Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Stolen ❯ Stable Discussion ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Four
Stable Discussion
The stables always smelled so good, filled with the scent of horses and fresh hay. Terra's mare was an Arabian stallion named Sprite. He had a deep brown, almost copper coat. Her father had given him to her when she was ten, when Sprite was less then a yearling.Stable Discussion
"They're meant for each other." The seller had said when he saw Terra grasping the horses muzzle and Sprite staring at her without flinching. When her father had agreed to the price of fifteen golds, a high price even for the finest of horses, the seller gave back the money and said that he was a gift, that there was no way that he would have denied Terra him anyhow. She had never fallen off Sprite, and he had never disobeyed her or tried to throw her off.
As she approached his stall, he stuck his head out and gave a low nicker of greeting. She stopped in front of him and rubbed his velvety nose. Sprite pressed his head into her hands, causing Terra to gave a soft laugh and rub him behind the ear. She had only slept about three hours the night before, and no one was awake when she had tiptoed quietly out of her house. The oil was lit, but dimmed for the morning hours, so she had to have a torch with her, which she had placed in the holder that was located next to every stall.
"We're going on a trip today pretty boy." He bobbed his head as if he couldn't wait to start traveling. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a carrot. He accepted the treat readily and crunched on it softly. Terra stroked his neck while he ate. When he was done, he nudged at her pockets for more. She reached into her pocket again and fished out another treat. As he gobbled this one down too, she jumped over the small door and got Sprite's brushes out from the small cupboard at the back of the stall. As she started to rub him softly with the curry comb, he leaned into the smooth, even strokes. Soon he had his eyes half closed. Terra smiled and enjoyed the peaceful moment alone, the strokes of the brush hypnotizing her almost as much as Sprite.
Suddenly, Sprite's ears shot up and he snapped out of his trance. He leaned his head out the stall door and gave a small whiney. Now Terra could hear the footsteps of someone coming to the stall. Who could be up at this early hour? That is, other than me.
"Hey Sprite," said a hushed voice, the person probably speaking so as to not awaken the other horses. It was low, but Kagome recognized it as Lesley's. He reached the stall and she could hear Sprite crunching on what was most likely another carrot. "You look excited boy. I guess we're all kind of excited. Today we're going to leave, Sprite: you, Terra, Jesse, Tarrin, Gauntlet, Myst, Crest and me." He sighed. Sprite gave a low nicker. "Yeah, I know. I know I have to do it soon, or I I'll never have the courage to do it."
"To do what?" Terra asked as she stepped out from behind Sprite. Lesley jumped at the sound of the unexpected voice and gave a small cry of astonishment. Terra smiled.
As soon as he had re- gained his balance, he stood there gawking at her. "What are you trying to do? Kill me?"
Terra started to laugh, but then spoke in her most serious voice. "Yes, that is exactly what I am trying to do to you." He glared at her for a moment, so she gave him a glare right back. Neither one of them could keep a strait face in those circumstances. Soon they were both smiling.
He leaned over the stall door. "So what are you doing here? I thought you would be still sleeping."
She shook her head and continued brushing Sprite. "Excitement woke me, and so did sorrow partially." He looked at her quizzically. I might as well get it over with, she thought to herself. She took a deep breath and began. "I must go on this journey alone. Neither you nor Tarrin nor Jesse may accompany me."
Lesley looked bewildered. "What? Why? Under whose authority? Unless you don't want us to go with you, there should be no reason for us to stay behind."
She looked into his eyes. "Last night, after we came back from the meeting, the Merchant's messenger was waiting for me in my room. He gave me specific instructions to come alone, or the whole deal was off."
Lesley frowned as he jumped over the door. "He has no right to say whether we come or not. What harm would it do? Besides, who's to stop us?"
Terra sighed. She knew he would react like this. "Lesley, I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do about it. If I do not comply, he has threatened to destroy our people and me. I cannot risk anybody's life other than mine. You know yourself how powerful the Merchant is."
He gave a sigh. "It would have been nice to know this sooner."
"I know. It will be difficult on me as well. I don't know how I'm going to survive this month all alone." She looked up then from her brushing. "Lesley, I have a favor to ask of you. Since I'm going to be going alone, I want you to be in charge if things around here."
"Wow, that is a great honor, but are you sure? My specialty is battle, not politics. I'm sure that there is someone else for that. After all, haven't you already appointed Lord Chancellor Greymoth to take your place while you are gone?"
"Yes, I know I have, but I want you to look more after the behind-the-scenes politics. Basically just keep a close eye on Thomas and his lot. Besides, I think that you know more about politics then you think."
"How can I know something without knowing it? Isn't that a contradiction?"
Her anger started to well up in her, but she clenched her teeth and pressed it down. "Please, Lesley, I'm begging you. Take care of things for me while I'm gone." He looked a bit hesitant. "If not for me then for Curt. Curt is next in line after me, and all measures must be taken that he is protected in case I don't return. I'm trusting you to-" He cut her off.
"Hold on one minute. What do you mean ‘if I don't return'? You have to return." He gave a low growl. "I don't care what the Merchant says, I'm coming with you, even if it kills me!"
Terra stopped brushing and stared at him. "Lesley, you cannot come." She was working very hard to keep her temper down.
"I can't let you go without any form of protection."
"I can take care of myself!" Her temper had gotten the better of her, since the words rolled out sharply, and Lesley flinched. She sighed and started more gently. "Look, I'm sure that nothing bad will happen to me. It's merely a precaution. I may get hit by lightning for all we know. You can't protect me against that." He still had doubt in his eyes. She gave him a smile. "I promise you that I will come home, no matter what. Nothing is going to happen to me." She walked around Sprite over to where he was standing and put her hand on his shoulder. "Nothing is going to happen to me, ok?"
He gave a small smile. "Yeah, ok." Then, before she knew anything else, her arms were around him and she was embracing him. After a moments hesitation, he hugged back. This was the last time that she would be so close to him for the next month. Lesley had let go of her, and had a bashful look on his face.
Terra looked down at the ground. Suddenly she didn't know what to say. "Lesley... I...I want to thank you for your confidence in me."
He shrugged his shoulders. "What else can I do? Your more stubborn than all the Daggers of the king put together trying to defend their charge. It's no use fighting against you once you have your mind set on something." She laughed. She knew she was stubborn. After all, it ran in the family. She managed to keep her temper under control most of the time. As she finished brushing and cleaning Sprite up, she stepped back to examine her work. She was satisfied. Sprite would have looked beautiful even if he were caked in three inches of mud, so now he just looked gorgeous. "There, done. Come on; let's go back in and break our fast. I still want to do a few things before I leave."
"Alright." He jumped over the door again while Terra went and put Sprite's brushes away. After leaving the stall and a very un-happy Sprite behind, they headed to the stable door. When they reached it, Lesley motioned for Terra to stop. Then she heard it. Voices outside the stable doors.