Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My unfinished stories.... ❯ In Too Deep ( Chapter 1 )

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In too deep
Jack Mercer was always a bad ass staying out late skipping school, but to his brothers it didn't matter his brothers still thought he was gay. Soon that would change…
November 24,2004 10:00 pm
`where is that boy?' asked a very irritated Evelyn.
`Ma can we please eat now? I'm starving'whined Angel
`No let's wait a few more minutes.' Evelyn stated in a calm manner
`come on ma we have been waiting for over an hour.' Heaved an annoyed bobby
November 24,2004 10:30 pm
Finally after over an hour of waiting a partial drunk Jack came through the door.
Jack put his coat down and walked up the stairs to his room and shut the door behind him.
`What the hell just happened?' asked a stunned Angel
`Let's eat.' Sighed Evelyn.
The next morning…
November 25,2004
10;00 Am
Jack Was the first to wake up and get dressed, his plan was to wake up and sneak out
Before anybody else woke up. Unfourtenatley on his way out he ran too his brother, his older brother.
`morning fairy.'
`hmmm'was all his response to his brothers crude comment.
`where you going so early this morning all prettied up.'
`for a walk.'
Just then the phone gave a loud ring
Jack nearly jumped over the sofa to get the phone,but failed to answer it before his brother.
`bobby give me the phone.'
`Hello may I speak to Jack'
`may I ask whose calling?'
`here it's for you.' Bobby stated while handing jack the phone.
5 minutes later after jack had hung up the phone a car pulled up in the driveway and honked the horn twice which woke everone else in the house. Then jack left.
Later that night…
It Was twelve am when jack relised the time driving home with amanda.
`that was one hell of a party huh?' amanda asked sleepily as she pulled up into
jack's drive way.
`yeah it was so much fun.' Mumbled a worried jack.
`Don't worry you won't get in trouble look the lights are off.'
`yeah I guess,see you tomorrow if I'm not dead.' Stated jack as he got out of the car.
`bye.' She said laughing and driving off.
Before jack opened the door he prayed for his health and his well being.
Jack opened the door slowly, making sure no one woke up. He slid off his shoes and pulled off his hoodie when the light flicked on to reveal 3 very angry brothers who looked as if their where about to kill.
`where were you?' Angel asked bluntly.
`At a friends.'
`What where you doing out this friends house?'
`Nothing much,just watched a few movies.'
`look we don't know what's gotten into you,but we don't like it.' Jerry stated in a calm fashion.
`where you out with the chick that called here earlier?' bobby bluntly stated