Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Stolen ❯ Irony of Politics ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2
Irony of Politics
"Oh my lord." The whisper berley escaped her lips. Tears started to well up in her eyes. Conner had a stab wound right at the heart. Very neat and precise; almost no blood. "Is he...dead?" She asked, knowing the answer already. Tarrin gave a solemn nod. Terra put her hand to her mouth and shuddered. She heard the soft opening of the barrel door behind her. She didn't bother to turn around.Irony of Politics
"My God!" A hand suddenly pushed her out of the way harshly. She stumbled, but Lesley's hand was there to stop her from falling. Thomas knelt over the body of the fallen one. He suddenly shot her a venomous look. "Very well done, Terra. Bravo!" Although she and everyone else knew he was being over dramatic and taking advantage of the situation, she felt her cheeks burning. Men from the barrel and the cellar stared at her. She opened her mouth to talk but no sound came out.
"Look at you, gaping like a fish! You can't even take something on like a man. No wonder, being a mere woman." On the word woman he spat. Terra glared at him. She felt a lot of the men tense up at the sighn of disrespect. Lesley growled, and his hand moved to his hilt.
"Being a woman had nothing to do with it," she retorted sharply. He just snickered. Terra looked to the rest. "I'm truly sorry for this enormous tragedy. It is a loss that we shall all feel in one way or another. We knew this might happen and accepted that fact, but that does not nevertheless lessen this tragedy." This was all she could say as she bent her head tword the ground. Everyone was still, not knowing what to do. Had she been alone, or at least not in the presence of Thomas or his supporters, she would have given way to tears. Instead, though, she quickly regained herself and put on a stone exterior.
"Brodrick and Riven, please take the body to the sick house and prepare it for burial. We shall have the ceremony tomorrow. As for the rest of you, back to the interior. Everyone help with the tallying of our new goods, and transfer them to the treasure store house. I will go and see if I can arrange diner for all of us with the Mug Man. We shall have a discussion period after we all get a little food into our stomachs in the Prime Hall." As everyone started to head back to the inner chamber, Brodrick and Riven came forward to take the body and carry it in as well.
Thomas started to head in, but not before sending one last comment tword's Terra. "Perhaps, it would be best, if we had a series of deciding votes tonight as well." She glared at him. A knife was already making its way to her hand from her wrist-sheath and would have landed at his heart as well, but Lesley saw the action and grabbed her hand.
"No, Terra, no more blood. One life is enough for today."
She stared into his eyes for a moment and then relaxed her grip as the knife was nestled back into it's sheath. She nodded her head. "You're right. Well, I'll go and see to dinner." He let go of her hand and with that she walked over to the stairs, expecting everyone to go back in. Instead, Tarrin followed her.
She looked back. "You needn't follow me. If you want, go back to the interior help with the loot. There's a great deal of it, even if Thomas does not agree. It's quite a sight actually."
He just looked at her and smiled. "Nah, I'll go with you. You look like you could use a little support." He paused. "Are you all right?" His eyes changed from laughter to concern.
"I'm fine...I mean I'll be all right..well..." Tears welled up in her eyes and her voice started to crack.
"Oh Terra," he whispered. He was at her side within two steps and put his arms around her as she buried her face in his shirt . Hot tears streamed down her face and she found it hard to catch her breath. He held her close. He guided her to the stairs and sat them both down, never letting her go once until finally and slowly her sobs subsided. When she finally stopped crying, she pulled away. Tarrin stared at her with concern as she wiped her tears away.
"Thank you Tarrin," she whispered.
"Are you ok now?"
"Yes, I'll be fine. I just can't grasp the fact that a man was killed due to me."
"Hey look, it's not your fault. You didn't know that he would be killed. We all went into this knowing that some of us might not come back. It's a fact we all accepted. It's what being a thief is all about."
She looked at the ground for a moment. "Who was murderer?" The question had been bothering her ever since she had seen that it was Conner that was dead.
"Kohaku said it was the crown princes younger brother. Conner must have underestimated his strength. I think that--"
On the mention of the younger prince, she burst into tears again. "It's all my fault! It's me who's supposed to be dead, not him! Perhaps Thomas is right for once."
Tarrin put his arm around her shoulders, his eyes filled with question. "It's not your fault. He chose a fight with the wrong person at the wrong time."
She shook her head. "No, You don't understand! I told him to fight the prince for me! I was fighting him, and then I told him to take over for me so that I could go and get the ring. I should have stayed and fought my own battle and this never would have happened." She started to tremble from her crying as she rested her forehead on her knees.. She sensed someone else approaching. At the sound of footsteps she lifted her head to see Jesse coming toward them. A grim look filtered across his face when he saw Terra's tear streaked face. The sight of him made Terra snap out of her misery.
"Oh my goodness, I forgot about the diner!" She was about to stand up when she felt Tarrin apply gentle pressure on her shoulders to keep her from moving.
"Stay here," he instructed her, then he looked to Jesse. "Jesse, take my place. I'll go and see to diner."
Jesse shook his head, "No, stay here with her," and with that he bounded up the stairs past them. Tarrin murmured a quick word of thanks which Jesse received with a quick nod.
Terra put her head back down and hugged her knees. She gave a low, quivering sigh. "Thanks Tarrin. I think I'll be fine now." Slowly she stood up, this time receiving no protests otherwise.
"No problem. Don't let Thomas bother you. He's one to use big words and threats, but is a coward when it comes to actions. He just has a grudge that your father left this pouch to you rather then to a man, more specifically, himself. He can't stand the fact that he lost to a mere female."
For a moment she glared at him. "Are you saying that I'm a ‘mere female,' Tarrin, that any success I have is all due to luck and a ‘mistake' that my father made? So you judge me by my sex?"
He jerked back a bit and had confusion in his eyes. "What...No! I don't judge you by what you are. I'm only saying Thomas' view on things, not mine." For a moment he just stared at her.
She closed her eyes and let his words wash over her. She could feel the tears in her eyes again. "I'm sorry," she whispered as the tears that she was trying to hold back started to flow down her face again.
"Terra, don't cry. It's my fault. I know that you are under a lot stress at the moment. I should have said nothing," Tarrin said gently.
Terra opened her eyes and looked at him. He was so good. He had a way of knowing what to say and when to say it. That was one thing she loved about him and that made him lseem like an older brother. He was always looking out for her and willing to give a shoulder to lean on. She shook her head and laughed. "I have got to find a way to control my emotions even when I'm alone."
He stood and smiled at her. "You do...usually. Everyone has an emotional outburst once in a while. At least you can keep on stone exterior when it matters."
She smiled. "I suppose your right, as always. Except you of course. Mr. Perfect never has emotional outbursts." she said, with a little more than a hint of sarcasm
Tarrin laughed. "Not true, Terra!"
After all that crying, the smiling and laughing she was doing made Terra tremble a little. She dropped her eyes to the ground. "Thanks a lot, for staying with me. I think I'll go and see how Jesse's doing with dinner. Do you want to come, or will you head back to the interior."
"I think I'll head back and see how things are going. I'll probably help with some of the counting and transferring."
Terra nodded her head and started to walk up the stairs. She could feel his gaze on her until she reached the top of the stairwell, and then heard his footsteps going away to the barrel. Terra shook her head and opened the door to the kitchen. As she entered she saw Jesse at the door seperating the main room and the kitchen, talking to some pretty wench who wore far too much rouge. Terra made sure her hat was in place and headed over to the two. No one outside their pouch except, the Mug Man and Kings of other pouches, knew that Terra was not a man.
She reached Jesse and the wench. She knew that he sensed her coming since he cooled off his wooing. She stopped at Jesse's side, causing the maiden to look at her and smile. "A friend?" she asked Jesse in a fake, sugar-coated voice.
"Yea, a friend," he confirmed before Terra had the opportunity to do or say anything. The serving girl looked Terra up and down and gave her a quick wink.
Terra gave a quick sigh under her breath, put on a fake smile, and took the girls chin between her thumb and pointer finger and turned her face up tword herself. The girls cheeks blushed, even under all that rouge. "Pretty li'l thing..." Terra murmured in a low voice so the girl could hear only. She then let go and looked at Jesse. "Well, friend, we should be heading back before this sweet lass takes our last few coins." She smiled and so did Jesse. He looked a little embarrassed, his cheeks were turning red, but he nodded his head.
As they walked to the cellar, Jesse looked back. He got one last smile from the maid before she turned around and headed into the main room to serve some other costumers. "How is it that the ladies always fall for you? You're a woman. Can't they sense that your not a man?" Jesse had a touch of anger in his voice, but also good humor.
Terra laughed. "I guess I just know what women want. It's not exactly me favorite past time. I do it only when needs be." She spoke the truth. Terra wanted to establish favoritism with this new serving girl for future use. Having a fond eye on you was always desirable in the thieving business. "Is dinner arranged?" she asked, trying to change the subject.
"Your changing the subject, but yes, dinner is arranged, plus a barrel of honey mead as a treat from the Mug Man." She nodded. This would be a treat that was well worth it. They had enough to afford small luxuries now, but the Mug Man's generosity was appreciated.
As they walked, she let out a soft sigh. The next morning, after Ginta's funeral, she would have to go on a journey to the Merchant of Sianne. He was the one who had hired her to get the ring in the first place. She let the thought drift out of her head when, right before the barrel door shut, there were voices in the kitchen and she heard the door to the cellar swing open. Fortunately the door of the barrel clicked into place, but both Terra and Jesse looked at each other and were completely silent, stepping gently as to not make any noise while going down the stairs.
Terra looked at Jesse at the end of the passage. "It's the Daggers doing their search. I could hear about five of them," she whispered.
Jesse chuckled as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Nothing we can't handle if they find us."
"Yes, if." The statment made her laugh since there was no way they could be found.
Jesse looked at her then with a concerned look in his eyes. "Are you feeling better now? Thomas doesn't know what he talks about."
Terra nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just my pride is a little hurt, but nothing I can't handle. Thank you though." He smiled down at her as the door opened. To change the subject, Terra started to talk again. "I'm surprised that it took the daggers this long to get here."
"Yes, but this time they are most likely searching the whole city, not just the inns and shops," Jesse pointed out. Terra could only sigh and nod in agreement.
They entered the interior. The tables that had been loaded down before were now half empty. Some of the women were already scanning the remainder of the loot for baubles that they would like to purchase at the cities market, for some would be sold within the pouch. Terra fingered the ring in her own money bag. It seemed almost as if a warmth was seeping through the thick leather. Thick leather was needed, for otherwise a pouch nipper could cut through the money purse and an out-stretched hand would be awaiting the falling treasures.
Terra headed over to the first table where one of the men was tallying the items, analyzing their value and writing the asking price for when they sold them, before others scooped up the items and carried them to the treasure storehouse. She glanced at the list and her spirits fell. Many of the items were small, some only glass and cheap copper. This was not good. The price for smaller gems sank significantly. She sighed. The man heard her and glanced up, giving her a reassuring smile.
"These are only the small items. The larger ones are on the other lists. I'm in charge of the copper articles and small gems." She nodded as a smile played on her lips, but was still a bit uneasy. Her spirits were lifted slightly however when she saw the tallies of the other tables.
One of the women, Sarah, came over to her and handed her a mug of warm ale. She nodded her thanks and sipped from it. Sarah was the local healer and wise woman. She was a kind hearted person with a sharp tongue and quick wits. "You look tired, Terra. Would you and your Companions sup with me tonight?"
Terra shook her head at Sarah's offer. "Thank you, but I'm afraid I must decline your kind offer. Tonight we're having a meeting in the Prime Hall, since I'm sure that many of the men will have much to say, both bad and good. It's going to be a long night." There was exasperation in her voice and Terra knew it, but Sarah didn't seem to mind the bitterness.She was very wise to the going ons of the town. Terra was glad she did not have to explain herself to the older woman.
"Well, it shall be a long night in that case. I don't suppose I should be expecting Tobias home early, should I?" Sarah asked.
Terra shook her had. Often she felt pity for some of the wives of her men, for they often spent nights alone in their beds and their children, who yearned for their fathers protection during the twilight, gave silent groans of longing. When the men were home, however, joy spread to all the houses like a warm cheerful fire.
Terra handed Sarah the now empty mug back and nodded. "I'd better go. There's going to be many vicious tongues wagging tonight which will take a great deal of taming. It won't be pretty."
Sarah gave a nod of understanding. "Make sure y'keep your wits about you. Don't let Thomas get the better of you by making y'lose your temper." Her words were well meaning and Terra was grateful for them. Sarah gave her hand a quick squeeze before shuffling off in the direction of her home.
Terra wiped her forehead. She decided to head over to the Prime Hall, where their meetings were held, and where tonight's vocal bloodbath would take place. She shuddered at the thought.
The thing that she feared the most was a total civil rebellion by supporters of Thomas, for a revolution would weaken the tribe substantially. Too many would battle for Thomas' dictatorship or for her own, and many good men would be lost. Thomas had been close to her father and had gained much popularity during her fathers reign. Unfortunately, the family love had not continued on to her. Thomas had formed a strong resentment towards her when she was crowned, and ever since that day had been plotting on how to dethrone her, although not publicly since he could have been killed for that. If he did decided to come up against her publicly there would be a great battle, and from there the whole society would crumble. There would be no one strong enough to protect them. That was why this whole raid had been so important and why Terra had to deliver the ring as soon as possible.
As she walked through the streets, she gazed around at her people. Children played on the cobblestone's and the sidewalks. How she wished that she could go back to her care-free days of her childhood. Although they were filled with training and education, they were still much simpler and more stress-free then the ones following her fathers death three years before, when she was fourteen. Terra had not wanted to rule but there was no other choice. As his eldest child and chosen heir, she had to take his place. Back then her brother, Curt, had not been old enough to take the throne. There were occasions when women had ruled, but they were very rare and usually not very long or eventful.
She reached the Prime Hall and walked in. On some tables there was already food, and men were sitting at the tables while conversing among themselves. Terra went and took her seat at the head of the far table. The hall was circular, with a fire pit in the middle. A cheerful fire was already crackling and the smoke was drifting up to a hole in the roof. Terra always found it peculiar how the smoke always seemed to disappear as soon as it hit the top of the cave they lived in.
The table at the farthest side of the hall facing the door was reserved for whoever was in power. She sat down and Rena came over to her to fill a cup with ale for her. After nodding a quick thanks for the ale, Rena leaned over. "So, I hear you all did pretty well today, huh?"
"Yeah, we did fairly well. I got something for you."
Her eyes lit up. "For me! Oooo! What, what, what!" Terra chuckled as Rena started to bounce up and down. She took the small satchel of cinnamon out of her pouch as slowly as she could. As soon as Rena smelled it she knew it was cinnamon and gave a squeal of delight. "Thank you so much!" Just then, one of the men from the other side of the hall called her over, most likely to re-fill his ale cup. She gave Terra one last quick smile and squeal, and then she left.
Terra leaned back in her chair and took off her hat. Locks of red-blonde hair tumbled down to her wiast. She sighed as she took a sip of ale. Rena was also a very close friend of hers. Never had she met such an interesting personality as the redhead who alway seemed to have limitless energy and spunk. Rena was a great friend, but her parents restricted her from being one of Terra's Companions. However, whenever she could, Rena would come riding or thieving with Terra.
The Companioins were the men and women who were closest to Terra, both in loyalty and friendship. They were the ones whom she could trust the most and were the ones who went on most of the raids. They were also the most highly trained in both battle and political skills. Currently there were no woman companions, since the last one Terra had got married and pregnant, so she had to stop going on raids. Her companions currently consisted of Riven, Jesse, Lesley, Tarring, Brodrick, and, up until that morning, Conner.
Terra looked to her right at the empty chair next to her. When her father had been alive, he sat in her seat and her mother would have sat next to him. She died while giving birth to Terra's brother, who at the moment was seven. He would not be joining them tonight, so her companions would sit on either side of her. Slowly the hall filled with men, both that had and had not been at the raid. Tarrin came first and sat beside Terra.
"Miss anything?"
"No. We haven't started. Not everyone is here yet."
He nodded. This time her other friend, Beth, came over and filled his glass too. He gave her a long glance, which made the maiden smile blushfully as she quickly hurried away. She was seventeen, ready to be married off. Her parents were looking for a husband for her. Terra was one of the few girls who was not interested in being married right at an early age. Her father had been to busy to find her a match at an early age and did not feel it necessary to promise his daughter to the first who asked for her. At fourteen, he was gone.
Terra was the youngest woman to ascend to the throne and the first two years she had much of her ruling done by Lord Chancellor Greymoth and a council of advisors. After that she was too busy to even think of marriage. Now that she was seventeen, she had men who had been interested in sharing her bed without commitment, but she did not want merely a bed partner. Someday, when things cooled down, but she had no intention of handing her fathers kingdom over to any halfwit who wooed her falsely just for power, and then let her have no say in any issues. She didn't want a man who turned her into a housewife, one that was there merely used as a breeding utensil. She intended to rule and keep her position after she settled down. She wanted a man who would understand and agree to that. If Terra had the first description of a husband, most would listen to him since he was a man, and not listen to her.
Some men, who had been assigned to bring in the food from the inn when it was ready, came in bearing a huge roast pig. Others followed with chickens, pheasants, some steamed vegetables and bowls with fruit. They set the pig down, took their places, and the eating began. The pig had been set on the center table in front of the fire, and if anyone wanted some, a serving girl would bring them a piece. Food had been brought to the men's homes as well for their families.
Terra motioned for Rena to come to her. "I want to begin soon so make sure that the girls start cleaning up now. Bring out the mead too to make the men happy. It's best to have their moods good right from the beginning."
"As you wish, Terra," Rena said with a shrug then walked off to carry out the order.
"Have we missed the fun yet?" she heard a voice that sounded distinctly like Jesse's ask. Terra hadn't even seen Jesse and Lesley come in. Lesley was taking his seat next to her and Jesse right next to him. The two had such a way of sneaking up on people.
She shook her head. "No, you have not, although I wouldn't call what's going to happen ‘fun'."
Jesse gave her a cheeky grin. "Sure it will! Proving Thomas wrong is always fun!"
Terra smiled. He was right, but she couldn't say so out loud. "Saying yes to that would not be politically correct for me."
She heard Lesley laugh softly. "Nothing tonight shall be politically correct," he said. Terra nodded her head and sighed. He was right, but once again, saying so would not be politically correct for her. Oh the irony.