Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Okay, I wrote this story for an assignment English at school. All characters belong to me, Nethray! No stealing please.
“Get this thing away from me!” yelled the queen, reeling back from the giant larva. “My apologies, Queen Adiva, but didn't you ask for a pet of your own?” said the young bug catcher, his eyes full of innocence. The queen only sighed. “Marco. I asked for a pet not a bug…” said the queen in a scornful voice that caused Marco to feel a flush of failure.
“I see… What do you desire me to do with it, you highness?” Marco asked. Though he thought the queen would have said to simply let it go, something worse came out from her lips. “Kill it,” she said cruelly. Marco stared at her with a mix of horror and confusion clear in his face. “But, you're majesty! I don't think -!” Marco started, but was interrupted by Queen Adiva yelling, “You dare question my order?” Marco backed up.
“Well, I guess not,” Marco sighed. “Right away, your highness.” With a pout, Marco carried the young larva off to the courtyard where he would regretfully shop it in half. Marco was trained as a hunter by his uncle, a palace guard. Just as well, Marco also had an uncanny love towards insects; the creepy, the crawly, and many, many more. Marco was a young boy of at least 13. He had light brown hair and silvery grey eyes. His hair was unruly, shagging over his eyes and even slightly at the tip of his nose. He wore a green and yellow traveler's cloak and short boots that only went to his ankles.
The courtyard was empty, save for a few people: a young girl who studied under the royal sorcerer, an elf from a distant land called Dread, and a young page. The elf was an ambassador, Marco's uncle had told him, to settle a war that had gone on for a full decade.
“Marco!” called out the magician at the sight of him. “Livi!” Marco smiled waving at her, though his happiness a façade to cover the utter sadness for what he was about to do. Livi was only 10 with pale skin and short, blonde hair. Her eyes were deep blue. She, when she was taken in as the head sorcerer's pupil, was found at the castle gate, no one in sight. Many thought she was a trick sent by a neighboring kingdom, but soon people thought little of that.
“Ooh,” Livi stared at the larva. “What are you going to do with that thing?” she asked, pointing at the larva. Marco sighed. “Sadly, Queen Adiva has required me to kill it,” he said. Livi stared at him with utter horror. “What?! She wouldn't really mean it, would she?” Livi exclaimed. Marco shrugged. “Our queen never says something she doesn't mean. I'm afraid I must,” Marco said. “Lest I face a severe flogging for bringing such a thing into Queen Adiva's court,” he added.
Livi frowned. “But that's unfair!” she whined. “Yes, I know… But it'll be okay. This larva will go to a better place. I promise,” Marco said, trying to cheer her up.
Two years later:
Marco yawned waking up, once again, in the dark. Livi stared at him, her eyes wide with pure dedication. She had watched him the entire night. At first meeting of their eyes, Marco skidded backwards, screaming like a banshee. “Oh shush,” Livi sighed. Marco got up. “What time is it?” he asked, looking around.
It was still dark, and, by the looks of it, the moon still shone brightly in the night sky. It was a full moon that night. “Oh, just about midnight,” Livi smiled. Livi, in the past 2 years, had changed a lot, her hair now much longer. It was tied back in a braid that went down to her hips, so as to keep it out of her face. She had also matured a lot: both mentally and physically. She looked much like the young woman she would one day be, and just as well, Marco knew, she would be wedded to any who paid the highest dowry.
Since her mentor's death, Livi seemed void of any hopes of any better place. She began to question life after death: Heaven, Hell, or any thoughts of an Underworld. So many had died, now, in this war that seemed so close, yet so distant. She came to accept that fact, and soon became a quiet, yet deadly magician. This scared, yet kept Marco in awe. He no longer questioned her methods, but only stood beside her. It began to give him unsure feelings about her. His feelings towards her were a mystery, still.
“Midnight? Why are you still up?” he asked with a loud yawn. Livi smiled brightly. “We have training, remember?” she asked. Marco sighed. “Oh. Right…” he said. Every night for the past month, Livi had woken up Marco to begin early “morning” training until sunrise. She seemed to become more and more powerful by the day, keeping Marco running and jumping: dodging as many blows as possible, yet never throwing one to begin with. This made Livi laugh, but, Marco had his reasons.
He got to his feet. “C'mon!” Livi smiled, pulling him off to one of the castle's training grounds. Asra, the kingdom in which they lived, didn't seem like much of a dangerous place compared to the other places warring. 12 years, now, the war had gone on, yet Asra never battled any major battles. No new people were enlisted into the army of Asra, yet onward the bickers of leaders went. Some of the other kingdoms began to call all of Queen Adiva's threats simple bluffs. Though none of Adiva's subjects would stand for this statement, Queen Adiva never let their words get to her. Livi and Marco never held a grudge from Adiva's decision to kill Marco's bug, and at her courageous stand - withstanding her subjects possible riots and even more so, the impending attacks of the other kingdoms - they soon looked up to her as a role model.
“You ready?” Livi said, getting in her battle stance. Marco yawned. “Sure,” he said dully. It was beginning to become routine for him, dodging and what not. But he had not expected what would come next. Livi punched her hand into the ground, two, rocky tentacles grabbing at Marco's feet. “What the -?” Marco started, but Livi instantly took a shot directly at his stomach. In a flash of light and a loud, echoing blast, Marco fell to his knees. “By the gods' hands!” Marco exclaimed, clenching his stomach. He felt sick.
Livi ran over to him. She giggled slightly. “Sorry. A bit too much power in that one,” she laughed, grabbing his hand. “What was that?” Marco asked as she let him lean against her. “Oh, just the same spell I've been blasting at you the past month. I just decided to use a holding spell,” she said. “No fair…” Marco said. “I know,” Livi giggled, patting him on the back. “You'll be better by sunrise, though. Don't you worry.”
Marco soon dozed off…
When he awoke, Livi sat at the other side of his room, sitting in one of the piles of hay. The sun was high in the sky. It seemed to be just about noon time. Livi held no happy face this time. She had no sarcasm in her eyes. “Livi?” he asked, walking over to her. Livi kept her eyes away from his. “What's wrong?”
“Queen Adiva has been killed,” Livi said. She looked up into his eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying. “But without Queen Adiva…” Marco trailed off. “By the gods! Is the castle under siege!?” he exclaimed. Livi shook her head. “Everyone's been killed… They didn't think to look up here…” she said. Marco stumbled back. “No… Uncle!” he exclaimed, running to the window to see the ruins. Bodies of loved ones lay on the grounds. “He locked us in here so they wouldn't get in…” Livi said. “He fought so we'd live…”
Marco fell to his knees. “Who did this?” was the only question that could come out of his mouth. “What?” Livi looked up at him. “I asked `Who did this?'” Marco said, turning his head towards her. Livi looked down. “Their emblems said `Kanaranador'.”
Marco got to his feet. “They will pay dearly…” he said just before running to the door. Livi ran after him, yelling, “Marco! Wait! You're going to need a plan!” she yelled. Kanaranador, though not official, was its own kingdom of blood thirsty vampires, though most of them were perfectly civil. The actual kingdom of Kanaranador lay on a mountain in the northern half of the kingdom of Dread. At the first sign of war, Kanaranador and Dread instantly signed a treaty to fight together against the other kingdoms. Though not officially its own kingdom, Dread did not have power over its hierarchy. It still had its own queen and king, though there was only so much their titles gave them. They were more or less counted as the powerful lord and lady.
Livi finally caught up with him. “You don't even know where they are,” Livi said. “I don't care!” Marco yelled. “I will make them pay for all they have done!” Marco yelled. “Asra is like the graceful phoenix! It will come back from the ruins anew!” Livi said. “It doesn't matter! They killed all who were near and dear to me!” Marco yelled. Tears now came from his eyes. Livi sighed. “Let me come along, then…” she said.
Marco looked at her strangely. “Why would you want to come?” Marco asked. Livi smiled. “They hurt you so deeply… I will make them pay,” she said. Marco blushed slightly at this. “L-Livi, I -,” he started, but could not get the words out. Livi kissed him gently on the cheek and said, “I know you do,” she said.
The trip to Dread was a perilous one, but the climb up Kanaranador Mountain was even more treacherous. But the two soon found themselves where they wanted to be…
“Alright, vampires! Show yourselves!” Marco yelled as they first entered the capitol of Kanaranador. It was dead silent. Livi got ready for an ambush. She got into her stance, ready for a fight. She was ready to fight for her life.
Though ready, the two young fighters did not expect what had happened next:
Livi was the first to be attacked, four vampires giving her blows to the back. Marco spun around, looking back to see the hordes, some attacking Livi, the rest surrounding him. Livi was shoved to the ground, unconscious.
“Livi!” Marco yelled. He became angry at this. “You sick killers killed everyone I've known… Now what? Are Livi and I doomed to die at this summit?” Out of the hordes stepped out a young vampiress: one who dressed as elegantly as a princess. Coils of gold and rubies and opals were twisted into her long, dark hair. Her face was dead serious.
“I assure you,” said the young vampiress, “that all is to be well. The slaying of your people was only to show you what powers our people are capable of.” She walked towards him. He backed up, only to get held down by several other vampires. He struggled. “I assure you, young Marco, you and your dearest Livi will die today, but come back powerful and new.” Marco stooped his struggling. “What do you mean?” he asked suspiciously. He could not find the possibility to trust her.
“To become a vampire,” she stated, lifting up his chin so they saw eye to eye. “You and Livi will become immortal.” Marco looked away a moment. He turned his eyes toward Livi, unconscious on the ground. “I will,” he said finally.
Two hours later, Livi awoke to find Marco staring down at her, his eyes now full of sorrow and regret. Two dagger-like fangs protruded from his mouth. Livi sighed. “You didn't, did you?” she asked, getting up. Marco nodded; the shame deep within him. Livi stared at him a moment. “What of me? Am I to be disposed of?” she asked. Marco kissed her softly on the cheek. Just stay silent and do as I say and everything will be okay,” he said.