Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Ora ❯ Ora ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Once upon a time there was a race of people who were able to move through time. Some people say that they were from the future themselves. Some Lords were afraid of that and the power they had over the people, so one night when the moon was nowhere to be seen, they attacked, they didn’t spar anyone, no child, no wife, and certainly no man. They burned down their village and made sure that no one was alive.

The sun was bright and warm it would have been the perfect to play with the other kids but as things would have them they were all dead, every single one, but not me, no I was the only that had to live, my brothers and sisters they died protecting the only true Ora, me.

“Mother, mother where are you.”
“Here child, no need to yell” answered a woman around the age of thirty, who was sweeping her yard.
“They are coming, they are coming. They’ve come to kill us, please mother we must hide or run away” said a small child at the age of twelve
“What are you talking about?” the woman stopped her sweeping and began to listen to her child.
“Mother please, I saw it as I was playing with the other kids!” the child was frantic and was trying to pull her mothers hand so they could leave but the mother pulled her hand back with more strength than the child.
“ Nothing is going to happen to you, you will be fine, you shall see” said the mother as she pulled her child in her embrace and calmed down her child. When her child left she packed some stuff for her child and put them is the underground tunnel, when she was done she went to prepare dinner for her family. Even though she told her child that nothing was going to happen she knew better because she had foreseen way before her had.

That day had been brutal, blood everywhere villagers heads rolling around, and the most brutal and unmerciful thing was the soldiers killing the wives with their children in their arms, it was something no child should go through. I was the only who survived. My mother was right I was going to be alright, I should have paid more attention to what she had said, but being the obedient child that I was I listened to her thinking she and the other villagers were going to be alright. I know now that she too had foreseen that day coming.