Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Necrofiend: Blood Moon ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blood Moon
-Original Work-
Warning: yaoi, yuri, graphic violence and gore, supernatural creatures, OC POV, etc

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Chapter Twelve

WE FOLLOWED ADRIANO in silence as he led us from the top floor down to the basement floor. It wasn’t as crowded as the first and second levels and there people wore a lot less clothes. Where the air had been thick with sweat and body heat, here it was thick with sex, blood and need. I kept my gaze set forward as we walked pass various couples. We’d almost made it through the main area and to a set of doors marked Employees Only, almost. I heard Raven give a startled sound. The next I knew, he wasn’t beside me anymore. Johnson made the same sound, and once again, he was pulled away. I drew my gun as I twisted to see where Raven had gone. The gun was already cocked and aimed for a face. I stared into olive green eyes with flecks of mint green outlined in forest green. “What the hell are you doing here, Peters?” I questioned not lowering the gun. I watched his eyes widen. He glanced down to Raven who was sprawled against him. His wrist was still clasped in Peters’.

“I…uh…I’m so sorry. I thought you were someone el–I’m sorry!” He let go of Raven quickly and allowed him to stand. If it had been a different situation I would have found it amusing to watch the man stammer and blush furiously. “I…this is my hang out spot…I’m so sorry. Please don’t tell Canaan or Grover.” He sat up once Raven had moved away. Without my partner being sprawled across his front, I could see that Peters’ was dressed in a pair of grey jeans that looked practically painted on. If he had worn a shirt, I wasn’t there now leaving his toned upper half bare to the room. There was a glint of gold in his left nipple and navel.

I had opened my mouth to voice my disapproval for him being here but stopped myself. He wasn’t my kid and what he did in his free time wasn’t my business. That and the sound of a pained grunt and something blunt meeting flesh distracted me enough to turn where Johnson had gone. He had his gun out much like I had but hadn’t hesitated to use it. The person that grabbed him was cradling his face and trying to push the man off. Johnson already had his gun raising to bring the butt of it down a second time. “Johnson!” I called him moments before the room was filled with something warm and thick. It wasn’t thick as in humid thick, it was like the room was full of warm water suddenly and just like that, I was very aware that there weren’t just vampires in this room. I looked around us slowly. A few of the couples had stopped what they were doing to look in our direction. Their eyes glowed the way most animals’ eyes did when the light caught them just right only this had nothing to do with light. “Johnson…get away from him.”

“Why?” Johnson snapped tearing his attention from the young man he was pistol whipping. He couldn’t feel the energy but it didn’t take someone sensitive to the metaphysical stuff to notice the eyes on us. “Shit…” I heard him curse and slowly pull himself away from the guy. He changed his hold on the gun the way one would do to show that they had no intentions of using it again. I wasn’t going to change my grip. Most people knew better than to shoot at a lycan of any kind. If they truly wanted you dead, you’d be dead before you could aim and fire. I wasn’t one of those people. I wouldn’t roll over and bare my stomach to them to rip out. I did look to Adriano grudgingly though. This was his place of business meaning that he was the referee.

If he noticed the silent request for help, he gave no indication. His energy simply rose and cut through the warmth that filled the room. One by one, the nonhumans that had stopped to watch looked away. I turned to look where Peters had been and found him looking away as well. “Let’s move.” I stated to both Raven and Johnson. I wasn’t sure what hold Adriano had on the lycans and didn’t want to find out just how good of a hold it was. Raven, Johnson and I walked quickly to the doors Adriano had been leading us toward. It was just a set of doors that swung either way to let people in and out. I pushed through first since my gun was still clasped in my hand.

If the upper layers were vast, this new area was cramped despite it being the same size as Raven and my hotel room. I ran my attention over the white leather couches that lined the black walls. The floor was as white as freshly fallen snow offering some brightness. I stepped in further. Raven and Johnson took that as their cue to step in as well. “Why are you so willing to help us?” I heard Raven ask warily.

“I wish to clear my name if possible.”

The answer was simple enough. It was almost human, if I had to admit it. No one liked to be accused of a crime that they didn’t commit. The possibility of losing one’s life over the crime only made it worse. “Why bring us down here? I’m sure you could have called whoever you were going to show us up.” I turned around expecting to see Adriano on the other side of the room. When I found myself standing only inches away from him, I stumbled backward and scowled. I hadn’t heard him move. If the goal was to kill me, he could have done it then and there. Stupid.

His lips quirked with amusement. At that moment, I wanted to put a bullet through his skull just to ease the anxiety he was causing me. “I want to discuss what happened with Madam Nita freely.”

“It was an accident and most likely a fluke.” I stated. There were stories of mothers capable of lifting cars to save their own children. Their panic and desperation to save their offspring could increase their physical strength so it only made sense that when in danger, the same thing could apply to magic.

“Why did you not just shoot her?”
“I don’t have a court order to kill her. It would have been–“
“Self defense.” He finished my sentence for me though I would have said ‘murder’ rather than self defense.
I looked at his face then away. “I have enough self defense kills to deal with at the moment. I don’t need another.”
“Even though it would have been the death of a monster?”
“You’re all considered legal citizens. I would have been under scrutiny regardless.”
“But not as much if you had shot a human.”

I was getting tired of this conversation quickly. None of it had anything to do with the case we were trying to solve.”What’s your point?”

“Have you wondered why I would only speak if you accompanied the officers to this questioning?” He paused and walked toward the nearest couch and sat. I watched him cross one long leg over the other simply because I couldn’t help it. Every movement he made was painfully graceful so far. Part of me wanted to find a flaw.”You are an executioner, possibly one of the top ten most effective. You get your done but not without discretion. I can see that you do not like our kind yet with that look of disdain on your face, you recite the rules that most officers would overlook. We are monsters yet we are citizens.”

“So you’re saying that my prejudices against your kind don’t cloud my judgment.”
“Okay…that’s& #8230;flattering I guess.” I said slowly unsure if this was leading up to the discussion of what happened with Nita or if we were returning to the investigation.
“Originally I had the impression that you were simply one of the rare practical humans but I am now very much convinced that you are closer to our kind than any human can hope.”

“What the hell does that supposed to mean.” Johnson spoke the exact words that I’d been thinking. Adriano didn’t look at him. He continued to focus his attention in my general direction.

“I watched as you took control of a vampire that was not only awake and active but several centuries old as if she were a mere corpse to be controlled. I have seen animators, as they are called, at work. I have felt their power. They are limited to true dead not the undead.”
“What are you hinting at?” I almost made the mistake of meeting his eyes again but this time, he was the one avoid eye contact.
“You are not a mere animator. Nita attacked you because what you did to her would have happened to me had she not caused a distraction.”
“You’re a master vampire, there’s no way…” I laughed nervously and looked over to Raven and Johnson. I wanted them to agree but as much as they seemed to be intrigued by this discussion, they were lost.
“In theory, there is no way that it would be possible, true. However, theories are only theories, guesses made by the unsure.”

I opened my mouth to argue. I wasn’t exactly normal but to say I was closer to the monsters was overestimating my abilities. It was a fluke and if it happened again, it would continue to be a fluke. “Knock knock.” The new voice drew the conversation to a close for now. Adriano’s head turned toward the door as it slowly opened. A woman poked her head in. Big eyes clouded blue eyes blinked at us but I doubted if she truly saw us. Her face was heart shaped with a slightly upturned nose and full lips. Her hair was pale blond and tied back by a single sky blue ribbon.

“Come in Emma.” Adriano beaconed to her.

Emma slid one foot forward using the tips of the pale blue slippers on her feet as a walking stick. When she found nothing in the way, she let her other foot move forward as well. Now that she was in the room, I could see she was exactly my height and wore a loose fitting sundress that matched the color of her sightless eyes. On either of her hands was a thin white glove. She smiled warmly. “You wanted to see me, Adriano?” She asked and turned in his direction. Her words were careful with the faintest hint of Russian accent.

“Yes. Do you wish to sit down?”
“I cannot stay long.”
“Very well,” He nodded to me to signal that I could introduce myself. Had he known my actual name and not my title, he would have done it himself.

“Hello Emma, my name is Thiago Tiaz.” I started and watched her turn toward me. Her expression remained warm and inviting with a hint of concentration as she walked carefully across the room. “I’m currently helping with a homicide investigation and requ–“ I had been ready to step out of her way only to have her stop directly in front of me. Her hands raised patting my chest momentarily then my shoulders, neck then finally my face. I looked to Raven out of habit only to find that amused smile on his face.

“As you can see Emma is blind. She sees the world through touch.” Adriano explained. “She is also clairvoyant. If you are incapable of finding a witch then perhaps she can be of help.”

It made since. I nodded but only slightly so as not to disturb the tentative trek of her fingers. As they came to my mouth, I raised my hands to catch her wrists. “Will you help us?” I asked searching her face. She didn’t wear make-up and truly didn’t need it. Even though she was blind, she’d or whoever took care of her had done a wonderful job.
“Of course.” She murmured gently tugging her hands free. I released them without protest.

“How do we know she won’t lie to cover your tracks, vampire?” Johnson spoke up. He still hadn’t holstered his gun. It was clasped in his hand as if he planned on having to use it. Had he been talking to humans, I was sure he would have put the gun away long ago. Suddenly I saw what Adriano was talking about.

“You will not be able to tell. You will either take her word or you will use technology.”
“So you’re offering her as a last resort if we can’t find a witch or mage.”

Johnson gave a look that wasn’t entirely friendly. I was pretty sure that if he had opened his mouth to speak, whatever he said would have matched that look. “It’s a good idea.” I cut him off and that unfriendly look was focused on me. “Face it; we need all the help we can get. If Emma is willing to help, we could be one step closer to bringing the murderers to justice.”

“Fine.” He seethed and just like that, the questioning was over. Johnson walked out leaving Raven looking at me. What did we do now? I shrugged and scratched at my head as I went to follow the pissed of marshal. It was late but I wasn’t tired or at home which meant it was straight back to the hotel room. As I moved, Adriano stood. Without thinking, I sidestepped giving him a semi wide berth.

“Until we meet again, Executioner.” He purred. That purr slivered over the shields I had up and this time it was like it was touching me through my clothes instead of just my naked flesh. I stifled a shiver.

“Let’s hope there won’t be a second meeting.” I told him. If I had to come back here it would be because I had to kill him. I’d be damned if I subjected myself to vampire mind tricks willingly for anything lesser than a court ordered death. “Let’s go, Raven.” With that, I stepped outside. Even with the icy statement looming in the air behind us, I could feel Adriano’s amusement.

To Be Continued….

Author’s Notes: So, I have slots open for a mage, a witch, a lycan, a few humans. I’m not sure who all is reading this fic or if anyone would be interested but I was pretty much hoping to do what I did in the original–use other’s chars. I had found it fun to do. If there’s anyone interested, email me at hellish_imp@yahoo.com. I’ll wait a few days for any feedback. If not, I’ll get around to updating when I can.