Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Taki High ❯ Volume Two, Chapter Six: Tolerance ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]




It's tolerance week at my school. Yeah. It's just as it sounds. It started from an incident last week. I think there was a bullying incident. I don't really know. I stay out of school drama. It was never my thing. Anyway, we now have to do this tolerance week. Whatever. It's just another day at school for me.


Rainbows decorated the school. Everyone has pins and stickers on their uniforms. There are pamphlets being handed out. I took one and stuffed it into my bag.

“Hey Tenshin!” someone yelled at me. I turned to see Saori jogging towards me.

“Yeah?” I asked. She stopped to catch her breath.

“Hey,” she said.

“Yes?” I asked. Saori stood up, grinning.

“You're just the person I wanted to see,” she said. I raised my eyebrow.

“Why?” I asked. Saori grabbed me by the hand.

“We need you to come to our meeting!” she said.

“What meeting?” I asked. She smiled and grabbed my hands.

“Come on, let's go,” Saori said. She pulled me along before I could protest.


Apparently, I am on the student council. I forgot I was a member. Saori and I walked into the room. We took out seats towards the back. The council president cleared her throat.

“Hello Tenshin,” she said. “So glad you could join us.” I shrugged and nodded. Whatever. The council president went on talking about nothing. I looked out the window. Why am I here again? Oh yeah, I was dragged into it. Lame.


“We need a theme for the festival,” the council president said. I rolled my eyes. Here we go again.

“It has to be related to tolerance,” she went on. Sure it does.

“Any ideas?” the council president asked.

“We are all loved.”

“Peace to the world.”

“Welcome to everyone.”

“We are all friends.”

“Come together.”

“Why can't we be friends?”

“All you need is love.”

I rolled my eyes. These all sounded so dumb. Saori took notes like crazy. Why am I here? I need to quit.


We're going with “All You Need is Love.” I rolled my eyes. Kill me now. And now the festival plans begin. I have to participate. Can I just get to class to get the rest of my day over with? It's Monday morning and I just want to go home. So annoying.

And then my day got worse.