Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Shinji's Vow ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Shinji's Vow
Author: hostilecrayon
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Original/Action/Romance/Comedy/Supernatural/Drama?
Warnings: Abuse of Japanese names. It feels too anime not to. (No fanon Japanese though, no worries.)
Disclaimer: For once, I actually OWN it all. ALL, I say! Muahahahaha! Steal it and I shall stab you with a stabby spear! BWA HA HA!
Summary: Fuyuki Shinji is chosen as the protector of the Orb of Divinity. The problem is, it comes with a curse. Not to mention all sorts of beings to fight off. If he fails, spirituality is wiped from existance forever...
Notes: Original Fiction from Lisha? What? No Yaoi? WHAT? Believe it or not, this was inspired by horrid fanfiction with the line “his read eyes” in it. The character's eyes weren't even supposed to be red in the first place, but it struck up a conversation between Trippy Skippin Tomato (AKA my evil twin) and myself, and we came to the conclusion that it would make an awesomely crazy story about a guy who's thoughts were projected as little words in his eyes. So… the idea took hold and here we are. Yes, we all know I'm crazy.
Shinji's Vow
Intent, eager eyes peered into the center of the room. The Court of the High Council was filled to capacity with those who would wish to bear witness or help seal the vow and the curse that was to be bestowed upon such a young boy, barely fifteen years of age and just barely of adult status. No one other than the deities themselves knew the reason for picking the boy standing before them, but if he had the faith of the Gods, he had the faith of the entire High Council.
“Do you, Fuyuki Shinji, vow to protect the Orb of Divinity from all that may cause it harm?”
“I do.” His deep voice was firm and resolute.
“And do you, Fuyuki Shinji, agree to take upon yourself the Curse of Divine Truth to prove the purity of your vow?”
“I do.”
“Is there anyone present who objects to Fuyuki Shinji's Vow?”
A heavy silence hung in the air for a few moments before the High Priestess raised her jeweled hands above the young man's head. “The vow has been made. By the power of the deities standing before us and in front of the witness of the High Priests and Priestesses of the High Council, let Fuyuki Shinji be bound to his words.”
Shinji's amber eyes closed as the Gods rose from their seats to pour their power into him, tying his life to his vow and cursing the very depths of his soul. The witnesses were transfixed by the energies swirling around the boy, and when it was finished, they watched him closely. They had never before seen the Curse of Divine Truth and not one person turned away in fear of missing the effect it had on him. As he opened his eyes, they strained further, and many gave confused looks towards the High Priestess conducting the ceremony when, standing in close proximity of Shinji, she gasped.
In the golden eyes before her, written in clear, miniscule letters was the phrase, `This place is fucking creepy.'
Though the High Priestess did not voice her concerns, she had a feeling that the Curse of Divine Truth would do him much more harm than good.