Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Red Bull ❯ Vol. Six Chap Twenty-Four: Mischief ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Things in Akai-Chi don't stay hidden for long. It all started with a single post.


Do I smell forbidden love? It sure is strong. She thinks she can change him. Such a stupid girl. She doesn't get it. She will be in her for disappointment. He loves the thug life too much. Poor girl Poor foolish girl.


Love is love. But not to a certain private school. Ooo! This is going to be awkward if they knew. One of the teachers has a mistress. And it's not a man. Yes. We have a sapphiric relationship here. -Gasp- These ladies play a dangerous game. The question is can she have it all?


Thou shall not kill. Someone did a bad thing. Really bad. She was so young too. Such a shame. Such a shame! […]

It just keeps going like this. The girls aren't happy about this.

“Can't we shut it down?” Tess asked.

“Sorry,” one of the bartenders said. “There are no grounds to. There are no names mentioned in the posts.

“But it's about us!”

“Is it through? For all you know, they could be talking about somebody else.”

Tess growled as she gritted her teeth. It annoyed her that he was right. At least they could see who was writing these posts. The bartender had the same idea to look.

“Here,” he said. Tess looked at his phone. She wrinkled her nose.

“Who the hell is White Rabbit?” she asked. The bartender had no answer. Who indeed? How do they know all of this? Some had their theories. Maybe White Rabbit was among them right now.

White Rabbit was going to be a problem. How much did they really know? What was the end game here? Who's side were they on? And what could the girls of Red Bull do about them?

Oh look. It looks like White Rabbit made another post.


Have I got some tea for you today…

Dear Diary