Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifice ❯ Final Movement ( Chapter 68 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



By: Melissa Norvell

Chapter 68: Final Movement


"My sweet…" Baratone murmured lovingly as Treble shouted the word 'fissure' and brought his blade down towards the ground. As soon as the blade made contact with the ground, it shook violently enough to cause the man to lose his footing and fall to his knees. The intricate urn containing Amante's ashes tumbled from his hands and the man watched in horror as his love's remains fell to the ground but the man managed to catch it just before it hit the ground.

Feeling another presence in the room with him, Baratone looked up to see Lord Treble standing a few feet away from him.

"Well, I predicted that you'd be in here and I'm hardly every wrong," the dog-demon stated.

"So, that's the way you want it to be," the priest knew that he had a fight on his hands, so he sat Amante's ashes in a nearby flower pot and readied himself for battle.

"I have no motive to harm her ashes," Treble told the man, in some hopes to quell his nerves on the issue. "I am here to return them to King Vasca."

"I'll never let a slave master like him get his hands on those ashes," the black-haired man charged at the dog demon, with his weapon drawn.

Treble jumped over the man and flipped over his head and landed on his feet a few feet away, then bounced off the ground and propelled himself towards his opponent and brought down his sword. If it was a fight that Baratone wanted, then he would give him one. This was what it all came down to. This was what the war was about, and all the same, it felt so empty and petty to the demon lord. In the confines of his mind, he wondered if Baratone felt that way as well.


Keiji and Fife ran down the halls of the castle, trying to pin point the Catholic's location. They knew that he had to be somewhere inside of the castle but the only question was where? The males hoped that he was nowhere near Vasca. While they knew that the King was very strong, they also knew of his meek nature and dislike of war. They were supposed to protect him and they wanted to live up to that standard.

"You think Baratone went into the castle?" Keiji asked.

"Treble just sent me his message," Fife knew the exact location of the two fighting entities and he wanted to get there as quickly as he could, before things got any worse and Baratone had the opportunity to pursuit Vasca further. Time was critical and ever moment counted.

"I'm going to help you. I won't let him kill you."

"Thanks for helping," the prince smiled.


"Your kind killed my mother!" Baratone shouted with revenge and pain evident in his voice. From the moment that tragedy had been etched into his mind as a child, there had always been unease in his life. The priest could not rid himself of the haunting images as he watched his mother fall victim to rouge vampires. Not only that, his brother, Orchestra had drug him into this war by pressuring him and convincing him to hate the vampires as much as he did. While Baratone grew to hate the vampires, he simply wanted revenge but then, things got complicated when Amante came into the picture and he felt as though he had something to protect, so he continued to dance on the strings of fate as he was strung along from war to war between Baklava and Sumeria. His only goal was to slay the vampire king and avenge his love.

If there was no royal family, then the vampires of Sumeria would have to leave and Baklava could become peaceful again.

"They must have been rouges. King Vasca has nothing to do with that. Wind Strike!" The rouges weren't under Vasca's command and often rebelled against his orders. They were one of the causes of the constant wars between Sumeria and Baklava. King Vasca wanted the two countries to live in peace with each other but the rouges were extremist and far too many to count to keep under control. Several methods were tried in the past, but nothing could be done.

It was all a misunderstanding between the two races.

Strong winds began to blow but Baratone managed to hold his cross out and protect himself with a barrier. The golden light from the cross managed to keep the torrents at bay.


Hiroshima flew across the gray skies of Sumeria trying to catch some sight of Baratone. So far, he wasn't having any luck and he wondered if his team mates found anything. "I've got to find Baratone…" The angel said to himself as a flash of the girl's suicide reeled through his head. His features saddened and he soon fell silent and he clenched his eyes shut as if he was trying to block out the memory. "I can't think about that now. I must stay focused on my mission."


Fife turned around the corner and Keiji followed suit. As the two were running down the hall, they noticed that the battle noises had stopped. The only sound that could be heard was the tapping of their black dress shoes against the stone floor.

"All of the fighting seemed to stop," Fife pointed out.

"I think they gave up," the other male replied.

"This is it…This will be what it all comes down to," the prince stopped in front of a pair of doors that stood before them. Keiji nodded and looked to the vampire.

"Let's do this, together."


"Savage demon!" The priest tried to stab Treble but the illusive demon stepped to one side, avoiding the blow.

"I will return Amante's remains to King Vasca," Treble told the man in a voice that held no hate or like to it. To him, while the whole situation was sad, business was business and it was what he had come there to do. Someone had to win and someone had to lose, it was the nature of the game.

"He will never have her!" Baratone called out and brought his sword down upon the demon, trying to cut him in half.

Treble jumped to the side. "He loves her," he tried to reason with the long-haired man, but he would have none of it.

"He forced her to be with him."

"She loved him. She tricked you into believing her so that she could get information about the Catholic's armies to King Vasca. She pretended to be Catholic," the lord continued to explain. To him, it was sad to have a war over this kind of thing, not to mention the amount of people that died as a result.

"She changed. She wanted to be Catholic. She hated the vampires for what they did to her. She told me herself," Baratone wanted so desperately to believe Amante's false words with all of his heart. He saw her as a scared woman, who wanted to seek redemption in the arms of the Catholic ministries. Her words of the horrible incident echoed through his head.

"It was horrible. They raped me and turned me into a vampire by force. It was…so painful," the long-haired woman's face was full of shame and anguish when they had shared that serious conversation. It was hard to believe that she could possibly be lying.

"Vampires who aren't rouges won't turn someone by force," Treble tried to explain to the man. "Besides, Amante was an Inheritor Vampire, just as King Vasca."

"How do you know they weren't rouges? Besides, what does that have to do with anything?" Vasca asked before he was blown back forcefully by the demon's Burst Winds attack.

"It means that she was born a vampire. Her real last name was Lichtenstien. She was a powerful mage in Sumeria who highly specialized in being a double agent. She practiced the Catholic Religion to see why they hated vampires. Amante never loved you. She was playing with your heart." As much as those words would hurt the priest, Treble though that he really needed to know the truth. Perhaps it would shake Baratone and make him realize the truth a little.

Anything was better than this blind war.

"Her love was with King Vasca. That's why she bore his child."

Baratone could take it no more. He held up his golden cross. "Die! Holy Lightening! Strike down this abomination!" The priest called out as he summoned a large quantity of golden lightening from the skies. Treble managed to put up his wind barrier just in time, then the demon held out his sword and uttered the word 'reverse' to deflect his attack back at him. Baratone then summoned a spire.

"What?" Treble's blue eyes widened as he was caught off-guard as the spire ripped through the ground. The winged dog-demon tried to escape but the priest made the spire explode. The explosion sent Treble's form flying into a nearby wall, which caused him to drop his sword. Baratone charged at him.

"Now I've got you, Pressure Strike!" The priest shot his hand forward and winds form around it.

"Shit!" Treble cursed under his breath as he attempted to dodge but he was too slow, Baratone's attack managed to hit him in the shoulder and go through his large blue shoulder and breast plate with a single black line along the bottom, shattering the entire left side of his armor. The blue-eyed dog man watched in horror as pieces of his armor flew past his head.

Thinking quickly, the offending priest was kicked off of the demon as Treble flew up and held his bleeding shoulder. Inside of his helmet, his ears perked at the sound of two pairs of footsteps nearing the area that they were fighting in. 'What now? This isn't good.'

Being slightly distracted was his downfall. Treble was blasted back with another one of the priest's Holy Attacks.

"Pay attention to the fight," Baratone narrowed his dark blue eyes.

"Illumination!" The white dog-demon called out as he threw out his arms and black wings, causing a giant flash of blinding white light throughout the castle. Anyone within a 50 foot radius would undoubtedly be blinded but such a sight.

The light soon reached Keiji's green eyes and caused him to cover them at the blinding pain. "What's that?" The boy asked as he stopped running.

"It's magic. Someone must be up there, fighting," Fife held his hand at his brow and squinted through the magic, trying to see if he could spot anything ahead. All he could see was white.


"This is a bad idea," Chichiri commented as he followed Zangetsu.

"I didn't ask you to come with me. If you're afraid then you can stay behind," the ninja ran through the castle, in pursuit of Baratone.

"And let you be with Ko? No," the blonde retorted.

"You're simple-minded," Zangetsu didn't have time to play jealousy games with Chichiri. He was trying to get the job done, and as far as his feelings for Ko went, they were simply friendship and nothing more. It was trivial.

"Are you calling me a dumb blonde?" Chichiri didn't like being called stupid by any means, especially for his opinion on the matter.

Zangetsu simply took Ko's hand and ran ahead. "Come on, Ko," the ninja didn't think that she needed to be helplessly put into the middle of one of their fights. Ko had enough problems as it was, not to mention that they were in the middle of a war, she didn't need any more stress.

"So, you don't think I can do anything? I'll show you, you bird-brained ninja," Chichiri took a breath to mutter another offensive phrase but he was cut off by a nearby explosion that knocked him off of his feet, took out the wall next to him and flung him to the right.

Zangetsu quickly couched down and covered Ko with his cape to shield her from the debris.


"What's going on?" Keiji asked as the ground shook below him.

"We need to get up there!" The prince told him with a serious look on his face.

Treble lay in a pile of debris, unconscious and unable to move. Aside from his chest and face, the rest of his body had been buried by the remains of the nearby wall. Baratone stood above the demon with a wicked smile.

"Now, I'll be rid of you," the priest said as he stabbed down at the demon.

"Lord Treble!" Keiji headed over as quickly as he could and managed to block his attack with his blade. Green eyes stared intently into blue as the boy breathed labored breaths.

"I'm tired of playing around." This time Baratone was serious as he blasted Keiji back like he was nothing. As Keiji's body flew backwards, Fife managed to write out a spell that caused the boy's body to slow to a stop, levitate and slowly come down to the ground.

The green-haired warrior thanked the prince.

"You're welcome," Fife smiled at the boy before he was asked who he was by the Catholic priest. "I'm King Vasca's son, Prince Amaterasu Fife." He introduced himself.

"Why do you resemble her?" Blue eyes were wide as a look of horror crossed the man's face. He was the perfect male form of Amante. He had the same, long blue hair and lazy blue eyes. Fife also had the same body structure, magical abilities and pretty face as his mother. It was truly remarkable how much he had resembled Amante.

"Resemble who?" The prince asked.

"Amante, is this your child?" Baratone asked the boy.

"How do you know my mother?" Fife continued to question the man.

"So…You're the prince of Sumeria?" Baratone asked the supposed rape-child of his dearly beloved and that monster, King Vasca. "Son of that bastard, Vasca and my beloved Amante. I'll kill all things that ill her soul!" The man shouted as he charged at the prince.

"Look out!" Treble shouted from his position on the ground. He had only been awake for a few moments before he saw that his prince was in danger.

Fife and Keiji both managed to jump out of the way as Baratone's cross was brought down between them.

"He's crazy!" The green-haired boy saw the large laceration that the priest had made in the floor.

Fife looked back at Treble and he could tell that the dog-man had taken a beating. His shoulder was bleeding and his armor was busted. The elder also looked pretty tired. "Please rest, Lord Treble. You're hurt badly. Leave this fight to us."

"But Fife-" Treble tried to be stubborn about it. He couldn't help it. His protective nature wouldn't allow him to leave his prince wide-open for an attack.

"That is an order," Fife's voice held a little edge to it.

"You know what's best," the white dog-demon looked down. 'But still…I could have helped you.' Treble's head turned at the sound of footsteps quickly approaching them. "Who's that?"

"I think it's Ko, Zangetsu and Chichiri," Keiji knew that they were close to the castle, so it was his best guess that they had already gotten inside.

"So, Lord Bass, Undine, Hiroshima and Tsurugi are all still outside of the castle," Fife stated.


A trio of Catholic soldiers were walking away from castle, since they had gotten news that they had been misled by their leader. They didn't know why they were in this war with Sumeria after two years of peace between the lands. The two of them had figured that the vampires had done something to them but they were beginning to wonder if they were truly the enemy that attacked the vampires. While they didn't like living next to such dark creatures, they did choose to keep to themselves.

As they walked along, talking amongst themselves on what their theories of their involvement in the war were, they spied the body of a young girl laying on the ground. The body had been there for a while and the figure was unmoving.

"Hey, what's that?" One of the men asked with wide-eyes.

"It looks like a young girl," the second one responded.

"We should go and see if she's alive," the third told his two partners as they raced over to see the ghastly sight before them. It was Azmy.

"Hey, I remember this girl," the second guard made the connection when he saw the slate-haired girl's face. "She was with those freedom fighters of Sumeria. You know the angels and those five humans that were running around the battlefield."

"That green-haired one axe-handled me in the back earlier," the first one grumbled.

"What do you think happened to her?" The third one asked and then, as if the thought hit them all at once, their faced lit up in aghast. Surely the girl didn't do that!

"Such a sinful child," the first soldier wore a solemn expression as he hung his head. "Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of."

"I agree," the second soldier responded. "Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide."

"We should not despair of the eternal salvation of people who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. We Catholics will pray for this girl who has taken her own life," the third soldier said. It was truly a sad sight to see someone waste something so precious that God had given them. This was another reason that war was a very sad, dangerous thing. Such a seemingly pointless war was not needed by either side. In a way, it was petty things like this that made them think about what was truly worth fighting for.


"Whirl pool!" Undine commanded the waters to swirl around a group of soldiers at high speed, knocking them to the ground. The girl then looked out over the battlefield after her waters sunk back into the ground. "That's the last of them."

Hiroshima landed beside of the girl, who glanced at him along with Tsurugi and Lord Bass.

"Where's your donor?" Undine noticed that Azmy wasn't with him.

The angel closed his eyes and frowned. Every time he had to relay the message, the visions of the event were brought back up to the surface of his mind.

"Hiro-kun, what happened?" Tsurugi pressed. His mate looked as if something was wrong with him, and if it was bad enough to make the man silent, then it needed to be said.

"She killed herself," Hiroshima said in a low voice.

"Really?" Tsurugi was shocked by the news, even though he had seen it coming, he expected Hiroshima to stop the girl and make some sort of sacrifice but nothing happened and the outcome was just as he had envisioned it.

Hiroshima nodded.

"Fool…" Undine shot coldly as she turned away from the men.

"She committed suicide," the words were slow and it seemed like the angel had to try very hard to contain his emotions.

Vespa watched the events from her station in Zameln and looked a little worried at the course of events. Things were not looking good for her travelers. "So, Azmy is dead…This isn't looking good for them. I just hope that they can handle themselves more gracefully when they face off against Soel."

A blue-gloved hand was sat on the angel's shoulder. Ice blue eyes looked behind him to see Lord Bass offering comfort. "I say, I am dreadfully sorry about your friend's loss. My condolences, old chap."

"Baratone isn't here," the blonde angel informed, trying to stick back to track. He didn't want them to think too much about what had happened. They still needed to finish their task.

"What?" Hiroshima asked.

"He's right and neither are the other soldiers," Undine noted and turned back around to face the group.

"They went back to Baklava after they heard what Fife said. They knew that they were misled," Hiroshima informed them of the soldiers' retreat.

"All of this just to revive Amante," Tsurugi sighed. So many lives were wasted and affected by such a brutal war all because of a dead woman that in reality, they had no chance of bringing back to life, which made the war pointless.

"Baratone is dreadfully confused," Bass sighed and shook his head.

"He still wants to believe that Amante's lies were the truth," Hiroshima replied. Even though they were fighting against Baratone, the angel identified with the man. He was going against all odds to try and make things right for the one that he loved, even if they were all lies. He knew what that was like.

"She was a very good liar, wasn't she?" Tsurugi pointed out. To be able to have that kind of a hold on someone's heart took a very convincing roundabout of lies. No wonder Amante was chosen as a spy.

"Fife must get it honestly," his lover agreed. The prince seemed more and more like his mother with every story that he's heard.

"We must go and find the prince. He could be with Baratone," Bass replied. '…And I'm not letting that filthy tyrant harm my prince.'

At that, everyone took off into the castle and began to run down the halls as quickly as they could, trying to find out where Baratone is and hoping that it wasn't too late. All that could be heard were the group's footsteps as they sped down the hall. Tsurugi looked at the troubled man beside of him. He knew that Hiroshima was taking things hard, from being turned into a vampire all the way to the events that were happening now. Hiroshima was trying to be strong for everyone and Tsurugi knew that he wasn't doing it to be an ass on purpose. The angel was a highly private man but lately, he had been more open with his feelings. Tsurugi wondered if being around people who at least put up with him made him feel a little more open. Slowly, Hiroshima was coming out of his shell. He was happy to see that but now he was suffering and it put a weight of sorrow on his own heart.

'Hiro-kun…I know you really wanted her to live and find someone else to love but she only loved you and she felt too much about what people thought. She took too much guilt on herself because she refused to let angels take her burdens. Now, Hiro-kun…you'll have a proper martyr.'

"Hiro-kun?" The blonde questioned, looking at his mate with concern.


"Since Azmy is dead, can I be your donor?" The angel knew that Hiroshima wouldn't survive long without a blood source and perhaps his angel blood could make it for the better, since it would serve as a better food source because of its magical properties.

"Sure," Hiroshima's reply was low and could be taken in many ways.

"It will be for the best," Tsurugi knew that Hiroshima was feeling down, so he wasn't sure if he was really all that happy with his suggestion. Maybe his love didn't want a martyr at the moment, or maybe he didn't want to think about it since Azmy had done what she had done.

"If you say so," he answered again with another one of those unsure answers.

"Do you not want me to be?" Tsurugi was beginning to get the idea that maybe Hiroshima wasn't too keen on the idea.

"It isn't that. I just feel bad that it had to come to this, and I'm depressed and I'm hurting." It was obvious that he was anguished by the way that he uttered that phrase. Hiroshima was having a hard time dealing with everything that had happened.

"Did the curse do that to you?" The blonde angel looked at the stab wounds that adorned the angel's body. They weren't from any type of weapon that had been used in the war and there was no other way that he could have acquired that many wounds all at once.

"Yes…Because I refused to absorb her soul," the spiky-haired angel replied.

"You really are kind you know," his mate told him sweetly. Despite his brash temperament, Hiroshima was very loyal and protective to those he was traveling with.

"No, I'm not," Hiroshima closed his eyes and frowned deeply. How could anyone consider him kind aside from Tsurugi? While it was true to Tsurugi, he could not see how others thought of him as such.

"I think it's sweet how you try and hide your feelings."

"Who's that?" The spiky-haired angel turned from his mate to look ahead but by the time that he did, he ran smack into Ko, Zangetsu and Chichiri, who had been running the other way down the hall. Hiroshima was the first to hit the ground, and everyone else landed on top of him in a crumpled heap.

"Whee!" Tsurugi called out with a giggle, finding the situation humorous.

"Get the fuck off!" Hiroshima called from the bottom of the pile in a strained voice.

"That's dirty!" His mate teased.

"Shut the fuck up, Tsurugi!"


"Dreadfully sorry," Bass pushed up his helmet that had been knocked forward over his eyes when he fell.

"Ouch…" Ko groaned as she rubbed her ribcage.

Zangetsu slowly opened his eyes as a small blush crept on his face. He was laying right on top of Ko, with his head nearly on her breast. "S-Sorry…"

Ko blush in return as she realized the situation. "I-It's okay…"

"To you…" Chichiri grumbled from the top of the stack.

"So jealous!" Tsurugi teased from below him.

"I say, this is a tad bit uncomfortable," Bass tried to shift but he ended up prodding Hiroshima in the shoulder with his armor.

"I have to fart," Hiroshima pointed out as the expressions on everyone faces changed to freaked out or grossed out ones. They were soon desperately trying to scramble off of the pile and get far away from the offensive angel.

"That's sick!" Ko said, disgusted.

"That is quite nasty," Bass agreed.

Hiroshima sat on the ground with a sneer. "I wasn't going to, idiots. Whatever got you off the fastest."

That's screwed up," Chichiri pointed out.

"Where were you guys heading?" Tsurugi glanced to the three allies.

"To Baratone, he's in here," Zangetsu had been following him for a while and he really wanted to get to the priest before he got to Vasca.

"Where's Fife and Keiji?" Ko asked.

"They must be fighting Baratone," Hiroshima deduced.

"Lord Treble must be there as well. I saw him go in the castle but I couldn't figure out why," Bass informed. If they all went there, then no doubt they would run into their other allies.

"Let's go and see if we can help them out," the depressed angel offered.

"We're quite a way until we reach them," Zangetsu pointed out.

"He's right, we'd better get going."

"Wait, where's Azmy?" Ko asked the one question that he dreaded. No matter how hard to try to get away from it, he knew that everyone who was uninformed would continue to ask him of the girl's whereabouts. Azmy was well-cared about.

"Forget about her…We have to help King Vasca," Hiroshima wanted to wait and tell Ko later. Who knew how she'd react to the news, since she had a tendency to act on her emotions. It wouldn't be the best time to break it with her.

Bass looked down with a crestfallen gaze. 'This is what Shizume was talking about.'

The words 'someone will die' rang through his senses as he recalled the vampire's warning. "Surely she meant that unstable girl. I remember speaking to her before we headed out," the demon said lightly to himself so no one could hear but the angels.

He remembered the night that the two of them had shared on the balcony in vivid color and emotions. Bass closed his eyes as his thoughts carried him back in time.

It was late at night. The wind was chilled and the sky was a dark blue that verged on black. Many stars sparkled in the skies, like thousands of diamonds above the gloomy castle. Azmy stood on the white balcony and gazed down at the ground. She wore a blank look on her face with the slightest hint of sorrow to it. The girl had been so zoned out that she didn't notice the demon lord approach her.

'I say, are you alright my dear?' Bass asked.

'Lord Bass?' The girl turned and looked a bit startled. She didn't know anyone else was on the balcony with her, so when Bass spoke out of nowhere, it caused her to jump.

'Is something wrong? You look awfully forlorn,' the demon told her with concern as he walked up and stood beside of her, resting his arms on the railing.

'I have a question,' Azmy looked back over the ledge of the balcony.

'What is it?' The demon lord stared at the girl with questioning eyes.

'Can you get rid of love?' The very question confused him. Why would you want to get rid of such a wonderful feeling?

'Why would you want to do that?' To him, love was one of the most important things that one could have. To be loved was an indescribable feeling and among the most wonderful in the world.

'I love someone that I shouldn't," Azmy sounded very upset when she admitted that.

'But love, if it's true, cannot be wavered,' Bass told her honestly. Love wasn't just something that one could change their opinion on or rid themselves of so easily.

'I don't want to love him. I don't want to hurt my friends.'

'Humans often have feelings that they can't explain. It's the same for anything that's alive, really,' Bass tried to make her understand that the feelings weren't just going to go away but she could at least have the opportunity to come to terms with herself.

'I've tried to figure them out. I really have!' The upset girl burst out and slammed her hands against the railing and she bent down in mental anguish. 'No matter what I do, I don't know how to get rid of them.'

'These are your true feelings.' It was the one sentence that Azmy dreaded. The one thing that she didn't want to be told.

'Please don't say that,' the girl almost begged that his answer would change.


'It makes me think that all of my options have been taken.' With no options, there was only one that she could do.

'Options?' Bass hoped that she didn't mean what he thought she did.

'When all else fails, there is always one certain way to end it,' the girl looked back up, her blank eyes looked across the barren land before her.

'Surely you don't mean-' Bass tried to say but he was cut off by her words.

'That will be my last resort.' It was the last that Azmy had told him before she died. He hoped and wished that the girl would get better and reconsider her actions, but he knew deep in his heart, that she would not. Bad omens befell the girl in many ways, and this one was just too much for her fragile soul to bear. 'I'll bet anything that she committed suicide.'

"Are you coming, Lord Bass?" Chichiri asked a little unsurely as he waved his hand in front of the spaced-out demon's face. Bass jolted a little a blinked himself into reality.

"Yes, sorry. I was thinking about something," Bass followed the group down the hall.

'Those three had better not lose, especially if Fife wants to reclaim his glory as a prince.' Hiroshima thought to himself as he ran through the halls in search of the four people he sought out. He wondered what he would find when he finally reached his destination and wished Fife the best on facing off against the leader of the Catholic Army.

The final battle was at hand.

To Be Continued…