Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Reality's dreams ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I will be adding notes at the end of some chapter now for my amusement, you don't have to read them.
We where at a hospital with Mr. Kirkland outside sitting on a bench. “You two made it, someone canceled so we bumped you two up. Follow me.” Why was Mr. Kirkland here anyway?
We taken to a room and both of us sat down with Mr. Kirkland. “You will be entering my mind for your test but first we must make sure you don't see what is about to happen.”
“What are you-”
I found myself lying down in what appeared to be a classroom with Devlin by my side when I awoke. I have no idea how we got here but this must me a mind world but neither of us sang to get in so did someone else send us in here? There was also the fact Mr. Kirkland referred to this as a test of sorts. I guess I would just have to wait an see.
I shook Devlin until he woke up. “Where are we...the test has started hasn't it?”
“What test?” I asked as I helped him up and we looked around the room.
“All I know is part of the test is to figure out what the test is and we will encounter common monsters of darkness here. You know how to fight right?” He said as we heard something outside the door. This was not good at all. It was like a bad horror movie.
“Well let's see how bad they are. I am sure you have fought these before so I will learn from you as we go Devlin. I am trusting you and you know I normally don't do that.” He went over to the desk and pulled out a set of daggers and a knife. I took the daggers no questions asked and opened the door.
Outside there where things that looked like zombies, this really was a bad horror movie. The good side was they where slow as could be so attacking them without getting hurt even at close range wasn't hard.
“Devlin what exactly are we supposed to do other then kill the slowest zombies ever? You said something about a test right? Wasn't there something written on the white board in the room we started in?”
Devlin nodded and we went back to the room to see the word envy on the board. “Envy? What does that mean?”
I walked forward and put my hand on the white board. “Perhaps he is envious of us because of the fact we found out about our powers early. His darkness id the envy of people like us and his students. Each generation is better then the last making the previous one feel insignificant.”
“Bravo, I didn't figure you would get it Ms. Lerunce. What they say about you being a cynic seems to be true.” When we turned we saw Mr. Kirkland who had dark black wings now. This is the manifestation of darkness.
“Do we destroy this? I mean if we don't it will take over right?” I asked knowing I wouldn't seem so stupid if I had studied about this but I had no idea this was going to happen.
“That is the plan. Come on we can do this Bella.” I nodded as we readied our weapons.
“Such ignorance from both of you. Devlin I was your mentor there is now way the student is better then the master and you partner here is just a child. You are welcome to try if you want but I assure you that you won't beat me.” A sword seemed to some from nowhere and the battle had started.
Devlin was a better fight then me so he went in for most of the close attacks while I stood back and defended against Mr.Kirkland, I believe that means I was the bait for him to attack while Devlin was trying to destroy him. I can say it is true you never want to be the bait.
I had been able to hit aside his sword with a dagger as Devlin stabbed him with the knife in the back of his head. Sadly even in a fake world there was blood and it was just as graphic as the real world. Clothing was torn, blood ran on the floor and dropped from a knife. It is all a fake world but murder is still murder.
I was the first to speak up. “What happens now?” My words were coming out chocked and I felt sick to my stomach. The smell of blood lingered in the air.
“The darkness is gone now so we should leave. Will you be okay you look really pale...oh that was your first kill wasn't it? You did better then I did I threw up the first time I did this. You have to remember this is not real even if it seems to be.”
A fake world full of fake death that is all too real. I think it finally had began to sink in at that moment that this power was a curse and a blessing. You can see the depths of one's subconscious all the good and bad but with that you also may see death. The power to change people for the better involves killing a part of them. Even I could seem to fathom how wrong that was.
I fell to my knees. When you are a child it never seems to occur to you that heros kill people to save everyone. Why would anyone want to be a hero, they are glorified killers.
Devlin began to sing and we woke up together in a hospital bed curled next to each other. I guess normally I would freak out about the fact I just woke up ion a bed with another guys and my clothes where replaced with a hospital gown but the events of the mind world still where in my head.
The door opened to show Mr. Kirkland. “You did much better then I thought you both would do. You both may be fatigued so feel free to rest there is another bed over there but we had to make sure you two got in and out together.”
He walked over to the bed and looked over both of us. “Ms. Lerunce you look pale, that was your first kill wasn't it? You will grow used it it over time don't worry. If you need medication to sleep I can go get a nurse for you.”
With that the teacher left and Devlin started to get up from the bed but I stopped him. I didn't want him to leave even if it was just across the room. “It will be okay Bella. I will stay here until you relaxed more.”
I couldn't even close my eyes without seeing the scene of Mr. Kirkland dead in my eyes. “You can't relax can you? Should I try to sing you to sleep or call the nurse?”
I honestly didn't know which would be worse but I usually try to avoid sleeping medication if I can so I gave Devlin a shot a singing. His voice was really soothing it reminded me of when my mother sang to me when I was a child. I had gotten really tired and sure enough Devlin had been able to put me to sleep.
I did have my fair share of recalling it all in a nightmare but I never did wake up during the dream. I would have to learn to overcome this, it was better for the people if their darkness was killed even it it was by murdering their image that had been taken over by the dark side.
I my sleep I began to wonder if I was becoming broken. I knew I was never normal before but to me normal isn't even real. It seemed as if I had crossed some sort of line that cut me away from that life of acting like regular teenager. Who am I kidding I was never regular or normal but this had torn me apart from what I used to be an in turn I had become somewhat broken.
I awoke seeing Devlin hadn't moved from my side and we where still in the medium sized bed. I smiled as I saw the sleeping man. For now I will take this to try and repair that broken part of me.
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Notes: I swear that Devlin is still gay. I would never change him or Ark on their sexuality. I personally like to think of Devlin as a “big brother” in this chapter. Bella also seems to undergoing some changes to her personality. I know at the start of the story she would have kicked Devlin out of the bed if she woke up like that or done far worse if she found anything sharp.