Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ School of ghosts and humans ❯ Dream ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer - I own this storie so anyone say I don’t (I did make this storie!) then deal with it!

Ok Goman for taking a long time to write this section but I have other things I wanted to do so here is the second chapter.


School of ghosts and humans Ch.2 Dreams

Na ru fought in her sleep, this seemed to happen every time she would try to sleep.


Naru ran through a field of flowers with her new best friend, Takahashi .

“Takahashi! Look what I found!” Said Naru from the other side of the field.
Naru held up a brightly colored flower.

She turned around to show him but he wasn’t there.
“Takahashi? Hisome-san!” Yelled Naru running through the flowers trying to find her friend.
As she ran the flowers disappeared and everything went dark.

“Hisome-san…Takahashi! NO! I’m alone again!” Yelled Naru as she collapsed onto her knees and held her face crying.

“Why are you crying dragon?” Said a curl voice. Naru looked up from her wet hands and came face to face with blood red eyes.
“Come with us and transform into your dragon form and kill every living creature with including Hisome-san.” It said as a dark arm reached for her.


End Dream

“NO!” Yelled Naru as tears came rolling down from her face.
Her breathing was ragged as she sat up, willing for the tears to stop.

“I-I wont do it I wont.” She said as another tear landed on her crisp white sheets.

Naru had been living alone for four years so she had to work and go to school.
So she never really had friends and most of them that clamed that they where had just used her for her brain because she had gotten good grades so she would move to get away from ‘them’ and the rest of the other kids.

So now she was here and trying to gain a life that she may only have one chance to get.
Ok Goman that this wasn’t long but I want to get some other things done so
Ja ne!

- Koi13