Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ Elijah: the Messenger of Death ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: Elijah: the Messenger of Death
Hours later, after many twists and turns, we entered what seemed to be a dimly-lit throne room. Long tables lined two of the walls, two big wooden doors stood in the middle of the wall before you, and velvet curtains hid the rest from my view. The guard grabbed Elijah by the scruff of his neck and led him around where I followed. Before the three of us stood two tall thrones, one slightly shorter than the other. The larger one was made of gold and had no one in it; the smaller one, however, was made of silver and had a tall, proud, cold-looking woman sitting in it. The torches on the walls flickered, making her look ghostly pale and made her blond hair glisten and her brownish black eyes twinkle darkly. The guard kneeled, bringing Elijah down with him, but I did not follow, too captivated by her strange beauty; plus, she couldn't see me, so what was the point… right? Wrong.
“She is no fool. Bow if you want to live, girl.” Elijah whispered, though I never saw his lips move. I obeyed, delaying myself as long as I could. I heard her stand, causing Elijah to tense and me to get an eerie feeling that something wasn't right.
“I thought we agreed that you wouldn't bring any of your little servants to come and harm my people, Angel.” She spoke in a bold, accented voice. I was about to stand and correct her, but Elijah grabbed me first and pulled me back down before I could do or say anything.
“She insisted and simply would not take `no' for an answer.” He replied, lifting his head to look at her. “But it's only fair. You took my wings away.” She smirked lightly, and closed her eyes, tilting her head towards the ground as if to say “true, true”. Then she looked up and straight at me.
“What is your name, servant of the Fallen One?” she asked me.
“No one of any true importance.” I replied, barely able to suppress my arrogant feelings.
“I still wish to know, if ever I myself should wish to call you,” she pressed.
“If you are to look up, do not focus on her eyes.” Elijah whispered, his lips never moving, once again. I raised my head, and looked at her mouth, barely seeing her eyes in my peripheral vision.
“You wish to know what to call me?” I asked in a bold tone, perhaps too bold. “Well then you shall call me `Miss' or `Girl'. Either is fine by me.” I stated, getting an audacious look in my eye. She grimaced in disgust, and I heard Elijah stifle a laugh. I smirked. “Now then. I'll leave you to whatever business you might have with my master and friend.” I said turning on my heel and almost running into a boy. I barely hand time to side step, turning and pivoting on my right foot to avoid hitting him. I landed, but he turned and caught my wrist.
“You will not speak to the queen in such a manner.” he ordered, tightening his grip. I twitched slightly in pain, but nothing more. I looked him squarely in the eye, and gave him the same look I gave her.
“Or you'll what? Break my wrists? Torture me `till I apologize? What? What? Will? You? Do?” I taunted, getting up in his face momentarily. Elijah watched us out of the corner of his eye, and I backed away swiftly, slipping my hand out of his powerful grasp. I turned my back on him, and started to walk away, when:
“What is your name, girl?” the Queen asked, getting impatient. I turned and looked at her. I gave her a big smile, and then tilted my head to the side, coming up with a reply.
“Wouldn't you like to know?” I asked, never losing my smile.
“Mother, let me do it.” The boy from earlier said. He looked about 15 (my age), and had blond hair and shocking blue eyes, but he wasn't where I first saw him. I looked left and right, never moving my head. “Looking for me?” his smooth voice whispered in my ear. I almost stiffened, but restrained myself, remembering that that was a sign of weakness in this situation. He chuckled in my ear as he gasped me with cold hands and spun me around. Since my mind had utterly frozen, my reflexes were in control, so I kind of…slapped him. There was just one problem. Remember how I couldn't pick up the keys when I was in the cell? Well, that didn't exactly happen this time. I made contact, snapping his head to the side and giving him a red mark on his cheek.
“You may go.” the Queen said to the guard. He bowed himself out while my eyes slowly got wider. “I made contact?” I kept thinking repeatedly.
“Well then, it seems your servants are getting independent, Fallen One.” the now-known prince said to Elijah, turning his head back to face me.
“No. This one is just special.” he replied, standing and stretching his legs. I avoided eye contact, and started to back away, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, forcing me to look at him. He raised his hand, and for a moment I thought he was going to hit me, but instead, he merely cupped my cheek.
“She's quite strange, don't you think, Fallen One? I'll assume her name is as well…” he said, leaning closer and closer to me. “Now tell me. What is your name, love?” I opened my mouth to reply, but Elijah suddenly appeared out of nowhere and slapped me hard across the face, knocking me out of the prince's grasp. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, and looked up at him, shocked. I put one hand to my face, and then felt a searing pain in my head. It felt like a hangover in that I was extremely dizzy, and like a huge migraine in that my head was swimming and it hurt. It then occurred to me that the prince had somehow immobilized and controlled me just by making eye contact.
“I apologize,” Elijah said.
“Don't. I apparently needed that, or I have a feeling that this headache would be worse.” I replied, trying to get up. Before I could, however, my body began shaking, whatever progress I had made before going back to nothing. I heard the price smirk and laugh softly.
“You poor thing.” he said. “Look, Fallen. She's shaking like a scared little puppy. I wonder how a weak little thing like this got through.” Naturally, this made me a little angry. I struggled, glaring at my hands and ordering them to stop shaking. They slowed to a quiver, and eventually stopped. Then I pushed myself up, forcing my entire body to stop shaking, and gave him the coldest glare in my possession.
“What was that? Who's shaking, sissy?” I taunted. I felt the Queen's anger at my tongue from several yards away, her emotions making me feel colder than ice at the North Pole. Elijah didn't move, and I concentrated on my hands for a moment, testing something.
“Hmm. It seems that I have underestimated you, girl. You have more control than I thought, and you are the first woman to be used as his servant. Odd, considering that women have such little self-control.” Ignoring him, I grabbed the rope that held Elijah's wings. Feeling its thickness, I then looked around, and grabbed a lit torch. I held it close, and Elijah looked over his shoulder at me as if to say, “What are you doing to my wings”.
“Sorry if you have a phobia of fire, but I need to see what I'm doing.” I said, studying the symbols closely. “Okay, drawn in blood, so…” I mumbled while the prince smirked, talking away confidently.
“Didn't the monster tell you? That rope cannot be burnt, cut, of even moved!” I nodded, and then stuck my finger in my mouth, biting down on my finger, causing it to bleed. The Queen's eyes widened as she realized what I was about to do. She stepped forward to stop me, but I beat her to it by tapping my finger to the symbols. They glowed as if not wanting to leave, and disappeared at my touch; Elijah twisted sharply as his wings broke through the rope. The prince backed up a step, and so did the Queen. They were both poised to run as two daggers appeared in Elijah's hands.
“Fools. All of you. Now you shall know why I fell from my home in the sky.” He said, and spun, slicing the prince's head off. My eyes widened, and the prince turned to dust. “Sweet,” I thought. Elijah then disappeared and as I turned around to the running Queen, she was met with a knife through the heart. “Dang, he's fast!” I thought, my mouth gaping. As she turned to ash as well, Elijah's eyes fell on me.
“Uh…Elijah?” I asked, afraid of the expression on his face. He stepped towards me, and in turn I stepped back, my trembling returning with a vengeance; he showed no signs of hesitation. He disappeared, and I froze as I felt the cold blade at my throat.