Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My thoughts and life ❯ The day after Thanksgiving ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The day after Thanksgiving
I opened my eyes and scratched my head. Then I cursed under my breath because I had forgotten that my hair was currently in pigtails. “I think I messed it up,” I muttered. I stood up and stretched then fell back onto my bed for about half an hour. My stomach told me it was breakfast time, though to others 11:00am might not be considered breakfast time. On the way to the kitchen, I looked at the thermostat. It read 68 degrees. My eyes widened at this sight. This was way to cold, but if I changed the temperature, then my uptight father would yell at me. When I turned around, he was behind me. Talk about cartoon moment. He told me that he was about to take a shower and not the touch the thermostat. When he closed the door to the bathroom, I ran to the kitchen and took three slices of pumpkin pie. In less than 15 minutes, my “breakfast” was gone. I was thankful that my computer was finally fixed, that I started messing with stuff again. I downloaded all the songs to Antic Café (Or An Café). The rest of the day went smooth since nothing ever happens after the day of Thanksgiving except stomach aches. ><
Too much pie.