Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Unexpected Trials ❯ Morning ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

 Azure awoke the next morning, exhausted. Her skin felt as if it were being smouldered beneath her covers. She attempted to move her limbs but they were unresponsive to her commands. She stared up at her ceiling recalling what had happened the night prior. Her eyes struggled to keep in the tears which so fiercely made their way past her eye lids. Her body slowly came back to her. With the small amount of strength she had, she turned over to her stomach and stood in that position for an hour just thinking...thinking about what she kept thinking about. It didn’t change, it was about last night. A skull binding headache came rushing in. She held her head and buried it between her pillows. The dark silence welcomed in all it’s peaceful glory. Her eyes closed and tried to relax her body though her mind would have none of that. It was two in the afternoon. She had overslept. She sighed and shook off the burdens, she missed her appointment for her counselor and had been to late to see off her friend to the airport. Her legs flopped over the side of her bed which proceeded with the rest of her body. Her head was pounding with immense pain, she bent down and let her head fall into the palms of her hands. She could feel the pulsing of her head through her whole body now. She doubted that this was all happening simply because she had over slept. She steadily rose from her bed and headed towards her restroom. The abrupt brightness did nothing to help her in her present state. It only aggravated her and turned her stomach. “Argh....I’ve never in my life felt as horrible as I do now.” she knelt down and placed a comforting pressure onto her stomach. Nausea crept its way through the small girl. With her vision blurred she made an awkward approach to the toilet. Her hair scattered every which way and as she vomited, she shook violently. It took so much for her to keep this up that her body gave out on her on restroom floor. Her lips where a light purple, dry and cold. Beneath her eyes were deep, dark characteristics of stress and every other feeling that made her feel ill.   Hyde returned home. His lair was not anything out of the ordinary. A large mansion yes, but a stereotypical vampires house, no. He had lived there for quite a number of years, maybe even centuries. He had not the faintest idea because he had lost track of time. The reason he had been able to occupy this facility for so long was because the people surrounding the area had never seen the man step out. The building had long since been paid off. Should trouble ever start to arise, he’d find a new dwelling.   He entered his house, and quickly made his way towards his rooms’ balcony. It truly was one of his sanctuaries of serenity. He sat down on his rocking chair and pulled out a radio. He closed his eyes and started to mediate. The soothing rhythmical music brought him into the inner darkness of his complex mind. He smirked almost demonically, one could only wonder what the old vampire brewed up in the crevices of his mind.   “Here ye here ye, Hyde the great.” Said David. He quirked an eye brow and laid his left arm upon the head of his long time companion. “So dearest, what are we to play today? I grow awfully bored, I want to play.” His smile grew across his cheeks. An evil grin, eyes filled with mischief. He brought his head down and rubbed his fair cheek on Hyde’ forehead. He signed deeply and closed his eyes. David was the same height as Hyde though he had long black hair and green eyes.   “What are you doing?” said Hyde in a slightly aggravated tone. No response. He set some space between the two and stood up from his chair. He walked up to the balcony’s edge and peered down and across the land. From behind he heard a sigh and he could just picture his friends face; pouted lip, narrowed eyes, and arms crossed. He smirked, he couldn’t choose if whether his friend reminded more of a lover or a spoiled child. It amused him, it was good to have something who always had some fun in it. “Oh stop with that, you are going to make me laugh.” he said as he turned to see David, who still kept his look like a statue. “Alright then, fine. Two can play this game.” he returned the look. David tried to keep a straight face, though from the looks of it, it was very difficult. His eyes started twitching as well as his mouth. So Hyde exaggerated the expression even more. Right at that moment David lost his composure into a fit of laughter. He soon regained his composure and swiped the tears from his eyes. “My , my, I have not laughed that hard in ages.” he breathed as he turned to leave Hyde to himself once more.   He leaned back and let his upper half go over the edge of the balcony. “Ahhhhhhhhh, Mmmm feels so good.” He closed his eyes as he stretched and leaned forward once again. The night was almost over, he could already sense the warmth from the sun. He growled. ‘How long had I been resting here? It is not possible that I had been here for over three hours, it felt as if I where only here for a minute..”, he looked down and ran his long fingers through his silken hair.   “That’s just a sign that you are becoming nothing but another old vampire, dearest.” Davheed stood at the door where he stood half naked. His strong perfect figure stood for everyone to see. He was built in all the right places. He stood against the wall, legs crossed, arm raised to hold his head with a little quirk in his brow and a jagged smile to his features. “My, that was quite the view, it almost seemed like you where trying to tease me.” A hint of laugher in his voice.   Hyde shot a glare towards the handsome man. “You know very well that I dislike it when you get into my head to read what’s going through my mind. Do not do it again, or I promise you, you will not forget it after I am done with you.” Anger filling his voice. He quickly made it past David, into his room, and slammed the glass doors closed. His friend one the other side was frightened for his life. The sun was only minutes away from rising. The fear and desperation to get into safe ground was both noted by his body and face, as well as his voice. Hyde just stared at him, emotion ceasing to exist within his being. He turned his back to the futile efforts of his friends pleadings and banging on the door.   “What are you doing! Let me in! Do you have any idea to what you are doing! What the outcome will be, should you proceed to act this through!” His cries where to no effect. He simply could not believe that his friend could so suddenly turn so cruel. If he was enjoying this, it was monstrous. He didn’t know what he would do if he live though this. “Please, I beg of you, for what ever I did to displease you, I am sorry.” He gave him his most sincere voice. Still nothing, not even a twitch. He fell to his knees. ‘He’s just toying with my mind, there is no way on earth, heaven, or hell, would he do this to me...there’s just no way.’ He stood kneeled to the glass door, mere millimeters separated him from his so called friend and shelter from his death. “Ha...ha.hahahaha.” There was a hint of sadness in his laughter. He smiled. “You, really are going to let me die...aren’t you?” He felt the beginning rays of light as it lightly started to scald his skin. He wallowed in sorrow, as he knew his last few moments of life were at its’ last seconds.   He laid there, frozen from relief, confusion, and disbelief. He looked up to his friend and continued to hold his expression. Hyde stared back with glazed eyes. “Understand? David?” his frigid tone matching his eyes. In his mind he was angry at him for making him go though an episode like that, but he just nodded his acknowledgment. His body had boils all along the back, making it extremely painful to move so he just stayed sprawled on the floor. David sighed heavily, hissing at the pain that followed from the stretching of skin. He had his vision set away from Hyde, who was obviously still standing beside him doing only god knows what, towards the wall. He then felt the vibrations of his friends footsteps leaving the room and down the hall. A few moments later his friend returned and laid upon the bed he heard the light thumps the boots made as they fell beside the bedside followed by a ruffling of clothing being removed and then being put on. Davids’ mind wondered away from him and he just blanked out. What brought him back into the real world was not the surging pain from his injures but the soothing feeling of Hyde placing a cool cream over his back, rubbing softly. He tried to turn but was only pushed back down with a forceful hand at his shoulder. “What, what the bloody hell are you doing?” muffled from his position. Silence. He knew there was no winning with this man, so he just allowed the treatment he was being given. Though, curiosity still had a hold of him, “Why are you doing this? You and I both know that in a few minutes, this will all be healed on its own, so why, why even bother with trying to help what you caused.” Hyde stopped his movements and placed a hand on Davids’ shoulder. He braced himself for pain but was given something unexpected.   “I’m sorry. I don’t know what brought me to become enraged over something so minimal. I know that your wounds will heal after some time but, it still hurts, does it not?” His voice was soft and apologetic. “ This is just to sooth what pain you have.” Hyde brought himself up to his feet and wiped the excess cream on his arms and torso. Then went under the covers of the bed.   David happily smiled and sat up to stretch. His injures long since healed. Hyde really was someone who no matter how many centuries was spent with, could never be understood. As he made his way toward the mattress, he leaned over to his friend he whispered into Hyde’s ear, “Thank you, dear friend.” He kissed his brow and turned to make his way around the bed and lie beside Hyde. The warmth from both men comforted the other as they slept the day away.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   &ldqu o;Who are you?” Her voice shook. “You know exactly who I am, if not, you soon will.” His voice stuck through her body. The surrounding area too dark to see anything. Though she couldn’t see anything, she felt that she knew exactly where he was. An eerie aura feel upon her as her captor held her in place with an ice cold embrace from behind. She stood as still as stone not even a slip of air was let out. His right hand stood on her waist tight, enough so that her arms where losing circulation. His left hand raised and wove his long fingers through her mane, gently nuzzling her neck, licking it, tasting it. She could smell him, it smelled of roses, but ever so sweet. It was starting to do something to her, something she really did not want. His arm released her from the bone crushing restrain, and greedily took her by the neck roughly choking her.   She awoke with a sudden jolt.   Azure quickly arouse from her sleep only to find herself in her bathroom. Her eyes lay heavy and tired, a light glistening of sweat covered every inch of her being. She looked straight ahead of her, leaning against the toilet seat and held her head in thought. “What was that?” She raised herself with some difficulty and washed her face. She saw something that left her feeling cold in her place. On her neck, where very distinct marks of fingers. Her eyes now wide, she felt with one hand and rubbed it, hoping that it would just come off. In her mind, it just couldn’t be there, it was impossible it happened in a dream. ‘This can’t be....This..this happened in a dream....could my have been real?’ She held her hand over the bruise. “No, that’s just not logical. You can’t get physically hurt in a dream. Or...” The door bell rung making her jump from her thoughts, back into reality. She turned and ran downstairs. She hesitated before opening the door, ‘Who could it be?’ she opens the door.   “Hel..lo.?” The nun looked at her shocked. She held her bible tightly to her chest. The girl looking out though the door was equally as shocked from the nuns reaction. “Oh my dear young child, are you alright? Concern filling her voice. Azure just looked at her, unsure of what to say, if she said she just woke up like this, she knew the nun would think she was lying. She though for a few seconds but couldn’t think of anything else so she just told her what first came to mind. “I woke up like this mother.” She lamely stated. The nun just looked at her, deep concern could be read in her eyes. “I’m sorry my appearance..” She was cut off. “No, there is no need to feel sorry. It’s not your fault for what has happened, just come with me, I’ll help you. Just trust me, I’ll help you.” Her hand stretched out. “There’s nothing wrong, I honestly just awoke in this manner. I assure you there’s..” The nun grabbed her by the wrist and pointed at the marks on her arm and hand. “These marks, they do not just simply appear after ones slumber. You need help to stop this, self mutilation is not the answer your problems!” her voice was urgent and pleading. Her grasp began to pulse with pain, it was amazing how much strength this old woman had. From her small appearance you’d think she’d be bed ridden.
“Let go of me!” Azure pulled her arm away from the nun. They stared at each other both
breathing heavily.
“Please just leave, I appreciate your concern.” Before the woman could even blink, Azure had
slammed the door on her. She watched behind the curtains of her living room window until she
saw that the woman was out of eyes reach.
She finished getting ready for the day and decided to visit her friend Ryan, if he couldn't brighten
up her day, she wouldn't know what would.

A/n : I Write chapters very slowly, this is because Im both busy with work and school and Im quite a lazy person, lol. If you bug me enough though, id be more than happy to get my butt into gear. Be honest and tell me what you thought. :)