Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

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I glance out the window at the passing landscape as I speed down the dark interstate. The moon is bright and casts everything in a mysterious ethereal glow. It's nice to see the stars and the seemingly endless horizon; which is quite different from the claustrophobic city streets, where ambient light and pollution snuff out the night sky.
I am glad to be leaving the city. Glad to get away from the skyscrapers, the blaring car horns, the thousands of mindless worker drones that skitter about the city like little ants. Glad to have a chance at a normal life in a new place.
My parents don't quite understand my need for change. They can't believe that I would want to trade a thriving metropolis, where everything imaginable is right at your fingertips, for a small community whose nearest grocery store is a thirty minute drive away. Despite the fact that they don't agree with my decision, my parents are trying to be supportive. I've lived in the city all my life. I went to school, got good grades, worked, and even managed to graduate from college. I deserve this.