Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Silent Worlds: Dial Tone ❯ All the things he said ( Chapter 8 )
Yakusoku eyes squeezed tightly shut in hope that whatever, or he should think whoever, is behind him doesn't melt his skin off from their suspicious touch. Ridiculous and young to think something like that- impossible too- but look at what's been happening so far! A girl can move things with her mind, and speak to him with it. That just doesn't happen! It's impossible! But it's happening, which means the impossible has now become possible; so the creeping hand coming up at his shoulder could very well melt his skin off.
He leaped into the air about a foot, and yelped as he did so; the frightened sound unheard by the toucher- apparently- because when he whirled around to confront the menace he found not a serial killer with a magic melting hand but the psychotic, love-struck blonde girl standing behind him.
Clutching a hand to chest, he tries to calm his racing heart.
Maria cocked a brow at him and smirked. "I'm the only one who can open this door... well, after some time you'll be able to open it as well. ...But by then you'll be so in love with me, you won't want to escape." She beeped his nose. "Standing here, though, is a direct violation of what I'd told you to do. How should I punish you for it? Take away the meal I offered? Give you a little love-tap." She touched his cheek.
Yakusoku shook his head, wanting neither.
Snickering, Maria shook her head in response. "I'm kidding!"
And she laughed away as though Yakusoku were laughing with her; she must have thought so with the way she touched his arm as if they both had to calm themselves from the jovial mood.
"I knew you'd try the door or the phone. So I'm letting you off the hook about it."
Yakusoku tucked himself inward when Maria leaned her weight into him pressing herself against his body as if she were a skin-tight tee shirt. The girl hummed as she rubbed her hands up and down his bare chest; and damn it was odd hearing the hum with his own ears. It was a strange almost frightening sound, with a thickness and weight to it. He actually felt his insides lurch when she sighed. It seemed that, mute as she is, she can still make some sounds on her own.
The captured male had to slap his cheek as a terrified tear just shot from his eye and down the side of his face. Weird reaction.
"Come on. Let's get you something to eat." Taking his hand she leads him into the kitchen. "You haven't earned the kitchen table just yet. But eating it downstairs will make you all warm inside. It'll feel wonderful- like having hot fudge at a ski lodge."
"Or like a prisoner eating in a cold cell." Grumped Yakusoku.
"As you liiiike." Sang Maria without a care in the world.
Releasing his hand, she stationed herself at the covered pot on the stove. "I'll just fix your bowl. You go downstairs and wait for me."
Yakusoku glanced through the kitchen's exit into the living room. He could make a run for it. But run where? She's the only one who can open the door- and he's guessing that that meant every door. Besides that, Maria told him that they aren't the only two people in the house. What if he were to wander into said guest's room and the natives aren't friendly? He didn't wanna think about it. He can fight alright; but what did time with Maria do to the missing male, that the girl had talked about, that he'd actually wanna stay? This hidden freak could be a beefed up body builder. Or criminally insane! He would see Yakusoku and not think once about killing him in cold blood.
The captured teen snapped out of his thoughtful stupor when Maria tapped the ladling spoon against the edge of the pot.
The chain hanging from his collar rattled as he turned to head back downstairs into the tomb of a basement. It was like day and night; the air stabbed him with its cold touch so quickly, so powerfully that his bones chilled through clean, and his limbs stiffened in movement. Right after his body had absorbed all of that wonderful artificial heat from the hot/cold A.C.
The delicious taste of vegetables and beef in the air from the boiling stew vanished into the taste of dank and stale mildew of the underground tomb, mixed with the dust of rat hair. The warm atmosphere that's almost like a winter cottage became the cold loneliness of his prison. At least the lights are on so he can easily see where he's going- not that he wants to see where it is that he's going. The cell still bothers him. The whole damned situation bothers him. And he hoped like hell his family finds him sooner than later.
Reaching for the cell door's handle, his hand quickly wrenched back due to the door swinging open for him. He had to steady himself from going mental over the idea of constantly being watched. But it's only a suspicion, he doesn't actually know if he's being monitored- or even how. Can she really use her gift to track his every move? His fears were confirmed when his body jerked forward and the chain hanging from his collar re-attached to the metal stud in the floor. Yakusoku didn't bother with giving it a few rebellious tugs to try to unlatch himself. He knew he was stuck fast. So, taking a seat on the loud bed, he waits for his captor to come down.
"Smells good, huh?" Maria asked once entering the cell. "It's rich in fiber and protein. It's got lots of vegetables and beef." Maria flopped onto the bed weighing it down more than she should have in Yakusoku's opinion. But then, he's always been a little on the light side.
"Maria, can I ask you something?"
"How much do you weigh?"
Laughing, Maria dipped the spoon into the saucer-deep bowl and held it over by Yakusoku's mouth. "Eat up."
"I can feed myself." Grumped the male.
"I know you can; my lover isn't some paste-eater. But eating is so much more romantic this way." She cocks her head to the side, her blonde hair fans out like a curtain. "Don't you agree?"
"I'd say no, but I don't wanna be disciplined." He muttered with his voice rather than his mind.
"I weigh 105, by the by." Replied Maria. 20 years later.
Sure that she's lying, he let it go. "I'm about 120." He then threw out there.
"Is that thin for a boy?" She asks while tilting the spoon his way again.
"I don't know." Taking the mouthful he swallows it barely chewing. The stew is damned tender.
Yakusoku had no idea of just how long it's been since he's eaten or of how hungry he truly was until the rich beefy stew hit his tastebuds. And honestly, he didn't expect it to be delicious. The captured Land teen thought it would taste like pussy, especially since it was the last thing he'd had in his mouth. His stomach groaned in the memory of the event, and he was overcome with wanting to toss anything he's eaten within the past few days out in hopes of removing any of the bile fluids that might have slipped down his throat- and there was more than a mouthwashes amount full- it was disgusting. Sickened, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to smell the stew before him so that it was all he tasted.
"I have something to give you but I can do it later, I suppose." Maria was saying to him.
Wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, he looks over at the girl. "What is it?" He had to ask.
"Just some rules and rewards. Think of it as a cheat-sheet to getting along with this situation."
"This situation, as you call it, doesn't have to be happening." Yakusoku glared at the girl to show that he means business. "You still have time to let me go."
"My Nanna taught me how to cook this." She completely ignored his words. "She taught me how to make a lot of things... unlike my mother, nanna cared for me..." With a shrug, Maria leaned over another spoonful.
"Oh." He replied. Yakusoku doesn't care about something like that. So 'oh' is the best she's gonna get.
"That's enough," Maria said without the bowl even being finished.
"But..." His stomach did the rest of his protesting by grumbling deep inside of him.
She wasn't really going to just cut him off before he's been properly fed... Was she? It would seem so. Maria set the bowl down on the floor and that was that. Yakusoku looked longingly down past the girl's crossed ankles to where the bowl was set; distracted by Maria's movement to fold her hands over her lap.
"I don't like your friends now, I mean, I didn't like them then but now... yeesh."
Yakusoku says nothing in response. He isn't going to, nor does he need to, defend his friends to this nutbag. Funny thing was it felt like his mouth was moving, though nothing was coming out. Must be imagining things because Maria would have said something if he were talking to her. But she continued on with her hate crime.
"Nono is fat... I think your friend Clark is molesting himself on objects- or would it be that he's molesting the objects with himself?" She actually thought her words over in wonder.
His head lulled a bit forward. He almost thought he'd smack into the cold concrete floor. But why? He was wide awake a moment ago...
"But that Gev... he's a damned monster."
Yakusoku's head wobbled that way, and he thought without moving his lips. 'I feel funny...'
Hearing him, Maria turned her head and smiled. "Ohhhh, I'm glad to hear you say that!" She clapped her hands together, very pleased at the unspoken declaration. "With you all relaxed as you are, it leaves you open to restoring your gift."
Breathing heavily, Yakusoku felt himself move without doing it on his own. "I don't have a gi-..." His words cut off. Vision fogged over, he shakes his head. "Son of a bitch..." He slurred before falling back onto the bed. It was the food. Maria had done something to the food.
By the time the drugs wore off, Yakusoku awoke to the sound of the bed springs bouncing like a trampoline. Groaning at the thick fog in his head, Yakusoku blinked his blurry eyes around the room. Maria's groan hit his mind like a brick into a pile of bricks. Groaning in disgust, he reached forward into the moving haze and tossed it to the floor. The thick thump of a falling body sounded right before her scream.
"Stop it! Stop IIIIIT!" She bellowed.
"You..." His exhausted voice whispered. "first... bitch..." God his body ached. It felt as though he'd been tossed from a window ten stories up, over and over. And somehow managed to live. He groaned again as pain swept through him.
"And after I was so nice to you!" Maria snapped in reply. Getting to her feet, she growled at the disobedient male. "I fed you, asshole!"
Yakusoku didn't even have a second to think when he was pulled violently to the hard concrete floor, landing on his right arm where he was jerked along by the chain dangling from his collar. The floor scraped and scuffed his skin with every jerked inch; his frightened flailing wasn't helping in lessening the damage either.
"You wanna act stupidly, then you'll be disciplined." Her voice hissed into his mind.
The lock has been removed from the lower part of the chain and then replaced back into one of the loops much closer to the disobedient teen than he'd of liked. In fact, he was a mere seven rings away from being latched right at the throat.
"Let this be a lesson to you, Promise... that you will do as you're told and if you refuse... let's just say this had better be the last time this has to happen."
And she left. Just like that.
0 0 0
December 24th. The Land home.
Quinn could hardly look at her youngest son. She's been in the window of their living room staring at the street for hours. She believed that Yakusoku would come walking up the driveway, and tell them that nothing happened. That his car had just skidded on the ice on the street and that was how it wound up in the ditch. Knowing how expensive it is, he was ashamed to face them with news that it's been ruined, and so he stayed over at a friend's house until he was sure the worst of the blame was over.
It was a pretty far out wish to be the truth, but it was better than believing what the police have told them. That their son was suicidal and has disappeared and killed himself. That it was a common occurrence with teenagers that are troubled. Although, they admitted that most of them just do it in their own home, but that didn't mean it was any less true a thought to weigh.
But Yakusoku wasn't troubled. ...Well, he did go through that two years a completely different person than the one they've raised since adoption. He was rude, swore like a sailor, stayed out at all hours and came home reeking of alcohol- which they still don't know how he got his hands on- weed, they knew he got from Gev. And if Quinn wasn't mistaken sex. But, Yakusoku wouldn't do THAT... Would he?
"Oh my god." Quinn began to cry again.
Her face has swelled considerably from all the crying she's been doing; she's completely lost to her remaining family. As far as they're concerned Quinn isn't there either. She hasn't cooked, hasn't cleaned. Ai's been doing it all, along with help from his father from time to time when the man isn't out scouring the city for Yakusoku.
They've put up flyers for rewards; their phone and cell numbers just out for the public eye to see, and they've gotten calls. Some from students at school asking if it were true. Some from other people being wise-asses. And a few from people who saw his car on that horrible night. They said that he was headed for the store, at least that's where he'd parked his car. They drove by before they could see him exit.
"Mom, I really think you should eat something," Ai suggested for what must be the hundredth time since his brother's disappearance.
As well as pouring on the tears, Quinn hasn't been eating either. She's lost six pounds already! The plump Swedish woman would be a pencil if Yakusoku isn't found sooner than later.
"I'm not hungry." She said barely above a whisper.
"I know you're not, but you should eat something anyway." Walking into the kitchen he returned with a plate of sandwiches. "Dad made them. It's turkey and tomato."
Quinn is unresponsive. She said she doesn't want to eat and she meant it.
Sighing, Ai placed the plate down on top of the television stand. "Please eat."
"How could this have happened, Ai?"
"I..." And he stopped speaking right there. He must have answered the question a million times, and he still has no answer that will comfort her. "Eat, and watch a Christmas movie with me?" He grabs his mother's hand, then the plate of sandwiches. "Come on."
Quinn got up, or rather, she was tugged up from her seat and walked over to the couch. "Ai, I really don't want to."
"But, it's the holidays," He protested as if that vanquished any horrible thing going on in the world.
And if you watch the movies, it usually does just that. But being the holidays isn't going to bring his brother back, though it could at least cheer Quinn up somewhat. If the Hoos could sing and the Grinch could turn nice, surely Quinn could find a smile somewhere- or at least eat. Honestly, he's barely functioning, but Ai knows he has to do it or his mother will lose herself completely. And so would his father.
The man has been with the police since day one, but Reeve can only take so much as well. Ai isn't going to believe the lies of his brother being suicidal. Ai isn't going to believe that Yakusoku ran away. He's unsure of whether or not he can even consider someone having taken him, that'd be so weird. But what else could it be? But who would take him? Some random perv? He's in the age range of perverted interest.
"We'll watch Frosty the Snowman or Rudolph... You love his stuffy voice, remember?"
Quinn nodded but then her tears renewed. "You... you and your brother always sound like Rudolf when you've been out in the cold for too long."
Panicked, Ai wraps his arms around her hugging her close. "Mom, forget Rudolf... We'll watch... um... Jingle All the Way."
That movie seemed to always be on from the moment December begins to when it ends.
"Maybe Christmas with the Kranks, you love Jamie Lee... Mom..." His shoulders and face sag at once. "Please stop crying. Yakusoku is gonna be found- before he's hurt... Everyone is looking for him, and praying for him. It's only a matter of time."
"You're right, I shouldn't be moping. I should be out there with your father and the police looking for your brother."
"I'll get your coat and things, but first, you eat." He lifts a sandwich and hands it to her. "You need strength to look."
Ai smiled when she bit into the sandwich. Looks like another long day of searching is ahead of them. Their dad had seen a video of Yakusoku's car pulling into the Save-a-Lot store's lot on that night, but that didn't do much for evidence since his car was moved. And Yakusoku didn't exactly get out of the car, it was only identified by Reeve. The video footage was on its last roll by the time Yakusoku pulled in and once his car stopped the tape rewound itself to record new footage. Maybe it was time to take Nono's advice and put up posters in the next state. It might help.
It's been six days since Yakusoku went missing. All is quiet. Little helpful tidbits here and there didn't amount to where his brother has gone to. The crash into the ditch must have happened overnight as well because no one had seen that either. It was as if that entire night were a magic trick of 'now you see him, now you don't'.
The thing that Ai couldn't wrap his head around was who'd wanna abduct his brother?
0 0 0
Ludwig stood outside of the hospital on pins and needles. Seeing Gev out of the hospital put his already frazzled nerves on edge. He can't stop blaming himself for what's happened. He'll never be able to take it back! Had he not kissed him, Yakusoku would still have been over at his house and not out on the road. And with the constant battle of guilt he's going through, he knows that Gev and the others will see right through him. It's what'll happen next that just gets him.
They won't understand, they'll think he's gay. People don't like gay. Despite these supposed 'changed times of a new world', people still treat you like shit for being drastically different. But he isn't different! It was just a really bad call on his part. He wanted to fit in- couldn't they get that!? Probably not a jock like Clark. Not a religious guy like Nono... Or is he? And certainly not Yakusoku's best friend Gev. He most of all would hate him.
He once thought that the Russian was in love with his best friend, but knowing what he does now... It's only ever been a weird kind of friendship. But the two of them let him into the car that night, they let him be a part of their weird friendship... Would they understand that he was only trying to fit in with that weird molding that he may actually be comfortable with?
He physically winced when the bright sky flared against the double-doors of the front of the hospital as the two glass panels slide apart for the exiting occupants; Ludwig steeled himself when spotting his could-be-ex-best friend exit the building in a wheelchair; his mother pushing it while his little sister bounced beside him then on him so that she could hitch a ride too.
"I'm going with Ludwig," Gev says upon spotting the male. "You can go now."
"Okay." Replied his mother.
"Bye kid." He says to Victoria.
Walking over to them, Ludwig offers a hand to the battered male. "Are you sure you're up for searching? You're just getting out of the hospital, and the cold might be a bitch on recovery."
Shaking off his hand after the assistance, he looks at his palm. Ludwig should really stop touching people if he's gonna shock them every time. It's annoying. "Doesn't make a difference. I'm gonna find Yakuza, and bring his ass back here. Plus, I've got my pillow tucked beneath my coat to keep me all safe." He gave his plump upper body a pat.
Watching him get up from the chair was gut wrenching, he moved a whole lot slower than he should have- even with a helping hand- but overall he looked all right; and if the doctor said that he can go... he can go.
Ludwig glanced back to where Mrs. London and Victoria are, he sees that they're only putting the wheelchair back in the lobby with the staff. "I parked over here." He points.
"Wonderful. Lead the way."
Great. He's in a bad mood. Ludwig will definitely not be telling him about what happened. Besides, it may not make a difference in the investigation anyway. Why would the police need to know the exact reason that Yakusoku left his home; it makes sense to tell the guys, they may know of where the male would go if he were just hiding out from homophobic panic.
Gev snickered when Ludwig ran on ahead and opened the door for him. The guy could get weirder by the day. Gev rubbed his arms and when he got inside the car he quickly reached for all the vents so he could turn them on himself before Ludwig got in. With that settled, he lights up a much-needed cigarette.
Ludwig only acknowledged what happened by glancing around the dash, but he didn't care; starting the car, he's sure to crank the heat up.
"Now let's see," Gev whipped the letters of the progress of the investigation from his pocket.
"You're gonna read those right here?" Asked the driver.
Ludwig shouldn't have cared, but it was kind of an itchy feeling to be in the same place as someone reading notes that he's given. The trauma was implanted in the fourth grade. He passed a sweetheart love note to a girl he really liked over Valentines. She liked it, sure, but she read it out loud to all her girlfriends, who laughed at him and all the guys in class shoved him around saying he was a sex-machine. How did that even make sense?! Kids are cruel. But then that's his luck, it's always been his luck. He's a nice guy, puts himself out there, and he gets stepped on at every turn.
'But I should tell him.' He thinks. 'He might know where Yakusoku would go to brood if a guy kissed him.' Glancing over at Gev, he swallowed a hard lump in his throat. But his nerves wouldn't go down.
"They found his car in a ditch over behind Gungy Whamp?" Gev read on off of the little yellow notepad paper. "But some eyewitnesses said they saw him parking at a vacant lot in front of a Save-a-Lot store."
"The cops think he met up with someone, and that he then took his car over by that way and crashed it."
"Why does that make sense?" Asked the muddled passenger trying to make sense of the little notes and situation.
"Don't know. They're still looking into it." The car slows to a stop by the park. "Reeve's been out day to night putting up posters and talking to people, but he's gotten nowhere."
Looking out the window Gev noticed the scenery has become still. Confused the Russian asked. "Why did we stop moving?"
Steeling himself, he draws in a long breath then quickly and quietly says. "Ikissedhimandheleft."
Trying again, he closes his eyes and more slowly says. "I kissed him... and he left." He literally scrunched himself up waiting for the punch.
Gev only looked at the panicked male, snorted, then went back to reading the last note. "Shit man." He muttered to himself.
"Did you hear me?"
"Yeah. You kissed him and he left." Opening the glove compartment, he stuffs the slips of paper inside, pulling out a stack of papers underneath them. "This picture is terrible. This is the only one the Lands had?" He waved the Missing flyer at his friend.
"That's it?" He replied. Holding his breath, Ludwig wondered if it would really be that simple? Maybe Gev's ignoring it because he doesn't wanna believe it. "...You're not mad?"
Gev threw his friend an exasperated glance then said. "First of all, if I were mad at you, there goes my ride around town since I don't have a car. And second, Yakuza didn't leave because you kissed him. So why would you tell me that?"
"Because you might know where he'd go-.."
Cutting him off Gev snorts. "What? If he were struck with a sudden case of homophobia? Dude," And a thick cloud of smoke steam-rolled out of his nostrils. "don't tell me you've been making stupid-face over that the entire time he's been gone... That's why you were so fucked every time you came to drop a note at the hospital?"
"Yeah." The Canadian said and lamely dropped his head.
"You could have answered your own question, Lud, he'd of come to me." He slowly nods when Ludwig cocks a brow. "And there he would say something like 'guess what that weirdo did' and we'd either never speak to you again- if it were that much of an issue- or we'd laugh it off and carry on as per usual." He shrugs.
"For real?"
Rolling his eyes, Gev unbuckles himself from the seat. Turning in his seat he then leaned over the distance between them to grab Ludwig by the collar of his coat. Ludwig thought he was going to get head-butted so he defensively slung himself back up against the door, popping the back of his head into the window. But rather than a nasty slam to head, he got a- surprisingly pleasant- kiss on the lips. Gentle and sweet then rough and demanding. The startled Canadian would never have to wonder what smoking is like anymore because the taste is so palpable on Gev's tongue it's like his licking severely burnt paper. But who cared when a kiss could be that well made.
Backing away Gev cocked a brow, smiling at the flustered picture before him when he asked. "Was it like that?"
Letting out a held breath, he starts to say something. "You're... not?"
Opening his mouth, Gev instead moved in for the male's neck to clamp down like a clam before giving it a very firm suckling to a few audible kisses before finally backing off, plopping back into his seat.
"Or was it like that?" Bored with the subject Gev shook his head and scowled at the flyers again.
"But... I thought that..."
"We're not homophobic, Lud'... At least I'm not. Yakuza is good to everyone, and I can't speak for the other two clowns."
"But, what about all that 'pause' stuff?"
Snickering, he replied sing-songy. "We're just goofing aroooound." Looking back at Ludwig he asked. "Can we head to the photocopy place? I'm gonna make some new flyers."
"S- sure." Starting the car, he swings back into the street.
Ludwig's very surprised at how that had turned out. He'd expected disses and beatings. Let him have said that to his old friends before he moved away and he would have been dragged into the woods and mauled. Maybe this really was his place to be himself. He really has found it. And now a part of that place is missing. A part he didn't even really think much about until it was gone.
Ludwig felt that he was best friends with Yakusoku, at least on his end. How did the Asian male feel about him? He's not sure. Ludwig knows he can't replace Gev in Yakusoku's life, but he'd like to be somewhere in that range. To be a guy come to whenever shit was just dumb and needed to be discussed. To be cared about. And wanted there.
How fucked is your heart that it doesn't officially pine for someone until they're gone?
Snickering, Gev teases. "You're so dramatic... Stopping the car and everything. This isn't the soaps."
"You'd do it too if you thought you'd lose your friends over it."
"Nuh-uh, I can't drive." And he laughed on about the car being pulled over.
"Shut up. Besides," wiping his hand across his mouth and neck; he decides to tease right along and back. "You could have just said it's cool, you didn't have to kiss me."
Wriggling his brows, the Russian says. "Oh didn't I?"
Ludwig chuckles quietly to himself, then cautiously asks. "And you're sure that's not the reason he left- that he would come to you?"
"Positive." And he was shameless about how it could have, and did, sound like he was tooting his own horn.
"And... you're not gonna spread it around school... about what happened? Because I'm not gay!" He was sure to say, though he wished his words didn't come out so panicked. He himself has nothing against homosexuality. It's your life. Unless you're hurting someone, you should be able to live it as you want.
"Dude, you've become one of my good friends... The left hand to my missing right. I don't care what you do that makes you happy. So be gay, don't be gay- so what."
Ludwig took that in a moment. "...Thank you."
"Eh." Gev waved it off. He's more interested in thumbing through pictures on his phone. "I was wondering when you were gonna spring your feelings on him anyway. Didn't think you had the balls to outright kiss him."
Leaning his phone over to the driver, he shows him a picture of a distracted Yakusoku who just happened to glance the camera's way. It was a good picture of the missing male. A nice clear shot.
"And look at this one."
The next shot is from the same place, same time, only in this shot, Yakusoku noticed the camera and flipped it off. Ludwig chuckles.
"I could tell you liked him, sometime around after his birthday- all those stolen glances, the way you'd scan the room for tell-tale signs that anyone noticed your heart flutter from him talking to you directly." He snickered. "Fuck me, you'd smile just hearing him talk."
"Don't make it sound so feminine."
"I'm not. Don't be mad... I just notice these things, that's all. And if you're worried about other people noticing, watch out for that." He pats him on the shoulder. "Got it?"
"Okay." Turning his attention out the window, he points. "There. Stop there."
The two get out of the car after it's been parked in a vacant place in front of the store.
0 0 0
Lying around in your own drool while smelling your urine and jerking off to keep yourself warm can be damned humbling if Yakusoku could say so himself. His breaths shuddered from his throat as the cold swept through him again once the warmth from stroking himself rubbed off.
"Maria! I'm sorry!" He screamed again over a dry throat. "Please come back!"
His stomach growled again. The hunger was getting to him severely. It would only be a matter of time before his insides turned on themselves. How long has he been down here? A day? A week? Alone. Frozen. Dare he admit to it, frightened. The cold was making him confused too. At one point he was sure he was sitting outside of his house on the porch swing, throwing snowballs at the fence with Ai. The two of them were talking about hot places, seeing if it would warm them up if they had nothing but the power of suggestion on their side. It, of course, wasn't working.
He was awake one minute, then asleep the next, then asleep but dreaming that he was awake. Yakusoku is so stuck that he actually dreamt of himself screaming for help and begging for Maria to come back and help him. And if that weren't bad enough, something kept touching the bottom of his foot. His feet were in combat with each other trying to brush the offending thing away, but it wouldn't let up.
Probably a mouse looking for seconds after it finished polishing off that bowl of stew left beside the bed. Ohhh, the bed. He'd give anything to be laying on that rickety thing with its flimsy blanket.
"Got your toe." Declared the voice he'd heard upstairs earlier.
And it was like he'd been stabbed in the ankle with a searing hot knife when a bony finger tapped him.
"Aaaahh!" He flailed, writhed, and spun like a wild animal pulling at a gag.
The voice from upstairs laughed. It is definitely in the room with him!
Stupidity came from cold, obviously, because through chattering teeth Yakusoku tried the friendly approach. "Who's there?" He asked.
He remembered this game from when he'd first woken up down here. He asked this and that only to be repeated.
"Who's there?" Repeated the voice. Teasing him like it read his memory of the situation.
"Please don't do this to me. If someone is there, we can help each other." He pleaded to the disembodied voice.
"Mmm. Would you reeeeally let me help you? Hm?"
"Yes! Yes, I would! Please help me."
Again Yakusoku shrank himself up into a fetal position. "Maria! Maria!" He called out.
Clearly, whomever this person is in his cell has lost touch with reality, and now he plans on screwing with the new guy. Maria said it herself everyone she speaks to about him is jealous and angry. This nut might try to kill him while he's pinned by the neck to the floor.
"Maria help me! He's down here!" Yakusoku screamed with a raw voice that's only getting worse.
"Poke! Poke! Poke!" Teased the intruder continually stabbing him while howling with laughter.
"Mariaaaa!" Yakusoku shrieked away. "He's down here! He's down here!"
The lights flickered on and remained so. He could hear the door groan and rapid footsteps coming down the stairs before the cell bar shrieked higher than his own panicked cries.
"What? What?!" Kneeling down beside Yakusoku, Maria got a hold onto the male with one hand to keep him from climbing on top of her, while she unhooks him from the stud.
Realizing he's free Yakusoku bolted for the corner of the cell where the door isn't located. Bad enough he's got some nut in his cell, the last thing he wants is for Maria to think he's trying to flee. But could he? He looked over at the open door, which swung shut instantly and locked.
"Now what is going on in here?" Asked the tiny blonde, who seemed like a mighty tree in a forest of shrubs.
A shaking arm raised to point a finger by the bed. "Your friend from upstairs got in, and he's been touching me."
"My friend?" Maria cocked her head. Looking to where Yakusoku is pointing she moves over to the bed. "Under here?" Leaning over she looks beneath the bed. "Nothing. No one. It's empty. Surely you can see that."
Standing, Maria walked over to Yakusoku giving him a scrutinizing look. She can't tell if he's faking it or not, but she didn't feel it necessary to not believe him. If someone was touching him, someone touched him.
Sighing, she placed her hands on her hips. "For God's sake, you're blue." Shaking her head as if staying down in the tomb were his idea, she grabs him beneath his arm to help his shaking body from the floor. "Come on. We'll get you warmed up."
Yakusoku followed her, all the while casting wary glances over his shoulder at the laughter filling his ears. Someone is in his cell with him. He just can't figure out where they're hiding in such a sparse space. Nothing but a bed, small dresser and a sink and toilet. Not exactly a department store full of this and that to shield yourself.
'Could he have hidden in the mattress?' Wondered the male. He turned his head when hearing Maria laugh. 'She thinks I'm lying?' He cocks his head; a displeased look on his face.
"I didn't say that. I just think it's a pretty lame trick into getting upstairs when you know that I might still be mad at you- which I'm not. I was actually coming to get you when I heard you screaming for me."
He would never get used to her being in his head. Trembling limbs climb the stairs with help from Maria tugging him. His heart actually came to a standstill once the door opened. Someone is at the kitchen table. Eyes wide with morbid wonder, Yakusoku eyes the large male on his way by into the living room.
"As you can see all are accounted for- well- except for Al'. But then who knows where he wandered to."
Maria continued speaking about how the male was there one day then gone the next. But that was a year ago. Yakusoku paid no attention to that, only the stranger at the table. Thick brown hair, curly like a pile of Cheerio ringlets strewn about someone's head. He's big, gotta be 6′ tall. Yakusoku can't see the male's face since its downcast at the table while he's eating. He's lean, muscled. Looks like if he wanted, he could really mess a guy up. He could have been the one down in the cell with him. If he could just get the male to talk.
"That's Lucian, by the way. Say hello, Lucian."
"Hello," Lucian spoke with his voice.
'It wasn't him.' Thinks Yakusoku.
He would know that voice in his head instantly whether it was out loud or not. This guy's voice wasn't raspy, it wasn't snide, it wasn't teasing or messing around. It was... sad. Beaten. Broken. Maybe this guy would be the one to help him out of this situation?
"Nope. It wasn't him." Maria chimed in. "Let's watch a holiday movie. Lucian, get Promise a blanket from upstairs."
"Yes, miss." The chair sounded as it's pushed back. Lucian promptly left the kitchen, brushing past the two without touching them, he hurried up the stairs for a blanket.
"And as you can see" Maria points to the rocking chair where a little Japanese girl, couldn't be more than six, sat.
She has a large cup of cocoa on her lap. Yakusoku can smell it as they approach.
"Atsuko hasn't done it either."
"Our daughter."
Yakusoku didn't dare to argue, not now when he's made it beyond the frozen tundra and is now in the main part of the house with the central warmth. Maria knows that it's wrong to kidnap people, and she knows that eventually they'll all be found, and she'll be imprisoned. Hopefully for forever.
The captured teen cupped his genitals to prevent the young girl from seeing them. He's not sure of what's happened to her in this house, but he'd like to keep some modesty between them so that she won't believe he'll harm her as Lucian may have. He could be the boyfriend that Maria was talking about over the phone when she was pretending to be Amari. God! How could he be so stupid as to fall for that?!
"Have a seat," Maria instructed the man of her dreams. "Speed it up up there!" She hollered at Lucian.
The beaten male appeared at the top of the stairs almost instantly and in a rush brought a thick blanket downstairs for Yakusoku. He held it out to him, but Maria snapped it away and handed it to Yakusoku herself.
"What do we say?"
Yakusoku sincerely said. "Thank you."
That put a smile on her face. Yakusoku quickly wrapped himself in the blanket and rubbed himself to remove the chill from his bones. He didn't think he'd ever get warm.
"Here. Take it." Lucian held a cup out to him.
Reaching for it, Yakusoku took it. "Thank you."
"Whoops!" Maria knocks the cup from its course of exchange. "I didn't say you could give him a drink, Lucian. Promise has been bad, so he doesn't get a drink of cocoa. Maybe you'll get him some water instead?"
"Yes, miss." He left for the kitchen.
With a shrug, Maria says to her new captive. "Oh well."
Yakusoku had to ask. Curiosity always gets the better of him, that's how he ended up where he is now. Being too damned curious. Why does Maria do this? Why does she say that? All his fault? But what about them? What did these two do to deserve this fate?
"Maria, can I ask you something?"
Maria is currently flipping through channels for a movie to watch. But she glances at him to show she's listening.
"How long have you had them with you?"
"Atsuko has been with me for two years. Lucian has been with me for a long time, and Al... only about 4 years."
Slowly, he shakes his head. "How can you be doing this?"
"You can do whatever you want to when you really wanna do it," Maria replied coolly. "Nothing is impossible for me... It'll be the same way for you once you restore your gift. These two don't have one, just us- and Al. We're very special, you and me."
"But you're wrong about me... I don't do the things you can do- I can't!"
Maria shrugged. "Not yet." Wrapping her arms around his arm, she rests her head on the teen's shoulder. "I'm sorry anyway."
"For what?" He wanted to add 'abducting him', but he kept his mouth shut. And hard as it was to not think the words, he kept his mind shut too and instead chose to pull the blanket up a little higher around his shivering body.
"Leaving you down there as long as I did... But I was really mad at you, ya know? But then I remembered that this is all new to you, and you're bound to lash out from time to time." Kissing his shoulder, she ignored the cringe it received. "It's the holidays, so, I'll play nice as well."
"You're too kind." He replied sarcastically.
"Do you want something to eat? I made chili, and baked some cookies."
"Yes, please." Yakusoku actually closed his eyes in the pleasure of having something to eat. He really is starving. He thought his only sustenance would be water.
"I'll fix you a bowl, and while I'm in the kitchen you need to be thinking of a holiday movie." Getting up from the couch she moves to the kitchen, still speaking to him as she disappears beyond the room. "It wasn't always bad at home; growing up, over the holidays, we would pick a Christmas movie that we believed was playing on more than one channel, and whoever guessed right would get something very special in their stocking. It was always so much fun- I never lost."
Letting Maria babble on, Yakusoku turned his attention to Atsuko. She's looking at him as well. Smiling, he waved a hand. Atsuko smiled timidly and bowed. Yakusoku could recall a time when Maria was timid about being around him. Now she's over confident, and cruel. He had to wonder if it were all an act from the get go. Probably. God, he's stupid.
"My name is Yakusoku." He says to the young girl.
"Hello. Nice to meet you." She signed it to him. Atsuko can speak through sign language?
'Thank you, Sophie.' Yakusoku looked to the ceiling as if the girl would smile at him. Returning his attention to Atsuko, he signed to her. "Are you ok? Have you been hurt?"
"I'm ok. I... Sometimes Lucian comes into my room, but I'm ok. Miss Maria told me that your name is Promise; she talks about you a lot. My real name is Tsukiko. What's yours?"
"It's Promise, translated from Yakusoku."
"I know. I can speak some Japanese."
"Oh." Silenced, he lowers his hands back beneath the blanket when spotting Maria at the kitchen entry.
"Did you think of a movie?" She asked.
Maria gave no indication as to whether or not she's heard the conversation between them or not. She just set the bowl down on Yakusoku's lap.
A small, very small serving it was at that, and half a cookie too. He could definitely repeat himself when saying "you're too kind". But he shut his mouth and ate a spoonful.
"I choose The Grinch. That's usually on three channels at once before you even get to see it the one time." Maria announced.
"A Christmas Story."
That got the demented girl laughing. "Are you kidding? Whatever made you pick that?" She glanced up when Lucian exited the kitchen; done with his meal, and took a seat on the sofa beside Maria.
"I always see it on TBS and they've started showing it on TMC." The captured male shrugged.
"If you say so."
The television flipped channels to the TV Guide. They watched silently as it rolled up, 3 titles at a time displaying what's on. Sure enough The Grinch was making an appearance on ABC, but they had yet to see it again. And on TBS there was the all-day marathon of Yakusoku's choice. Both only needed to see their selection one more time to win this special something in their stocking. Yakusoku was sure that either way he was screwed. Maria would believe he wanted her, and her prize would be fucking around with him.
"Are you listening?" Asks the voice from down in his cell.
Yakusoku almost knocked his bowl over from jumping so hard. 'Where are you?'
"Mmm. Around." Replied the disembodied voice. "Don't be dumb, finish your food and talk to me verbally, she won't hear you- Lucian will, but he won't say anything. He's sort of the, speak, but only when spoken to type."
Shoveling his chili down; he burnt his tongue on it a couple times but did as he was told and placed the plate down on the table. Raising the blanket up over his mouth, he whispered. "Are you Al?"
"I might be." Giggles the voice. "But then, I might not be."
'Great. riddles.' Thinks Yakusoku.
Maria looked at him but paid it no mind. Instead, she noticed that he was covering his mouth with the blanket and helped him warm up by removing herself from his arm to tuck the blanket all around him. That movement reminded him, and he asked.
"Can she hear you?"
"I'm a whole other level over her. She definitely can't hear me... unless I want her to."
"As I said before, I wanna help you get out of here... but you're gonna have to do something for me in return."
"Anything," Yakusoku whispered desperately.
"Wonderful. I'll see you downstairs; Maria won't keep you up there with her forever. We'll talk then."
And just like that, the buzzing in his head went away. It was weird. It hurt a lot more than when Maria invades his mind to speak. He's used to her by now, she's just a tingling sensation compared to that war roiling around his brain waves. He slowly let out a held breath.
"Looks like I win. The Grinch is playing on three channels." She held up three fingers for emphasis. "Eat it, loser!" She chuckled.
"Oh, that's real cute on a girl." Despite his hatred of the girl, he laughed.
"You know what I want as a gift?"
His hesitation was ignored, and she replied. "To get you cleaned up. You stink like urine and sex." Getting up from the couch, Maria smooths a hand down her thick wool skirt. "Don't worry, I won't molest you. I'm not in the mood for your foreplay."
Yakusoku shook his head, still amazed at how she makes it seem as though it's all his idea. "Maria, I don't care what you say to me... but can you please keep it Y-rated when Atsuko is around?"
"Don't ask me for favors." She practically spat. "Besides, Atsuko can only hear me when I want her to hear me. This conversation is just between us."
"Just because my lips are moving it doesn't mean that everyone can hear me." She shrugged. "I can't help it. Call it years of conditioning from trying to be normal."
"If you want to be normal, then why would you do all this?" Asks the male. "Why have me restore my gift, as you keep saying; why not keep us both normal?"
"Waaatch iiiit." Sang the disembodied voice.
Maria's eyes narrowed to razor slits, and she ground out. "I don't have time to bring water and the tub, so just come upstairs and use the shower in my room. Okay?"
The two were in a staring contest until Lucian sneezed, snapping them out of it; kind of like spraying water on two dueling cats.
"Okay." Says Yakusoku. But only because he agreed with her... He needs a bath.
"This is going to be interesting." Murmured the voice in Yakusoku's head.