Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ One of Those Days ❯ pt. 3: Principal/Student Conference ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Characters used still mean nothing representative. They're just random names I choose.

One of those days
pt. 3

Today was an interesting day indeed. A death in first hour, two in second, and it wasn't over yet. The feeling was still there. "But who THIS time?" he thought.

By this point, he figured that school was bound to close, since there were three dead, and a whole class gone. But he was still intrigued as to who might be stricken next. His eyes almost glowed at the thought of his next class, it seemed almost perfect.
Shop class.

He really had no idea why he was taking shop. It might have been his mother's idea, he didn't know. He was even considering dropping a few weeks back, but now he was glad he didn't.

He felt strange for a moment. He was actually ENJOYING what was happening. He had never really enjoyed anything, just felt passive about anything he did. That was a big revelation in his nature. All this he pondered on his way to class, listening to the random babbling of the other students. Some were saying that terrorists might be attacking students and teachers, or that some maniac was out of control. The maniac part made him laugh, which was another unnatural phenomenon.

Entering the shop class, he took his regular spot, waiting for the show to start. This WAS going to be an interesting day, no doubt. As the rest of the class entered into the room, the teacher noticed that he had actually been early, and seemed almost baffled at this. The teacher shrugged it off, the bell was about to ring, so he had to attend to his incoming class. After the bell, and the last of the students filing into the room, he was ready to begin talking about today's project, but he was interrupted by the intercom.

He was being called down, for witnessing the girl first hour, no doubt, so he exited the room as the teacher started up one of the power tools. He was a little disappointed, because he'd be missing his show, his entertainment. Sure enough, as soon as he closed the door and was down the hall a few steps, there was the blood-curdling scream, followed by many others. He would have liked to see the results, but he thought he'd rather not be a victim of the sure-to-be-coming stampede of frightened students.

As he entered the office, he was told to wait by the secretaries while they told the Principal and Dean of his arrival. When they came back, Mr. Sans, the Principal, called "In here, son." That was a habit of Mr. Sans', calling all the male students "son" and all the female ones "miss". When he entered, Mr. Sans said "Close the door, please."

He sat down, facing the Principal. Mr. Sans started, "I suppose you know why you're here, don't you?" All he replied was "Probably". Mr. Sans continued, "You remember your classmate, Lindsay Ruther?" He nodded. "Mr. Rout, your Chemistry teacher, said that he checked to see if she had a pulse as you were leaving." Mr. Sans paused, but he pushed him on, "Well....?" Slowly, Mr. Sans shook his head. "I know that you and Eric were the only ones who actually witnessed her death. Eric, we sent home. He's practically paralyzed with grief. You on the other hand seem almost unaffected. Are you sure you're alright? You don't need to go home?" He shook his head, so Mr. Sans continued, "Well, it doesn't seem that that's going to matter. We're going to have to send everyone home, most likely after this hour." He jumped in, "Why, because of what happened to Amy and Ms. Jenkin?"

Mr. Sans' eyes went wide. "WHO TOLD YOU?.... sorry... I mean, how do you know this?" He merely replied "I was there when it happened." This almost seemed to strike a nerve for Mr. Sans, but then he reasoned maybe he didn't say anything because of shock. He was getting extremely about his student in front of him.

The feeling hadn't subsided, even after hearing the screams from the shop class. When Mr. Sans' eyes went wide, the feeling spiked, like it did during second hour, before Ms. Jenkin met her end. "I'm really concerned about your current condition, son. I suggest that you call your mo..." Mr. Sans was cut off by the secretary running in. "Sir, I need to speak to you about a few things. They're urgent." Mr. Sans placed his arms on his desk and held his hands upward, catching his head, so that his hands were on his forehead. "What else could it be?" After a few seconds, he said "I'll be back in just a bit son. Wait here, please."


Out in the office hall, the secretary began telling Mr. Sans what was ocurring. She was in a flustered rush, so she appeared as if she had gone without sleep the night before. "Sir, there's been an incident in the shop class. Mr. Heston lost his hand completely, and from what his student said, it's bleeding fast. I called for medical help, but I'm not sure if he's going to make it. And one of the students panicked and slipped on the blood. He isn't moving at all."

"Ok. Call for the school to close now. This is just too much for one day. Two teachers and three students..." Mr. Sans stated, but was cut off by the secretary. "Four students. Eric Kinn's mother just called, asking why her son just committed suicide. We didn't fill her in on the exact details, only to watch for any strange behavior." At this point, Mr. Sans was in tears. This had to be the worst day of his life. "Well, tell her the truth, and call the busses for pick-up. I still have another student to deal with. I don't want him to meet Eric's fate."


As Mr. Sans walked in his office, a thought occurred to him. He remembered the student before him saying that he had witnessed Ms. Jenkin's and Amy's death, and then there was Lindsay's first hour. So he asked, "Son, which class did you just come from?" He replied, "Shop."

For the second and last time, his eyes went wide. It had to be just a coincidence. HAD to be. There couldn't be any possible reason for anyone that this student had been in contact with was sure to die, could there? Mr. Sans suddenly noticed that he had begun to breathe much faster, and he was feeling faint, and his left side suddenly went numb.

He noticed this behavior in Mr. Sans, and he even watched as he collapsed, clutching his chest. In moments, Mr. Sans stopped thrashing, and his clutch on his chest eventually failed. This was his cue to exit. He left the office, closing the door behind him. At the same time, he heard over the intercom that all classes were released until further notice.


Mr. Eward was in his office, thinking over the day's events. He was told of Eric, and of the shop class incident, and then he saw a student leaving the main office, recognizing him as the one who witnessed Lindsay's death with Eric during first hour. Then he made the realization that Mr. Sans had made moments before.

He rushed to Mr. Sans' office, only to find him dead on the floor. Shock riddled him, keeping him motionless in front of the dead Principal for a few moments, but when he snapped out of it, he went to the secretaries to break the news. "Call for another ambulance." He pointed towards Mr. Sans' body. The secretary nearest him nearly fainted, but she regained her composure, but her face was nearly stark-white. Gulping, she took the phone and dialed for another ambulance. As a later thought, Mr. Eward also said, "And call the police. One of the students is highly suspicious."