Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Reality's dreams ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next morning at school we did the last of mid terms over Literature and History during the first part of the day meaning I didn't have to stress anymore over them and I could turn my attention to the study of the practice and theory of jumping into the world inside someone head.
At Lunch I sat at a table by myself, I really only had one true friend at the school and he was always late to lunch. He was Adrian Johnson.
“Hey Bella the exams where tough weren't they? I was wondering if you where busy this Saturday, I thought we could go see that movie you mentioned.”
Why did he always seem to forget I had private school stuff on Saturday?
“You know I am busy and I can't cut a class when they are paying for me to take it. I know we don;t hang out anymore like we used to but you have to trust me that if I could have avoided going to that school I would have. We can always go on Sunday.”
He just gave a nod and sat down with his lunch. “I still wonder why they picked you sometimes. I mean you are an average student you think they would have picked the kids at the top of the class.”
“I think they said they want a variety of students, not just kids that excel at everything. I should be studying I have a project for the rest of the semester in that school and my partner is a know it all who has issues with his attitude.”
“What kind of project is it? I could help you...”
I had to cut him off. He could never know what I did at those classes. “You wouldn't understand it Adrian it is psychology.” It wasn't a total lie, we where studying different parts of the human mind not just in a traditional way.
“Well just tell me when that private school has a bake sale or something so I can come visit you. In fact why does it seem your private school never has any events?”
Think on you feet come on! “I only go to school there for two hours everyday except Saturday. I don't think they want to involve us with the schools activities.”
“I get it.”
Please lunch bell ring already, I can't take much more of this today when I have to go home and get ready for another class at night.
I got through the rest of the day because it was watching movies while the other grades where doing testing and I got a nice nap in during the Science movie that was invented for five year olds.
When School let out I met Adrian at the front doors, he would usually walk me home on a nice day like this.
“You seem tired Bella, is the workload of two schools too rough for you?”
“I can handle it. I just wish my mind would stop trying to process everything at once it gives me a massive headache. I need to remember to carry around some aspirin at this rate but I will be fine.”
The rest of the walk was him talking about the sports he wanted to join this year but of course he would not join one of them or he would go out for them and be rejected because sports teams always had a twisted hierarchy. It is like why you always see the same people as leads in the school plays, everyone has bias.
“You know if you are tired you should rest before you go to school. I will make you a snack or whatever you want to eat for your dinner.” Of course Adrian's first love was cooking and he always loved the chance to cook for anyone.
“My mother does that remember? If you want to help her feel free but if dad comes home early he is going to scold you like he always does for being at my house instead of at yours.”
“I do spend a lot of time at your house don't I? Okay I will go to my house and make lunch for you tomorrow okay?”
“Thanks. I will hold you to it.”
With that we went our separate ways and I arrived home and took a shower before my nap. Thankfully I had short hair so it didn't take too long to wash out and I could curl up on my bed and rest in my robe.
As soon as I got the cover over me I heard my mother's voice. “Dear there is someone here to see you.”
I tightened the robe and walked downstairs, it was probably Adrian need my notes or something like that.
When I looked in the front room I saw Ark sitting on the couch. “What are you doing here? How do you even know where I live?”
“The phone book. I just told your mother we are partners for a school project and she went off to make tea. Mr. Zamir wanted me to come visit you so I am here. We have to try to understand each other or something like that.”
My mother walked in with the tray and tea cups on it. “Sweetie why didn't you tell me you had such a cute partner for a school project? Now how do you like your tea Ark?”
“No sugar is fine by me. This is a lovely home you have Mrs. Lerunce if I may say so.” Wow he can act like a gentleman, that still doesn't excuse the fact he showed up at my house unannounced.
“I will go make some cookies for you both.”
When my mother has left the room Ark got up and sat on the arm of the chair I was sitting in. Did this boy have no manners, you don't sit on the arm of a chair especially when you are an unwanted guest in the house.
“You have a nice life don't you? I wanted to ask you a favor but I think it should wait.”
“What did you want?”
“I want you to go into my mind as soon as you feel capable. I want to get it over with as soon as I can.”
“No. I am your partner and I would prefer for you to tell me to my face what you fear me seeing in your head. I will not let you take the easy way out. We will bond as partners and enter the other's mind when we both feel willing...I know that must sound rude but I just can't drop everything for you. If I where to fail in your mind I could cause massive damage and I don't want that.”
With my inexperience it was likely I could mess his mind up. Even the experts mess up in some cases and he will be my partner I can't just do this right off the bat.
“I hate to say it but you are right Ms. Lerunce.” He just admitted I was right? Maybe he isn't all that bad after all.
“We are partners please call me Belladonna or Bella. Is that the only reason you came here?”
“We are partners, we should spend time together shouldn't we? I am going to see if you mother needs help with the cookies and you should put some clothes on as much as I love your blue robe.”
I had forgotten I was even wearing the robe. I went upstairs and found a sweater and skirt to wear to school today and brushed my hair out even if it was damp it would dry out.
When I went downstairs and to the kitchen Ark was helping my mother make cookies like he said he would. He actually looked sort of cute in the apron.
“Well I am sure you want to go out with Bella instead of leaning to make cookies.”
“I would love to learn some other time Mrs. Lerunce.” Okay he was nice to my mother, this can't be the same kid.
We left shortly after that for what I guessed was going to be going somewhere to talk but we got on a bus heading for the area the school was in.
“I thought you should speak with Mr. Zamir and see if you are really ready for this arrangement. You could always have another partner. Not only do you have to see inside my mind I have to see inside yours and we got off to a horrible start already.”
“Yes but I think that may have been the best start we could have done. We know that we will not trust each other quickly and know that we will have to bond and allow our defenses down. It may be tough ate first but if you think about it we may mature in doing so.”
“Maybe Devlin was right about you after all Bell. I would love to know what that world inside your head looks like I thought a first if would be candy, rainbows and kittens.” Did he really think that? I mean I like kittens but really?
“Really? Well I have no idea what my mind would look like so that might be it. I think you judged me too quickly though. I used too...You know I don't want to talk about it.” My past is complicated and I would prefer not detailing all of it to a total stranger.
The rest of the trip was silent as he was buried in reading the binder of information and I did the same looking over the things I passed on during mid terms.
When we got to the school we where really early it looked like the private school still had extracurricular activities going on. On the steps Mr. Zamir was reading a book and looked up at us.
“You two are early. The swim team is finished and said I could use the pool area if I wanted so we can go there to talk, I hope that is fine with you Ms. Lerunce water tens to help me think.”
We went inside the building and went to the pool area. It was a pool with the school's mascot painted on the bottom along with the school name.
“Well now this is relaxing isn't it? I do have a reason for asking Mr. Laurent and yourself here. I am aware that most students have no idea that they even had powers before we told them but you are different aren't you Ms. Lerunce? You may have entered someone's mind by accident but you have done this before haven't you?”
“Yes...It was an accident, I was just singing a lullaby and then I was checking the person for a fever and next thing I knew I was in her head and that is all I
remember.” I remember telling myself it was a dream at first until I was told about this school and the things I could do.
Mr. Zamir took off his shoes and dipped them his feet in the water before speaking.
“It is rare but it happens every so often that we have cases like yours. To be honest I was a case like that myself and that is why I find you so interesting. I guess I am using you as some sort of canvas to project my emotions of my experience onto but I really wants to understand if it was just a fluke that we found out about our powers before we where told.”
“It is alright I guess but it would be wrong for us to be friends wouldn't it? Then again is it even possible to fail in this messed up school?”
“It is possible if a student fails the final but if they do we offer them the opportunity for summer schooling or the removal of their powers. As for friendships I never really understood why teachers and students couldn't be friends as long as it was held outside the classroom.”
“So basically you wanted her here so you could use her as you emotional rock to pour your feelings on to? If that is why you called me here...”
“You know the reason you are here Ark but I don't think the lady should be worried with such a thing right now. Ms. Lerunce during the final I will have to go inside your head but I would like to go in sooner then that to see if I can find an answer to what you did do in the past to see if perhaps there is a reason you and I discovered this early.”
I found myself having my mind go into overload. I couldn't just let someone into my head like this could I? It would be wrong on so many levels but wouldn't it be hypocritical for me to say no when I would wind up going into people's minds without their permission in the future.
“Alright. I don't feel right about it but I would be a hypocrite if I didn't let you do it. Thank you for asking me at least.”
The last thing I was was Mr. Zamir singing a lovely melody that sounded like classical music before I was knocked out.