Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Summer at the Manor ❯ The Rain ( Chapter 9 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter nine: The Rain
While they playing, Kohana felt a drop on her cheek. She looked up to the sky. Rain began pouring like tears. "Uh-oh!" said Kohana. "Let's get out of the rain!" Basil wailed. "Where can we go?" the princess asked. "I know a cave where we can stay in." Basil said quickly. "Where?" asked Kohana. "Follow me!" her friend yelled. Then she grabbed Kohana by the hand and began running.
By the time the girls reached the cave, they were soaked. Basil clung tight to Kohana's hand as they ventured in. "How long will we be here?" the princess asked. "I don't know." her friend answered sheepishly. The princess was worried. The girls ended up spending the night in the cave.
Basil awoke to hear someone call her name. "Huh? Who's calling me?" she thought. Then she turned to a sleeping Kohana. "Hey get up." Basil said shaking her little friend. "Mmm…" mumbled the princess as she woke up. "Shhh!" said Basil. Kohana complied but wondered why. Then her friend slowly from the ground and began walking towards the entrance of the cave. The princess followed quietly.
"It's my daddy." Basil said at last. She took off running as if she was being chased. "Wait foe me!" Kohana yelled. Then she ran after Basil.
Joshu and the girls met at the tall grass where Basil and Kohana had been laying before. Basil explained why she and Kohana ran off. (She left out the part about the river and the cave.) Joshu didn't punish Basil for her reasonable explanation. But he made her promise not to run off again.
While they playing, Kohana felt a drop on her cheek. She looked up to the sky. Rain began pouring like tears. "Uh-oh!" said Kohana. "Let's get out of the rain!" Basil wailed. "Where can we go?" the princess asked. "I know a cave where we can stay in." Basil said quickly. "Where?" asked Kohana. "Follow me!" her friend yelled. Then she grabbed Kohana by the hand and began running.
By the time the girls reached the cave, they were soaked. Basil clung tight to Kohana's hand as they ventured in. "How long will we be here?" the princess asked. "I don't know." her friend answered sheepishly. The princess was worried. The girls ended up spending the night in the cave.
Basil awoke to hear someone call her name. "Huh? Who's calling me?" she thought. Then she turned to a sleeping Kohana. "Hey get up." Basil said shaking her little friend. "Mmm…" mumbled the princess as she woke up. "Shhh!" said Basil. Kohana complied but wondered why. Then her friend slowly from the ground and began walking towards the entrance of the cave. The princess followed quietly.
"It's my daddy." Basil said at last. She took off running as if she was being chased. "Wait foe me!" Kohana yelled. Then she ran after Basil.
Joshu and the girls met at the tall grass where Basil and Kohana had been laying before. Basil explained why she and Kohana ran off. (She left out the part about the river and the cave.) Joshu didn't punish Basil for her reasonable explanation. But he made her promise not to run off again.
Chapter Ten: