Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Priestess of the Moon: Return of the Lunar Dragon ❯ Blood of the Priestess ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Lunar Dragon took flight as the army began to march. Kiya could now see what had once been Riverside and she could see the twisted fortress of Daorth. She could see an army of dark elves on the march and Kiya notched an arrow into her bow. Keioke stayed with the army, now shrilling her war cry, egging the army on. The army all cried out their own form of battle cry and charged. They ran until they met up with Daorth's army, a little less than a hundred feet from the fortress. Kiya began firing arrows down at the enemy, each arrow turning into a streak of pale blue light before hitting its target. Keioke snapped at the dark elves, crushing them between her jaws. Then from up above, came a terrible roar. Kiya looked up and saw Aubrey flying high above.
Keioke screamed up at Aubrey and flew up to meet him. Kiya knew that she was no longer apart of the battle below; she had her own battles. Keioke and Aubrey came face to face, hovering in the air. Kiya looked towards the fortress and saw on the highest tower a figure suspended in the air between two poles. Kiya knew instantly that it was Reiku.
:So, Keioke, so glad to finally have this dance with you,: Aubrey snarled.
:It is my pleasure,: Keioke growled, :but only one will survive this dance.:
:Yes, but who will it be?: Aubrey sneered.
“Keioke,” Kiya said, “I need to get to that tower. Think you can get me there?”
Keioke nodded without taking her eyes off of Aubrey. :I will, but in the mean time, hold on tight.: Then Keioke lunged at Aubrey.
Reiku watched as the battle began and couldn't believe of the size of the army. How Kiya managed to summon that many Reiku had no idea. Reiku could see Keioke flying low over the battle, taking dark elves into her jaws and crushing them. He could see a figure sitting on the dragon's back, bluish streaks of light coming from the figure to the enemy below. Down below him, Daorth looked at Aubrey and told the dragon to go. The Shadow dragon roared and flew off the tower, heading towards Keioke and Kiya. The two dragons met in mid-air and their battle begun. Reiku looked back down and saw Daorth preparing the ritual, creating a circle on the floor with strange symbols around it with his blood. He then stood waiting, and he didn't have to wait long.
Reiku looked up and saw Keioke fly overhead and watched as Kiya jumped down off the Lunar dragon's back. She landed easily at a crouch a few feet in front of Daorth. The young elf stood and glared at her enemy. “I came,” she whispered softly.
Daorth smiled wickedly and said, “Yes, you did, and just in time.” He threw back the sleeves of his cloak and then drew his sword. “I have been waiting for this dance a long time, Priestess.”
Kiya held her bow at its end, which glowed brightly and seemed to grow. When the glow faded, she too held a sword in her hand. It glowed softly with the bluish-white light that her bow glowed with. “It ends tonight, Daorth,” she said coldly.
Daorth chuckled and hissed, “Sure a lot of courage, for a woman.”
Kiya glared at Daorth and said, “Release Reiku. I refuse to fight until you let him go.”
Reiku groaned when Kiya said that. She was falling right into Daorth's trap. He was going to refuse and then Kiya was going to worry about him, trying to protect Reiku and herself at the same time, something that could kill her. Then he looked into Kiya's silver eyes and realized; Kiya knew of Daorth's trap, and she was planning to step right in it. She was going to give her life for his. Reiku struggled against his bonds and cried, “Kiya, no, don't do it! Don't step into his trap!”
He saw Kiya turn her head slightly in his direction and one of her silver eyes flickered up to look at him. Daorth smiled as if he didn't hear Reiku's pleas to Kiya and said, “I think I would like him to see this battle. I would like him to watch as I kill you.”
Kiya whipped her head back and snarled. “You bastard,” she said.
Daorth laughed and raised his blade. “Enough name calling sweetling,” he chuckled evilly, “Our little dance is way over do. Prepare to die, Kiya.” He then charged at Kiya, who raised her blade and blocked the attack Daorth swung down on her. There was a flash of light, both white and green black, as the two blades connected. Kiya thrust her blade forward, backing Daorth off. She moved fluidly, like she wielded a sword her whole life, dodging Daorth's attacks and sending her own. She danced away from one close call and raised her hand, sending a streak of sacred power at Daorth.
Daorth created a shield to block Kiya's magical attack and grinned. “So,” he said, “resorting to your powers now, are you? Not a problem, I will demonstrate my own power.” He then pointed at Reiku and Reiku felt the pain course through his body once more. Reiku screamed and struggled against his bonds, trying to pull away from the pain instinctively. Over his screams, he heard Kiya scream out wildly and he then felt the pain stop as the clashing of blades started up again. He shook out his damp hair from his eyes and watched as Kiya attacked Daorth fiercely. Her eyes were tinged with a red light, and Reiku could feel her power coursing through her. He watched as Daorth led her back, towards the circle with the symbols. Reiku eyes widened with horror at the Daorth's intentions. He was using Kiya's fit of rage to lead her right to where he wanted her. “KIYA!” Reiku screamed.
Up above, he heard a scream. He looked up to see Keioke sink her fangs into Aubrey's neck, driving the Shadow dragon to the ground. The Lunar dragon's own white sides were streaked with blood and her eyes were also tinted with a red glow like Kiya's. Both dragons fell from Reiku's vision as they fell to the ground, but he felt the ground tremble as they made impact. Reiku then looked up at the moons and watched as Darth's moon slid over Kiadi's moon, shrouding the sky into darkness. Reiku looked down in time to see Daorth force Kiya into the circle and then, with a swing of his sword, slice at Kiya's middle. Reiku screamed as he saw blood instantly stain Kiya's white shirt and as his lover dropped to her knees.
Keilila sent bolts of fire at the enemies around her. At her back, Lendell cut down dark elves left and right. Near her feet, Mitt was darting at the enemy, slicing at their legs with her long bladed daggers to bring them down so she could finish them off. Nearby, Keilila saw Ryudo and Cliff fighting, Ryudo channeling fire and swiping at the dark elves with his staff while Cliff hacked at them with his axe. Keilila looked up at the sky and saw the two moons come together. That was when she heard the scream come from the fortress. Keilila looked up as the battle seemed to pause for a moment. That was when she noticed for the first time that Keioke had brought Aubrey down and was now rising to the sky again at the scream from the top of the tower; the voice she recognized as Reiku's.
Keilila looked at the Lunar Dragon flying high above and could barely recognize her. The once calm and peaceful looking dragon was now nothing but. Her once white fur was streaked with blood and her eyes were no longer violet, but a glowing red. The dragon swooped down at the tower, but hit a barrier. She squealed with white hot rage and continued to pound at the barrier. That's when Keilila knew that Daorth had done his evil deed; Kiya's blood had been spilt.
The battle picked up again, this time more furiously than before. Keilila cut down a dark elf with her blade and then called out to Ryudo, “Ryudo, we need to get to the tower.”
The monk nodded and then the five of them began to push forward. The rest of their army saw what they were doing and watched their backs. Keilila and the others got to the fortress and ran in through the open doors. They ran through the dark corridors, traveling upward. As they ran, Keilila couldn't help but hope. Please, let Kiya be all right.
Kiya dropped to her knees, hand at her mid-section. Above her, she heard Reiku scream. She looked down at the cut across her middle and at her blood that covered her hand. The cut wasn't deep; it wasn't life threatening, but it was enough to weaken her, and to spill her blood into the circle that Daorth forced her into. Stupid, she thought to herself, for allowing him to force me here. She looked up at Daorth as the Shadow dragon raised his hands above his head in triumph. In the sky, Kiya could see Keioke slamming into the shield that Daorth placed over the top of the tower, shrieking with rage. Kiya looked at Daorth as the man began to bulge and grow. The man was now doubled over with pain as the change began. Kiya gripped her sword, thinking on plunging into Daorth while he was convulsing with pain.
Summoning the last of her strength, Kiya charged forward, her sword raised. As soon as she got to striking distance, Daorth head whipped up and with a swipe of a heavy, now clawed, hand, he sent her flying. She hit the wall around the edge of the tower and the impact was too much for her. Kiya blacked out, the last thing she heard was Reiku's yell and Keioke's scream of rage.