Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed ❯ The limits of a dog's Understanding ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: The limits of a dog's understanding
The car pulled over to a warehouse. They all got off, including Hotaru. The Boss greeted a man who was waiting holding a bag of jewelry. In it was items such as rings, watches and necklaces.
“So you've decided to pay me back before I come to you with her.” Said the boss with Hotaru by his side just looking around blankly.
“Yeah Bryce, I've seen what she could do, so I know what I'll be facing if I don't.” answered the man handing Bryce the bag of jewels.
“Clever boy. Lets do business again sometime.” Said Bryce looking at the jewels with a look of satisfaction on his face. The man exits.
While Bryce was busy, one of his right-hand men noticed from Hotaru's forehead that blood was running down her face. They didn't notice before because of her long red fringe that makes it hard to even look at her face.
“Hey boss! She's bleeding.” Said the man.
“Well take care of it!” said the boss in annoyance still looking at the jewels and not wanting to be disturbed.
So the man went and took out a roll of tape bandages. He gave it to Hotaru. Hotaru took it and just looked at it, confused.
“Well you've heard the boss! Take care of it!” said the man. He then escorted her to her `room'. He lifted up square about 1 meter in width and length revealing a set of stairs where he pushed her downstairs to them lightly before closing it again. The place look like a prison cell. It was dark and the only light was from the ceiling, which makes it visible to see what's happening, upstairs. There was only a rugged piece of old blanket and an old punching bag. She put down the bandages and began punching the bag simultaneously. Until the bag had a ripped. Sand ran out, she knelt down staring at the sand that ran slowly; she placed her hands under it watching the sand piled on to her fingers slowly.
Then she went and ate some food from a can with her hands. It looked disgusting. Shortly, she went to lie down facing a cupboard where a teddy bear sat facing her. She got up a couple of times to adjust its seating position. Realizing that she couldn't sleep, she got up and took a worn out picture book. It was so worn out that the pages were not attached anymore, yet she seemed to take care of it preciously. She turned the pages gently.
She got to a page with a big letter `K' on it, next to it was the word `kiss' and a picture of a baby kissing it's mother on the cheek. The next page was the letter `L' with the word `love' next to it and a picture of a love heart. She turned the page gently to a page with the letter `P'. Next to it was the word Piano and a picture of a black piano. Hotaru stared at it curiously not knowing what it really was before a drop of blood fell on the page. She placed her hand on her forehead before taking it away and looking at the blood, and then she picked up the bandages and just stared at it again not knowing what to do. You may think what a stupid person she is not knowing what to do with a bandage when she's bleeding, but it's simply because she just doesn't understand. Hotaru doesn't understand anything, even at that age. Many say she has completely turned into a dog, or maybe even more stupid. Then she got up and used the bandage to seal the ripped part of the punching bag before walking away.
Meanwhile upstairs, Bryce had just come back again with one of his men this time bringing with him a hooker. All three of them were drunk and was making a lot of noise so Hotaru just stared up to he ceiling to see whatever was going on upstairs. She could hear the three of them all giggling on and laughing. Then she heard the woman moaned and was lying down on the floor right above where Hotaru was looking up. The woman turned and saw her looking up and thought that Bryce hired her for some live hentai show so she got up quickly and slapped him before running away.
“You Bastard!” she yelled at him.
Bryce knew that it was because of Hotaru that the hooker left so he stomped his foot down at the caged floor. “Much obliged!”
Hotaru just stared up wondering what the commotion is about. A dog's understanding is very limited. Then she continued with her training with her punching bag.