Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Necrofiend: Blood Moon ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blood Moon
-Original Work-
Warning: yaoi, yuri, graphic violence and gore, supernatural creatures, OC POV, etc

A/N: Sorry to those who receive a bazillion alerts that ‘Nita-sama added a new chapter or edited this chapter’. I was trying to edit the first and second chapter but it wouldn’t go through….SO I had to delete each chapter and repost it. It’s been a few years since I’ve fooled around with everything so, I can’t promise this will be the last time it happens. I will try to keep the mishaps to a minimum though.

Special Thanks to: Kelsea, aka Rose_Fury, for volunteering to be my beta! Your help is and will always be appreciated. <33
Sistine_the_angel_Of_Hell: Yeah, I know what you mean about Kano. I’m…wary about swapping his character BIG time. I even wrote the person who owns him to see if she’ll get in contact with me so I won’t have to but I have to have a back-up plan just in case she doesn’t which means a new guy unfortunately. I will be trying to give him the same qualities that Kano had. And no worries about Nao, he’ll be making an appearance. He was another one of my favorites. I actually liked the name Ezekiel so keep an eye out for that name popping up somewhere ;). Other than that, thank you so so so SO much for the review. It gave me a lot more motivation to prove that this rewrite isn’t going to suck.
* * *
Chapter Three

I WAS ABLE to get a good five hours of sleep before I heard my cell phone go off. The ringtone was some generic little diddy that came with the device, meaning that a number I didn’t have saved was calling me. I could only hope that it wasn’t a telemarketer. I lifted my hips awkwardly trying to find the phone while clinging to sleep like some desperate child. Once I had the phone out, I hit the answer button and pressed it to my ear.

“Talk.” Was all I could muster since my face was half buried in tangled sheets.

“Hello, I’m looking for a Mr. Tiaz?” The person on the other line began. Had I been awake, the first thing I would have told them was that I preferred to be called Thiago. I didn’t quite enjoy being called by the last name of the bastard who helped conceive me. Instead I let it slide.

“This is him.” He answered as I rolled to lie on my back. One eye was opened and now trying desperately to focus. I rubbed at the other coaxing it to do the same. It wasn’t many nights that I slept so soundly unintentionally.

“Hello, Mr. Tiaz. My name is Grover Wilson. I work for your client, Derick Cannaan. I am calling on his behalf to inform you that the helicopter will be there to pick you up within the hour.” Talk about short notice. I gave a half sleep ‘mhm’ and hung up. Truth be told I didn’t remember any of the names mentioned as I arched my back and stretched my arms and legs as far as they would go. Yawning widely, I stood from the bed and went to the closet. There was already a suitcase there with a week’s worth of clothes and a duffle with my vampire kit and animating kit inside. I pulled them both out and placed them in the living room. With that done, I returned to the closet and grabbed a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Nagumi liked to bitch about us wearing black and feeding into stereotypes or us dressing too formal or not formal enough. Of course she could do that all she wanted while I was inside of her office. Outside, she could kiss my well tanned ass. I made my way to the bathroom and stripped off the clothes I had slept in after wrestling off my shoulder holster. My Browning had left an angry red impression in my skin from where I’d passed out on it. Ah well. I took a quick wash-up and threw on the clothes I’d picked out. The jeans were a deep blue with a red and gold design on the back pockets. The shirt that went with it was a simple red t-shirt, no logos, that fit my torso just enough. The shoulder holster went on next and I returned to my bedroom for the last time. I threw on a blazer, not because it gave me a more professional look, but because it helped hide my gun and was light. Arizona weather was a lot hotter and more stable than in Michigan.

I had just enough time to tame my bed head when there was a knock at the door. As I went to answer, my hand went to my gun. It was broad daylight but it didn’t mean that I was safe. Paranoid? Who me? I checked the peep hole and immediately relaxed when I saw Raven standing on the other side. I unlocked the door and opened it. Almost as soon as I did, I could hear the loud sounds of helicopter propellers slicing through the air. “Hey, the ‘copter’s here.” Raven announced once the door was fully opened. He had gone for semi-casual once again with a pair of dark slacks and a long sleeve button down. While I looked like I was going clubbing after our little assignment, he looked like he was going to be attending important meetings.

I nodded at his announcement and grabbed my two bags. Together, we hurried to the field neighboring the complexes. Over the roar of the rushing wind created by the helicopter, I could hear brief snatches of yelling. I looked to the one attempting to be heard over the noise. He was five foot seven with a figure that closely resembled a square but not in a fat kind of way. I could the tell by the way his white dress shirt and jeans clung to his frame, that he was all muscle. Had he been taller, he probably would have made a good linebacker. My attention left his build to focus on his features. The left side of his face was coarse in a way that gave the impression of the skin having been burnt , yet there was no discoloration. Maybe he wore make up. I wouldn’t bother to ask. His hair was brown but looked a little blonde in the sunlight. It had probably been neatly combed to hide the fading area of hair atop his head but now it whipped about widely. “Mister Tiaz, my name is Grover! I called earlier!” His voice strained to outperform the wind around us. I nodded quickly just wanting him to get in the helicopter. They had helmets there that would make it easier to talk. He turned and boarded. I followed with Raven close behind. As soon as we were seated, we were handed our helmets. I took mine warily, glancing left then right. I’d forgotten that helicopters were pretty much see through save for the floor. I sniffed dejectedly and pressed my back to the wall, letting loose a shiver at the feel of the gears working behind it. If I had had any armrests I would've clung to them as well.

“Are you alright, Mr. Tiaz?” Hearing the voice so clear over everything made me jump. I knew I wasn’t exactly winning any brownie points in the 'big, bad corpse animator’ section. My face had already gone cold as my skin paled and the way my heart was hammering in my head was only going to get worse once we left the ground. I slowly exhaled and gave the best nod I could muster.

“I take it that you don’t like flying….had we known we could have made arrangements for something else.” I opened my eyes to find exactly who was speaking to me. Grover offered a sympathetic smile.

“I apologize for the inconvenience.” He said. Now that he wasn’t shouting, I could hear that he had a voice that sounded like he’d just swallowed sand. It wasn’t that unpleasant and was probably from trying to yell.

“It’s alright. Let’s just get this over with.” I replied giving a nod to reassure them I wasn’t going to go running for the hills. He nodded then glanced toward Raven. For a moment he sat there, probably debating on whether it was a good idea to ask who the extra man was. I spoke up again.

“He’s with me.” On cue Raven sat forward to hold out his hand in greeting. Grover nodded as his expression switched from curious to apprehensive but took the hand anyways.

“If your boss asks, just tell him it was my idea.” I offered after Raven introduced himself.

He gave a relieved smile and nodded once more.

“Not many people volunteer for an ass chewing from Mr. Canaan.” I shrugged. I didn’t know who this Mr. Canaan was but unless he was the baddest, oldest vampire this world had to offer, chances weren’t in his favor as far as ‘ass chewings’ went.

“Alright, Quow, we’re ready.” Immediately the helicopter began to lift off. I leaned my head back and let my eyes close. It was going to be the longest hour and a half of my life. Thankfully it was to be spent in mostly silence. The minute the ‘copter had began to propel itself forward; I had begun reciting the Lord’s Prayer in my head. I could see the young stewardess from before again and how frightened she was. Strangely enough, the memory cooled me enough that my own fears were no longer eating me alive and I could focus on calming hers. I could even feel her hand on mine.

“Thanks Raven.” I said lightly. I didn’t bother to crack an eye open. We were hundreds of feet above the ground in a transparent bubble. Making sure it was my partner’s hand gripping mine wasn’t that important. There was a squeeze and I returned the gesture. Raven wasn’t afraid of flying. In fact, he preferred it over road trips. I guessed it was all for the best. We couldn’t have two animators freaking out.

Exactly an hour and a half later, I felt the helicopter beginning to descend. To anyone else it would have felt like a smooth gradual lowering but to me it felt jerky. My hand tightened on Raven’s. It was surprising that he hadn’t complained during the ride here. Surely his fingers were turning blue. I took that in consideration and slowly uncurled my fingers from his, daring to open my eyes. We hadn’t gone straight to the area where the construction was taking place. Instead we were in, what I guessed to be, the town closest to it. As far as I could see there were power poles, the dark green of tree tops and various roofs of low sitting homes. Something about it was quaint and ordinary until you reached the Desert Mountains that were off in the distance. They were copper in color with shadows ranging from a drastic burgundy to a moderate ruddy-orange. Unlike snow covered mountains, there was nothing soft about them. Even the gray and white, red-tinted clouds had a harshness to them. My attention jolted from the mountains to the cabin as the helicopter finally settled down, causing everyone inside to jostle slightly.

“We’re here.” Quow announced from the front. I twisted so that I could see up the short walkway that led to the pilot’s area. He had twisted around as well mouth, ready to add more. From what I could see, his skin was a mocha color and his hair long and black. Native American, possibly? I didn’t dwell on it. “I have a few more drop offs to do. Whenever Mr. Canaan is ready for these two go leave, you know how to reach me.” He nodded curtly.

I straightened in my seat and carefully grabbed both my bags. Beside me, Raven did the same while Grover slipped out. Once we were outside of the helicopter, I felt myself relax. I had barely noticed how tense and uncomfortable I had become once off the ground. Looking back at the ‘copter as it took off as we headed off the launch pad; I made it a personal goal to be able to at least take such a short flight better.

”We won’t be taking a car back to Michigan will we?” Raven asked. He’d stopped when I did and had been watching my face. I shook my head. If I started copping out on small things like riding air transportation, I would start copping out on the more important things. I couldn’t afford that.

“Maybe we can take a better one…one with solid walls.” He was rambling and I let him as we left the area. A company car met us a block down. It was the typical Jeep Wrangler, black where the roof retracted and silver where the frame remained intact. The windows were tinted so darkly that I could hardly tell if there was a person inside. From the red dust that still clung to the metal body, I would have guessed that it had already been to and from the site in question.

The driver slipped out of the car silently. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark gray dress shirt underneath. Both were far too hot to be wearing in the ninety-seven degree heat yet he looked cool as a cucumber. On his head was one of those classic chauffeur hats tilted slightly to the side. Underneath the hat, short strands of blonde hair peeked out just above the dark glasses that were perched on his face. Something about him should have been unique, given the strange yet familiar vibe that came off him but his attire just far too generic. He rounded the car and opened the back doors. Had we been females, he probably would have helped us into the vehicle as well. Instead, he made to reach for our luggage. Raven handed over his bags readily. I didn’t. I watched his brows furrow slightly.

“Sir?” That one word was soft, unsure, with a hint of an accent I couldn’t quite place.

“I’ll put my own bags up.” I said, giving a simple nod. Before he could argue, I made my way to the back of the jeep. I had already gotten my bags into the back when he came around to place Raven’s things inside as well. I probably would have bypassed him without another word but paused to spare him one last glance. Something about him was off. I couldn’t put my finger on it and it would bother me until I found out. For now, I could only frown and finally shrug before joining the others. The interior, just like the driver, didn’t match the jeep’s outer appearance. The leather was a little too soft and new and the flooring and ceiling looked as if they were covered in something expensive. Maybe it was a new car or maybe I was just too used to my own beat up Porsche at home.

“Take us to the site, please, Mr. Peters.” Grover called to the front of the car as the driver climbed in as well. A nod was given in response and we were off once again. I leaned back in my chair hands rested in my lap. Now that we were traveling by land, I had a better chance of enjoying the scenery that passed by. There were the usual delis and small businesses, people walking their dogs while others mingled. It wasn’t that bad of a location really. I smiled, finding that I was actually enjoying the ride despite everything.

“So…what’s it like being an animator?” Grover’s voice broke the silence that loomed around us. It had been a comfortable silence for me but from looking I could tell it wasn’t the same way for him. I shrugged and left it at that. Animating was just one of those things you couldn’t explain to ‘normal’ people. It just was something normal for us and something abnormal for them.

“How long have you been animating?”

“About six years.” I finally spoke up. Grover had been nothing short of polite and accommodating, earning himself brownie points. I couldn’t bring myself to continue squashing his attempts at starting conversation.

“You two don’t look that old.”

“Oh…I’ve only been animating for a year or so…” Raven corrected Grover. As always he sounded more than happy to talk.

“I’m actually the trainee here but I’m reliable, thank goodness, otherwise Thiago wouldn’t have let me come with him.” He added with one of those boyish grins that you couldn’t help but return. Grover nodded before turning his gaze to me. I guess that was my cue.

“I’ve been animating since I was sixteen.” I said added. “It wasn’t until my junior year in high school that I got my proper training.”

“Interesting…so you don’t actually need to be trained? I always thought you did.”

It wasn’t an unusual guess. Most who didn’t animate thought it was as easy as reading a book and gaining the power to raise the dead that way. It wasn’t. In my case, I had a ‘natural’ talent that several mentors carefully honed. Several of them had made the comment that I had potential for more than just animating, but failed to say just what it was. Maybe they were talking about me making a school or branching off from Necrofiend Inc. Who could really tell?

“So six years would make you about twenty-two. Wow, you’re the youngest animator I’ve ever seen.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“How many animators have you come across exactly?” I asked just in time to feel the jeep to come to a stop. From the front Mr. Peters announced that we had arrived at our destination. Grover took that time to slip out of the car. I tilted my head making note that my question had been overlooked purposely and that this new client very well may have had something to hide. Paranoid? Me?

Raven and I exited the car as well. Before our feet could settle on the ground, Mr. Peters was coming around to hand us our bags. I looked down at the set of bags that were mine then up to the man. His eyes were a light shade of green with a hint of mint. A thin line of forest green circle each pupil then the outer each of his irises as if God had gotten happy with his colored pencils once he’d reached his eyes. Why hadn’t I noticed them before? I dropped my attention back to my bags and took them.

“I don’t like people touching my things. For future reference…just leave them where they are. I’ll get them myself.” I stated. I wasn’t sure if I sounded irritated or not but I didn’t really have the time to sit and figure it out. Raven had already taken his bags in order to follow Grover. I caught up just as another man walked up.

Mr. Canaan had to be a few inches shy of six feet. His hair was as thick and as lustrous as any young male’s hair would be, which gave me the impression that he’d gotten some follicle work done. His skin was that pale shade of cream that hinted at a lack of outdoor activity and looked as if it had been drawn to tightly over the structure that was his facial bones. I took note of how his gray eyes appeared to be sunken in thanks to how much his cheekbones jutted out. His lips were drawn into a thin line as if the very fact that he woke up this morning had been a disappointment. Overall, he looked tired but not in the normal didn't-sleep-well tired. It was the kind of tired that reached all the way to a person’s soul and back. I watched as he squared his shoulders, pushing his thin frame that much closer to six feet and making his navy blue suit hang neater around him.

“Ah, Mr. Tiaz, so glad you could make it.” He greeted us with a voice that I wouldn’t have guess he was capable of mustering. His tone was strong and his pronunciation careful.

“Please, call me Thiago.” I returned, politely. “I understand that you need me to animate a few corpses, correct?” I watched him nod and did so as well. “And what exactly has raised your curiosity here?”

Apparently that was the million dollar question and one Canaan wasn’t too keen on answering. I watched his tired gaze flicker from me to Grover then back.

“Will this knowledge better help you in your work?” There was some wariness in the question. Either he didn’t think I would like the answer or he wasn’t looking forward to lying. Why else would there have been an issue here? I scratched at the side of my head just above my temple then let the hand fall to the side.

“Yeah it would. I don’t disturb the dead for just anything. If this doesn’t concern something that could save lives, settle a legal dispute then….I can’t do it.”

“Is there a law against it?” This time the question came from someone else. Yet another man walked over with a briefcase tucked under his arm. He was young, probably no older than Raven and me but the tacky oldie-but-not-so-goodie hairdo atop his head made me question it. His sandy brown hair had been gelled and forced to form a tube that stretched out about half a foot from his forehead, overshadowing his eyes. Said eyes were slanted but not in the way that would have made him look Asian. They slanted the other way giving him a cartoonish, sad look. A large beak nose stuck out from the center of those eye just inches above his thin lips. His face finally ended with a prominent chin. Genetics hadn’t been kind to him at all.

I took note of his red dust-covered, wine-colored suit before looking back to Mr. Canaan. After all he was the boss here.

“There are no legal issues. Simply morals.” I answered. I’d had enough people request an animation simply for shits and giggles in the past. Then I hadn’t thought much about it until one of the people attending the parties had recognized one of the zombies to be his deceased mother. His reaction hadn’t been good. From what I heard, he was still seeking counseling.

“Morals? We didn’t hire you for morals.” Tube head snapped.

“We? From what I understand, the paper work only held Mr. Canaan’s name. Not yours. So I would very much appreciate you returning to playing in the dirt while the adults talk.” I looked to the unnamed man with a lazy expression. I had yet to pass judgment on the other men but this one, I didn’t like. He had lackey written all over him.

I watched him bristle and begin to say something.

“Soloman.” Mr. Canaan beat him to the punch. The single word was enough to get this 'Soloman' to back down, though grudgingly. Once he was sure that he’d gotten his underling under control, he returned his attention to me.

“I assure you, Mr. Tiaz…this has nothing to do with some fascination for the dead.”
“Your word isn’t enough. I need a reason…a specific one before I agree to do this.”

“Can you…at least go up and see if anything can be done about the bodies as far as animating? There’s no point in telling you anything if you can’t raise at least one.”

He had a point though I wasn’t sure if I wanted to acknowledge it. What was so important that he had to hide the truth for something like this? The frown must have shown on my face. Over the gears turning in my head I could hear Canaan say please. Not in the please-give-me-what-I-want way either. There was desperation there. I pursed my lips and nodded and turned to go back to the jeep. I placed my bags where I had been sitting seconds before, then removed my blazer and placed it over them. I didn’t trust Peters alone with them but at least I wouldn’t have to tote them up with me or leave them on the ground. Raven did the same.

“Is the gun truly necessary?” Soloman obviously found his tongue again. I ignored him.

“Lead the way.” I said as I nodded to Mr. Canaan. He hesitated, eyes lingering on the gun that hung just between my hip and ribcage.

“Sometime today.” I prompted. It was just before twelve and the temperature was climbing. There was no point in risking heat exhaustion for a job I may or may not choose to take. He nodded and turned to lead the way up the mountain. Soloman followed after him but not before sending me a disdainful sneer.

“Just making friends….everywhere you go. Just making friends….” Raven sighed as he walked along side me. We kept a distance between us and the other two men as we went just in case one of them tried something or fell. The latter happened first. Soloman’s expensive looking dress shoes proved to be the wrong choice of footwear for trying to walk up a slope. I stepped to the side and watched with a smirk as the annoying man went ass over head down to the starting point.

I looked over my shoulder to see where Raven had ended up. He was shaking his head.
“You could have caught him.”
“Too late now.”

To Be Continued...

Author’s Notes: Ummmm yeah, nothing much to say about this chapter--still introducing characters, building plot and whatnot. I would have added more but this is already pushing 7 pages in Microsoft word. If you feel that the plot is moving too slow, leave a review, let me know what you think.