Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Once more... with Passion. ❯ Quando la vita tutta ha avuto il significato ( Chapter 4 )

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Daniel left the cafe a little confused but in good spirits. After all, even if she was a little different, that was the longest any girl his age had ever talked to him. Additionally, his train was set to leave soon, he could see it across the station and he began to walk towards it with a interesting blend of apprehension, excitement, and cold fear. His belongings would seem light as a feather one moment and heavy as a boulder the next. His heart was beating in his throat and his hands sweated. Despite his tea his throat parched more and more as he got closer to the train. Crowds whizzed around him making him feel almost like he was at a standstill, the teeming masses always moved, not pausing, not stopping. As they spun around him so began the world, his head swam in dizziness. The words on a sign reading train 252 twisted and writhed together like eels before rearranging into the phrase: "The journey, not the goal." He looked at the ceiling and watched with brows knitted as it fell down onto of him. That's funny, he thought before it crashed on top of him crushing his body.
When he came to only the sky stretched above him, the clouds floating majestically free and drifting slowly to the left. It must be nice to have all that time and nowhere to go. Maybe that's what happened after you died. Your spirit rises from your body and manifests in the sky, to forever float among the endless blue. Those who lead evil lives would be cursed to rain and overcast the beautiful sky as punishment, to always be cursed by those on Earth who wished pleasant weather. You would bring relief when people needed it, and you would never be still over the same patch of Earth twice. Some days you would be wispy, others tall and foreboding, others puffy and happy, but always you would be there. You would drift where the wind took you living with a free spirit few get to experience in their mortal lives. A beautiful cycle would exist between you and the vast seas below. A waltz of giving and receiving that stops for no man, and is as pure as the water it utilizes. For a moment life made sense to him. The world spoke to him as it does once and only once to every person at least once in their lives. The birds, the trees, the earth, the sun cried to him, we're here. We're here and here we shall always be until you decide to join us. It's so nice, so warm.
Come, touch my highest branches, whispered the trees. See how we give so much to the world and expect nothing in return. Learn to become the same way. To be so at peace that you may serve only others but feel completely ecstatic to do so. Let your selfishness leave you.
Come, frolic with us in the sky, chirped the birds. Learn to live with no rules, no tethers holding you back. Learn what it means to be free. to live with no boundaries, to touch the very sky. Let your restraints leave you.
Come, rumbled the earth. See how I stretch out and keep steady. I am moved by no one except myself. I give people ground to stand on and remain forever, never leaving people in doubt. I support and remain as steady as the rock I am made of. Let your undependable ways leave you.
Come, sang the sun. Let my let shine down on you with endless beauty, my rays will cascade among you and bring joy onto the earth. The light will wash away your faults and only your beauty will reflect back onto the eyes of all. Let your imperfections leave you.
Then a man's voice spoke and he forgot it all, possibly only to remember when his reunion with the world became assured.