Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Ocean Rose ❯ One-Shot

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The Ocean Rose
Romance (One-Shot)
This is my original story with the characters I created for my own series called “The Eve of Heaven”.
Summary: These two lovers are not star-crossed.

Roy sat on the beach with a large pile of rocks near his right side. He pick up a medium red rock and threw into the ocean. It skipped and rippled off into the sun hanging on the horizon. The blue, clear sky surrounded that sun while the hyaline started to dissolve the base of the light orb.

A light drizzle of cerulean crystals began to fall upon him. His hair was wet and fell over his eyes but he gazed past it into the abyss. He looked to see something of a mirage. A trivial patch of floating land seemed to carry a magnificent yet delicate rose. It was the most chaste, sapphire blossom that seemed to illuminate even the depths of hell.

Roy stared at the floating object that seemed to have come from God’s garden.

He began to speak but nothing came of it.
“Roy.” A girl came to put her hand upon Roy’s shoulder.

“I do not need to see you to know that you are Sakura.” He sat facing the water as the tide slowly made its way to the dry sand. He made no attempt to see the girl.

“Why do you not look at me?” She said as she moved to sit on his left side.

“You’re beauty would captivate me and I would not turn.” “I needed to talk to you.”

“And I to you.”


“Please let me start.” Roy lay on his back as the surf came closer. The smell of salt was heavy in the air. The sand under his back slightly calmed him.
“…yes.” She turned to face him.

“I…love you. I always have…I love everything about you.”

“But-“ She protested softly.

“Let me continue. Just being in your presence is more close to heaven than I deserve.”

“Why do you say that?” Roy sat up and turned to face Sakura. Her blonde hair swayed slowly in the breeze. He took her hands.

“I hurt you…”

“I have…forgiven you…”

“I do not deserve it from you.”
“You deserve the best anyone could offer.” She smiled a warm, friendly smile. Roy was warmed instantly.

“Your smile…it warms my heart. Your voice soothes my soul. Your body blesses my eyes.” He put his hands to his face. He shook his head. “I didn’t-“

“Its okay.” She giggled. “You are so sweet. You were always there for me and now it is my turn to be there for you.” She reached forward as Roy pulled back.

“No. I would corrupt your beauty.”

“Please.” She gave him the pleading eyes knowing that this seduction would ensnare him. For a fleeting moment he had the urge to kiss her.

“I can’t.”
“You were always the one I came to. I want to be the one you count on.”

“I will be expelled from ever having the right to enter heaven.” He reached to embrace her. He wrapped his arms around her creating an impenetrable bond between the souls.

“I love you.” She ran her fingers through his hair dropping the blue rose that she held.

The rose shifted endlessly as it was picked up and thrown about in the gust.

He whispered in her ear.

“I will be yours forever.” The blue sky turned into a violet twilight, the stars forming a nova of ashen and crimson smoke. It slowly dimmed until there was a slight, shallow beam of light upon the two.

He looked her in the eyes. She rushed to kiss him. His eyes starry and wide open gradually shut themselves and he was engulfed. She shut her own and they sat still under their sins.