situation overtakes my mind. My arm is grabbed harshly before I can even think of shedding a tear and I let out an 'ow' softly as I am pulled to Ushio's side.

"Sorry, dear sister, but it is time to go home," he says in a breathy voice.

"But…Tadao…" I reply in worry, glancing back to see the singer on the floor, holding himself in pain. I so desperately want to go to his side and help him, but I know Ushio will hate me.

"I'm not leaving you here with that scumbag," my brother scolds, and before I can reply to him, something happens that I never expected.

A glass alcohol bottle is busted over his head, shattering into many shards and dousing both him and me in the stench of liquor. I scream in both shock and horror even before I can register what just happened and in an instant, like a hungry cat on a mouse, Tadao shoves my brother to the ground, punching him.

Ushio is bleeding and half way in a daze from being hit with a bottle. He can hardly keep his consciousness as Tadao continues to assault him.

"I'm the scumbag? You're making moves on your own sister!" My boyfriend shouts in anger and I try to defend Ushio's honor.

"No he wasn't! We were just dancing! Stop it! He didn't mean it like that!" I wail, on the verge of tears, begging them to stop. It has gone too far! Ushio doesn't deserve that, no matter what he says to him.

Ushio finally punches Tadao across the face and stands to his feet, panting and bleeding from his forehead but Tadao doesn't give him any time to recover and he's on him again as the fight continues. I watch on, unsure and frightened as to what to even do, knowing that if I try to separate them, I'll get tossed aside or accidentally hurt by one of them. It's almost worth it. If they can see what they are doing to me, then maybe they'll listen to me.

My brother is wearing down and losing more blood. This fight is senseless. I scream again as Ushio is tackled to the ground and his head bounces off of the dance floor, blood, liquor and sweat flying in beads across the ground.

He could have given him a concussion! That's enough! I can't just stand here anymore! I have to do something!

I run over and get between them, hugging my brother's slender form tightly as tears roll down my cheeks. I act as a human shield to keep Tadao from hitting him anymore.

"Stop! Don't hurt him anymore! Please…He's my brother!" I beg, as the tears continue to flow down my cheeks. "I don't care if you hate him, I love him! He's the only family I have left! Please…Please don't hurt him anymore…" My voice crackles and dims in tone as my form shakes with emotion. My parents were murdered and I hardly want my brother to die in a stupid fight.

I don't want to be alone, and I can never forgive Tadao if that happens, even by accident.

"Fine…" Tadao replies darkly as he reluctantly turns his head to the side. His hair shades his eyes as he places his fists to either side. "I'll stop."

"Thank you…" I barely speak as I slump down on my brother's drenched form and sob for a good five minutes before I am pulled away from him.

I look a little panicked before I am pulled into a passionate kiss that lasts a good five minutes. I feel guilty for kissing him back, because my brother is half conscious on the ground. He needs help and I am not with him. He has saved me all of those times in the past, and helped me with his problems but I could not do the same for him. My prince has fallen from grace and his princess could do nothing but hang limply from his attacker's arms in a sultry kiss.

"See you later," Tadao looks at me with a torn expression, almost as if he feels ashamed of himself for what he had done. Is it possible that he regrets everything? Does he finally see how much this all hurts me? "See you later, love," he smiles sadly before he makes his way through the crowd, leaving me standing there in confusion as Ushio lays on the ground, dancing on the verge of unconsciousness.

I am so torn.

To Be Continued