Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mythology ❯ Preparations ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Lemon warning: There is no clean version of this chapter. You have been warned.

=June 8, 2079=

The small bedroom was occupied by two persons and several boxes. The first occupant, Catliene, the owner of the room, sighed and wiped away the sweat from her forehead with the back of her forearm before turning her attentions back to the task at hand.

"Isn't it amazing how you never realize how much crap you've accumulated until you go to move?" She sighed again and turned back towards the closet. Cat scrunched up her face in a scowl trying to decide what needed to be neatly folded and packed, and what could stay at least until she came back from college.

“You’re the one who has decided that you need to move to the other side of the country in order to properly study art. I personally don't understand the desire to move to the rainiest part of the United States." The other occupant of the room, Jackson, said while neatly placing the box he had just taped up on the stack in the corner.

Cat tilted her head to the side and scrunched up her nose at a dress that she hadn't worn since she was probably 15 or so. "I never expected you to understand Jack. It's not so much that I want to move to Seattle, I think it's just something that I need to do for me. I've lived in Castine for the past 8 years, and Harborside was even smaller. I did what my mom and dad wanted; I went to the University of Maine for a year, now I need to do something to get myself away from here for a while." Cat turned and gave Jackson a smirk. "Besides, it's not like I'm leaving forever. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

"Ha! You're like a bad rash, can never truly get rid of you, huh?" Jackson chuckled and settled on grabbing the CD's off the rack next to the bed and started neatly placing them in the box he had just set in front of himself. "So, are you at least going to come back for, you know, summer break and Christmas?" He lifted his face to look at Cat, raising one eyebrow to disappear under a thick fringe of shaggy, mousy brown hair.

Cat turned enough to glare at Jackson out of the corner of her eye. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that rash remark. To answer your question, yes, I will be back for breaks. I don't think mom would let me get away with staying there while school's not in session, especially not for Christmas." She bent over to stuff the last of the clothes going with her, into the box near her feet. "Anyway, I think this is the last of the stuff I'm going to need while I'm there. Care to join me for lunch, or do you have to run away to work?" Cat turned to fully face Jack and smiled, a certain tired but triumphant look settling over her features.

"Are you kidding me? Do you seriously think I wouldn't ask off of work on the last day my best friend is within driving distance?" Jackson asked, feigning having been deeply wounded by Cat's question. "Seriously Cat," Jack sniffled and pouted. "It hurts me to know how little you think of me." Jack looked at Cat and placed one hand on his chest, over his heart while he used the other to fan himself.

Cat chuckled and smiled before rolling her eyes at her best friend's antics. "Alright drama queen, let's go get something to eat then, I'm starving."

A broad grin broke out over Jack's face as he followed Cat out of her bedroom. She never could keep a straight face around him; he made it his mission to make sure she was always happy. But he never thought he'd be helping her pack her things so she could move so far away, either. The smile faded from Jack's face as he watched her start to ascend the stairs, and he stopped short. He had the feeling he was going to have a very rough go at this. Sure, there had been times when Jack hadn't been able to see or talk to Cat, but nothing like this, not for months at time. Jackson sighed before shaking himself out of his current line of thought and followed Cat up the stairs and out of the basement. He had a few more days at least, he should make the most of the time he had.


"Alright, so I still need to pack up my computer, but that can wait until tomorrow morning. Other than that, I think I have everything." Cat said before leaning forward to take another bite of the mediocre chicken sandwich in front of her. "Is there anything you want to do before I officially start heading in the general direction of west?"

"Yes, I want to you swear on your life that you're not going to forget about your best friend, and that you'll shoot me an e-mail whenever you can." Jack said, nibbling on the end of a french fry. "And above all, I want you to promise me you're not going to end up bringing home some strange, off his rocker weirdo, swearing up and down that you have fallen in love with him."

'He's worried.' Cat smiled and nodded. Jack had been Cat's best friend for the past 6 years, since his family moved to Castine. Her parents always bugged her about dating Jack; she just didn't think it was worth potentially damaging the relationship. It's not that Cat didn't find Jack good looking; she caught herself staring a few times over the years. Somewhere in the vicinity of 6'6" tall, shaggy, mousy brown hair, muscular build, and green eyes that held an almost jewel like tone, Jack was by no means ugly. She could remember her mother telling her once that it wouldn't be that much different from being friends, that they were together all the time anyways, so why not date. Cat and Jack had considered it and in the end, they settled on being friends with benefits. Jack had asked Cat once, what her ideal type of guy was. Apparently he remembered her response, hence why he was telling her not to bring home some kind of weirdo now. Still....

"So, does that mean that I'm not allowed to look for my ideal guy while I'm in Seattle?" Cat asked, leaning forward and giving him a coy smile while raising her eyebrow.

"I never said you couldn't look, but let's face it Cat, you're terminally cute. Not only are you terminally cute, you're tiny. You're, what, 5 foot 4? 5 foot 5? You can only weigh 125 pounds soaking wet, big blue eyes, and long red hair. Not to mention that you have young features. You have a petite nose, and a mouth that makes you look like you're always pouting. I would have to say that the only thing that makes you not look 15 is the fact that you have large...ahem....assets." Jack leaned back in his seat and gave Cat the look. Everyone knows that look; it's the look daring you to argue.

"Okay, first off, 36 D is an acceptable breast size, and secondly, stop giving me that look." Cat says, looking up from her fries and the smear of ketchup on the paper wrapper that came with her sandwich with a pout on her face. Jack laughed and shook his head, his facial expression suddenly turning serious though, as he caught both of Cat's hands in his and made eye contact.

"I'm serious Cat. I don't think I could ever forgive myself for not making you stay here if something horrible happened to you in Seattle. Just..." Jack trailed off, looking over at the wall next to him in the booth for a moment before looking back at the woman in front of him. "Whatever you do, please, please, please stay safe?"

Feeling the sting of tears coming on Cat scrunched up her face and sniffled. Cat hated it when Jack got all sentimental on her. "I promise I'll stay safe Jack. I would tell you not to worry, but I know that's not going to happen. I don't know who's going to be worrying more, you or my mother." Jack smiled and stood up, pulling Cat along with him and into a hug. She closed her eyes and buried her face in Jack's chest. She could feel his lips on her hair, before he gave her a big squeeze and let go.

"How about we blow this joint and spend the rest of the afternoon watching movies?" He smiled at her, she could tell he was trying, but it was still a bit forced. He's more torn up over this then she expected and the fact that he's trying to seem happy, for her sake, is touching.

"Alright, but since I'm the one leaving, I get to pick the first one, and I pick Tank Girl. Lori Petty was sooooo hot in that movie." Cat giggled when she saw the scrunched up look on Jack's face. He hates that movie and she knows it. He'd still watch it though because it's what she picked. Cat linked her arm through his and out to the car they walked, discussing movies and what they'd do until she left in the morning.

*~Jack & Cat~*

Jack looked down at the girl asleep on his chest. It was late, and he should head home, but he just couldn't bring himself to disturb her. This was the last time in a long time he'd be able to be this close to her, after all. Damn he hated the fact that come morning she'd be leaving to go to school on the other side of the country.

'She'll be back.' The voice in his head told him. He snorted in response. He knew she'd be back, but that didn't change the fact that he had grown so accustomed to her being there that he wasn't sure he'd be able to function without her.

Letting out a sigh he'd been holding onto for a while, Jack carefully shifted his weight so he could carry the sleeping girl down to her room. He stood, and carefully, skillfully, turned off the television and receiver for the speaker system. This was obviously not the first time he'd had to do this very thing.

"Mmmm....." Cat moaned in her sleep and curled herself a little closer to Jack. The unconscious action caused the sides of his mouth to curl into a smile. Stopping once he'd reached the bottom of the stairs, Jack leaned forward and brushed a soft kiss to the girl’s lips.

'She won't remember if you do it when she's sleeping, you know.' The voice reminded him. He scowled and rolled his eyes. That damned voice was really annoying sometimes and now was one of those times. He opened and closed the door to her room as quietly as he could and traversed the distance between the door and the bed in a few strides. Careful, so as not to wake her, Jack set Cat down on the bed and sat down next to her.

'She's perfect...' Jack thought, brushing a few errant strands of hair away from Cat's face.

'Yeah, and remember, she's the one who decided that she just wants to stay friends. Well, friends with benefits anyway. If you want this to work...' The voice reminded Jack, much to his dismay.

'I know, I know....I'll tell her when she comes back for Christmas. I have to figure out how to word it first. It's a lot to take in.’ Jack scowled.

Deciding that he'd better leave and let her get some real rest, Jack sighed. He leaned forward, cupping her face in his hands, and placed the lightest of kisses on her lips. Jack's eyes snapped open when he felt the unmistakable pressure of being kissed back, he tried to pull back to look at Cat, only to find she had tangled her fingers in his hair when he wasn't paying attention. Damn it, how had he not noticed she had woken up?

Finally, Jack resigned himself to the kiss, deciding that if this is what Cat wanted from him before she left, then he should be glad to give it. He let his eyes flutter closed and resumed the kiss, he'd let her decide when it needed to end this time. Her lips were warm and fluttered against his mouth like a butterfly playfully teasing, testing, almost pushing Jack to his limits only to bring him back to the kiss with renewed gusto. He repositioned himself above her, dominating her and yet, letting her call the shots. Jack wrapped the arm he wasn't using to prop himself up around her waist, pulling her body against his. Suddenly, the light cotton shirt he had been wearing was almost too hot.

All too soon, Cat pulled back from the kiss, her lips a pretty red, glossy and swollen. A light flush dusted her cheeks. Her breathing was heavy and she licked her lips, almost as if trying to greedily ensure she took in the taste of Jack left on her lips.

"Don't leave....Not tonight. Please Jack?" Her softly uttered question was enough to make him shutter with anticipation. She bit her bottom lip and without another word, broke Jack's resolve. He descended upon her mouth again, his lips crashing down upon hers. A soft moan escaped her which only served to spur him on even more.

She pressed her body against his, her hands finding the bottom of his shirt and pushing it up. He pulled away from the kiss long enough to pull his shirt up and over his head. He threw the offending article of clothing across the room, and had returned to the kiss before it had even hit the floor. Jack almost lost himself as Cat pressed her body back against his, her hands roaming his naked chest and back.

Gods did she smell good...Jack pulled back from the kiss and pulled the bottom of Cat's shirt up, and over her head. She looked up at him, her heavily lidded eyes full of lust. She arched her back, lifting her midsection up off the bed and with one swift motion, managed to unhook her bra and pull it off. Jack's nostril's flared as he closed the distance between her body and his. He placed a series of nips and kisses along her jaw-line and down her neck while he kneaded the supple flesh of her left breast in his hand.

The heady scent of her lust was growing stronger in the small room, becoming intoxicating to Jack. Cat mewled and wrapped one of her legs around Jack's waist, grinding herself against his apparent erection. The fabric of his jeans and boxer briefs were chafing, uncomfortable, like a sandpaper barrier between himself and the object of his desire. He let out a frustrated little growl before unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them halfway down in one prompt motion. He had just finished kicking them off before doing the same with Cat's jeans. Jack slowly slid down Cat's body, placing kisses every so often, until he reached her panty line. His fingers quickly found the thin straps that held the garments lightly on her hips.

Jack gently tugged Cat's last article of clothing down, over the flare of her hips, placing kisses on the slight mounds of flesh over her pelvis. He paused before exposing her now dripping wet pussy, and looked up at her, even in the darkened din of the room; he saw her eyes meet his. There was a pleading there, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. His chest swelling with pride, he gently nipped the soft inner flesh of her thigh before completely removing her panties. Jack grinned before none too gently throwing her knees over his shoulders; he'd make sure she remembered this time for a while to come.

"Wha...?" Cat started to raise herself up on her elbows to ask Jack what he was doing when she felt the heat of his mouth assault her core. "Oooooh...." Cat trailed off, her head falling back followed by the rest of her body. She hadn't known where he'd learned that, but it felt damn good. Jack's tongue dance it's way around the little bundle of nerves, bringing her close to climax, only to pause and concentrate on another area. Somewhere in the back of her mind, it occurred to her that her parent's might hear, but when she opened her mouth to object, the only sound that escaped her was another small moan that was lost in the wet sounds of Jack's perusal of her clitoris. Before too long, she felt him slip one, then two digits into her while continuing to lap at her womanhood.

She could feel herself tensing, the coil tightening. She was so close, a few more thrusts of his fingers, and a quick flick of his tongue were all it took. Cat grabbed the pillow near to her head and pressed it against her face to muffle the sounds of her orgasm. Jack smirked to himself in triumph as he could hear his name muffled through the pillow.

Jack climbed back up her body, tugging on the pillow when he reached her face. Cat's breathing was labored as her body still shivered and convulsed from the intensity of her orgasm.

"Good?" He inquired, not waiting for an answer before kissing her neck again. He was answered by another low moan and Cat wrapping her legs around his lean hips. She was being impatient, and he pushed back and clicked his tongue.

"Not without protection..." Jack leaned forward, pulling open the drawer to the small box on the headboard that he knew held condoms. He smiled and kissed Cat before sitting back on his heels, tearing open the foil packet with his teeth, and unrolling the offending smelling bit of latex onto his member.

Leaning forward over her body once more, Jack positioned himself at her opening before slowly thrusting into her. Jack sighed as his eyes rolled back in pure pleasure. Muscles tense and relax only to tense again as he thrust into her repeatedly. The silken texture of her walls whispered around his member, almost like she was made for him and him only. Jack feels himself nearing his climax, spurred on by the quiet moans and impassioned murmurs coming from his partner. Tighter and tighter the coil is wound, each thrust threatening to push him over the edge. All too soon, with one final thrust, Cat pulls him down for a kiss, her walls constricting around him, sending him over the edge himself. A deep moan escapes him, his breathing labored, before he breaks the kiss.

Jack untangled himself from Cat, releasing a yawn in the process. Maybe he would just crash here for the night; he’d be leaving for work before anyone else in the house was awake anyways. He cast a glance at Cat, who was already asleep. He smiled at his companion while climbing under the covers and pulling her against his chest.

“I love you.” Jack’s quietly whispered admission fell on deaf ears, but he didn’t care. He softly kissed her hair, taking in a deep breath. Jack drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face and the thought of how his best friend smelled like summer rain and strawberries.


< font color="#00B050">A/N: So, I am editing and revising this whole story, starting with chapter 1. I really didn’t like the way I left out massive amounts of detail. But, hopefully it’s better than it was. Please R&R, I’ll try to have the other chapters revamped and posted soon. Jack, Cat and all other characters in this chapter and chapters to come are mine; do not use them without permission.

Final thought from Jack: "Damn...why Seattle?"

Disclaimer: I do not own Tank Girl. Wish I did, but I don’t.